River Rock Great Danes
Reverse pedigree of:
Can Ch Rungmook Sheba
323978; Fawn
CH Starlaw Roister of Rungmook
; Blue
Kilcroney Starlaw Sphink
; Blue
Kass of Kilcroney
(M) 11/12/1963
Nightsgift Knell of Kilcroney
; Blue
Blue Mist of Nightsgift
85443/63; Blue
Aust Ch Yarrabrook Miss Jedda
(F) 03/23/1968
6-V-68; Black
Aust Ch Notredane Chapaquoce
(F) 06/19/1970
; Black
Notredane Ragnar
(M) 06/19/1970
Aust Ch Notredane Tara Amour
(F) 06/19/1970
19-V-70; Fawn
Blue Tweed of Nightsgift
(M) 05/04/1967
Starlaw Risher
Prince Nelson
; Blue
Lady Gweneviere
Cloud Shadow of Willow Bough
Von Lichtgarn's Blue Boy
Portneuf's Blue Pride
WA519667; Blue
Coleridge of Ladymir
(M) 12/15/1966
WA939960; Blue
Alison Coleridge of Elies
(F) 12/17/1969
; Blue
Carbon Copy of Coleridge
(M) 12/17/1969
WB510693; Blue
Mako's Blu Tkon
(M) 05/17/1972
Mako's Blue Ikon
(M) 05/17/1972
Makos' Blu Isadora
(F) 05/17/1972
WC215076; Blue
Makos' Blu Tkon
(M) 05/17/1972
Makos' Itasha She's No Tramp
(F) 05/17/1972
WC299437; Blue
Thor XII
Lady Sausha
Blu Dawn's Alexis
WC272425; Blue
Blu Dawn's Chelsea Star
Starlaw Sahib
Leaflawn's Mr Ecks
(M) 12/17/1964
Blue Manor's Midnight Velvet
(F) 12/29/1967
CH Leaflawn's Pinocle Ace
(M) 12/17/1964
Crestwood's Rhapsody In Blue
Crestwood's Blue Angel
; Blue
Troutbrook's Zeus
; Black
Crestwood's Blue Belle
Crestwood's Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 08/31/1970
WB749500; Blue
Crestwood's Ebony Sachem
Crestwood's Lady Blue Belle
Leaflawn's Sutton Place
WA547895; Blue
Leaflawn's Butterscotch
(F) 01/09/1967
Am CH Vulcan's Twilight of Xanadu
(F) 05/20/1966
WA790502; Blue
Vulcan's Ajax vom Abendstern
WB334848; Blue
Chayne's Sibyl vom Abendstern
WB970562; Blue
Druid's Scilla vom Abendstern
(F) 02/14/1970
WB870746; Blue
Vulcan's Blu Salena V Pinelake
(F) 09/02/1970
Vulcan's Danube Cleopatra
(F) 09/02/1970
Bartdane's Samantha
; Blue
Am CH Vulcan's Rondo of Arrowhead CD
(M) 01/19/1969
WB418845; Blue
Alexander of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1972
Andrew's Bonnie Blu of Bondane
(F) 12/07/1971
WC557667; Blue
Arabella of Arrowhead
; Blue
Am CH Ashes Dashes of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1973
Athes Dashes of Arrowhead
; Blue
Augustus of Arrowhead
; Blue
Am CH Barnette's Sultan of Bondane
Am CH Bartlett's Sultan of Bondane
WC108822; Blue
Bon Dane's Azure of Nieldane
; Blue
Can Ch Bondane's Azure of Nieldane
WD082352; Blue
Bondane's Blue Maxx
; Blue
Bondane's Kelly Brandy
WD044692; Blue
CH Erik's Amethyst of Bondane
WC143999; Blue
Gimarc Captain Nemo
(M) 08/10/1974
Gimarc Carissima
(M) 08/10/1974
Gimarc Cleopatra
(F) 08/10/1974
WC945321; Blue
CH Gimarc Conquistador
(M) 08/10/1974
; Black
Jorlee's Blues Singer CD
Koch's Blue Shadow of Bondane
Woodard's Blue Sorceress
(F) 04/21/1976
; Blue
Vulcan's Sabre
; Blue
Xanadu Jhabala of Ballad
(M) 05/20/1966
; Black
Xanadu Jubilee of Ballard
() 05/20/1966
Starlaw Squire
396343; Blue
Am CH Silver Mountain Misty
WA436527; Blue
