River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Lor-Mar's Sir Galahad
COI: 13.66%
Cedardane's Naja Guinevere
; Fawn
Bru's Rapscallion of Shijo
; Fawn
CH Bru's Razzmatazz at Cedardane
WB214828; Brindle
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Lorre
CH Waccabuc's Christmas Pardy
(M) 03/10/1979
Waccabuc's Constant Comment
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Penny
; Fawn
Cedardane's Penny Keystone
CH Cedardane's Razzy Wisecrack
Cedardane's Crack Parachute
Cedardane's Crack Paragraph
Bru's Romping Roge of Shijo
; Fawn
Bru's Romping Rougue of Shijo
Am CH Bru's Zingaling of Shijo
(F) 09/21/1968
WB214830; Fawn

CH Inner Sanctum's Gold
(F) 07/23/1970
Am CH Inner Sanctum's Urban Gold
(F) 07/23/1964
WA502811; Fawn
Am CH Urban Gold's Miss Chievous
(F) 06/21/1969
WB420205; Fawn
CH Jocopa's Beeri Bina of Wildane
(F) 03/02/1965
Wildane's Ebony Sure Trouble
(M) 11/26/1970
; Black

CH Wildane's Lorelei
(F) 04/30/1968
WB144663; Fawn
Wildane's Special Edition
(F) 11/26/1970
; Fawn
Am CH Jocopa's Beeri Breck
WA555461; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Jocopa's J Justin
(M) 01/07/1969
WB344483; Brindle

Firecreek Jj Bebe Cochon
Firecreek J Forager
CH Firecreek JJ Beeri Breck
(M) 03/20/1977
WD794445; Black

Firecreek J Drebbel
Firecreek Jj Brilli-Peri CD
(M) 03/28/1977
WD794446; Black
Firecreek Jj Justin V Lin Tara
Lin Tara's Dynamo Hum
Terra's What Price Glory
Gaylen's Adelicia
; Brindle
Lin Tara's Jay-Angela
Lin Tara's Dynamo Hum
CH Jocopa's K-Rho A
WB8535; Fawn
Am CH Jocopa's Teddy Tee
WA928902; Brindle

Die Lane's Anastasia
Jocopa's Trebr Hecate
Can Ch Dionyx Dixie Christopher
(M) 05/27/1971
; Black

Jocopa's Tigress Tulsa
CH Jocopa's Tigress Type
Am CH Jocopa's Ebony Mizet of Eagle
; Black
Ebony Anni of Eagle
(F) 07/12/1972
WC216654; Black

CH King Bolt-Calan Finale
Kingbolt's Evald Bismark
Kingbolt's Extra Special
; Fawn
Sandcastle's My Way V Kingbolt
WE053269; Black
Kingbolt's Faberge
Kingbolt's Javelin
Kingbolt's Leigh
W.h.'s Jutland of Kingbolt
Kingbolt's Finesse
Am CH Kingbolt's Flintlock
(M) 12/22/1976
WC705023; Black
Charma's Catherine of Kingbolt CD
CH Kingbolt's Hand Gun
Am CH Kingbolt's Handgun
; Black
Am CH Kingbolt-Calan Finale
WD611151; Black
Kingbolt's Nicole
(F) 04/08/1983
WF438146; Black
CH Kingbolt's Night Hawk
WF415394; Black
Kingbolt's Carbon Copy V Wye
; Black
CH Kingbolt's Hand Gun
Kingbolt's Javelin
Kingbolt's Leigh
W.h.'s Jutland of Kingbolt
Kimsco's Happy Huntress
CH Kimsco's Happy Warrior
Am CH Kingbolt's Handgun
; Black
Kingbolt's Nicole
(F) 04/08/1983
WF438146; Black
CH Kingbolt's Night Hawk
WF415394; Black
Kingbolt's Deo Volente
; Black
Sandcastle's My Way V Kingbolt
WE053269; Black
Sandcastle's Deja Vous
(F) 12/03/1981
CH Sandcastle's My Mia De Nada
CH Sandcastle's Run For the Roses
(F) 12/03/1981
WF148371; Black
CH Jocopa's Torrid Tornado
WA928904; Fawn
CH Jocopa's Berri Baroka
WA555459; Fawn
Am CH Jocopa's Lucky Luis of Wildane
Wildane's Kaper
Summershine's Maximum Kool
(M) 11/15/1974
WC963610; Brindle
Jocopa's Poco Pedro
Am CH Jocopa's Prophecy of Wildane
(F) 08/18/1963
WA452210; Brindle
Wildane's Ebony Charmer
(F) 07/10/1966
WA762466; Black

