River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
Am CH Mountdania's Yancy
(M) 02/11/1959
W968599; Brindle
COI: 18.49%
Am CH Albar's Tosca
(F) 07/12/1960
WA92856; Fawn
Desertdania's Adane
() 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Alex
(M) 09/12/1963
; Brindle
Desertdania's Conrad
WA816954; Fawn
Radin's Jessica Bellastar
WB492172; Fawn
Am CH Desertdania's Bretwalda CD
(M) 08/16/1965
WA673831; Brindle
Ischreteres Shasta
Titan's Golden Phoebe
Am CH Desertdania's Ali
(M) 09/12/1963
WA416938; Fawn
CH Advance Notice V Danelaw
Desertdania's Anna
(F) 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Apollo
(M) 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Arab
() 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Conrad
WA816954; Fawn
Radin's Jessica Bellastar
WB492172; Fawn
Am CH Bifrost of Sunny Acres
(M) 03/15/1964
WA444687; Fawn
Briseis of Sunny Acres
WA444679; Fawn
Mirando's Sheba of Marcliff
(F) 12/14/1967
Barrister's Thad of Mirando
Victorious Kim
; Fawn
Am CH Baron Von Adam
(M) 05/01/1967
WA956704; Fawn
Anscott Queen v Sheba
Princess XVII
Big Boozer of Baywood Park
; Fawn
Dawn of Baywood Park
; Fawn
Glen-Ro's Golden Ginger
; Fawn
Link of Baywood Park
; Fawn
White's Adam's Apple
(M) 06/19/1970
Jac Lee's Stormy Day
Kolyer's Karolyn
WB234458; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Count Baldur V Schenk
(M) 01/19/1970
WB593811; Fawn
Cambayh of Six L's
Juno of Whitehall Farm
(F) 01/13/1980
WE547476; Fawn
CH Kolyer's Rion
WB590257; Fawn
Kolyer's Lady Karolyn
; Fawn
Am CH D'essendane's Fine and Dan-Dee
(F) 04/11/1964
WA501777; Brindle
Daphne De Manogue
(F) 11/02/1965
Am CH Dassine Oult Yemma
Am CH Kmria's Bettina
(F) 06/11/1965
WA619918; Fawn
Bettina's Beefeaters Clintock
(M) 03/29/1968
Bettina's Lancelott of Jecamo
(M) 03/29/1968
WB291658; Fawn
Aragon's Lady Portia
(F) 12/20/1971
; Fawn
Aragon's Charmin Chancellor
(M) 12/05/1973
; Fawn
Fall River's Funny Girl
; Brindle
Fall River's Hammer'n Hank
Fall River's Hello Dolly
CH Fall River's Jolt'n Joe
Charmin's Lady Gretchen
Charmins' Cayenne Von Aragon CD
Jecamo's Beefeater's Bettina
(F) 03/29/1968
; Fawn
Knajar's Crindle
Knajar's Rufus
; Brindle
Falconroc Escapade Louis Bourg
(F) 04/29/1972
Louis Bourg Legacy v Falconroc
() 07/02/1974
; Brindle
Falconroc Lord Essex
(M) 04/29/1972
Rommel II
WP82469601; Fawn
Rosewood's Valkyrie
WA890888; Fawn

Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora
WC453826; Fawn

Am CH Regene Brigadoon of Jonathie
(M) 04/04/1977
WD677250; Fawn
Regene Fiona Mac Nordane
(F) 04/04/1977
Regene X Calaber of Jonathie
Regene Xpensive of Jonathie
CH Regine Brigadoon of Jonathie
WD677250; Fawn
Am CH Rosewood Valadore V Jonathie
WC004514; Fawn

Aldidane's Theo of Gwynedd
; Fawn
Aldydane's Don Giovanni
Aldydane's Wild Irish Rose
Aldydane's Fontina
Knajar's Kodiak
Can Ch Knajar's Lady Iseult
; Fawn
Knajar's Scarlett O'Hara
Am & Can Ch Knajar's Sir Tristan
(M) 03/24/1974
WC735823; Fawn
CH Knajar's Tijeras
CH Dessendane's Fine and Dan Dee
Edvinrock's Dande Cande
Edvinrock's Holiday Cande
Baby Maria Callas
(F) 05/30/1968
Brandy Alexandra
(F) 05/30/1968
CH Komisch Possenreisser
Koppercrest's Glucksfall
Elan's Bonnie
Jinny the Just of Bonnie Brook
WA327500; Fawn
Am CH Desiree Von Jingerbred
(F) 03/22/1966
WA745477; Fawn
Ari Ben Von Desiree
; Brindle
Falconroc Fancy Free
(F) 05/24/1973
; Brindle
Falconroc Fanfare
(M) 05/24/1973
WC691463; Fawn
Calumets Five Star Brandy
(M) 07/16/1976
WD567416; Brindle
K J's Caleen of Irish Acres
; Brindle
Calumets Ginger Brandy
(F) 07/16/1976
WD609929; Brindle
Calumets Aphrodite
(F) 03/28/1981
WE878431; Brindle
Am CH Justamere Jason
WC572086; Brindle
Cherick's Chivas Regal
Cherick's Marcus Aurelius
(M) 11/07/1975
Justamere Dungottzum Dinamite
WD402944; Brindle
Justamere Jasper of Pinerise
WD473674; Brindle
Justamere Just In Time
(M) 02/18/1977
Justamere Promise
(F) 02/18/1977
Justamere Prophet
(M) 02/18/1977
Justamere's Hud of Mecca Dane
(M) 04/09/1976
WD431298; Fawn
Am CH Pinerise Jonpaul V Justamere
WC773108; Fawn
Ben Von Desiree
Desiree's Crowd Pleaser
; Brindle
Harmony Hill Tammy V Desiree
WB574235; Brindle
Dynamo of Jingerbred
Am CH Eaglevalley Jingerbred's Q.E.D.
(M) 03/22/1966
WA740376; Fawn
Gretchen's Dancer of Alandayn
; Fawn
Dancer's Femina of Alandayn
(F) 04/18/1971
Dancer's Massine of Alandayn
() 04/19/1971
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dancer's Nuryev of Alandayn
(M) 04/19/1971
WB887142; Fawn
Brislyn Sampler of Autumn
Castledane's Lady Kathleen
; Fawn
Danedrew's Molly Melany
GQ21750; Fawn
Am CH Emerald Hill's Bold Ruler v Diara
(M) 09/05/1976
WD654047; Brindle
Emerald Hill's Native Dancer v Diara
(M) 09/05/1976
; Fawn
CH Eml'd Hill's Bold Rulervdiara
(M) 09/05/1976
WD651017; Brindle
Lorien's Dancing Leda
Am CH Lorien's Lord Samson V Bernita
(M) 12/10/1976
WD576415; Fawn
CH Nuryev's Swanlake of Lorien
WD664255; Fawn
Harmony Hill Ais V Jingerbread
(M) 05/22/1965
; Fawn
Am CH Harmony Hill Quinton
(M) 01/07/1964
WA432866; Fawn
Am CH Gamboa's Guss of Mountdania
WA242095; Brindle
Daneboa's Golden Mist
(F) 04/21/1968
WA561285; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Diplomat
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913821; Fawn
Am CH Daneboa's Mr Kelly
(M) 12/22/1966
WA913820; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa
(F) 09/29/1969
WB576454; Fawn

Ashbun Acres Affidavit
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Barnstormer
WC547226; Brindle
Am CH Ashbun Acres Avalanche
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981688; Fawn
Addidas Chamomile CD
(F) 10/27/1975
WE512716; Brindle
Da-Bar's Paleo Happi go Lucky
; Fawn
Can Ch Goldcrest's Aszure Dee
Can Ch Goldcrest's Golden Chancellor
; Fawn
Kwazar's Sound of Nightwind
Ozark Crest Forest Fire
WD189171; Fawn
Am CH Ozark Crest Jobi's Tidal Wave
(F) 06/25/1975
WD186221; Fawn
Paleo's Shazam of Ozarkcrest
; Fawn
Am CH Summershine's Bon E von Jocala
(F) 05/26/1975
WD173702; Fawn
CH Teddington's Pseudonym
(M) 07/22/1976
WD550573; Fawn
Titandane's Thunderbolt
(M) 05/26/1976
WD988503; Fawn
Titandane's Tidal Wave
(F) 05/26/1976
HJ62194 / WE567400; Fawn
Titandane's Tradewind CDX
() 05/26/1976
; Brindle
Can Ch Titandane's Trailblazer
(M) 05/17/1975
WD493350 / GJ1700; Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's TransAtlantic
(F) 05/17/1975
WD493351; Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's Transcontinent
(M) 05/17/1975
; Fawn
Titandane's Transit
Can Ch Titandane's Transoceanic
(M) 05/17/1975
; Fawn
Am CH Titandane's Traveller
(M) 05/17/1975
CKCSTBGJ1706; Fawn
Titandane's Typhoon
(M) 05/26/1976
; Fawn
Tracy's Dandi-Lion
Am CH Wagon Ho's Jotunn Rainstorm
WD227612; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn
Danefield's Bambi V Fourleaf
(F) 01/09/1975
WC997580; Fawn
Fourleaf's Joshua V. Hannibal
Fourleaf's Rock-E-Feller
Alfie's Benji-Mine of Miramor
Alfie's Honey Rose of Miramor
Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Alfie's Sonja of Miramor
CH Alfie's Tristan of Miramor
Alfo Avolon von Ravenna CD
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Ashbun Acres Koenig
Blackwell's Kevi of Yoredane
WD123180; Fawn
Bodane Escort V Capucine
(M) 01/15/1978
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
Boea del Rey v Ravenna
Am CH Brandelyn Derek of Woodcliff
(M) 04/16/1975
WD82845; Fawn
Brandelyn's Beridwen
(F) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Am CH Brandelyn's Derek of Woodcliff
(M) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Brandelyn's Keridwen
(F) 04/16/1975
WD141567; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Brandelyn's Rhiannon
(F) 04/16/1975
WD141563; Fawn
Am CH Brandelyn's Tantamount
(M) 04/16/1975
WD252161; Fawn
Brandelyn's Walkin' Tall
(M) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Careosel's Cordon Bleau
Dachi's Tam O'Shanter
; Fawn
Am CH Daichi's Drumbshanbo
Daichi's Irish Mist
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Daichi's Little Miss Britches
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Daichi's Tam O'Shanter
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Danemark's Paramour V Ridge Lo
Del-Orado A-Jay Marston CD
Devrok's George of Danehouse
Devrok's Sunlight
(M) 06/16/1976
DKK08674/78; Fawn
BIS Am & Can Ch Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane
(M) 04/03/1975
WD291011; Fawn
Int Ch Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse
WD118524 / S30467/76; Fawn
Diablero's Baratto
(M) 08/11/1978
WE159566; Fawn
Diablero's Beau Geste
(M) 08/11/1978
WE159564; Fawn
Diablero's Desiree
(F) 08/11/1978
WE159565; Fawn
Diablero's Natasha
(F) 08/11/1978
WE110122; Fawn
Am CH Fowler's Forget Me Not
WD802501; Brindle
Fowler's Salute Me
WE187788; Fawn
Am CH Gebet Brandelyn Avant Viking
(M) 04/16/1975
WD081556; Fawn
Gebet's Cinnamon Tree
Glorilane Quest of Daneboa
Goodland's Tlaloc
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Am CH Hayron's Pretty Penny
WC664061; Fawn
HayRon's Royal Ransome
Am CH Honey Lane's Once Upon a Dream
WD226969; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
Can Ch Honey Lane's Ovation
WD220032; Fawn
Honey Lane's Somethin' Special
; Fawn
Am CH Jenlyn's Ms Helen Coates
; Fawn
Am CH Jeritas the Midas Touch
Jonlyn's J P Hanover
Am CH Jonlyn's Miss Elizabeth Z
WC890571; Brindle
Am CH Jonlyn's Ms Helen Coates
(F) 02/26/1978
WD952641; Fawn
Jonlyn's Razzle Dazzle Me
CH Jonlyn's Rush Street Boss
(M) 02/26/1978
; Fawn
CH Lazycroft Zoe Sandale
(F) 03/16/1979
Lord Duffus of Morstondane
Marmita de Oro Campana
Marmita De Oro De Campana
Am CH Marstondane's Javelin
(F) 01/13/1974
WC693595; Fawn
Merrimac Cascade of Lakeland
Mibar's Cavalier of Miramor
WD535818; Fawn
Mibar's Terra of Miramor
Mibar's Vanir of Miramor
Miss Cutty Sark Avant Garde
Morstondane's Hercules
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
(M) 12/27/1975
WD358051; Brindle
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Miss Lucki
(F) 07/24/1977
WE179343; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Serendipity CD
(F) 07/24/1977
WD807052; Brindle
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
MT Dania's Sweet Georgia Brown
(F) 12/27/1975
WD291732; Brindle
Am CH Perridane's Reno
(M) 02/22/1975
WD200337; Fawn
Am CH Psyche's Aurora V Ravenna
WC473840; Fawn
Ravenna's All About Alfie
; Fawn
Ravenna's Astalfo of Orlando
Am CH Reann Granada's Fiesta
Am & Can Ch Reann's Forever Amber
WE201757; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
CH Reann's French Connection
(M) 12/12/1978
WE222461; Fawn
Ridge-Lo's Naughty Nannette
; Fawn
Ridge-Lo's Private Eye
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sandybrook Stone Fox V Enzian
(F) 06/01/1975
WD141756; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Shasta of Steeplewood
Sheboane's Tangy Waldenthree
CK76389; Fawn
Sheenwater Jacaranda
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jackpot
Sheenwater Jambalya
; Fawn
Sheenwater Jealous One
WC723489; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Joie De Vivre
(F) 02/26/1974
WC723488; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jubilee
WC723485; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Kiss and Tell
Am CH Sheenwater Knick Knack
KCJ 3.GD-1675; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Knock Out
(M) 02/03/1975
WD096143; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Koenig V Ashbun A
(M) 02/03/1975
WD009948; Fawn
Sheenwater Lily's Laughter
Sylvia's Bon Chancy
(M) 10/15/1974
WD144116; Fawn
Waldenthree's Minnehaha
(F) 06/14/1976
WD568046; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Tecumseh
(M) 06/14/1976
WD460381; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Mr. President
(M) 05/03/1975
WD132051; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Ms D.D. Marston
WC678941; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Honey Lane's Gentle on My Mind
WD473514; Brindle
Am CH Yoredane's Solitaire
(F) 12/16/1976
WD674871; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Cool Million
(M) 09/13/1973
; Fawn
Runnymede Lady Falconbridge
Runnymede's Pound Sterling
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Dealer's Choice
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Flying High
(M) 04/06/1979
Ashbun Acres Live Wire
Ashbun Acres Luck of the Draw
(F) 06/01/1981
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Nemesis
(M) 05/17/1982
Daneboa Kelly's Merry Mark
Daneboa's Lord Chester
Daneboa's Menchic Kaboola
Dame Sadisha Daneboa
Vallejo Verde's Cisco Kit
(M) 08/26/1976
Daneboa's Rock-A-Fella
Golden Grizelda of Nordic
Am CH Daneboa's Harvey
(M) 11/08/1963
WA449604; Brindle
CH Daneboa's Jolly Roger
Daneboa's Happy Harry
Dame Sadisha Daneboa
Vallejo Verde's Cisco Kit
(M) 08/26/1976
Daneboa's Royal Impression
Am CH Daneboa's Uproar
(M) 11/06/1967
WB119304; Fawn
Kristania's Magna Turk
WB506519; Fawn
CH Russia's Risin' Rebel
Daneboa's Victor
Hi-Jinx Sunglow Topaz CD
Hijinx Brutus of Graham
; Fawn
Hijinx Sassy Lady
Hijinx Spartacus of Graham
; Fawn
Small Hollybell V Graymanor
; Brindle
Highflight Teta Tete
Sylvia's Shawna
(F) 08/11/1970
WB677446; Fawn
Sylvia's Bon Chancy
(M) 10/15/1974
WD144116; Fawn
Am BIS Ch Gretchen's Khan of Mountdania
(M) 12/25/1960
WA141280; Brindle