Am CH Jocopa's Blu Nearli Ned
(M) 03/13/1966
WA740876; Blue

Akbar Blaulich von Haus Weiss
; Blue
Anja Blaulich vom Haus Weiss
; Blue
Auburn Hill Djeri of Valhalla
WB244598; Black
Auburn Hill Sophia
WC804085; Black
Auburn Hill Djodi of Valhalla
WB244599; Black
Bantry-Hazeldane Dreamboat
(F) 05/10/1968
WB167837; Blue
Am & Can Ch Bantry Hazel-D Sangria Azul
(F) 03/09/1972
WC312487; Blue
Taghollow Reasnor
Bantry Sans Equlle Noire
(F) 03/19/1972
Bantry Hazel D Pinata Azul
(F) 02/24/1977
Bantry Hazel-D Serenata Azul
(F) 10/31/1977
Bantry Pirana Azul CD
(M) 02/24/1977
WE045696; Blue
Bantry Santana Azul
WC853377; Blue
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
(M) 09/28/1974
WD133354; Blue
Bantry Hazeld Marquis Azul
(M) 07/25/1976
WD651596; Blue
Bantry Hazeldane Charisma
Am CH Bantry-Catia's Blue Willow
WD100272; Blue
Mordor's Chinatown
(M) 10/12/1976
Bantry-Hazel D Gretchen Blue
(F) 07/30/1970
WB734796; Blue
Shelby of Von Cortland Manor
Sharon's Blackberry Brandy
WB726868; Black
Am CH Bantry Cordon Bleu De Sharon
(M) 09/28/1974
WD133354; Blue
Bantry Hazeldane Charisma
Sharon's Herr Bodi of Bantry
(M) 07/31/1970
; Black
Connaught's Iroquois Jemmy
(F) 05/10/1968
WB275132; Blue
Iroquois Blue Cloud
Can Ch LDR Prince Igor Blue Star
(M) 09/10/1976
WD892167; Blue
Iroquois Blue Lace of Westway
; Blue
Rissone's Super Blu v Iroquois
(M) 10/14/1972
WC511483; Blue
Haltmeiers Classy Commotion
(F) 03/20/1976
WD428317; Blue
Haltmeiers Continental
(M) 03/20/1976
WD591722; Blue
Haltmeiers Czardes
(F) 03/20/1976
WD591721; Blue
Am CH Sheridane Irq Shenandoah
(M) 02/18/1980
WE674586; Blue
Sheridane's Super Barbarino
(M) 01/30/1976
WD376479; Black
Am CH Sterling's Blue Lupine
WD506987; Blue
Sheridane Iroquois Hagana
(F) 11/21/1977
WD919755; Blue
Sheridane Iroquois Heather
(F) 11/21/1977
WD919754; Black
Am CH Sheridane Irq Shenandoah
(M) 02/18/1980
WE674586; Blue
Am & Can Ch Sheridane Iroquois Hope
(F) 11/21/1977
WD919757; Black
Sheridane Double Trouble
(M) 01/04/1983
WF441329; Black
Sheridane Iroquois Faith
(F) 01/25/1984
WF550634; Black
Sheridane Iroquois of Bantry
(M) 11/21/1977
WE066016; Blue
Bantry Excaliber of Sharon
(M) 11/10/1981
Timberwood's Damion of Bantry
Doc Art's Me and My Shadow
(M) 10/21/1968
; Blue
Danecourt's Bianca
(F) 03/21/1969
; Blue
Doc Art's Sweet William
(M) 01/10/1969
WB307435; Blue
Docart's Ace High
(M) 12/25/1969
Docart's Agravating Agatha
(F) 12/25/1969
Docart's Angelica of Wallst
Docart's Anvil Abe
(M) 12/25/1969
Docart's Arrogant Alfie
(M) 12/25/1969
Am CH Jocopa's Blu Nedra V Connaught
; Blue
Jocopa's Dirk of Auburn Hill
; Black
Marshall Blau Donan of Leigh
Pasha's Blu Miss Trimm
WB522263; Blue
Pasha's Blu Baybee CD
WB619004; Blue
Pasha's Blu Chester
WC185703; Blue
Pasha's Tingaling San Carley
WC180785; Blue
Vulcan's Ajax vom Abendstern
WB334848; Blue
Chayne's Sibyl vom Abendstern
WB970562; Blue
Alexander of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1972
Arabella of Arrowhead
; Blue