Wildane's Ebony Goliath
Wildane's Ebony Sure Trouble
(M) 11/26/1970
; Black

Wildane's Special Edition
(F) 11/26/1970
; Fawn
Wildane's Kaper
Summershine's Maximum Kool
(M) 11/15/1974
WC963610; Brindle
Am CH Jocopa's Uriga
(F) 06/29/1964
WA470619; Fawn
Innisfree Maevoryn
WB081174; Fawn
Innisfree Morgana
WB946695; Fawn
Am CH Aragon Strider V Questenbury
WC901930; Fawn
Questenburys Hesha Besha
WC707429; Fawn
Am CH Willow Lakes Crackerjack
(M) 12/02/1975
WD283993; Fawn
Daneforest Ellesmuir Tyler
Rainbow's Mini Maus
Rimac's Elegant Magic UD
(F) 11/08/1979
Sheba Tall'n Proud
Am & Can Ch Willow Lake' Strikly Top Shelf
WE381147; Brindle
Willow Lake's Fifth Dimension
WF371569; Fawn
Willow Lakes Adele
(F) 12/26/1979
; Brindle
CH Willow Lakes Christmas Carilon
Willow Lakes Fifth Dimension
WF3571569; Fawn
Willow Lakes Graham Cracker
WD812533; Fawn
Willow Lakes Hallelujah
Willow Lakes Popocatapetl
Willow Lakes Pumkin'
WE288657; Fawn
CH Willow Lakes R Shafer Bowers
(M) 07/06/1981
WF027420; Fawn
Aust & NZ Ch Willow Lakes Xmas Carillon
(M) 12/26/1979
WE501642; Fawn
Jocopa's Tip of India
Ebony Anni of Eagle
(F) 07/12/1972
WC216654; Black

CH King Bolt-Calan Finale
Kingbolt's Evald Bismark
Kingbolt's Extra Special
; Fawn
Sandcastle's My Way V Kingbolt
WE053269; Black
Sandcastle's Deja Vous
(F) 12/03/1981
CH Sandcastle's My Mia De Nada
CH Sandcastle's Run For the Roses
(F) 12/03/1981
WF148371; Black
Kingbolt's Faberge
Kingbolt's Javelin
Kingbolt's Leigh
W.h.'s Jutland of Kingbolt
W.h.'s Velet J.d. Candance
Kingbolt's Finesse
Am CH Kingbolt's Flintlock
(M) 12/22/1976
WC705023; Black