Desertdania's Adane
() 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Alex
(M) 09/12/1963
; Brindle
Desertdania's Conrad
WA816954; Fawn
Radin's Jessica Bellastar
WB492172; Fawn
Am CH Desertdania's Bretwalda CD
(M) 08/16/1965
WA673831; Brindle
Ischreteres Shasta
Titan's Golden Phoebe
Am CH Desertdania's Ali
(M) 09/12/1963
WA416938; Fawn
CH Advance Notice V Danelaw
Desertdania's Anna
(F) 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Apollo
(M) 09/12/1963
Desertdania's Arab
() 09/12/1963
Am CH Greenwood's Zip Of Mountdania
(M) 01/16/1963
WA324649; Brindle

BIS BISS Ch Abner Lowell Davis
(M) 04/19/1966
WA748891; Fawn

Jonathie Regene's Taury Adore
WB572563; Fawn
Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora
WC453826; Fawn
Am CH Regene Brigadoon of Jonathie
(M) 04/04/1977
WD677250; Fawn
Regene Fiona Mac Nordane
(F) 04/04/1977
Regene X Calaber of Jonathie
Regene Xpensive of Jonathie
CH Regine Brigadoon of Jonathie
WD677250; Fawn
Mila's Regene True Love
; Brindle
Regene Independence
Regene Liberty
Regene True Love
Am CH Rosewood Valadore V Jonathie
WC004514; Fawn
Aldidane's Theo of Gwynedd
; Fawn
Aldydane's Don Giovanni
Aldydane's Wild Irish Rose
Knajar's Kodiak
Can Ch Knajar's Lady Iseult
; Fawn
Knajar's Scarlett O'Hara
Am & Can Ch Knajar's Sir Tristan
(M) 03/24/1974
WC735823; Fawn
CH Knajar's Tijeras
Am CH Abigail Davis of Tallbrook
(F) 03/18/1971
WB863090; Fawn

Am CH Amanda Davis of Emerald Hill
(F) 10/01/1973
WC660068; Fawn
Am CH Jeffrey Mc Davis
(M) 10/01/1973
WC642473; Fawn
Can Ch Alexis McDavis of Rika
Alexis McDavis of Rika.jpg;
Ha-Joy's Ho-Tai Mc Davis CD
WD692472; Fawn
Polldane's Sparkle Plenty
CH Rancho Del Sol's Cactus Flower
WD035901; Fawn
Rancho Del Sol's Fire Belle
Rancho Del Sol's Freedom's Belle
WD191713; Fawn
Rancho Del Sol's Magic Belle
WD191715; Fawn
Sanlodane's My Beau
(M) 08/12/1976
WD617473; Brindle
Sanlodane's True Grit
(M) 08/12/1976
; Brindle
Am CH Sunridge's Mexicali Rose
(F) 05/09/1975
WD143040; Fawn
Am CH Sunridge's Ragtime Cowboy Joe
(M) 05/09/1975
WD126162; Fawn
Am CH Jessica Davis
WC642471; Fawn
Am CH Barbara Ann Davis
WD778193; Fawn
CH Desert Springs Cynthia Davis
Am CH Gary Davis
WE264048; Brindle
CH Joanne Davis
WE264049; Brindle
Am CH Sarah Davis of Temple Dell
(F) 10/01/1973
WC664874; Fawn
Am CH Abigail Hope Davis
(F) 11/23/1970
WB809790; Fawn
Am CH Abner's Abigail von Zamadane
(F) 09/13/1971
; Fawn
Abner's Achilles of Danehill
(M) 03/04/1971
WB862320; Fawn
Am CH Abner's Alkyber V Zamondane
Abner's Chantill of Cot'nwood
; Fawn
Can Ch Abner's Emperor of Grandanes
(M) 05/31/1972
DWL392; Brindle
Can Ch Grandane's Cullum Master
(M) 05/10/1974
FJA791; Brindle
Morgana's Venus
(F) 05/30/1980
MJ198092; Fawn
Grandanes Royal Command
; Brindle
Katherine Wurttemberg v Medralys
; Brindle
Abner's Kelly Beau of Moss Kell
; Fawn
Abner's Warlord of Mosskel
Abner's Zip A De-Do-Da
WC021701; Fawn
Tuscaroara's Butter Pecan
(F) 11/28/1974
WD026633; Fawn
Tuscaroara's Ms Dagmar
WD351154; Fawn
Am CH Akobi Of Marydane
(M) 11/20/1969
WB559006; Fawn

Alvic's Aflame of Roc'N Ril
Am CH Shibui Bamboo Windchime
(F) 04/15/1975
WD074015; Fawn
Steinbacher's Beau-Ami Shibui
CH Amobi Of Marydane
WC274785; Fawn
CH Aomi Of Marydane
Am CH Ayomi Of Marydane
Am CH Joe's Jr. Akobi Of Marydane
WC202250; Fawn
Han Dan's Bigi
WC812266; Fawn
Han Dan's Desma of Knollwood
WC653356; Fawn
Han-Dan Robert Of Marydane
Vanguard's Matilda Bell
Lindenmere's Noble Gladiator
CH Marydane's Los Olivos Bali Hi
WC67953; Fawn
Ozark Crest Angel Of Marydane
(F) 11/02/1971
WC040721; Fawn
WC130175; Fawn
Am CH Starlight's El Cid
(M) 03/15/1972
WC195454; Fawn
Am CH Starlight's Jancee
WC195455; Brindle
Alii's Honeygold's Li'l Abner
(M) 05/02/1970
; Fawn
Autumn Sun's Golden Girl
(F) 04/07/1972
Am CH Ayo Of Marydane
WB559005; Fawn
Am CH Ardlyn's Cartier Of Marydane
WC268423; Fawn
Ardlyn's Carol of Coraldane
Am CH Ardlyn's Courtney Of Marydane
Am CH Ardlyn's Crissa Of Marydane
WD101240; Fawn
Barnette's Enchanting Lady
(F) 04/01/1971
WB831247; Fawn
Am CH Wallach's Cracker Jack
(M) 12/04/1974
WD178336; Fawn
Am CH Wallach's Dignity
(M) 12/04/1974
WD081377; Fawn
Am CH Wallach's Freedom
(F) 12/04/1974
WC081378; Fawn
Am CH Wallach's Gordie Howe CD
(M) 12/04/1974
WD017973; Fawn
Am CH Wallach's Spirit V Frittshof
(F) 12/04/1974
WD081376; Fawn
Barnette's Epic Bronson
(M) 04/01/1971
WB919513; Fawn
Barnette's Erin Ahab
(M) 04/01/1971
WB841373; Fawn
Bray-Dane's Aventura
(F) 11/23/1970
; Fawn
Bray-Dane's Toastmaster
Brenda's Bambi of Tallbrook
(F) 03/18/1971
WC103478; Fawn
Am CH Homewood Cameo of Tallbrook
Homewood Golden Sunflower
; Fawn
Can Ch Tallbrook Farms Taly Too
; Fawn
Thomures Carisma V Tallbrook
(F) 01/25/1975
WD064185; Fawn
Brendane Abner von Maiden
WC101233; Fawn
Jecamo's Mister California
(M) 06/08/1973
WC597664; Fawn
Amberridge Ace
(M) 07/30/1975
69V75; Fawn
Amberridge Arama
(F) 07/30/1975
69V75; Fawn
Amberridge Arlo
(F) 07/30/1975
69V75; Brindle
Amberridge Athena
(F) 07/30/1975
69V75; Brindle
Aust Ch Amethea By Design
(F) 11/15/1976
; Fawn
Aust Ch Amethea Fiery Luck
(M) 11/15/1976
; Fawn
Amethea Magical Mate
(M) 11/15/1976
; Fawn
Amethea Rich Lad
Bourgdane Amber
(F) 09/23/1975
Bourgdane Sweet Brandy
(F) 09/23/1975
; Fawn
Aust Ch Elskedane Cassie
; Fawn
Falworth Calamity Jane
(F) 07/08/1975
Falworth Cherri Coke
(F) 07/08/1975
50-V-75; Fawn
Falworth Cupid Capers
(M) 07/08/1975
50-V-75; Fawn
Kochak Naida
(N)421529; Fawn
Kochak Sir Lucifer
(M) 07/10/1977
Aust Ch Kochak Tamalaine
(M) 07/10/1977
(Q)421524; Fawn
Aust Ch Kochak Tawny Phoenix
(F) 07/10/1977
(Q)421527; Fawn
Krusoldane Angelique
32-V-77; Fawn
Aust Ch Princeton Ballendella
(F) 08/16/1975
(Q)170564; Fawn
Aust Ch Princeton Banadrew
(M) 08/16/1975
(Q)170566; Fawn
Aust Ch Princeton Bitika Lady
(F) 08/16/1975
(Q)170563; Fawn
Princeton Jacquelynn
(F) 04/16/1977
(Q)416603; Fawn
Princeton Jakahn
(M) 04/16/1977
Princeton Jamarra
(F) 04/16/1977
Princeton Jessica
(F) 04/16/1977
(Q)416604; Fawn
Rassigerhund Jecamo
(M) 12/09/1975
; Fawn
Underane Flaming Flirt
(F) 12/04/1980
0073739; Fawn
Underane Lorien
(F) 09/29/1975
; Brindle
Underane Majestic
(F) 10/07/1975
Underane Mariah
63V75; Fawn
Underane Masterpiece
(F) 10/07/1975
; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Notice Me
(F) 10/09/1975
64-V-75; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Rembrandt
(M) 06/10/1976
55-V-76; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Remember Me
(F) 06/10/1976
55-V-76; Fawn
Underane Ripplin Rythm
(F) 06/10/1976
Underane Rochdane
(M) 06/10/1976
Underane Vienna
(F) 06/24/1977
45V77; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Viking
(M) 06/24/1977
45V77; Fawn
Underane Virgo
(F) 06/24/1977
45V77; Fawn
Underane Volcano
(M) 06/24/1977
45V77; Brindle
Underane Xceptional
(F) 08/31/1977
53V77; Brindle
Underane Xquisite
(F) 08/31/1977
53V77; Brindle
Underane Xtre Special
(F) 08/31/1977
53-V-77/2; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Yasmin
(F) 06/19/1978
(Q)467806; Fawn
Underane Yolando
(M) 06/19/1978
Underane Yorick
(M) 06/19/1978
Am CH Brendane's Anticipation
(M) 10/24/1971
WC120685; Fawn
Cameo Andrea Elies
; Fawn
Charity Ann Elies
Am CH Cramar's Acamar V Elies
(M) 03/24/1976
WD597514; Fawn
Claudane Amber Elies
; Fawn
Claudine Amber Elies
Conejo's H R H Britannia
; Fawn
CH Conjadane's Darlin of Mosskel
(F) 01/06/1971
WB905447; Brindle
Am CH Conjadane's Budget Breaker
(M) 05/16/1973
WC619362; Fawn
Courtney Ashley Elies
; Fawn
Crockerly's Bandido
Crockerly's Marshal
(M) 10/26/1992
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Q.E. of Windsor
WC340232; Fawn
Am CH Crino's Babette V van Alstyne
Am CH Crino's Brindle Mist
WD182271; Brindle
CH Windsor's a Merrie Wife
Am CH Windsor's Lady Andover
(F) 01/06/1976
WD325947; Brindle
Windsor's Tsarevich Alexis
Am CH Crockerlys Yessa Nosir
(F) 07/20/1969
WB393953; Fawn
Crockerly's Bandido
Crockerly's Marshal
(M) 10/26/1992
; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Q.E. of Windsor
WC340232; Fawn
Am CH Crino's Babette V van Alstyne
Am CH Crino's Brindle Mist
WD182271; Brindle
CH Windsor's a Merrie Wife
Am CH Windsor's Lady Andover
(F) 01/06/1976
WD325947; Brindle
Windsor's Tsarevich Alexis
CH Crockerly Shari Von Yessa
(F) 11/04/1975
Am CH Crockerlys Applejack V Yessa
(M) 11/04/1975
WD266764; Fawn
Danes Encore Allegro
(F) 06/10/1978
WE059362; Fawn
Am CH Danes Encore Andante
(M) 06/10/1978
WE059360; Fawn
Edendale's Jenny Lind
(F) 12/02/1977
Am CH O'Lorcain's Crackerjack
O'Lorcain's Danety v Yessa
(F) 06/20/1980
WE753800; Fawn
Am CH Rustic's Cheez It O'Lorcain
WE176466; Fawn
Trebor's Tai-Pan V Equidane
Am CH Crockerlys Schoene V Yessa
WD266769; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Crockerly's Rebecca Von Yessa
WE358616; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Sarah V Yessa
(F) 04/06/1979
WE358615; Fawn
Dancer's Femina of Alandayn
(F) 04/18/1971
Dancer's Massine of Alandayn
() 04/19/1971
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dancer's Nuryev of Alandayn
(M) 04/19/1971
WB887142; Fawn
Brislyn Sampler of Autumn
Castledane's Lady Kathleen
; Fawn
Danedrew's Molly Melany
GQ21750; Fawn
Moredane's Afterburner
(F) 06/05/1978
KM88182; Fawn
Can Ch Moredane's Altimeter
(M) 06/05/1978
; Brindle
Can Ch Moredane's Autopilot
(M) 06/05/1978
; Fawn
Am CH Emerald Hill's Bold Ruler v Diara
(M) 09/05/1976
WD654047; Brindle
Emerald Hill's Native Dancer v Diara
(M) 09/05/1976
; Fawn
CH Eml'd Hill's Bold Rulervdiara
(M) 09/05/1976
WD651017; Brindle
Lorien's Dancing Leda
Am CH Lorien's Lord Samson V Bernita
(M) 12/10/1976
WD576415; Fawn
CH Nuryev's Swanlake of Lorien
WD664255; Fawn
Dane Hill's Amanda Von Raseac
(F) 03/04/1971
WB827898; Fawn
Dane Hill's Amanus
(M) 03/04/1971
WB885093; Fawn
Dane Hill's Amy Do
(F) 03/04/1971
Danelyn's Jacom
WB642988; Fawn
Witsend's Shere Khan V Evelund
WD026843; Brindle
Del Conejo's H R H Candice
(F) 10/13/1968
WB630178; Fawn
Bodanes Major Von Hickory
(M) 03/12/1972
WC281137; Fawn
Bodane's Chantilly Lace
WD828803; Brindle
Bodanes Captain Von Major
(M) 05/18/1973
WC535665; Brindle
Del Conejo's H R H The Duchess
Am CH Damian's Dante of Moose
WC909635; Fawn
Del Conejo's H R H D Andrea
(F) 04/07/1971
WB989563; Fawn
Del Conejo's H R H D Belladonna
(F) 04/07/1971
WB867337; Fawn
Moose's Charlemagne Von Neff
(M) 04/07/1971
Am CH Del Conejos HRH Lil Abner
(M) 10/13/1968
WB229484; Fawn
Devil's Fury of Indian Bend
Honeygold's Abner Girl
(F) 05/02/1970
Honeygold's Lil' Abner
Jean La Feet of Bobilu
Jimjole's General Nuisance
; Fawn
Kolyer's Max Von Abner
(M) 04/19/1971
Lark's Lance of Tallbrook
(M) 02/19/1971
; Brindle
Lark's Lightfoot of Tallbrook
(M) 02/19/1971
; Fawn
Luv Sweet Luv of Tallbrook
; Brindle
Am CH Marjoka's Abner L Davis
(M) 01/06/1971
WB935585; Brindle
Am CH Marjoka's Sam Houston
(M) 05/17/1971
WC015301; Fawn
Marjoka's Serene Arlina
(F) 05/17/1971
WC239458; Fawn
Morgan's Delightful Delphis
Mosskel's Buttercup Davis
Ozark Crest Daisy Mae
(F) 05/17/1971
WC032895; Fawn
Ozark Crest Marryin Sam
(M) 05/17/1971
WB891037; Fawn
Ozark Crest Tachycardia
(F) 05/17/1971
WB966716; Fawn
Ozark Crest Twinkle Plenty
(F) 05/17/1971
WB966714; Fawn
Da-Bar's Paleo Happi go Lucky
; Fawn
Paleo's Shazam of Ozarkcrest
; Fawn
Polldane's Elf-Friend
Am CH Polldane's Good Time Charlie
(M) 02/12/1974
WC836542; Fawn
Quillwood's Kiss Me Kate
(F) 06/11/1969
Quillwood's Kognac N Kola
Quillwood's Sacha of Melodane
; Fawn
Quillwood's Sequanicus
Rebecca Davis of Tallbrook
(F) 01/01/1972
Can Ch Alexis McDavis of Rika
Alexis McDavis of Rika.jpg;
Regina of Essex
; Fawn
Robin's Golden Cleopatra
WB763245; Fawn
Rozo's Astor
Samoset of Indian Bend
(M) 02/15/1969
WB324856; Fawn
Taffi's Daisy Mae
Tallbrook Davis of Danevilla
Am & Mex Ch Tallbrook's Bit O'Honey
(F) 03/18/1971
WB879944; Fawn

