River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
(M) 06/01/1922
416894; Black / White
Son of Questor
(M) 09/17/1927
629946; Harlequin
Duchess v d Klausenberg
(F) 09/06/1934
A055737; Harlequin
Bess Kallish of Kal-Ham-Shire
; White Black Markings
King Canute of Kal-Ham-Shire
; Black / White Paws
Am CH Rhona Kallish
; Brindle
Brenda of Kallish
CH Jeridanes Diana Lee
Am CH Jerrie's Diana Lee of Jeridane
(F) 06/28/1947
W50308; Brindle
Am CH Little Sister of Kallish
W6020; Fawn
CH Norma of Kallish
(F) 12/09/1946
CH Raewin of Kallish
Roselyn of Kallish
(F) 03/18/1945
W2161; Fawn
Wendell of Kallish
(M) 03/18/1945
W908; Brindle