Reverse pedigree of:
Lord II-Zeunert (M) #Unreg; |
Athos (M) #Unreg;
Harald-Merl (Gloria) (M) 07/20/1893 31; Brindle
Arista V Rotthal (F) 666; Brindle
Jung-Arista V Rotthal (F) 10/15/1898 667; Brindle
Hatto-Heinz (M) 05/03/1900 1129; Fawn
Holdfast Nora (F) 04/05/1905 121822; Fawn
Lola V Weinbiet (F) #Unreg;
Barkas V Weinbiet-Pfalzgau (M) #Unreg;
Schelde V Rietburg (F) 01/18/1906 1439;
Harald II-Gloria (M) 07/16/1896 572;
Ch01 Eos-Gloria-Hellas (F) 1479; Brindle
Hasis-Gloria (M) 1484;
Mira-Gloria (F) 1489;
Istar-Gloria (F) #Unreg;
Prima-Gloria (F) 1545;
Lena II V Rotthal (F) 12/27/1897 708; Brindle
Fluto V Turken (M) #Unreg;
Roland-Marienhohe (M) 1330;
Tristan-Aeckerlein (M) 660;
Fluto V Turken (M) #Unreg;
Roland-Marienhohe (M) 1330;
Melac v d Au (M) 905;
Senta v Riesenfeld (F) #Unreg;
Flora v Riesenfeld (F) 2217; Brindle
Maron Kotzler Moguntia (F) VDH/DDC 1637;
Venus (F) 754; Brindle
Harald III - Gloria (M) ;
Crest-Gloria (M) #Unreg;
Gisa v Weinbiet (F) 07/10/1903 1207;
Cäsar-Humberg (M) 02/03/1906 VDH/DDC 1452; Brindle
Lore-Humberg v d Lahn (F) 01/01/1907 1650;
Harald IV-Gloria (M) 08/11/1999 573;
Juno V Weinbiet (F) #Unreg;
Armida V Weinbiet (v Rietburg) (F) 08/05/1904 1212;
Montebello Nero (M) 07/31/1900 58439; Brindle
Roelofs-Gloria (M) 11/08/1899 626; Brindle
Sitah-Gloria (F) 1469; Brindle
Emir-Gloria (M) 04/19/1903 1488; Fawn
Minka-Gloria (F) 714;
Flora (unreg) (F) #Unreg;
Flora-Koch (F) #Unreg;
Pluto-Koch (M) #Unreg;
Minka-Schweppermann (F) #Unreg;
Minka II (F) #Unreg;
Zilla-Schweppermann (F) VDH/DDC 1318/101286; Brindle
CH Montebello Harald (ii-Gloria) (M) ;
Stella-Gloria II (F) 07/03/1897 748 / AKC49472; Golden Brindle
Thea-Gloria (F) 751;
Harold Gloria (M) ;
Am CH Montebello Harold (M) 05/30/1897 53382; Golden Brindle
Gretel of Millbourne (F) 07/15/1900 58612; Golden Brown
Am CH Guido of Broughton (F) 06/22/1902 73901; Brindle
Odin of Millbourne (M) 06/22/1902 73986; Fawn
Freda of Millbourne (F) ;
Gerda of Broughton (F) 09/27/1907 127248; Fawn
Am CH Montebello Hatto (M) 12/01/1899 60846; Golden Brindle
Am CH Fordham Arnolt (M) 07/15/1901 65788; Golden Brindle
Dalried (M) 03/17/1904 82950; Brindle
Fordham Gretchen (F) ;
Lady Greta (F) 02/28/1903 76489; Golden Brindle
Monticello Hector (M) 11/30/1906 112399; Golden Brindle
Chief Monticello (M) 01/08/1910 137350; Brindle
Rhoda (F) ;
Lisa ... (F) 07/14/1904 121009; Silver Brindle
Pollo (M) 12/29/1903 80365; Golden Brindle
Portia of Montmarte (F) 11/12/1900 64757; Light Brindle
Monticello Ilda (F) ;
Monticello Hector (M) 11/30/1906 112399; Golden Brindle
Senta Valeria II (F) 09/19/1900 61177; Tiger Brindle