Am CH Tallbrook's Happy Holiday
(F) 01/01/1972
WC67702; Fawn
Am CH Tallbrook's Vicki of Paradise
WB575081; Brindle
Jecamo's Cutty Sark v Paradise
WC537728; Fawn
Jecamo's Tamara of Wartburg
957318; Fawn
Jecamo's Tuborg
WC843923; Fawn
Tamlyn's Bard's Melody of Abner
Tamlyn's Blondene of Abner
(F) 03/16/1971
Tamlyn's Bounty of Abner CD
(M) 03/16/1971
WB852428; Fawn
Upsen Downs Miss Conduct
Vandell's Fling of Ha-Joy
(F) 03/11/1972
WC157640; Fawn
Ha-Joy's Ho-Tai Mc Davis CD
WD692472; Fawn
Vandell's Forever Amber
() 03/11/1972
; Fawn
Vandell's Forever Friday
(F) 03/11/1972
; Fawn
Vanessa of Tallbrook Farms
Am CH Von Neff's Moose of Martincrest
WB334246; Fawn
Am CH Damian's Dante of Moose
WC909635; Fawn
Del Conejo's H R H D Andrea
(F) 04/07/1971
WB989563; Fawn
Del Conejo's H R H D Belladonna
(F) 04/07/1971
WB867337; Fawn
Moose's Charlemagne Von Neff
(M) 04/07/1971
Am CH Walker's Luv of Tallbrook
Ara's Contessa of Greenwood
; Fawn
Granville's Irish Dee Dee
; Fawn
Greenwood's Irish Peter
Irish Born to Stardom
; Fawn
Irish I Love Limelight
; Fawn
Irish Natural Talent
Can Ch Irish Pete of Regdane
; Fawn
Am CH Archibald Davis
(M) 04/19/1966
WA748892; Brindle
Baird Bass
(M) 05/16/1970
Barclay's Babylon
(M) 03/29/1971
; Fawn
Danelagh's Walda
; Fawn
Danelagh's Wanda
; Brindle
Danelagh's Dagmar
(F) 07/26/1975
Danelagh's Warloche
; Fawn
Can Ch Danelagh's Warloghe
Danelagh's Alfhilde
(F) 06/04/1972
S13774/73; Fawn
Danelagh's Willyum
Danelagh's Wodan
; Brindle
Empress Elektra Von Raseac
; Fawn
Maximillian Von Raseac
; Fawn
Von Birka's Amber Lights
(F) 04/09/1969
; Fawn
Von Raseac's Miss Molly Malone
; Fawn
Von Raseac's Echo of Archie
(M) 08/20/1967
WB6038; Brindle
Arle's El Cid of Tallbrook Farm
; Fawn
Dejay's Cydelito del Amor
; Fawn
Dejay's Madame Butterfly
; Fawn
Dejay's Adam in Eden
(M) 09/15/1973
; Brindle
Dejay's Empress Eugenie
(F) 09/15/1973
; Fawn
DeJay's Forever Ember
Allenshires Orena Shantel
Esther of Arle Dane
; Brindle
Am CH Rothal's Tuborg of Arle Dane
Stars 'N' Stripes of Arle Dane
; Brindle
Dejay's Adam in Eden
(M) 09/15/1973
; Brindle
Dejay's Empress Eugenie
(F) 09/15/1973
; Fawn
DeJay's Forever Ember
Allenshires Orena Shantel
Sugar N' Spice of Arle Dane
; Fawn
Condor of Tallbrook Farms
WB215804; Brindle
Am CH Tallbrook's Salute
(M) 10/02/1969
WB798650; Brindle

Tallbrook's the Sundance Kid
(M) 10/02/1969
WB510958; Fawn

Crockerly's Plenty of Zip
CH Crockerly's Rasil Bathbone
Crockerly's Whale of a Webster CD
(M) 05/29/1968
WB147013; Fawn
Am CH Crockerly's Polly Penthouse
Crockerly's Pongee Panama
WA668097; Fawn
Barclay's Babylon
(M) 03/29/1971
; Fawn
CH Crockerly's Uara Dewsy
Crockerly's Umber Ella
BIS Ch Crockerly's Primrose
(F) 11/16/1965
WA694893; Brindle

Am CH Crockerly's Prunella Piano
Desert's Miss Heidi of Zip
Fergus Fogarty of St Clair
(M) 07/25/1970
WB647048; Brindle
Am CH Fiona Fogarty of St Clair
(F) 06/21/1972
WC307231; Brindle

Somwins Robindane Lisel
() 03/12/1976
; Fawn
CH Mischievous Loki of Valhalla
WC291176; Fawn
St Clair's Fellahin Fogarty
(M) 06/21/1972
; Brindle
Tuscaroara's Butter Pecan
(F) 11/28/1974
WD026633; Fawn
Tuscaroara's Ms Dagmar
WD351154; Fawn
Good Amos Davis
; Fawn
Lincoln's Valkyri of Valhalla
(F) 09/04/1967
WB126603; Fawn
Goode Amos Davis
; Fawn
CH Andy Smith
Am & Can Ch Lincoln's Star Boarder
WB234832; Fawn
Am CH Lincoln's Wild Honey Bear
Greenwood's Big Girl
(F) 12/08/1966
Am CH Greenwood's Zip Again
(M) 12/08/1966
WA961710; Brindle
Am CH Hearth Hill's Zip of Sunridge
WB734182; Fawn
Hearthhill's Gold Duster
WC401504; Fawn
Hearthhill's Gorgeous Gussie
WC263436; Fawn
Ironwood's Zip a De Do Da
; Fawn
Jeb's Biggy von LLL-Zip
; Brindle
Jeb's Fancy von LLL Zip
; Fawn
Jecamo's Alexander of Davis
; Fawn
Am CH Jecamo's Annie Laurie of Rox
WB116631; Fawn
Jecamo's Beefeater's Me Too
WB096556; Fawn
Chelsea Rika of Daneridge
WC559435; Fawn
Merry Meadows Melissa
(F) 07/15/1973
Am CH Merry Meadows Timothy
Lady Luck of Brandywine
Jecamo's Beefeaters' Misty
(F) 06/07/1967
WB021479; Fawn
Jecamo's Melody of Merri Mac
Jecamo's Miss Daiquiri
(F) 12/18/1970
Jecamo's Tamara of Wartburg
957318; Fawn
Jecamo's Tuborg
WC843923; Fawn
Jecamo's Bourbon on the Rox
(M) 09/25/1967
WB095922; Brindle
Chelsea Rika of Daneridge
WC559435; Fawn
Merry Meadows Melissa
(F) 07/15/1973
Am CH Merry Meadows Timothy
Jecamo's Black Mahalia
(F) 04/14/1972
; Black
Jecamo's Black Satin 'N Bourbon
Jecamo's Satin Scotch
(F) 02/08/1972
Jecamo's Bourbon's Laurie
(F) 06/26/1969
WB650303; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Notice Me
(F) 10/09/1975
64-V-75; Fawn
Jecamo's Kahluas Velvet
Jecamo's Lavish Leo Hildegard
Jecamo's Marmaduke of Minaki
; Fawn
Jecamo's Miss Daiquiri
(F) 12/18/1970
Jecamo's Samara Lbs
Jecamo's Selina of Rebelro
Jecamo's Velvet Waters
Lady Luck of Brandywine
Los Vientos Blackberry Brandy
Am CH Rebelro's Segredo
WB551538; Fawn
Vallejo Verde's Cisco Kit
(M) 08/26/1976
Weston's Golden Fantasia
Weston's Nadja
Weston's Yankee Pasha
(M) 04/10/1969
WB595829; Brindle
Westons' Kronos of Hightimes
WB439362; Fawn
Jecamo's Drambuie on the Rox
WB079852; Fawn
Crickhollow Tess
WC568266; Fawn
Shasta Honey
WD225013; Fawn
Jecamo's Kamchatka on the Rox
(F) 09/25/1967
Alandella's Jecamo Rembrandt
(M) 04/29/1974
; Brindle
Albion's Queen Mabs of Jecamo
(F) 06/12/1970
WB647141; Brindle
Brutus Tu
Am CH Jecamo's One For the Road
WC777533; Fawn
CH Jecamo's Shazam
Jecamo's Sunnybrook
Jecamo's Mezcal on The Rox
WB028279; Brindle
Can Ch Curtis' Gypsy Dame of Goodwin
Curtis Cameo Dame
(F) 01/11/1972
Curtis' Gypsy Caravan
(M) 01/11/1972
Jecamo's Chablis on The Rox
WB555091; Fawn
Jecamo's Ramchatka of the Rox
(F) 09/25/1967
WB95921; Fawn
Jecamo's Royal Velvet On The Rox
WB071995; Fawn
Jecamo's Ballantine of Bermar
WB813406; Fawn
Jecamo's Mister California
(M) 06/08/1973
WC597664; Fawn
Amberridge Ace
(M) 07/30/1975
69V75; Fawn
Amberridge Arama
(F) 07/30/1975
69V75; Fawn
Amberridge Arlo
(F) 07/30/1975
69V75; Brindle
Amberridge Athena
(F) 07/30/1975
69V75; Brindle
Aust Ch Amethea By Design
(F) 11/15/1976
; Fawn
Aust Ch Amethea Fiery Luck
(M) 11/15/1976
; Fawn
Amethea Magical Mate
(M) 11/15/1976
; Fawn
Amethea Rich Lad
Bourgdane Amber
(F) 09/23/1975
Bourgdane Sweet Brandy
(F) 09/23/1975
; Fawn
Aust Ch Elskedane Cassie
; Fawn
Falworth Calamity Jane
(F) 07/08/1975
Falworth Cherri Coke
(F) 07/08/1975
50-V-75; Fawn
Falworth Cupid Capers
(M) 07/08/1975
50-V-75; Fawn
Kochak Naida
(N)421529; Fawn
Kochak Sir Lucifer
(M) 07/10/1977
Aust Ch Kochak Tamalaine
(M) 07/10/1977
(Q)421524; Fawn
Aust Ch Kochak Tawny Phoenix
(F) 07/10/1977
(Q)421527; Fawn
Krusoldane Angelique
32-V-77; Fawn
Aust Ch Princeton Ballendella
(F) 08/16/1975
(Q)170564; Fawn
Aust Ch Princeton Banadrew
(M) 08/16/1975
(Q)170566; Fawn
Aust Ch Princeton Bitika Lady
(F) 08/16/1975
(Q)170563; Fawn
Princeton Jacquelynn
(F) 04/16/1977
(Q)416603; Fawn
Princeton Jakahn
(M) 04/16/1977
Princeton Jamarra
(F) 04/16/1977
Princeton Jessica
(F) 04/16/1977
(Q)416604; Fawn
Rassigerhund Jecamo
(M) 12/09/1975
; Fawn
Underane Flaming Flirt
(F) 12/04/1980
0073739; Fawn
Underane Lorien
(F) 09/29/1975
; Brindle
Underane Majestic
(F) 10/07/1975
Underane Mariah
63V75; Fawn
Underane Masterpiece
(F) 10/07/1975
; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Notice Me
(F) 10/09/1975
64-V-75; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Rembrandt
(M) 06/10/1976
55-V-76; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Remember Me
(F) 06/10/1976
55-V-76; Fawn
Underane Ripplin Rythm
(F) 06/10/1976
Underane Rochdane
(M) 06/10/1976
Underane Vienna
(F) 06/24/1977
45V77; Fawn
Aust Ch Underane Viking
(M) 06/24/1977
45V77; Fawn
Underane Virgo
(F) 06/24/1977
45V77; Fawn
Underane Volcano
(M) 06/24/1977
45V77; Brindle
Underane Xceptional
(F) 08/31/1977
53V77; Brindle
Underane Xquisite
(F) 08/31/1977
53V77; Brindle
Underane Xtre Special
(F) 08/31/1977
53-V-77/2; Brindle
Aust Ch Underane Yasmin
(F) 06/19/1978
(Q)467806; Fawn
Underane Yolando
(M) 06/19/1978
Underane Yorick
(M) 06/19/1978
Jecamo's Hennessy
WB723752; Brindle
Alandella's Jecamo Rembrandt
(M) 04/29/1974
; Brindle
Jecamo's Melody of Merri Mac
Am CH Jecamo's One For the Road
WC777533; Fawn
CH Jecamo's Shazam
Jecamo's Sunnybrook
Am CH Jecamo's Johnnie Walker
WB723098; Brindle

Jecamo's Salty Boy
Am CH Jecamo's Scotch On The Rox
(M) 09/25/1967
WB95919; Fawn
Curtis Cameo Dame
(F) 01/11/1972
Curtis' Gypsy Caravan
(M) 01/11/1972
Am CH Dynamic Dyna V Da-Dori
(F) 09/12/1971
WC096549; Fawn
Am CH Gilham's B Copout v Brendane
(M) 03/16/1973
WC459432; Fawn
Gilham's Cherokee V Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
WC446496; Fawn
Gilham's Just-a-Tort v Da Dori
Jecamo's Cutty Sark v Paradise
WC537728; Fawn
Jecamo's Tamara of Wartburg
957318; Fawn
Jecamo's Tuborg
WC843923; Fawn
Jecamo's Howe's Crown Royal
Jecamo's Satin Scotch
(F) 02/08/1972
Jecamo's Senta Dame
WB887289; Harlequin
Jolly Roger V Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
Kato's Silver Loo
WC082294; Merle
Kato's Solataire
Kato's Spotted Fever
Mitzie's Heidi V Da Dori
(F) 09/12/1971
Ulysses v Da Dori
(M) 09/12/1971
WC230459; Fawn
Warwick's Wendy Warwickshire
(F) 04/23/1973
; Fawn
Zeno of Windsor
(M) 07/21/1970
WB791147; Fawn
Jecamo's Vodka on the Rox
WB095920; Fawn
Am CH Lincoln's Liebling of Brindin
WC686098; Brindle
Lincoln's Little Kandy Kane
Am CH Lincoln's Lorelei
(F) 08/26/1973
WC835554; Fawn
Lincoln's Lucky Joker
(M) 08/26/1973
WC835553; Brindle
Joy's Loverly of Kingjames
; Fawn
Am CH Kelley Von Overcup
(F) 08/29/1967
WB47275; Brindle
Abner's Kelly Beau of Moss Kell
; Fawn
Abner's Warlord of Mosskel
CH Conjadane's Darlin of Mosskel
(F) 01/06/1971
WB905447; Brindle
Am CH Conjadane's Budget Breaker
(M) 05/16/1973
WC619362; Fawn
Am CH Marjoka's Abner L Davis
(M) 01/06/1971
WB935585; Brindle
Mosskel's Big Sur of Nepenthe
(M) 01/13/1973
WC506059; Brindle
Mosskel's Braun O'Kelley
(M) 01/13/1973
WC526140; Fawn
Am CH Mosskel's Brydie O'Kelley
(F) 01/13/1973
WC506056; Brindle
Mosskel's Helena Kelley of Bis
(F) 06/08/1974
WC873589; Brindle
Roshel's Barnaby of Mosskel
(M) 01/13/1973
; Fawn
Am CH King Jame's Katherine V Aragon
(F) 07/25/1970
WB698633; Brindle
Lordowns Black Bart
Merry Annabelle of Sunridge
Quigley's Tonka Zeus
; Brindle
Sampson of Greenwood
Stornoway's Imp of Greenwood
; Brindle
Storybook's Phaedra
Storybook's Terpsichore
(F) 06/15/1968
WB218562; Fawn
Sunridge's Angel of Destiny
Sunridge's Golden Monarch
(M) 09/01/1970
; Fawn
Sunridge's Merry Annabelle
Sunridge's Zip of Hearth Hill
The Earl of Greenwood
(M) 12/08/1966
WA967333; Fawn
Trebor's Endora Von Overcup
; Brindle
Treseder's Christmas Pagaent
(M) 12/25/1967
WB225466; Brindle
Treseder's Jubilee Greenwood
; Brindle
Treseder's Jubilee von Zipper
Am CH Von Riesenhof Overcup Ventur
(M) 08/29/1967
WB099857; Fawn
Zip's Devil of Greenwood
; Fawn
Devil's Fury of Indian Bend
Samoset of Indian Bend
(M) 02/15/1969
WB324856; Fawn
Am CH Khan's Kim of Mountdania
(M) 01/16/1963
WA331153; Brindle