Am CH Ashes Dashes of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1973
Athes Dashes of Arrowhead
; Blue
Augustus of Arrowhead
; Blue
Woodard's Blue Sorceress
(F) 04/21/1976
; Blue
Druid's Scilla vom Abendstern
(F) 02/14/1970
WB870746; Blue
Sterling's Blue Damien
(M) 11/14/1972
Am CH Sterling's Blue Lupine
WD506987; Blue
Vulcan's Blu Salena V Pinelake
(F) 09/02/1970
Vulcan's Danube Cleopatra
(F) 09/02/1970
Bartdane's Samantha
; Blue
Bartdane's on A Misty Morn
Am CH Vulcan's Rondo of Arrowhead CD
(M) 01/19/1969
WB418845; Blue
Alexander of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1972
Andrew's Bonnie Blu of Bondane
(F) 12/07/1971
WC557667; Blue
Bondane's Portia
; Blue
Arabella of Arrowhead
; Blue
Am CH Ashes Dashes of Arrowhead
(M) 03/13/1973
Blue Cinders of Arrowhead
(F) 09/21/1976
Athes Dashes of Arrowhead
; Blue
Augustus of Arrowhead
; Blue
Am CH Barnette's Sultan of Bondane
Am CH Bartlett's Sultan of Bondane
WC108822; Blue
Bartdane's Samantha
; Blue
Bon Dane's Azure of Nieldane
; Blue
Can Ch Bondane's Azure of Nieldane
WD082352; Blue
Nieldane's Colonel O'Reilly
CH Nieldane's Miss Midnite CD
; Black
Nieldane's Mr. Midnite
NJ265248; Black
Bondane's Blue Maxx
; Blue
Bondane's Kelly Brandy
WD044692; Blue
Jndns Cynda of Willowrun
(F) 05/19/1978
CH Erik's Amethyst of Bondane
WC143999; Blue
Blue Cinders of Arrowhead
(F) 09/21/1976
Gimarc Captain Nemo
(M) 08/10/1974
Gimarc Carissima
(M) 08/10/1974
Gimarc Cleopatra
(F) 08/10/1974
WC945321; Blue
Gimarc Quicksilver
(F) 02/20/1978
CH Gimarc Conquistador
(M) 08/10/1974
; Black
Can Ch Gimarc Hegira
(F) 12/10/1975
WD663859; Black
Can Ch Gimarc Nicholas
(M) 01/23/1977
; Black
CH Gimarc Obi'wan Kenobi
(M) 06/14/1977
; Black
Jorlee's Blues Singer CD
Koch's Blue Shadow of Bondane
Woodard's Blue Sorceress
(F) 04/21/1976
; Blue
Vulcan's Sabre
; Blue
Am CH Jocopa's Yule Holly
(F) 11/02/1964
WA523590; Fawn
Am CH Silver Mountain Rhonda
WA230127; Blue
Greco's Blue Blitz
; Blue
Blitz's Blue Girl
Scarlett's Southern Blue Sky
Brennan's Blue Scooby-Doo
WD532633; Blue
Duke Von Blitzburg
WB390551; Black
Blue Baron IV
WC285032; Blue
Blue Braxton
WD051005; Blue
WD163772; Blue
Blue Dutchess von Blitzburg
WB943142; Blue
Koteras Tita Kapio-Lani
(F) 11/16/1973
WC822400; Blue
Juno's Black Beauty
WC289073; Black
Dori of Stonehenge
WD242990; Black
Stonehenge's Angelica
Stonehenge's Star of Thain
Santana IV
Magnum My Son
Brennan's Blue Scooby-Doo
WD532633; Blue
Greco's Rothgar
; Black
Laurado's Black Atlas
(M) 10/26/1967
WB149531; Black
Laurado's Black Andrea
WB518494; Black
Laurado's Black Armun
WB751847; Black
Laurado's Black Amy
(F) 02/13/1971
WC226822; Black
Laurado's Black Dinah
Laurado's Black Roka
WB717575; Black
Laurado's Black Amy
(F) 02/13/1971
WC226822; Black
Laurado's Black Shadow II
WB988413; Black
Laurado's Bleau Royale
(M) 10/26/1967
WB150846; Blue
Count Paco Ahkim of Blue Sky
Laurado's Black Boy Brutus
(M) 12/20/1969
WB552670; Black
Sheba Le Sheik
; Black
Laurado's Black Kohinoor