Charma's Catherine of Kingbolt CD
Charma's Abbey Road
CH Kingbolt's Hand Gun
Kingbolt's Javelin
Kingbolt's Leigh
W.h.'s Jutland of Kingbolt
Kimsco's Happy Huntress
CH Kimsco's Happy Warrior
Am CH Kingbolt's Handgun
; Black
Kingbolt's Nicole
(F) 04/08/1983
WF438146; Black
CH Kingbolt's Night Hawk
WF415394; Black
Am CH Kingbolt-Calan Finale
WD611151; Black
Kingbolt's Nicole
(F) 04/08/1983
WF438146; Black
Am & Can Ch Kingbolt's Orient Express
WE030312; Black
Kingbolt-Charma Omega CD
(F) 05/18/1987
CH Kingbolt's Night Hawk
WF415394; Black
Blueridge Tutanekai
WG011640; Black
Am CH Charma-Kingbolt Brigadoon
Ryan's Night Song V Blk Gate
Jocopa's Tyrone Uriga
; Fawn
Am CH Jocopa's Veni-Vidi-Vici
(F) 08/30/1964
WA502102; Fawn
Kolyer's Attababee of Ceboda
WB032265; Brindle
Foreman's Ali Baba of Kolyer
(M) 06/19/1970
Kolyer's Cochise
(M) 06/19/1970
WB729015; Brindle
Kolyer's Prince Charming
(M) 06/19/1970
Kolyer's Prince Valiant
Calumet's Brandy Alexander
(F) 11/02/1972
WC362844; Fawn
Calumets Five Star Brandy
(M) 07/16/1976
WD567416; Brindle
K J's Caleen of Irish Acres
; Brindle
Calumets Ginger Brandy
(F) 07/16/1976
WD609929; Brindle
Calumets Aphrodite
(F) 03/28/1981
WE878431; Brindle
Regene Illiad
Lucern's Miss Maybelline
WB117860; Fawn
Guerin's Fire of Robmar
(F) 07/08/1969
WB578992; Fawn
Am CH Chelsea's Jinn Aro V Frama
(M) 06/03/1972
WC280304; Fawn
Guerin's Ember of Brookdane
(F) 03/14/1971
WC366526; Brindle
Guerin's Eeyore of Brookdane
(M) 01/27/1975
WD892975; Fawn
Guerins Damien of Lakeland
(M) 06/10/1980
WE653711; Brindle
Am CH Guerin's Heller of Brookdane
(F) 01/27/1975
WD035364; Fawn
Donnadanes Ted of Gypsy Hill
(M) 09/10/1979
WE453198; Brindle
Am CH Gypsy Hill's Cedar of Nuttree
WE405273; Brindle
Gypsy Hill's Lady Luck
Gypsy Hill's Mister Man
Guerin's Kam-Me-O Holidane
(F) 06/23/1974
WC846202; Fawn
Blessed Brindle of Holidane
Guerin's Sir Written In The Wind
Tatum's My-Ti-Mo
WE203769; Fawn
CH Tatum's My-To-Mo
; Fawn
Guerins Jolly of Gandalf CD
(F) 06/23/1974
WC845786; Brindle
Jollydane's Tiger Lily
WE171680; Brindle
Jollys Golden Amber
WE503498; Fawn
Guerin's Ember of Robmar
Guerins Hetaera V Brookdane
(F) 06/23/1974
WC952667; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Captain of Castile
(M) 12/27/1976
WD734413; Brindle
Guerin's Fez of Robmar
(F) 03/14/1971
WB943748; Brindle
Int Ch Guerin's Taiga
WB67694; Fawn
Adrian von der Hammaburg
Arena v King Charles
; Fawn
Rabina vom Kühlen Grunde
() 06/27/1976
; Brindle
Rio vom Kühlen Grunde
() 06/27/1976
; Brindle
Robbe vom Kühlen Grunde
() 06/27/1976
; Brindle
Rubel vom Kühlen Grunde
() 06/27/1976
; Brindle
Rufus vom Kühlen Grunde
() 06/27/1976
; Brindle
Rumba vom Kühlen Grunde
() 06/27/1976
; Brindle
Andros von der Hammaburg
(M) 12/13/1972
66558; Fawn
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Monica
20.V.77; Fawn
Doggenstadt Nadia
(F) 03/12/1977
21V77; Fawn
Doggenstadt Nathan
(M) 03/12/1977
21V77; Fawn
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Nicholas
(M) 03/12/1977
21V77/1; Fawn
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Octavia
(F) 03/27/1977
19.V.77/1; Fawn
Doggenstadt Olaf
(M) 03/27/1977
19-V-77; Fawn
Aust Ch Doggenstadt Olga
(F) 03/27/1977
Doggenstadt Opal
(F) 03/27/1977
19-V-77/3; Fawn
Doggenstadt Orion
513W78; Fawn
Aust Ch Doggenstadt Owen
(M) 03/27/1977
19-V-77; Fawn
Aust Ch Doggenstadt Patrula
V17527; Fawn
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Peron
(M) 09/16/1978
(V)17519; Fawn
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Petsy
V17258; Fawn
Aust Ch Doggenstadt Pirrie
(M) 09/16/1978
; Fawn
Doggenstadt Quest
; Fawn
NZ Ch Doggenstadt Ramona
V34383; Fawn
Doggenstadt Rebecca
Doggenstadt Renaldo
(V)34380/6541; Fawn
Benz von der Hammaburg
CH Ramona vom Riesengebirge
986008; Fawn
CH Robmars Argos Von Guerin
WB403287; Fawn
Islanders Kimikona CD
Jobadanes Mr Majestic Robmar
(M) 05/04/1976
Am CH Robmars Fanci
WC775343; Fawn
Pedadane's Darius Hagan
Pedadane's Fanci Lucretta
(F) 02/09/1978
Am CH Pedadane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Beaucedane's Gent Jr V Mt Dania
(M) 07/28/1983
WF 566500; Brindle
Castile's Darius v Bismarck
; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn James De Chia
Castile's Jenny V Beaucedane
Hearth Hill's Julie Strauss
(F) 09/09/1981
CH Justinian's Razzle Dazzle
Meadowood's Lady Godiva
WF463439; Fawn
Meadowood's Queen Guinevere
WF463438; Fawn
Walins Whispering Wind
Wall St. Kong of Pennylane
(M) 01/19/1982
Wall Street's Fannie Mae
(F) 01/19/1982
CH Wall Street's Ginny Mae
(F) 01/19/1982
Am CH Wall Street's Market Report
(M) 01/19/1982
WF150304; Black
CH Wall Street's Samantha
WF332382; Black
Pedadane's Marcellus
(M) 02/09/1978
Am CH Penedane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Am CH Robmars Fantasy of Jamelyn
(F) 10/04/1973
WC661466; Brindle
Am CH Jamelyn's Chivas Regal
(M) 01/23/1977
WD727803; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Jamelyn's Marquis
(M) 12/20/1977
WD974407; Brindle
Robmars Joshua Smith
Am CH Regene Odyssey
(F) 10/20/1965
WA656252; Brindle
Canadane's Saucy Lass
; Fawn