Am CH Larica's Erna
(F) 09/12/1963
WA397888; Fawn
Lane's Turn Giovanni of Larica
; Fawn
Larica's Gretelina of Warwick
; Brindle
Am CH Larica's Ernesto
(M) 09/12/1963
WA397889; Brindle

Am CH Kmria's Bettina
(F) 06/11/1965
WA619918; Fawn
Bettina's Beefeaters Clintock
(M) 03/29/1968
Bettina's Lancelott of Jecamo
(M) 03/29/1968
WB291658; Fawn
Aragon's Lady Portia
(F) 12/20/1971
; Fawn
Aragon's Charmin Chancellor
(M) 12/05/1973
; Fawn
Charmin's Lady Gretchen
Charmins' Cayenne Von Aragon CD
Jecamo's Beefeater's Bettina
(F) 03/29/1968
; Fawn
Rommel II
WP82469601; Fawn
Rosewood's Valkyrie
WA890888; Fawn

Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora
WC453826; Fawn
Am CH Regene Brigadoon of Jonathie
(M) 04/04/1977
WD677250; Fawn
Regene Fiona Mac Nordane
(F) 04/04/1977
Regene X Calaber of Jonathie
Regene Xpensive of Jonathie
CH Regine Brigadoon of Jonathie
WD677250; Fawn
Am CH Rosewood Valadore V Jonathie
WC004514; Fawn
Aldidane's Theo of Gwynedd
; Fawn
Aldydane's Don Giovanni
Aldydane's Wild Irish Rose
Knajar's Kodiak
Can Ch Knajar's Lady Iseult
; Fawn
Knajar's Scarlett O'Hara
Am & Can Ch Knajar's Sir Tristan
(M) 03/24/1974
WC735823; Fawn
CH Knajar's Tijeras
Am CH Sabila's Sabrina
(F) 09/19/1967
WA903005; Brindle

Juri's Rebel Piper of Sabila
(F) 05/16/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Sabila's Bene Gesserit
(F) 05/04/1973
WC571222; Brindle
Am CH Sabila's Knight of Critenberg
(M) 05/04/1973
WC499818; Fawn
Am CH Sabila's Ramses D'abu Simbel
(M) 05/04/1973
WC496969; Brindle
Am CH Sabila's Sebastian Tombs
(M) 05/16/1971
WB967578; Brindle
Wakefield's Lord Jim of Sabila
; Brindle
Sabila's Sir Lancelot
(M) 02/19/1967
; Fawn
Sabila's Thistle
(M) 02/19/1967
; Brindle
Albett of Tiverdane
(M) 04/30/1966
Christine of Cresskill
Kimberley of Pelhamdale
(F) 05/01/1968
Ernesto's Minado
(M) 05/27/1966
; Fawn
Am CH Han Dan's Allons
(F) 04/06/1969
WB336192; Fawn

Am CH Han-Dan's Alfie
WC312923; Fawn
Ardlyn's Carol of Coraldane
Am CH Ardlyn's Courtney Of Marydane
Am CH Ardlyn's Crissa Of Marydane
WD101240; Fawn
Am CH Han-Dan's Numero Uno
(M) 09/02/1972
WC312921; Fawn
K-Rho's Cabaret of Han-Dan
Han Dan's Bien Jolie
WB548952; Brindle
Han Dan's Bigi
WC812266; Fawn
Han Dan's Desma of Knollwood
WC653356; Fawn
Han-Dan Robert Of Marydane
Am & Can Ch Han-Dan Gamine Aime
(F) 04/06/1970
WB336191; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Han-Dan Ay-Jaye
(M) 06/07/1972
WC177452; Fawn
Han-Dan Quando
WC177454; Fawn
Can Ch Han-Dan-Gumba
WC177453; Fawn
Am CH Han-Dan-Tina Pastina
(F) 06/07/1972
WC177451; Fawn
Han-Dan's Danielle
; Brindle
Am CH Helga von Larch
(F) 05/27/1966
WA753924; Brindle
Highland's Juba V Harmony Hill
(F) 03/15/1966
Am CH Kymra's Bettina
Larica's Irene C of Merrylawn
; Fawn
Lor-Mar's Panama Hattie
WB288300; Brindle
Am CH Olympia
WA794435; Brindle
Am CH Shere Khan of Black Rock
WB157094; Brindle
Larica's Florencia
(F) 12/07/1964
WA530093; Fawn
Am CH Bernadette's Ayo V Meadowland
WA957119; Brindle
Cannibal's Inger Von Neff
Aristotle Molasses von Neff
WD112329; Brindle
Anadane's Bandmaster II
(M) 06/14/1978
Anadane's Bittersweet
(F) 06/14/1978
WE108846; Brindle
CH Ding's Bit'o'honey
Am CH Dings Golden Sunset Vgerhard
Gerhards Peaches & Cream
Cannibal's Mona Lisa Von Neff
CH Jean's Ezekiel Ringo Von Neff
Am CH Jeans Ezekiel Ringo Von Neff
Am & Can Ch Jean's Lil Zucha
(F) 01/24/1980
Am & Can Ch Jeans Lil Zucha
Am CH Cannibals Big Red Ringo V Neff
CH Haljan's Lolita
Am CH Herr Ludwig Lance von Hossler
(M) 11/23/1963
WA411050; Brindle
Am CH Kalmar's Lucky Yancy
(M) 10/15/1962
WA286570; Fawn
Kalmar Princess of Plumfield
WB155206; Fawn
Daimler V Meistersinger
WB176297; Fawn
Baron Von Ulm
WB535373; Black / White
Black Baroness De Bexar
(F) 10/17/1971
WC437306; Black / White
Doctor J Maxwell Murphy
(M) 01/20/1975
WD316830; Black
Kalmar's Dixie Belle
Kalmar's Heidi of Apollo
WB044990; Brindle
CH Postel's Big Porthos
(M) 03/20/1969
Kalmar's Dolly
(F) 07/13/1969
WB730773; Fawn
Crispian's Crispan
WB875504; Fawn
Crispian's Luke
WE113412; Fawn
Hercules Hank
WF795394; Black
Magic Misty Dawn
(F) 02/28/1987
WF970645; Blue
Kalmar's Mayo Sampson
Tasca Lee Mayo
Kalmar's Phi-Delt
(M) 10/20/1965
WA691214; Brindle
Innisfree Morgana
WB946695; Fawn
Am CH Aragon Strider V Questenbury
WC901930; Fawn
Questenburys Hesha Besha
WC707429; Fawn
Sampson Harambee
WB680290; Brindle
The Bad Bandido
WD370314; Fawn
Knajar's Dominique
Am CH Knajar's Balletina
(F) 03/01/1969
WB413915; Fawn
Aldidane's Theo of Gwynedd
; Fawn
Aldydane's Don Giovanni
Aldydane's Wild Irish Rose
Aldydane's Fontina
Aldydane's Centerfold
(F) 07/09/1986
Aldydane's Independence
(F) 07/04/1991
Aldydane's Liberty Belle
(F) 07/04/1991
Am CH Aldydane's El Presidente
WF685722; Fawn
Glencroft's Marco Polo
(M) 07/30/2001
Larlyn's Naughty Nadya
(F) 10/13/1987
Larlyn's Noblisse Nietsche
(M) 10/13/1987
Larlyn's Nulli Secundus
(F) 10/13/1987
Larlyn's O'Jon's Rambo
(M) 04/10/1988
Larlyn's O. Henry
(M) 04/10/1988
Larlyn's Omega
(F) 04/10/1988
Ruby Hollows Straw Into Gold
(M) 06/03/2009
Aldydane's Pride at Kare-Fre
(M) 03/16/1985
Kare-Fre Allelluiah
Kare-Fre Allelvia
(F) 02/08/1987
Am CH Aldydane's Ruffian
WF751219; Fawn
Knajar's Georgie Girl
Beezy's Bandi of Woodbrook CD
(F) 12/01/1970
Beezy's Golden Fantasy
Beezy's Sweet Georgia
Knajar's Marmaduke P. Body
; Brindle
Knajar's Merrymaker
; Fawn
CH Knajar's Brandy of Belmont
(F) 03/10/1972
Knajar's Kodiak
Can Ch Knajar's Lady Iseult
; Fawn
Knajar's Scarlett O'Hara
Am & Can Ch Knajar's Sir Tristan
(M) 03/24/1974
WC735823; Fawn
CH Knajar's Tijeras
Knajar's Michele Mabel
; Brindle
Kolyer's Dolly ov Mountdania
(F) 01/10/1964
; Brindle
Kolyer's Girl Could Get Lucky
(F) 01/10/1964
WA494524; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Jason Ubu Roi
(M) 03/22/1966
WA752510; Brindle
Beaudane's Ivy
Beaudane's Sir Toner
(M) 10/19/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Kolyer's Jeff of Urban
(M) 10/09/1966
WA879289; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Kolyer's Karlen's Gar
(M) 12/19/1969
WB546288; Fawn
Karlen's Alexander Nevski
(M) 07/26/1972
; Fawn
Karlen's Sancocho
; Fawn
Kolyer's Evil Lady
Am CH Kolyer's Karlen's Shady Lady
WC315470; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Zapata de Glenville
WC334273; Fawn
Kolyer's Karlen's Kim Tiffa
; Fawn
Kolyer's Kim Kellie
; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Kim Sari
(F) 12/23/1967
WB130067; Fawn
Kolyer's Maybe Sari
; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Royal Lancer
(M) 03/22/1966
WA811299; Fawn
Kolyer's Victory Dame
WA773496; Fawn
Kolyer's Everlovin' Louis
(M) 12/16/1969
WB802048; Fawn
Kolyer's F. Louie
Kolyer's Freya v d Yellowhaven
; Fawn
Kolyer's S. F. Louie
; Fawn
Kolyer's Tory
WC243358; Fawn
Am CH Kolyers Kowtow Kim V Hedgerow
(M) 12/23/1967
WB112841; Fawn
Delihah Elenor von Sordane
960910; Fawn
Jason von Zordane
EJC451; Fawn
Ginger's Sweet Cinnamon
Am CH Kolyer's Dame Daphne CD
(F) 03/24/1973
WC452068; Fawn
Kolyer's Happy Heidi
(F) 03/24/1973
WC467856; Brindle
Kolyer's Natasha V Baierlein
Am CH Kolyer's Sunny Boy of Blue Acre
WC276751; Fawn
Am CH Kolyers Kim-Beaus Tiger Lily
(F) 03/24/1973
WC478685; Brindle
Hedgerow Big Bo Lyon's Pride
; Brindle
Am CH Hedgerow's Cygni-Kimtow of Tor
(M) 06/25/1970
WB721429; Fawn

J.j.'s Gerta Von Cygni
Am & Can Ch HedgeRow's Galahad v Camelot
(M) 02/08/1970
WB531782; Fawn
Vandanes Queen of Sheba
(F) 08/04/1973
WC629732; Fawn
Hedgerow's Lady of Castile
(F) 07/12/1970
Am CH Kolyer's Alligator Al of Glen
WB784715; Fawn
Kolyer's Cassandra Von Glen
(F) 07/03/1970
WB784714; Brindle
CH Sunhillow Starburst V Kolyer
(F) 12/24/1976
WD659190; Brindle
CH Sunhillow's Brutus Maximus
(M) 12/24/1976
Am CH Kolyer's D'Artagnan of Carmae
(M) 09/20/1970
WB963520; Fawn
Kolyer's Datya vom Rehwald
Kolyer's Hy-De-Ho of Flander's
(F) 06/25/1970
WB672404; Fawn
Kolyer's Katya vom Rehwald
(F) 09/20/1970
WB850430; Fawn
Kolyer's Surabaja Johnny
(M) 06/20/1970
; Brindle
CH Sebastian von Zordane
; Fawn
CH Taylor's Ring-A-Ding-Ding
Am CH Zamanda von Zordane
Am CH Abner's Abigail von Zamadane
(F) 09/13/1971
; Fawn
Am CH Abner's Alkyber V Zamondane
Can Ch Zelda's Danger von Gerdane
; Brindle
CH Zorro von Zordane VII
; Brindle
Kolyer's Ringo
WA472295; Brindle
Beaudane's Dagmar
Beaudane's Cassandra
Ardlyn's Ceres Sherritu UD TD
Sabila's Alexi of Ardlyn
(F) 05/02/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Wakefield's Daisy Clover
WB876409; Fawn
Beowulf of Nordane
(M) 07/20/1967
Brandy of Amscott
(F) 07/18/1967
Kolyer's Champagne Lady
WB032431; Fawn
Kolyer's Bambi of Ringtop
(F) 12/08/1969
WB501845; Brindle
Am CH Kolyer's Fiddler On The Roof
(M) 11/04/1968
WB254661; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Count Baldur V Schenk
(M) 01/19/1970
WB593811; Fawn
Cambayh of Six L's
Juno of Whitehall Farm
(F) 01/13/1980
WE547476; Fawn
Kolyer's Diana of Nordane
(F) 07/21/1967
WB133001; Brindle
Kolyer's Kim-Tsa
(M) 12/10/1969
WB594782; Fawn
Am CH Kolyer's Sunny Boy of Blue Acre
WC276751; Fawn
Kolyer's Samson V Dane-Walk
(M) 07/17/1974
Juno of Whitehall Farm
(F) 01/13/1980
WE547476; Fawn
Kolyers Kaiser V Dane-Walk
Lambert's Backwater Jack
Kolyer's Surabaja Johnny
(M) 06/20/1970
; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Kolyer's Jock von Brinkerhoff
(M) 06/09/1966
WB845666; Brindle
Kolyer's Kelee
; Brindle
Van Dane's Penelope
WB468085; Fawn
Kolyer's Lori Von Brinkerhoff
WA845667; Brindle
Black Knight of Veritas
; Black
Gunther's Charlotte Von Veritas
Gunther's Christian V Veritas
Marcus Aurelius Von Veritas
CH Kolyer's Rion
WB590257; Fawn
Miss Kep of Pequest
(F) 01/27/1968
Taylor's Fraulein Ginger
Ginger's Sweet Cinnamon
Am CH Kolyer's Dame Daphne CD
(F) 03/24/1973
WC452068; Fawn
Kolyer's Happy Heidi
(F) 03/24/1973
WC467856; Brindle
Kolyer's Natasha V Baierlein
Am CH Kolyer's Sunny Boy of Blue Acre
WC276751; Fawn
Am CH Kolyers Kim-Beaus Tiger Lily
(F) 03/24/1973
WC478685; Brindle
CH Taylor's Ring-A-Ding-Ding
Mountdania's De-Da
; Brindle
Am CH Lane's Turn Gunnar
(M) 09/03/1964
WA520662; Brindle

Cedardane's Star Hans
; Brindle
Jupiter's Adorable Diana
; Brindle
Clynmalra Chevron V Jupiter
Jupiter's Connie of White Oaks
; Fawn
Singing Sam Of Marydane
Singing Sue Of Marydane
; Brindle
Am CH Jupiter's Apollo
(M) 05/10/1966
WA766577; Fawn
Titolia's Deedle-D of Jubilee
(F) 01/28/1971
WB889765; Brindle
Titolias Brindle Juno
(F) 06/17/1972
Lane's Turn Diablo
Lane's Turn Giovanni of Larica
; Fawn
Lane's Turn Kalif
; Brindle
Lane's Turn Son of Gunnar
; Brindle
Larica's Gretelina of Warwick
; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's Dee Dee
WA74372; Brindle
Am CH Melandane's Aida
(F) 11/13/1962
WA306683; Fawn
Melandane's Bambi
(F) 05/05/1966
Am CH Melandane's Bit O'Honey
(F) 05/05/1966
WA784711; Fawn
Tamlyn's Bard's Melody of Abner
Tamlyn's Blondene of Abner
(F) 03/16/1971
Tamlyn's Bounty of Abner CD
(M) 03/16/1971
WB852428; Fawn
Melandane's Cheyenne
(M) 11/21/1967
Am CH Melandane's Cibella
(F) 11/21/1967
WB59529; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Dew Drop
(F) 03/27/1960
WA95088; Fawn

Am CH Beaudane's Aphrodite
WA294257; Fawn
Beaudane's Athena
; Fawn
Quigley's Tonka Zeus
; Brindle
Beaudane's Bally Hoo
WA398890; Fawn
Beaudane's Dagmar
Beaudane's Cassandra
Ardlyn's Ceres Sherritu UD TD
Sabila's Alexi of Ardlyn
(F) 05/02/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Wakefield's Daisy Clover
WB876409; Fawn
Am CH Beaudane's Caesar
(M) 12/28/1969
WB286744; Fawn