(F) 06/28/1969
WB458612; Black
Laurado's Black Africa
(F) 11/08/1972
WD096022; Black
Laurado's Blazer's Madonna
(F) 11/08/1972
WC600516; Black
Laurado's Blue Blazer
(M) 11/08/1972
WC492990; Blue
Laurado's Blu Azur von Danecourt
Laurado's Lapis Lazuli
(F) 07/26/1980
WE764197; Blue
Le Mils Blue Lace
WB594251; Blue
Le Mil's Blue Bouncer
WC081429; Blue
Le Mils Elegant Lady
(F) 04/03/1973
; Blue
Am CH Lemils Blue Buccaneer
(M) 11/14/1971
WC072564; Blue
Am & Mex Ch Malachi
(M) 12/15/1969
WC352142; Blue
Blu Spitfire Von Witchcraft
WC834845; Blue
Creations Khepis von Eisen
(M) 05/30/1974
; Blue
I Believe In Magic Witchcraft
(F) 04/28/1974
Joshua of Greenhills
(M) 05/09/1974
; Blue
Malachi's Jubilee von Eisen
() 05/30/1974
; Blue
Mally's Boogie n'Blues v Eisen
(M) 05/30/1974
; Blue
Pheona von Witchcraft
(F) 04/28/1974
WC834842; Blue
Pinebrook's Melody in Blue
(F) 05/09/1974
; Blue
Von Eisen's Gue of Malachi
() 05/30/1974
Von Eisen's Just-a-bit of Krista
(F) 05/30/1974
; Black
Witchcraft I Believe In Magic
Am CH Malachi of Laural Canyon
(M) 12/15/1969
WL751555; Blue
Pepper Tree's Blue Velvet
; Blue
Rainbow's Blue Melodie
Cathi's Azurlikeit
Cathi's Mood Indigo
Jacob's Blue Lance of Rainbow
WC959157; Blue
Rainbow's Aisha
Rainbow's Amanda
WB981948; Blue
Rainbow's Androcles
Rainbow's Arianna
Rainbow's Leda
Rainbow's Reba
Rainbow's Zeus von Zoro
Laurado's Blue Mist
(F) 10/26/1967
; Blue
Laurado's Blue of Silver Dawn CDX
(M) 10/26/1967
WB183158; Blue
Silver Yogi
477743; Fawn
Starlaw Saturna
449077; Fawn
Can Ch Candane's Amber
555279; Fawn
Altadane's Dafydd Y Garyg Wen
(M) 10/18/1969
Can Ch Eurica's Adalia
Altadanes Roma Arianrod
880472; Fawn
Can Ch Eurica's Adalia
Eurica's Brandy Barbette
DUD49; Fawn
Donbars Sir Knobby By Nobleair
WD956603 / HU91368; Brindle
Altadena's Cadenade
(F) 10/04/1967
; Brindle
Can Ch Grandane's Cullum Master
(M) 05/10/1974
FJA791; Brindle
Morgana's Venus
(F) 05/30/1980
MJ198092; Fawn
Grandanes Royal Command
; Brindle
Katherine Wurttemberg v Medralys
; Brindle
Starlaw Scilla
Starlaw Risher
Prince Nelson
; Blue
Lady Gweneviere
Cloud Shadow of Willow Bough
Portneuf's Blue Pride
WA519667; Blue
Coleridge of Ladymir
(M) 12/15/1966
WA939960; Blue
Thor XII
Lady Sausha
Starlaw Blue Smoke
Starlaw Shane
Starlaw Sahib
Leaflawn's Mr Ecks
(M) 12/17/1964
Blue Manor's Midnight Velvet
(F) 12/29/1967
CH Leaflawn's Pinocle Ace
(M) 12/17/1964
Crestwood's Rhapsody In Blue
Crestwood's Blue Angel
; Blue
Crestwood's Blue Belle
Crestwood's Once In A Blue Moon
(F) 08/31/1970
WB749500; Blue
Leaflawn's Sutton Place
WA547895; Blue
Leaflawn's Butterscotch
(F) 01/09/1967
Am CH Vulcan's Twilight of Xanadu
(F) 05/20/1966
WA790502; Blue
Vulcan's Ajax vom Abendstern
WB334848; Blue
Vulcan's Blu Salena V Pinelake
(F) 09/02/1970
Vulcan's Danube Cleopatra
(F) 09/02/1970
Am CH Vulcan's Rondo of Arrowhead CD
(M) 01/19/1969
WB418845; Blue
Vulcan's Sabre
; Blue
Xanadu Jhabala of Ballad
(M) 05/20/1966
; Black
Xanadu Jubilee of Ballard
() 05/20/1966