Reverse pedigree of:
Nightwind's Echo In Time (M) 01/14/1998 WP84230101; Brindle COI: 14.00% |
Am CH Fahmie's Unlock The Magic (M) 08/16/2001 WR03940601; Brindle
Fahmie's Eragon (M) 08/03/2006 WS18498602;
Fahmie's Jolie (F) 08/03/2006 WS18498601;
Am CH Lyonhearts Knight Moves (M) 12/23/2000 WR00544705; Fawn
Tristino First Lady of Snow Hill (F) 06/13/2005 WS13387706;
Am CH Tristino Lord of the Rings (M) 06/13/2005 WS13387707;
Tristino Violetta (F) 06/13/2005 WS13387701;
Tristine's Lord Nelson (M) 03/25/2009 WS29704002; Fawn
Tristine's the Sorcerer (M) 03/25/2009 WS29704004; Brindle
Tristino Could This Be Magic (F) 03/25/2009 WS29704003; Brindle
Tristino's Keeping Up Appearances (F) 03/25/2009 WS29704001; Brindle
Tristinos Symphony V Lyonheart (M) 06/13/2005 WS13387703; Fawn
Lyonhearts St Nicholas (M) 12/23/2000 WR00544710; Fawn
Grand Electra's Full Måne (F) 02/21/2005 S22679/2005; Brindle
Be Born Aslan (M) 09/23/2007 S64001/2007; Fawn
Be Born Caspian (M) 09/23/2007 S63999/2007; Brindle
Be Born Jadis (F) 09/23/2007 S63997/2007; Brindle
Be Born Narnia (F) 09/23/2007 S64001/2007; Brindle
Be Born Peter (M) 09/23/2007 S63998/2007; Brindle
Be Born Polly (F) 09/23/2007 S64004/2007; Brindle
Grand Electra's Fullfart (F) 02/21/2005 S22683/2005; Fawn
Liebe Doggen Have A Nice Day (F) 07/22/2004 S54753/2004; Fawn
Liebe Doggen Highlander (M) 07/22/2004 S54758/2004; Fawn
Pine Garden's Ego Eistla (F) 05/27/2006 S44201/2006; Fawn