Ahwa Vista Sassy Mist CD
(F) 08/10/1970
WB709918; Fawn
Brandelyn's Bewitched
Am CH Brandelyn's Wizard
(M) 11/10/1973
WC503484; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Cabaret
(F) 01/14/1972
WC233601; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Funny Girl
(F) 01/18/1976
WD343442; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
Am CH Castile's Carousel
(F) 01/14/1972
WC233600; Fawn

Castile's Calliope v Mtdania
(F) 04/16/1976
WD450461; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Castile's Can Can
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's Career Girl
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's El Torro
Daimai's Castiles Rum n Coke
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
(M) 10/15/1974
WD057180; Brindle

Asta Von Friedrichs
CH Tom Dee Adana
WF400760; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Captain of Castile
(M) 12/27/1976
WD734413; Brindle
Alrojo's Li'l Tnt Barban
(F) 05/11/1980
Am CH Barban's Citation V Fog Hollow
WF098140; Brindle
Barban's Falconroc Alexander
; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Peach Parfait
Dorank's Dania V Windeehollow
CH Leia Shadowfax of Avondale
(F) 08/20/1978
WE182957; Fawn
CH Raintree's Enchantress
(F) 10/28/1982
Am CH Raintree's Tempest V Erinwood
Call Me Sir Dynamite OFA44
WE512289; Fawn
Tempest's Boojum
WF779066; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Buttercup V Winfall
WD600619; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Cover Girl
Gent's Brandy Lady of Castile
Castile's Darius v Bismarck
; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn James De Chia
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Castile's Jenny V Beaucedane
Castile's Calliope v Mtdania
(F) 04/16/1976
WD450461; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Cover Girl
Am CH Beaucedane Farrah Joana
Am & Can Ch Beaucedane's Gent Jr V Mt Dania
(M) 07/28/1983
WF 566500; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Funny Girl
(F) 01/18/1976
WD343442; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
CH Castile's Gentle Giant
CH Castile's Incredible Hulk of Meja
WE498630; Brindle
Islanders Mjb's Moses of Meja
WF820931; Brindle
CH Castile's Kassey of Meja
Castile's Loni of Deer Run
(F) 09/30/1978
WE236659; Fawn
Ashley von Reuben
(M) 07/25/1981
WF230844; Brindle
Brinlann's Ash-Lee of Deer run
(F) 07/25/1981
WF061020; Fawn
Deer Run's Danielle
WE311724; Brindle
Am CH Oak Hill's Ragtime Tempo
(F) 05/27/1981
WE979957; Fawn
Donnadanes Ted of Gypsy Hill
(M) 09/10/1979
WE453198; Brindle
Donnadane's Tame Me of Jaylor
(F) 08/18/1982
WF415563; Brindle
Samantha of Hill Forest
(F) 08/18/1982
WF641414; Fawn
Gent's Brandy Lady of Castile
Am CH Gypsy Hill's Cedar of Nuttree
WE405273; Brindle
Hite's Sir Christopher Coty
Nuttree's Cypress
WF470830; Brindle
Nuttree's Poplar
WF606467; Brindle
Nuttree's Sequoia
Hallmarks Banere of Winfall
Jobadanes Captain Marble
(M) 02/14/1978
Jobadanes Misty Morn
(F) 02/14/1978
Majestic Simon
Pedadane's Darius Hagan
Pedadane's Fanci Lucretta
(F) 02/09/1978
Am CH Pedadane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Beaucedane's Gent Jr V Mt Dania
(M) 07/28/1983
WF 566500; Brindle
Castile's Darius v Bismarck
; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn James De Chia
Castile's Jenny V Beaucedane
CH Justinian's Razzle Dazzle
Pedadane's Marcellus
(M) 02/09/1978
Am CH Penedane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Romano's Jamies Nans Donna
(F) 11/25/1977
Sheenwater Urania V Danestre
WE100948; Brindle
CH Sunhillow Starburst V Kolyer
(F) 12/24/1976
WD659190; Brindle
CH Sunhillow's Brutus Maximus
(M) 12/24/1976
Waterwoods Aar V Mountdania
Waterwoods Abba V Mountdania
WE107357; Brindle
Waterwoods Abguss Von Mountdania of Sherain
CH Waterwoods Adel V Mountdania
(F) 08/01/1978
CH Waterwoods Aura V Mountdania CD
(F) 08/25/1978
CH Windfall Stutz Bearcat v Mako
(M) 04/02/1976
; Fawn
Windfall's Mcgent of Eastwind
Winfall's Bijoux For Bayrex
(F) 04/13/1977
Winfall's Mc Gent of Eastwind
Am CH Winfall's Papillon V Mako
(F) 04/03/1976
WD487929; Brindle
Winfall's Social Butterfly
Am CH Winfalls Stutz Bearcat V Mako
(M) 04/03/1976
WD378280; Fawn
Am CH Woodcliff's Sister Carrie
(F) 11/04/1979
Cedardane's Roman Esquiline
; Fawn
Cedardane's Wondrous Pietro
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Lorre
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Penny
; Fawn
Cedardane's Roman Viminal
; Fawn
Can Ch Dane-Acre's Great Condor
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Bold Bandit II
(M) 01/05/1977
Am CH Patrikel's Fawn Elite
; Fawn
CH Patrikel's Mr. Aristocrat
; Fawn
Rampage Dane Sahsha
Rampage Rajah
Debbie Kim's Queenie
; Fawn
Von Nick's Duchess
(F) 12/27/1971
WC624670; Brindle
Deldane's Portrait in Gold
; Fawn
Lane's Turn Sultan III
Locust Hill's Diamond Lil
; Fawn
Meadowbrook's Bathsheba
WD162089; Fawn
Majestic Simon
Am CH Mountdania's Alice Chalmers
(F) 10/15/1974
WC933865; Brindle
Mtdania Atheni O Waldenthree CD
(F) 06/27/1975
WD150660; Brindle
Wendy's Little Ceaser
Lady Natasha II
(F) 06/30/1970
WC063345; Fawn
Int Ch Beaudane's Jason
(M) 12/28/1968
WB289563; Fawn
Mountdania's Archie Bunker
(M) 12/01/1971
WC082387; Fawn
Mountdania's Tara
(F) 12/01/1971
WC063626; Fawn
Deldane's Portrait in Gold
; Fawn
Beaudane's Beauregarde
; Fawn
Jade's Bellwhether of Mt Dania
; Brindle
Bellwhether's Bailwick
; Fawn
Ravinton's Bonnie Parker
; Brindle
Am CH Beaudane's Countessa V Brenlar
Beaudane's Crown Jewel
WA 559133; Fawn

Fair Lady V Beelen Beaudane's Heathcliff of Breniar
(M) 04/05/1968
WB 121616; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Heather
(F) 03/25/1972
WC179825; Fawn

Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
Mountdania's Hethmor v Brenlar
; Fawn
Beaudane's Lotsahell
; Brindle
Beaudane's Sir Toner
(M) 10/19/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Beaudane's Hedy of Mountdania
(F) 04/05/1968
WB130240; Fawn

Mountdania's Archie Bunker
(M) 12/01/1971
WC082387; Fawn
Mountdania's Tara
(F) 12/01/1971
WC063626; Fawn
Deldane's Portrait in Gold
; Fawn
Beaudane's Kristal
WB373892; Fawn
Am CH Beaudane's Morocco
(M) 02/28/1971
WB929679; Brindle
Dusty Lady of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Striped Angel
WD845963; Brindle
Alexandra of Deer Run
Fairdane's Brindle Rhopsody
Shona of Fairdane
Am CH Beaudane's Sunhollow V Brenlar
(F) 06/10/1976
Deer Run's Beaudane Ben
WD629259; Brindle
Deer Run's Striped Angel
WD845963; Brindle
Deer Run's Cool Hand Luke
Islanders Moki V Deer Run
(M) 04/27/1983
WF467264; Brindle
Deer Run's Tequila
Dunlap's Simba of Deer Run
Chessie Sundance of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Almost Heaven
WE428732; Fawn
Kolyer's Freda of Glen
(F) 05/14/1975
WD509037; Brindle
Am CH Kolyer's Big-Ben-Again
(M) 09/16/1976
WD740515; Brindle
Sanlodane's Zaire
WC898252; Black
Sanlodane's My Beau
(M) 08/12/1976
WD617473; Brindle
Sanlodane's True Grit
(M) 08/12/1976
; Brindle
Titandane's Tangier
(M) 02/11/1973
; Brindle
Titandane's Timimoun
(M) 02/11/1973
ECB686; Fawn
Tra Mar's Beaudane's Gretchen
J.j.'s Gerta Von Cygni
Knajar's Beaudane's Moonraker
CH Knajar's Brandy of Belmont
(F) 03/10/1972
Hedy of Mountdania
Am CH Mountdania's Gillian
(F) 01/13/1965
WA621829; Brindle

Karlen's Dyan of Mountdania
WB363679; Brindle
Karlen's Alexander Nevski
(M) 07/26/1972
; Fawn
Karlen's Machinegun Harry
(M) 08/19/1974
WC892341; Brindle
Mountdania's Timberli
(F) 05/23/1969
WB357058; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Glamour Girl
(F) 02/21/1962
WA243777; Brindle

Danel's Angee of Mountdania
WA434701; Fawn
Am CH Rondajon's Ali Khan
(M) 09/25/1965
WA668030; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn

Karlen's Dyan of Mountdania
WB363679; Brindle
Karlen's Alexander Nevski
(M) 07/26/1972
; Fawn
Karlen's Machinegun Harry
(M) 08/19/1974
WC892341; Brindle
Mountdania's Timberli
(F) 05/23/1969
WB357058; Fawn
Beaudane's Kristal
WB373892; Fawn
Am CH Beaudane's Morocco
(M) 02/28/1971
WB929679; Brindle
Dusty Lady of Deer Run
; Fawn
Alexandra of Deer Run
Am CH Beaudane's Sunhollow V Brenlar
(F) 06/10/1976
Deer Run's Beaudane Ben
WD629259; Brindle
Deer Run's Tequila
Dunlap's Simba of Deer Run
Kolyer's Freda of Glen
(F) 05/14/1975
WD509037; Brindle
Sanlodane's Zaire
WC898252; Black
Titandane's Tangier
(M) 02/11/1973
; Brindle
Titandane's Timimoun
(M) 02/11/1973
ECB686; Fawn
Tra Mar's Beaudane's Gretchen
Knajar's Beaudane's Moonraker
CH Knajar's Brandy of Belmont
(F) 03/10/1972
Ashbun Acres Affidavit
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Barnstormer
WC547226; Brindle
Am CH Ashbun Acres Avalanche
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981688; Fawn

Addidas Chamomile CD
(F) 10/27/1975
WE512716; Brindle
Da-Bar's Paleo Happi go Lucky
; Fawn
Can Ch Goldcrest's Aszure Dee
Can Ch Goldcrest's Golden Chancellor
; Fawn
Kwazar's Sound of Nightwind
Ozark Crest Forest Fire
WD189171; Fawn
Am CH Ozark Crest Jobi's Tidal Wave
(F) 06/25/1975
WD186221; Fawn
Paleo's Shazam of Ozarkcrest
; Fawn
Am CH Summershine's Bon E von Jocala
(F) 05/26/1975
WD173702; Fawn
CH Jocala Omegan Alchemy
(M) 06/20/1978
WE101301; Fawn
CH Teddington's Pseudonym
(M) 07/22/1976
WD550573; Fawn
Titandane's Thunderbolt
(M) 05/26/1976
WD988503; Fawn
Titandane's Tidal Wave
(F) 05/26/1976
HJ62194 / WE567400; Fawn
Titandane's Tradewind CDX
() 05/26/1976
; Brindle
Can Ch Titandane's Trailblazer
(M) 05/17/1975
WD493350 / GJ1700; Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's TransAtlantic
(F) 05/17/1975
WD493351; Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's Transcontinent
(M) 05/17/1975
; Fawn
Titandane's Transit
Can Ch Titandane's Transoceanic
(M) 05/17/1975
; Fawn
Am CH Titandane's Traveller
(M) 05/17/1975
CKCSTBGJ1706; Fawn
Titandane's Typhoon
(M) 05/26/1976
; Fawn
Tracy's Dandi-Lion
CH Teddington's Pseudonym
(M) 07/22/1976
WD550573; Fawn
Am CH Wagon Ho's Jotunn Rainstorm
WD227612; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn

Danefield's Bambi V Fourleaf
(F) 01/09/1975
WC997580; Fawn
Am CH Danefield Crystl V Daneadair
(F) 02/23/1978
Danefield's Bogie Daneadair
(M) 01/31/1979
WE218352; Fawn
Am CH Danefield's Elegante Tigre
(M) 02/23/1978
WE009949; Brindle
Fourleaf's Joshua V. Hannibal
Fourleaf's Rock-E-Feller
Fourleaf's Gypsy
Alfie's Benji-Mine of Miramor
Alfie's Honey Rose of Miramor
Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Alfie's Sonja of Miramor
CH Alfie's Tristan of Miramor
Alfo Avolon von Ravenna CD
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Ashbun Acres Koenig
Blackwell's Kevi of Yoredane
WD123180; Fawn
Bodane Escort V Capucine
(M) 01/15/1978
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
Boea del Rey v Ravenna
Am CH Brandelyn Derek of Woodcliff
(M) 04/16/1975
WD82845; Fawn
Brandelyn's Beridwen
(F) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Am CH Brandelyn's Derek of Woodcliff
(M) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Brandelyn's Keridwen
(F) 04/16/1975
WD141567; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Brandelyn's Rhiannon
(F) 04/16/1975
WD141563; Fawn
Am CH Brandelyn's Tantamount
(M) 04/16/1975
WD252161; Fawn
Brandelyn's Walkin' Tall
(M) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Careosel's Cordon Bleau
Dachi's Tam O'Shanter
; Fawn
Am CH Daichi's Drumbshanbo
Daichi's Irish Mist
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Daichi's Little Miss Britches
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Daichi's Tam O'Shanter
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Danemark's Paramour V Ridge Lo
Del-Orado A-Jay Marston CD
Devrok's George of Danehouse
Devrok's Sunlight
(M) 06/16/1976
DKK08674/78; Fawn
BIS Am & Can Ch Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane
(M) 04/03/1975
WD291011; Fawn
Int Ch Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse
WD118524 / S30467/76; Fawn
Diablero's Baratto
(M) 08/11/1978
WE159566; Fawn
Diablero's Beau Geste
(M) 08/11/1978
WE159564; Fawn
Diablero's Desiree
(F) 08/11/1978
WE159565; Fawn
Diablero's Natasha
(F) 08/11/1978
WE110122; Fawn
Am CH Fowler's Forget Me Not
WD802501; Brindle
Fowler's Salute Me
WE187788; Fawn
Am CH Gebet Brandelyn Avant Viking
(M) 04/16/1975
WD081556; Fawn
Gebet's Cinnamon Tree
Glorilane Quest of Daneboa
Goodland's Tlaloc
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Am CH Hayron's Pretty Penny
WC664061; Fawn
HayRon's Royal Ransome
Am CH Honey Lane's Once Upon a Dream
WD226969; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
Can Ch Honey Lane's Ovation
WD220032; Fawn
Honey Lane's Somethin' Special
; Fawn
Am CH Jenlyn's Ms Helen Coates
; Fawn
Am CH Jeritas the Midas Touch
Jonlyn's J P Hanover
Am CH Jonlyn's Miss Elizabeth Z
WC890571; Brindle
Am CH Jonlyn's Ms Helen Coates
(F) 02/26/1978
WD952641; Fawn
Jonlyn's Razzle Dazzle Me
CH Jonlyn's Rush Street Boss
(M) 02/26/1978
; Fawn
CH Lazycroft Zoe Sandale
(F) 03/16/1979
Lord Duffus of Morstondane
Marmita de Oro Campana
Marmita De Oro De Campana
Am CH Marstondane's Javelin
(F) 01/13/1974
WC693595; Fawn
Merrimac Cascade of Lakeland
Mibar's Cavalier of Miramor
WD535818; Fawn
Mibar's Terra of Miramor
Mibar's Vanir of Miramor
Miss Cutty Sark Avant Garde
Morstondane's Hercules
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
(M) 12/27/1975
WD358051; Brindle
Deer Run's Mountdania Phoebe
WE067446; Fawn
Ashley von Reuben
(M) 07/25/1981
WF230844; Brindle
Brinlann's Ash-Lee of Deer run
(F) 07/25/1981
WF061020; Fawn
CH Desert Springs Cynthia Davis
Am CH Gary Davis
WE264048; Brindle
CH Joanne Davis
WE264049; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Miss Lucki
(F) 07/24/1977
WE179343; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Serendipity CD
(F) 07/24/1977
WD807052; Brindle
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
MT Dania's Sweet Georgia Brown
(F) 12/27/1975
WD291732; Brindle
Am CH Perridane's Reno
(M) 02/22/1975
WD200337; Fawn
Am CH Psyche's Aurora V Ravenna
WC473840; Fawn
Boea del Rey v Ravenna
Ravenna's All About Alfie
; Fawn
Ravenna's Astalfo of Orlando
Am CH Reann Granada's Fiesta
Am & Can Ch Reann's Forever Amber
WE201757; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
Calumets Aphrodite
(F) 03/28/1981
WE878431; Brindle
CH Reann's French Connection
(M) 12/12/1978
WE222461; Fawn
Ridge-Lo's Naughty Nannette
; Fawn
Ridge-Lo's Private Eye
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sandybrook Stone Fox V Enzian
(F) 06/01/1975
WD141756; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Shasta of Steeplewood
Sheboane's Tangy Waldenthree
CK76389; Fawn
Sheenwater Jacaranda
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jackpot
Sheenwater Jambalya
; Fawn
Sheenwater Jealous One
WC723489; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Joie De Vivre
(F) 02/26/1974
WC723488; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Dealer's Choice
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jubilee
WC723485; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Kiss and Tell
Am CH Sheenwater Knick Knack
KCJ 3.GD-1675; Fawn
CH Sunnyside Apollo O'Mark
CH Sunnyside Aurora O'Knick
Am CH Sheenwater Knock Out
(M) 02/03/1975
WD096143; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Chessie Sundance of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Almost Heaven
WE428732; Fawn
Fairdane's Brindle Rhopsody
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Shona of Fairdane
Am CH Sheenwater Koenig V Ashbun A
(M) 02/03/1975
WD009948; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Live Wire
Ashbun Acres Luck of the Draw
(F) 06/01/1981
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Nemesis
(M) 05/17/1982
Sheenwater Lily's Laughter
Sylvia's Bon Chancy
(M) 10/15/1974
WD144116; Fawn
Waldenthree's Minnehaha
(F) 06/14/1976
WD568046; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Tecumseh
(M) 06/14/1976
WD460381; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Mr. President
(M) 05/03/1975
WD132051; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Ms D.D. Marston
WC678941; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Solitaire
(F) 12/16/1976
WD674871; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Honey Lane's Gentle on My Mind
WD473514; Brindle
Am CH Yoredane's Solitaire
(F) 12/16/1976
WD674871; Fawn
Murlo Shiloh
; Fawn
Am CH Danel's Caius of Mountdania
WA804395; Fawn
Brightfield Danel's Darius
(F) 08/01/1968
; Fawn
Brightfield Danel's Delilah
(F) 08/01/1968
WB208056; Fawn
Bob's Hide'n'seek of Pine Grove
WC241786; Fawn
Deer Run's Mountdania Phoebe
WE067446; Fawn
Deer Run's Danielle
WE311724; Brindle
Dusty Lady of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Striped Angel
WD845963; Brindle
Kimbayh's Carrie of Deer Run
Am CH Brightfield's Most Hannibal
(M) 08/01/1968
WB211181; Fawn
Danericks Delilah ex Deanvyu
; Fawn
Robmars Joshua Smith
Danel's Danyele of Clamordane
(F) 08/01/1968
; Fawn
Am CH Beaudane's Caesar
(M) 12/28/1969
WB286744; Fawn

Ahwa Vista Sassy Mist CD
(F) 08/10/1970
WB709918; Fawn
Brandelyn's Bewitched
Am CH Brandelyn's Wizard
(M) 11/10/1973
WC503484; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Cabaret
(F) 01/14/1972
WC233601; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Funny Girl
(F) 01/18/1976
WD343442; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
Am CH Castile's Carousel
(F) 01/14/1972
WC233600; Fawn

Castile's Calliope v Mtdania
(F) 04/16/1976
WD450461; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Castile's Can Can
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's Career Girl
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's El Torro
Daimai's Castiles Rum n Coke
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
(M) 10/15/1974
WD057180; Brindle

Asta Von Friedrichs
CH Tom Dee Adana
WF400760; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Captain of Castile
(M) 12/27/1976
WD734413; Brindle
Alrojo's Li'l Tnt Barban
(F) 05/11/1980
Am CH Barban's Citation V Fog Hollow
WF098140; Brindle
Barban's Falconroc Alexander
; Fawn
Am CH Barban's Peach Parfait
Dorank's Dania V Windeehollow
CH Leia Shadowfax of Avondale
(F) 08/20/1978
WE182957; Fawn
CH Raintree's Enchantress
(F) 10/28/1982
Am CH Raintree's Tempest V Erinwood
Call Me Sir Dynamite OFA44
WE512289; Fawn
Tempest's Boojum
WF779066; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Buttercup V Winfall
WD600619; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Cover Girl
Gent's Brandy Lady of Castile
Castile's Darius v Bismarck
; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn James De Chia
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Castile's Jenny V Beaucedane
Castile's Calliope v Mtdania
(F) 04/16/1976
WD450461; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Cover Girl
Am CH Beaucedane Farrah Joana
Am & Can Ch Beaucedane's Gent Jr V Mt Dania
(M) 07/28/1983
WF 566500; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Funny Girl
(F) 01/18/1976
WD343442; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
CH Castile's Gentle Giant
CH Castile's Incredible Hulk of Meja
WE498630; Brindle
Islanders Mjb's Moses of Meja
WF820931; Brindle
CH Castile's Kassey of Meja
Castile's Loni of Deer Run
(F) 09/30/1978
WE236659; Fawn
Ashley von Reuben
(M) 07/25/1981
WF230844; Brindle
Brinlann's Ash-Lee of Deer run
(F) 07/25/1981
WF061020; Fawn
Deer Run's Danielle
WE311724; Brindle
Am CH Oak Hill's Ragtime Tempo
(F) 05/27/1981
WE979957; Fawn
Donnadanes Ted of Gypsy Hill
(M) 09/10/1979
WE453198; Brindle
Donnadane's Tame Me of Jaylor
(F) 08/18/1982
WF415563; Brindle
Samantha of Hill Forest
(F) 08/18/1982
WF641414; Fawn
Gent's Brandy Lady of Castile
Am CH Gypsy Hill's Cedar of Nuttree
WE405273; Brindle
Hite's Sir Christopher Coty
Nuttree's Cypress
WF470830; Brindle
Nuttree's Poplar
WF606467; Brindle
Nuttree's Sequoia
Hallmarks Banere of Winfall
Jobadanes Captain Marble
(M) 02/14/1978
Jobadanes Misty Morn
(F) 02/14/1978
Majestic Simon
Pedadane's Darius Hagan
Pedadane's Fanci Lucretta
(F) 02/09/1978
Am CH Pedadane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Beaucedane's Gent Jr V Mt Dania
(M) 07/28/1983
WF 566500; Brindle
Castile's Darius v Bismarck
; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn James De Chia
Castile's Jenny V Beaucedane
CH Justinian's Razzle Dazzle
Pedadane's Marcellus
(M) 02/09/1978
Am CH Penedane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Romano's Jamies Nans Donna
(F) 11/25/1977
Sheenwater Urania V Danestre
WE100948; Brindle
CH Sunhillow Starburst V Kolyer
(F) 12/24/1976
WD659190; Brindle
CH Sunhillow's Brutus Maximus
(M) 12/24/1976
Waterwoods Aar V Mountdania
Waterwoods Abba V Mountdania
WE107357; Brindle
Waterwoods Abguss Von Mountdania of Sherain
CH Waterwoods Adel V Mountdania
(F) 08/01/1978
CH Waterwoods Aura V Mountdania CD
(F) 08/25/1978
CH Windfall Stutz Bearcat v Mako
(M) 04/02/1976
; Fawn
Windfall's Mcgent of Eastwind
Winfall's Bijoux For Bayrex
(F) 04/13/1977
Winfall's Mc Gent of Eastwind
Am CH Winfall's Papillon V Mako
(F) 04/03/1976
WD487929; Brindle
Winfall's Social Butterfly
Am CH Winfalls Stutz Bearcat V Mako
(M) 04/03/1976
WD378280; Fawn
Am CH Woodcliff's Sister Carrie
(F) 11/04/1979
Cedardane's Roman Esquiline
; Fawn
Cedardane's Wondrous Pietro
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Lorre
Cedardane's Razzy Peter Penny
; Fawn
Cedardane's Roman Viminal
; Fawn
Can Ch Dane-Acre's Great Condor
; Fawn
Dane-Acre's Bold Bandit II
(M) 01/05/1977
Am CH Patrikel's Fawn Elite
; Fawn
CH Patrikel's Mr. Aristocrat
; Fawn
Rampage Dane Sahsha
Rampage Rajah
Debbie Kim's Queenie
; Fawn
Von Nick's Duchess
(F) 12/27/1971
WC624670; Brindle
Deldane's Portrait in Gold
; Fawn
Lane's Turn Sultan III
Locust Hill's Diamond Lil
; Fawn
Meadowbrook's Bathsheba
WD162089; Fawn
Majestic Simon
Am CH Mountdania's Alice Chalmers
(F) 10/15/1974
WC933865; Brindle
Mtdania Atheni O Waldenthree CD
(F) 06/27/1975
WD150660; Brindle
Wendy's Little Ceaser
Lady Natasha II
(F) 06/30/1970
WC063345; Fawn
Fair Lady V Beelen Beaudane's Heathcliff of Breniar
(M) 04/05/1968
WB 121616; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Heather
(F) 03/25/1972
WC179825; Fawn

Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
Mountdania's Hethmor v Brenlar
; Fawn
Beaudane's Lotsahell
; Brindle
Beaudane's Sir Toner
(M) 10/19/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Beaudane's Hedy of Mountdania
(F) 04/05/1968
WB130240; Fawn

Mountdania's Archie Bunker
(M) 12/01/1971
WC082387; Fawn
Mountdania's Tara
(F) 12/01/1971
WC063626; Fawn
Deldane's Portrait in Gold
; Fawn
Int Ch Beaudane's Jason
(M) 12/28/1968
WB289563; Fawn
Mountdania's Archie Bunker
(M) 12/01/1971
WC082387; Fawn
Mountdania's Tara
(F) 12/01/1971
WC063626; Fawn
Deldane's Portrait in Gold
; Fawn
Golden Babe of Westwynd
; Fawn
Cameron's Calpurnia
WB860778; Brindle
Am CH Robmars Fanci
WC775343; Fawn
Pedadane's Darius Hagan
Pedadane's Fanci Lucretta
(F) 02/09/1978
Am CH Pedadane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Pedadane's Marcellus
(M) 02/09/1978
Am CH Penedane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am CH Robmars Fantasy of Jamelyn
(F) 10/04/1973
WC661466; Brindle
Mountdania's Miss Mischief
(F) 07/13/1969
WB404617; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Heather
(F) 03/25/1972
WC179825; Fawn
Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
Mountdania's Hethmor v Brenlar
; Fawn
Hedy of Mountdania
Lenka of Mountdania
; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Cabaret
(F) 01/14/1972
WC233601; Fawn
Am CH Castile's Funny Girl
(F) 01/18/1976
WD343442; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
Am CH Castile's Carousel
(F) 01/14/1972
WC233600; Fawn

Castile's Calliope v Mtdania
(F) 04/16/1976
WD450461; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Castile's Can Can
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's Career Girl
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's El Torro
Daimai's Castiles Rum n Coke
Mountdania's Roseanna
; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's Timber
(M) 12/05/1967
WB107539; Fawn

Karlen's Dyan of Mountdania
WB363679; Brindle
Karlen's Alexander Nevski
(M) 07/26/1972
; Fawn
Karlen's Machinegun Harry
(M) 08/19/1974
WC892341; Brindle
Mountdania's Timberli
(F) 05/23/1969
WB357058; Fawn
Beaudane's Kristal
WB373892; Fawn
Am CH Beaudane's Morocco
(M) 02/28/1971
WB929679; Brindle
Dusty Lady of Deer Run
; Fawn
Alexandra of Deer Run
Am CH Beaudane's Sunhollow V Brenlar
(F) 06/10/1976
Deer Run's Beaudane Ben
WD629259; Brindle
Deer Run's Tequila
Dunlap's Simba of Deer Run
Kolyer's Freda of Glen
(F) 05/14/1975
WD509037; Brindle
Sanlodane's Zaire
WC898252; Black
Titandane's Tangier
(M) 02/11/1973
; Brindle
Titandane's Timimoun
(M) 02/11/1973
ECB686; Fawn
Tra Mar's Beaudane's Gretchen
Knajar's Beaudane's Moonraker
CH Knajar's Brandy of Belmont
(F) 03/10/1972
Ashbun Acres Affidavit
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Barnstormer
WC547226; Brindle
Am CH Ashbun Acres Avalanche
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981688; Fawn

Addidas Chamomile CD
(F) 10/27/1975
WE512716; Brindle
Da-Bar's Paleo Happi go Lucky
; Fawn
Can Ch Goldcrest's Aszure Dee
Can Ch Goldcrest's Golden Chancellor
; Fawn
Kwazar's Sound of Nightwind
Ozark Crest Forest Fire
WD189171; Fawn
Am CH Ozark Crest Jobi's Tidal Wave
(F) 06/25/1975
WD186221; Fawn
Paleo's Shazam of Ozarkcrest
; Fawn
Am CH Summershine's Bon E von Jocala
(F) 05/26/1975
WD173702; Fawn
CH Jocala Omegan Alchemy
(M) 06/20/1978
WE101301; Fawn
CH Teddington's Pseudonym
(M) 07/22/1976
WD550573; Fawn
Titandane's Thunderbolt
(M) 05/26/1976
WD988503; Fawn
Titandane's Tidal Wave
(F) 05/26/1976
HJ62194 / WE567400; Fawn
Titandane's Tradewind CDX
() 05/26/1976
; Brindle
Can Ch Titandane's Trailblazer
(M) 05/17/1975
WD493350 / GJ1700; Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's TransAtlantic
(F) 05/17/1975
WD493351; Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's Transcontinent
(M) 05/17/1975
; Fawn
Titandane's Transit
Can Ch Titandane's Transoceanic
(M) 05/17/1975
; Fawn
Am CH Titandane's Traveller
(M) 05/17/1975
CKCSTBGJ1706; Fawn
Titandane's Typhoon
(M) 05/26/1976
; Fawn
Tracy's Dandi-Lion
CH Teddington's Pseudonym
(M) 07/22/1976
WD550573; Fawn
Am CH Wagon Ho's Jotunn Rainstorm
WD227612; Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn

Danefield's Bambi V Fourleaf
(F) 01/09/1975
WC997580; Fawn
Am CH Danefield Crystl V Daneadair
(F) 02/23/1978
Danefield's Bogie Daneadair
(M) 01/31/1979
WE218352; Fawn
Am CH Danefield's Elegante Tigre
(M) 02/23/1978
WE009949; Brindle
Fourleaf's Joshua V. Hannibal
Fourleaf's Rock-E-Feller
Fourleaf's Gypsy
Alfie's Benji-Mine of Miramor
Alfie's Honey Rose of Miramor
Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Alfie's Sonja of Miramor
CH Alfie's Tristan of Miramor
Alfo Avolon von Ravenna CD
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Ashbun Acres Koenig
Blackwell's Kevi of Yoredane
WD123180; Fawn
Bodane Escort V Capucine
(M) 01/15/1978
Am CH Bodane Tourister
(M) 01/15/1978
WE26197; Fawn
Boea del Rey v Ravenna
Am CH Brandelyn Derek of Woodcliff
(M) 04/16/1975
WD82845; Fawn
Brandelyn's Beridwen
(F) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Am CH Brandelyn's Derek of Woodcliff
(M) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Brandelyn's Keridwen
(F) 04/16/1975
WD141567; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Brandelyn's Rhiannon
(F) 04/16/1975
WD141563; Fawn
Am CH Brandelyn's Tantamount
(M) 04/16/1975
WD252161; Fawn
Brandelyn's Walkin' Tall
(M) 04/16/1975
; Fawn
Careosel's Cordon Bleau
Dachi's Tam O'Shanter
; Fawn
Am CH Daichi's Drumbshanbo
Daichi's Irish Mist
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Daichi's Little Miss Britches
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Daichi's Tam O'Shanter
(F) 03/17/1974
; Fawn
Danemark's Paramour V Ridge Lo
Del-Orado A-Jay Marston CD
Devrok's George of Danehouse
Devrok's Sunlight
(M) 06/16/1976
DKK08674/78; Fawn
BIS Am & Can Ch Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane
(M) 04/03/1975
WD291011; Fawn
Int Ch Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse
WD118524 / S30467/76; Fawn
Diablero's Baratto
(M) 08/11/1978
WE159566; Fawn
Diablero's Beau Geste
(M) 08/11/1978
WE159564; Fawn
Diablero's Desiree
(F) 08/11/1978
WE159565; Fawn
Diablero's Natasha
(F) 08/11/1978
WE110122; Fawn
Am CH Fowler's Forget Me Not
WD802501; Brindle
Fowler's Salute Me
WE187788; Fawn
Am CH Gebet Brandelyn Avant Viking
(M) 04/16/1975
WD081556; Fawn
Gebet's Cinnamon Tree
Glorilane Quest of Daneboa
Goodland's Tlaloc
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Am CH Hayron's Pretty Penny
WC664061; Fawn
HayRon's Royal Ransome
Am CH Honey Lane's Once Upon a Dream
WD226969; Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's One More Time
(F) 09/16/1975
WD259113; Fawn
Can Ch Honey Lane's Ovation
WD220032; Fawn
Honey Lane's Somethin' Special
; Fawn
Am CH Jenlyn's Ms Helen Coates
; Fawn
Am CH Jeritas the Midas Touch
Jonlyn's J P Hanover
Am CH Jonlyn's Miss Elizabeth Z
WC890571; Brindle
Am CH Jonlyn's Ms Helen Coates
(F) 02/26/1978
WD952641; Fawn
Jonlyn's Razzle Dazzle Me
CH Jonlyn's Rush Street Boss
(M) 02/26/1978
; Fawn
CH Lazycroft Zoe Sandale
(F) 03/16/1979
Lord Duffus of Morstondane
Marmita de Oro Campana
Marmita De Oro De Campana
Am CH Marstondane's Javelin
(F) 01/13/1974
WC693595; Fawn
Merrimac Cascade of Lakeland
Mibar's Cavalier of Miramor
WD535818; Fawn
Mibar's Terra of Miramor
Mibar's Vanir of Miramor
Miss Cutty Sark Avant Garde
Morstondane's Hercules
BISS BIS Am Ch Mountdania's Ashley ROM HOF
(M) 12/27/1975
WD358051; Brindle
Deer Run's Mountdania Phoebe
WE067446; Fawn
Ashley von Reuben
(M) 07/25/1981
WF230844; Brindle
Brinlann's Ash-Lee of Deer run
(F) 07/25/1981
WF061020; Fawn
CH Desert Springs Cynthia Davis
Am CH Gary Davis
WE264048; Brindle
CH Joanne Davis
WE264049; Brindle
Longridge's Special K
Am CH Mountdania's Dana
(F) 04/27/1980
WE627588; Brindle
Am CH Mountdania's Meg of Janik
(F) 04/18/1981
WE875741; Brindle
Mtdania's Bali Hai Vcaroldane
(F) 04/27/1980
WE757452; Fawn
Am CH Mtdania's Luv Bug V Deldane
(F) 06/12/1979
WE382023; Brindle
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Miss Lucki
(F) 07/24/1977
WE179343; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Serendipity CD
(F) 07/24/1977
WD807052; Brindle
Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
MT Dania's Sweet Georgia Brown
(F) 12/27/1975
WD291732; Brindle
Am CH Perridane's Reno
(M) 02/22/1975
WD200337; Fawn
Am CH Psyche's Aurora V Ravenna
WC473840; Fawn
Boea del Rey v Ravenna
Ravenna's All About Alfie
; Fawn
Ravenna's Astalfo of Orlando
Am CH Reann Granada's Fiesta
Am & Can Ch Reann's Forever Amber
WE201757; Fawn
BISS Am & Can Ch Reann's French Aristocrat ROM HOF
(M) 12/12/1978
WE208999; Fawn
Calumets Aphrodite
(F) 03/28/1981
WE878431; Brindle
CH Reann's French Connection
(M) 12/12/1978
WE222461; Fawn
Ridge-Lo's Naughty Nannette
; Fawn
Ridge-Lo's Private Eye
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sandybrook Stone Fox V Enzian
(F) 06/01/1975
WD141756; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Shasta of Steeplewood
Sheboane's Tangy Waldenthree
CK76389; Fawn
Sheenwater Jacaranda
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jackpot
Sheenwater Jambalya
; Fawn
Sheenwater Jealous One
WC723489; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Joie De Vivre
(F) 02/26/1974
WC723488; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild
WC723487; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Dealer's Choice
; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Jubilee
WC723485; Fawn
Am CH Sheenwater Kiss and Tell
Am CH Sheenwater Knick Knack
KCJ 3.GD-1675; Fawn
CH Sunnyside Apollo O'Mark
CH Sunnyside Aurora O'Knick
Am CH Sheenwater Knock Out
(M) 02/03/1975
WD096143; Fawn
Am CH Alexander of Mountdania
WF178339; Fawn
Chessie Sundance of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Almost Heaven
WE428732; Fawn
Fairdane's Brindle Rhopsody
Am CH Mountdania's K G Malone
(M) 05/09/1986
WF164499; Fawn
Shona of Fairdane
Am CH Sheenwater Koenig V Ashbun A
(M) 02/03/1975
WD009948; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Live Wire
Ashbun Acres Luck of the Draw
(F) 06/01/1981
; Fawn
Ashbun Acres Nemesis
(M) 05/17/1982
Sheenwater Lily's Laughter
Sylvia's Bon Chancy
(M) 10/15/1974
WD144116; Fawn
Waldenthree's Minnehaha
(F) 06/14/1976
WD568046; Fawn
Am CH Waldenthree's Tecumseh
(M) 06/14/1976
WD460381; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Mr. President
(M) 05/03/1975
WD132051; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Ms D.D. Marston
WC678941; Fawn
Am CH Yoredane's Solitaire
(F) 12/16/1976
WD674871; Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Axel
(M) 09/22/1971
WB994652; Fawn
Honey Lane's Gentle on My Mind
WD473514; Brindle
Am CH Yoredane's Solitaire
(F) 12/16/1976
WD674871; Fawn
Murlo Shiloh
; Fawn
Troy of Mountdania
; Brindle
Am CH Westwynd's Landar
(M) 12/18/1967
WB100395; Fawn
Beezy's Bandi of Woodbrook CD
(F) 12/01/1970
Beezy's Golden Fantasy
Beezy's Sweet Georgia
Knajar's Marmaduke P. Body
; Brindle
Am CH Danel's Gunnar of Mountdania
(M) 11/24/1963
WA413927; Brindle
Knajar's Crindle
Knajar's Rufus
; Brindle
Falconroc Escapade Louis Bourg
(F) 04/29/1972
Louis Bourg Legacy v Falconroc
() 07/02/1974
; Brindle
Falconroc Lord Essex
(M) 04/29/1972
Daniel's Angee of Mountdania
Daniel's Caius of Mountdania
; Fawn
Am CH Greenwood's Ara of Danel M'Td'a
(F) 11/24/1963
WA420650; Fawn
Ara's Contessa of Greenwood
; Fawn
Granville's Irish Dee Dee
; Fawn
Greenwood's Irish Peter
Irish Born to Stardom
; Fawn
Irish I Love Limelight
; Fawn
Irish Natural Talent
Can Ch Irish Pete of Regdane
; Fawn
Greenwood's Big Girl
(F) 12/08/1966
Am CH Greenwood's Zip Again
(M) 12/08/1966
WA961710; Brindle
Sampson of Greenwood
Stornoway's Imp of Greenwood
; Brindle
The Earl of Greenwood
(M) 12/08/1966
WA967333; Fawn
Zip's Devil of Greenwood
; Fawn
Devil's Fury of Indian Bend
Samoset of Indian Bend
(M) 02/15/1969
WB324856; Fawn
Am CH Westex's Ouije of Mountdania
WA973099; Fawn
Westex's Canute
Westex's Charlie the Moose
Westex's F Soliman
WC015806; Fawn
Westex's Falstaff
Am CH Mountdania's Jaunty Jed
(M) 12/11/1962
WA314188; Fawn

Caesar of Westwynd
; Fawn
Am CH Craig's Saar of Greenbrier
WA507034; Brindle
Am CH Gen-Ton's Sulton of Stonehouse
(M) 06/12/1967
WA985241; Brindle
Cedardane's Cathian Suleiman
CH Cedardane's Razzy Wisecrack
Cedardane's Crack Parachute
Cedardane's Crack Paragraph
Waccabuc's Bic Flicker
Waccabuc's Bison Tennial
Waccabuc's Blanket Pardon
Cedardane's Cathian Valideh CD
; Brindle
Waccabuc's Aurora Borealis
Waccabuc's Bic Flicker
Waccabuc's Bison Tennial
Waccabuc's Blanket Pardon
Charlemagne Bantry Bunhilde
Am CH Dinro A-Jay
(M) 10/22/1970
WB823798; Fawn
Castile's Can Can
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's Career Girl
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's El Torro
Daimai's Castiles Rum n Coke
Dinro Banyon
(M) 01/14/1974
WC813301; Brindle
Am CH Ambers Bromique of Skystone
(F) 06/28/1978
Ambers Charisma
WE372465; Fawn
Dinro Bocador
(M) 01/14/1974
; Fawn
Dinro Bona Dea
(F) 01/14/1974
WC773863; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Romulus
(M) 01/15/1976
WD318819; Fawn
Am CH Pinedane's Atlantis
(M) 08/20/1973
WC599267; Fawn
Can Ch Dinro Gin Fizz
(M) 06/12/1971
WC023152; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dinro Goliath
(M) 06/12/1971
WC023151; Fawn
BMW Black Sorceress
; Black
BMW Maelesh
WD781106; Harlequin
BMW Liquorice
(F) 08/10/1974
WE182561; Black
BMW Ouzo
WE232110; Black
BMW Sorceress
; Black
Am CH Dinro Legend
(M) 08/27/1975
WD406910; Fawn
Dinro Liberty of Albadanes
(M) 08/27/1975
Dinro Lorelei
(F) 08/27/1975
WD406911; Fawn
Dinro Gramercy
(F) 06/12/1971
WC040908; Brindle
Brisen's Pywacket
Am CH Chelsea's Me and My Shadow
(M) 12/23/1977
WE025011; Brindle
Am CH Chelsea's Mystery Witch
(F) 12/23/1977
WE073942; Brindle
Chelsea's Sundance V Raintree
(M) 12/23/1977
WE132096; Fawn
Kolyer's Samson V Dane-Walk
(M) 07/17/1974
Juno of Whitehall Farm
(F) 01/13/1980
WE547476; Fawn
Kolyers Kaiser V Dane-Walk
Lambert's Backwater Jack
CH Dinro Gypsy Melody
(F) 06/12/1971
Dinro Mageara
; Fawn

Dinro Embassador CD
(M) 07/24/1976
WD475677; Fawn
Candlewick's Madewood
(M) 02/03/1979
WE278073; Fawn
Candlewick's Magnolia
(F) 02/03/1979
WE278070; Fawn
Gambit Confidant V Jocala
(M) 04/14/1978
; Fawn
CH Gambit's Carte Blanche V Cojac
(F) 04/14/1978
WE041149; Fawn
CH Jocala Omegan Alchemy
(M) 06/20/1978
WE101301; Fawn
Dinro Ensign
(M) 07/24/1976
WD475676; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Mai-Tai
(F) 06/12/1972
WC262816; Fawn
Am CH Dinro H Lovett
(M) 12/21/1974
WD299269; Fawn
Corainder's Annie Lovett
; Black
Coriander Annie Lovett
Coriander's Annie Lovett
(F) 05/11/1979
Falconroc April Lov-Ett
(F) 03/26/1978
WD989532; Fawn
Falconroc Lucky Lily Lovett
(F) 03/26/1978
Mckenna's Maggie
Am CH Tyler Lovett of Falconroc
(M) 03/26/1978
WE013531; Fawn
Dinro Master Key
(M) 06/04/1978
WE132777; Fawn
Dinro Allegra V Sunnyside
Dinro Wild Card
(F) 07/27/1981
WF321710; Fawn
CH Sunnyside Apollo O'Mark
CH Sunnyside Aurora O'Knick
Jap Ch Sunnyside Christopher Cross
(M) 10/06/1984
GD 007/84C0 CD1; Fawn
Sunnyside Cream Candy
Am CH Sunnyside Walk-Away
Sunnyside War Lord
Am CH Sunnyside Whole Show
Dinro Megeara
(F) 06/12/1972
WC262817; Fawn
Dinro Elska
(F) 07/24/1976
WD475678; Fawn
Dinro Envoy
(M) 07/24/1976
WD475682; Fawn
Dinro Ransom
(F) 03/21/1983
WF446329; Fawn
Dinro Why Tara
(F) 06/05/1970
WC058616; Fawn
Dinro Laramie
(M) 02/15/1972
WC175514; Fawn
Legend Rock's Play Me
(F) 08/22/1973
WC535451; Fawn
Dinro Logan
(M) 02/15/1972
WC174513; Fawn
Dinro Longstreet
(M) 02/15/1972
WC149639; Fawn
Dinro Enrika of Dane Oaks
(F) 07/02/1974
WC908076; Fawn
Dinro's Exhaulted of Dane Oaks
Dinro's Muggs of Dane Oaks
Dinro Windsor
(M) 06/05/1970
WB660835; Brindle

Lazycroft Helzapopin'
(F) 07/21/1974
WC906748; Brindle
Lazycroft Algonquinn
Lazycroft Murlo Harris
WD911680; Fawn
Dinro Winsome Sultana
(F) 06/05/1970
WB913901; Brindle
Genton's Mystry Man
(M) 02/08/1977
Murlo Regina of Stonehouse
WB9563; Fawn
Am CH Murlo's Ceasar of Stonehouse
(M) 06/12/1967
WB009563; Fawn

Am CH Murlo's Thundera
(F) 06/12/1967
WA954505; Brindle

Mount Dania's Prince Namoor
(M) 10/21/1966
WA847615; Brindle
Von Nick's Duchess
(F) 12/27/1971
WC624670; Brindle
Mountdania's Miss Mischief
(F) 07/13/1969
WB404617; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Heather
(F) 03/25/1972
WC179825; Fawn

Alfie's Odin of Mountdania CD
; Fawn
Am CH Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio
(F) 09/30/1975
Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn

Mountdania's Tuff Decision
(F) 04/22/1974
WC759236; Fawn
Can Ch Grandane's Sweet Sensation
; Fawn
Rockbridges September Inga
WD246726; Fawn
Sharcon's Quintero v Winhurst
WD185789; Black
Mountdanias Sir Gallahad
(M) 04/22/1974
WC844978; Fawn
Mountdania's Hethmor v Brenlar
; Fawn
Radcliff's Dagmar
Radcliff's Yorick
; Fawn
Radcliff's Major Jed
Duchess of Pine Hollow
Taram's Felicia
Westwynd's Brisa del Mar
Mountdania's Jaunty Joy
; Fawn
Brightfield Butch Cassidy CDX
WB749145; Fawn
Bob's Hide'n'seek of Pine Grove
WC241786; Fawn
Deer Run's Mountdania Phoebe
WE067446; Fawn
Deer Run's Danielle
WE311724; Brindle
Am CH Oak Hill's Ragtime Tempo
(F) 05/27/1981
WE979957; Fawn
Dusty Lady of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Striped Angel
WD845963; Brindle
Angel's Piece of the Rock
WC497095; Brindle
Duke of Angel
Kimbayh's Carrie of Deer Run
Brightfield Danel's Darius
(F) 08/01/1968
; Fawn
Brightfield Danel's Delilah
(F) 08/01/1968
WB208056; Fawn
Bob's Hide'n'seek of Pine Grove
WC241786; Fawn
Deer Run's Mountdania Phoebe
WE067446; Fawn
Deer Run's Danielle
WE311724; Brindle
Am CH Oak Hill's Ragtime Tempo
(F) 05/27/1981
WE979957; Fawn
Dusty Lady of Deer Run
; Fawn
Deer Run's Striped Angel
WD845963; Brindle
Angel's Piece of the Rock
WC497095; Brindle
Duke of Angel
Kimbayh's Carrie of Deer Run
Am CH Brightfield's Most Hannibal
(M) 08/01/1968
WB211181; Fawn
Danericks Delilah ex Deanvyu
; Fawn
Robmars Joshua Smith
Danel's Danyele of Clamordane
(F) 08/01/1968
; Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Jewel of Jade
(F) 12/11/1962
WA338179; Brindle
Jade's Bellwhether of Mt Dania
; Brindle
Bellwhether's Bailwick
; Fawn
Ravinton's Bonnie Parker
; Brindle
Mountdania's Noel
Am CH Rhodessa of Holly's Shangri La
(F) 06/27/1963
WA376123; Fawn
Albett of Tiverdane
(M) 04/30/1966
Mountdania's Padishah II
WA567668; Fawn
Glad Miss America
; Fawn
Am CH St. James Brigitta
(F) 01/01/1971
WB841617; Fawn
Am & Can Ch St. James Gideon
WB947972; Fawn
Mountdania's Sonja
; Fawn
Gretta Porreca of Sonja
; Fawn
Miller's Elizabeth of Deer Run
WB740001; Fawn
That Girl Christine
Am CH Major the Melancholy Dane
(M) 05/31/1969
Nomad's Aesop of Uplands
WA173225; Brindle
Cole's Audubon Knight CDX
() 11/04/1964
WA600546; Brindle
Fourleaf's Touch of Pepper
Countess Drummer Girl
Hijinx-Ral Frito Bandito
Pepper's Tag-A-Long
Madame Asterdon
Grayhouse Daphne V Hi Jinx
; Brindle
Small Hollybell V Graymanor
; Brindle
Squire James Taylor Grayhaus
Oak of Darkness
Am CH Pennsylvania Choo Choo
(M) 03/27/1963
WA368294; Brindle
Carper's Mr. Fritz
(M) 11/28/1967
WB123385; Brindle
Clyde Barrow
(M) 12/13/1967
Am CH Doty's Choo-Coa of Fourleaf
(M) 02/27/1969
WB307964; Brindle
Briarwood's Choo Coa Too
; Brindle
Choo Coa's Dark Disciple
Danegard's Rise Too
Dangard's Rise Too
Choo Coa's Sassy Tigress
(F) 01/22/1976
; Brindle
Choo Coa's Taurus
(M) 01/22/1976
; Brindle
Choo Coa's Tigerlilly Too
(F) 01/22/1976
; Brindle
Danegard's Rise Too
Dangard's Rise Too
De-Austin's Suisse Moacha
WC925544; Brindle
Danemarks Jovan Deaustin
(F) 10/20/1976
WD556838; Fawn
Am CH Danemark's McDuff
WE590641; Fawn
Fourleaf's Sweet Evil
(M) 06/26/1973
; Brindle
Jonor's Trident
Miss Astor of Briarwood
Echo of Four Leaf's Choo Choo
Am CH Rainbow's Atom Smasher
(M) 07/08/1971
WB977789; Fawn
Espinosa's Princess De-Anna CDX
(F) 11/12/1966
WA862641; Brindle
Am CH Fourleaf's Cameo
WB340535; Fawn
Danefield's Bambi V Fourleaf
(F) 01/09/1975
WC997580; Fawn
Am CH Danefield Crystl V Daneadair
(F) 02/23/1978
Danefield's Bogie Daneadair
(M) 01/31/1979
WE218352; Fawn
Am CH E-Klans Triple M Grolden
; Fawn
Am CH Eklans Triple M Golden Tank
; Fawn
Am CH Danefield's Elegante Tigre
(M) 02/23/1978
WE009949; Brindle
Fourleaf's Cover Girl
Fourleaf's Gypsy
CH Justinian's Razzle Dazzle
Fourleaf's Joshua V. Hannibal
Fourleaf's Rock-E-Feller
Fourleaf's Gypsy
CH Justinian's Razzle Dazzle
Fourleaf's Tallbrook Stetch
Fourleaf's Torchie
Fourleaf's Lyric
WB477582; Fawn
De-Austin's Suisse Moacha
WC925544; Brindle
Danemarks Jovan Deaustin
(F) 10/20/1976
WD556838; Fawn
Am CH Danemark's McDuff
WE590641; Fawn
Wright's Vim Tatia
CH Pensylvania Choo Choo
(M) 03/27/1963
Regendane's Imperial Caesar
; Fawn

Regendane's It's Amore
(F) 11/28/1960
WA124004; Brindle
Am CH Craig's Saar of Greenbrier
WA507034; Brindle
Am CH Gen-Ton's Sulton of Stonehouse
(M) 06/12/1967
WA985241; Brindle
Cedardane's Cathian Suleiman
CH Cedardane's Razzy Wisecrack
Cedardane's Crack Parachute
Cedardane's Crack Paragraph
Waccabuc's Bic Flicker
Waccabuc's Bison Tennial
Waccabuc's Blanket Pardon
Cedardane's Cathian Valideh CD
; Brindle
Waccabuc's Aurora Borealis
Waccabuc's Bic Flicker
Waccabuc's Bison Tennial
Waccabuc's Blanket Pardon
Charlemagne Bantry Bunhilde
Am CH Dinro A-Jay
(M) 10/22/1970
WB823798; Fawn
Castile's Can Can
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's Career Girl
(F) 01/19/1974
; Fawn
Castile's El Torro
Daimai's Castiles Rum n Coke
Dinro Banyon
(M) 01/14/1974
WC813301; Brindle
Am CH Ambers Bromique of Skystone
(F) 06/28/1978
Ambers Charisma
WE372465; Fawn
Dinro Bocador
(M) 01/14/1974
; Fawn
Dinro Bona Dea
(F) 01/14/1974
WC773863; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Romulus
(M) 01/15/1976
WD318819; Fawn
Am CH Pinedane's Atlantis
(M) 08/20/1973
WC599267; Fawn
Can Ch Dinro Gin Fizz
(M) 06/12/1971
WC023152; Fawn
Am & Can Ch Dinro Goliath
(M) 06/12/1971
WC023151; Fawn
BMW Black Sorceress
; Black
BMW Maelesh
WD781106; Harlequin
BMW Liquorice
(F) 08/10/1974
WE182561; Black
BMW Ouzo
WE232110; Black
BMW Sorceress
; Black
Am CH Dinro Legend
(M) 08/27/1975
WD406910; Fawn
Dinro Liberty of Albadanes
(M) 08/27/1975
Dinro Lorelei
(F) 08/27/1975
WD406911; Fawn
Dinro Gramercy
(F) 06/12/1971
WC040908; Brindle
Brisen's Pywacket
Am CH Chelsea's Me and My Shadow
(M) 12/23/1977
WE025011; Brindle
Am CH Chelsea's Mystery Witch
(F) 12/23/1977
WE073942; Brindle
Chelsea's Sundance V Raintree
(M) 12/23/1977
WE132096; Fawn
Kolyer's Samson V Dane-Walk
(M) 07/17/1974
Juno of Whitehall Farm
(F) 01/13/1980
WE547476; Fawn
Kolyers Kaiser V Dane-Walk
Lambert's Backwater Jack
CH Dinro Gypsy Melody
(F) 06/12/1971
Dinro Mageara
; Fawn

Dinro Embassador CD
(M) 07/24/1976
WD475677; Fawn
Candlewick's Madewood
(M) 02/03/1979
WE278073; Fawn
Candlewick's Magnolia
(F) 02/03/1979
WE278070; Fawn
Gambit Confidant V Jocala
(M) 04/14/1978
; Fawn
CH Gambit's Carte Blanche V Cojac
(F) 04/14/1978
WE041149; Fawn
CH Jocala Omegan Alchemy
(M) 06/20/1978
WE101301; Fawn
Dinro Ensign
(M) 07/24/1976
WD475676; Fawn
Am CH Dinro Mai-Tai
(F) 06/12/1972
WC262816; Fawn
Am CH Dinro H Lovett
(M) 12/21/1974
WD299269; Fawn
Corainder's Annie Lovett
; Black
Coriander Annie Lovett
Coriander's Annie Lovett
(F) 05/11/1979
Falconroc April Lov-Ett
(F) 03/26/1978
WD989532; Fawn
Falconroc Lucky Lily Lovett
(F) 03/26/1978
Mckenna's Maggie
Am CH Tyler Lovett of Falconroc
(M) 03/26/1978
WE013531; Fawn
Dinro Master Key
(M) 06/04/1978
WE132777; Fawn
Dinro Allegra V Sunnyside
Dinro Wild Card
(F) 07/27/1981
WF321710; Fawn
CH Sunnyside Apollo O'Mark
CH Sunnyside Aurora O'Knick
Jap Ch Sunnyside Christopher Cross
(M) 10/06/1984
GD 007/84C0 CD1; Fawn
Sunnyside Cream Candy
Am CH Sunnyside Walk-Away
Sunnyside War Lord
Am CH Sunnyside Whole Show
Dinro Megeara
(F) 06/12/1972
WC262817; Fawn
Dinro Elska
(F) 07/24/1976
WD475678; Fawn
Dinro Envoy
(M) 07/24/1976
WD475682; Fawn
Dinro Ransom
(F) 03/21/1983
WF446329; Fawn
Dinro Why Tara
(F) 06/05/1970
WC058616; Fawn
Dinro Laramie
(M) 02/15/1972
WC175514; Fawn
Legend Rock's Play Me
(F) 08/22/1973
WC535451; Fawn
Dinro Logan
(M) 02/15/1972
WC174513; Fawn
Dinro Longstreet
(M) 02/15/1972
WC149639; Fawn
Dinro Enrika of Dane Oaks
(F) 07/02/1974
WC908076; Fawn
Dinro's Exhaulted of Dane Oaks
Dinro's Muggs of Dane Oaks
Dinro Windsor
(M) 06/05/1970
WB660835; Brindle

Lazycroft Helzapopin'
(F) 07/21/1974
WC906748; Brindle
Lazycroft Algonquinn
Lazycroft Murlo Harris
WD911680; Fawn
Dinro Winsome Sultana
(F) 06/05/1970
WB913901; Brindle
Genton's Mystry Man
(M) 02/08/1977
Murlo Regina of Stonehouse
WB9563; Fawn
Am CH Murlo's Ceasar of Stonehouse
(M) 06/12/1967
WB009563; Fawn

Am CH Murlo's Thundera
(F) 06/12/1967
WA954505; Brindle

Regendane's Jingle Belle
Am CH Reggen's No Trouble Of Marydane
(M) 03/24/1966
WA754870; Fawn
Tivoli's General Much Trouble
Tivoli's Hippocrates Oath
Am CH Tivoli's Hurry Home Hattie
WB178005; Fawn
Am CH Regene Belle Enfante Taureau
(F) 10/05/1965
WA647889; Fawn

Jonathie Regene's Taury Adore
WB572563; Fawn
Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora
WC453826; Fawn

Am CH Regene Brigadoon of Jonathie
(M) 04/04/1977
WD677250; Fawn

Regene Fiona Mac Nordane
(F) 04/04/1977
Regene X Calaber of Jonathie
Regene Xpensive of Jonathie
CH Regine Brigadoon of Jonathie
WD677250; Fawn
Mila's Regene True Love
; Brindle
Regene Independence
Regene Liberty
Regene True Love
Am CH Rosewood Valadore V Jonathie
WC004514; Fawn

Aldidane's Theo of Gwynedd
; Fawn
Aldydane's Don Giovanni
Aldydane's Wild Irish Rose
Aldydane's Fontina
Aldydane's Centerfold
(F) 07/09/1986
Am CH Aldydane's El Presidente
WF685722; Fawn
Aldydane's Pride at Kare-Fre
(M) 03/16/1985
Am CH Aldydane's Ruffian
WF751219; Fawn
Knajar's Kodiak
Can Ch Knajar's Lady Iseult
; Fawn
Knajar's Scarlett O'Hara
Am & Can Ch Knajar's Sir Tristan
(M) 03/24/1974
WC735823; Fawn
CH Knajar's Tijeras
Taureau Evening Star V Regene
(F) 10/22/1969
; Fawn
Falconroc Escapade Louis Bourg
(F) 04/29/1972
Louis Bourg Legacy v Falconroc
() 07/02/1974
; Brindle
Falconroc Fancy Free
(F) 05/24/1973
; Brindle
Falconroc Fanfare
(M) 05/24/1973
WC691463; Fawn
Falconroc Lord Essex
(M) 04/29/1972
Can Ch Falconroc Peaches N' Cream
(F) 04/06/1971
WB894108; Fawn
Shane's Spartacus v Falconroc
(M) 08/07/1973
; Brindle
Am CH Regene Colossus
(M) 04/04/1966
WA729335; Brindle

Regene Conquest V Mountdania
(M) 04/04/1966
WA758545; Brindle
Am CH Angelika-Immer Suss
(F) 07/01/1967
Cameron's Calpurnia
WB860778; Brindle
Am CH Robmars Fanci
WC775343; Fawn
Pedadane's Darius Hagan
Pedadane's Fanci Lucretta
(F) 02/09/1978
Am CH Pedadane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am & Can Ch Beaucedane's Gent Jr V Mt Dania
(M) 07/28/1983
WF 566500; Brindle
Castile's Darius v Bismarck
; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn James De Chia
Castile's Jenny V Beaucedane
CH Justinian's Razzle Dazzle
Pedadane's Marcellus
(M) 02/09/1978
Am CH Penedane's Justinian
WD930938; Brindle
Am CH Castile's Donn Tomas de Chia
(M) 06/10/1981
WE951558; Brindle
Am CH Robmars Fantasy of Jamelyn
(F) 10/04/1973
WC661466; Brindle
Shadow Trace Cari on Cannibal
; Brindle
Miller's Pajay of Love of Sonja
The Baroness Natasha
(F) 09/28/1969
WB676759; Brindle
Lady Natasha II
(F) 06/30/1970
WC063345; Fawn
Am CH Rondajon's Ali Khan
(M) 09/25/1965
WA668030; Fawn
Am CH Sabila's Lady Chaillot
(F) 07/23/1963
WA410255; Fawn
Am CH Sabila's Sabrina
(F) 09/19/1967
WA903005; Brindle

Juri's Rebel Piper of Sabila
(F) 05/16/1971
; Brindle
Am CH Sabila's Bene Gesserit
(F) 05/04/1973
WC571222; Brindle
Am CH Sabila's Knight of Critenberg
(M) 05/04/1973
WC499818; Fawn
Am CH Sabila's Ramses D'abu Simbel
(M) 05/04/1973
WC496969; Brindle
Am CH Sabila's Sebastian Tombs
(M) 05/16/1971
WB967578; Brindle
Wakefield's Lord Jim of Sabila
; Brindle
Sabila's Sir Lancelot
(M) 02/19/1967
; Fawn
Sabila's Thistle
(M) 02/19/1967
; Brindle
Schyler of Mapledale
(M) 01/13/1965
Am CH Titus of Pretty Penny
(M) 07/23/1963
WA370126; Brindle
Am CH Wal-Mar's Kermit of Mountdania
WA355666; Brindle
Am CH Davelyn's Buddy
(M) 01/14/1965
WA357191; Brindle
Chapco's Tasha UD
WB417488; Brindle
Davelyn's Golden Melody
Am CH Davelyn's Lucky Lady
WB250801; Fawn
Hutchinson's Lady of Davelyn
(F) 06/17/1970
WB750425; Fawn
Tatum's I'm A Lady Tu V Davelyn
WC546788; Brindle
Thor of Davelyn Danes
WB672979; Fawn
Am CH Davelyn's Lucky Lady
WB250801; Fawn
Hutchinson's Lady of Davelyn
(F) 06/17/1970
WB750425; Fawn
Tatum's I'm A Lady Tu V Davelyn
WC546788; Brindle
Thor of Davelyn Danes
WB672979; Fawn
Heidsdale Mellow Twist
WB202748; Brindle
Santana's Beau Nick
WC986425; Fawn
Am CH Keith's Davy of Davelyn
Tatum's I'm A Lady Tu V Davelyn
WC546788; Brindle
Davelyn's Sandstorm Shadow
Am CH Reginald of Tamerlane
(M) 05/30/1966
WA777798; Fawn
Am CH Wal-Mar's Tammy of Davelyn
WA572043; Brindle
Wal-Mar's Jolly J.J.
Wal-Mar's Jolly Jo-Jo