River Rock Great Danes
This report has exceed the maximum number of offspring so not all offspring will be displayed.
Reverse pedigree of:
BISS Am Ch Windy Hill's Gold Plated
(M) 03/09/1998
WP84333201; Fawn
COI: 9.08%
Am CH Avant Weaver's Caberet
(F) 03/31/2000
WP96409502; Fawn
Avant-Weaver's Enchante'
(F) 05/19/2003
WS04919701; Fawn
Avant Weaver Dans Votre Visage
(M) 05/18/2008
Avant-Weaver's Dozer on The Mt
(M) 07/22/2006
WS18351802; Fawn

Avant-Weaver's Etouffee
(F) 06/16/2007
WS22406401; Fawn

Am GCh Avant-Weaver's Apres Un Reve To A Broken Road
(F) 07/27/2010
WS34825307; Fawn
Broken Road Anita Vacation To Blackstone
(F) 11/10/2013
WS45735102; Fawn
Elenni Honey John Jacob Jingleheimer V Blackston
(M) 05/03/2017
; Brindle
Am CH Ellenni Honey Jonjacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Blks
(M) 05/03/2017
WS58125901; Brindle
Ellenni Honey Original Chex Mix
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602902; Fawn
Ellenni Honey Windwoods Chapter N Time
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602901; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Always After My Lucky Charms
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602907; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Bulls Thirty-Three
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521401; Brindle
Am GCh Ellenni Honey's Cap'NCrunch
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602908; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Lakers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521403; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Sixers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521404; Brindle
Ellenni Honey's Snap! Crackle! And Pop! Vwoodsvi
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602906; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni's Honey of An Oh! V Blackstone CGCA CGCU TKN THDN CA BCAT FDC
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602909; Fawn
Broken Road's I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball
(M) 11/10/2013
WS45735101; Fawn
Broken Rd's Story Starts Here
(F) 06/08/2015
WS51082901; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Secret Agent at R3
(F) 03/09/2019
WS64648801; Fawn
Am CH Avant-Weaver's Have Gun Will Travel N Lites
(M) 07/27/2010
WS34825312; Brindle
Castlerea's Coup D'Eclat
(F) 02/26/2016
Castlerea's Locked And Loaded
(M) 02/26/2016
WS53357506; Brindle
Paladin's Desire of Northern Lites
(F) 09/11/2016
Pinnacle N Lites Just In the Nick of Time
(F) 01/24/2014
WS46494906; Fawn
Am CH Pinnacle One Moment In Time
(F) 01/24/2014
WS46494905; Fawn
Pinnacle's Westminster Moment CGC
(M) 01/24/2014
WS46494901; Fawn
Avant-Weaver's King George
(M) 07/27/2010
WS34825309; Fawn
Avant-Weaver Peche De Isis
(F) 03/31/2000
Brf Highland All About Me
(M) 07/13/2001
Brf Kona's Supreme Gold
(M) 07/13/2001
Brf Rudy Valentino
(M) 02/14/2001
WR01902401; Fawn
Brf Spice of Life Tx-C
(F) 07/13/2001
WR03915602; Brindle
Danebridge's Cowboy Up Tx-C
(M) 10/03/2006
Tara's Golden Girl Tx-C
(F) 10/03/2006
WS19305202; Fawn
Tara's Seven Come Eleven Tx-C
(M) 10/03/2006
WS19305201; Brindle
Brf's She's Still the One
(F) 07/13/2001
Carma Que's Icandy Shady Crk
(F) 05/18/2000
WP97381911; Fawn

Am CH Shady Creek You're So Vain
(F) 09/10/2004
WS10146702; Fawn
Derby N Downtown Rockin Da House
(M) 07/13/2010
WS35091202; Fawn
Derby N Shady Crks Infield Party Girl
(F) 06/04/2007
Derby N Shady Crks Photo Finish
(M) 06/04/2007
WS22175103; Brindle
Derby N Shady Crks Run For The Roses
(F) 06/04/2007
WS22175101; Brindle
Am CH Derby N Grissoms City of Lights
(F) 08/21/2010
WS35720301; Brindle
Grissom's N Melody's First Light
(M) 05/06/2015
WS50386805; Fawn
Grissom N Tnr Otto Be N Seine
(F) 04/06/2014
WS46947402; Brindle
Grissom's Grand Aristocrat
(M) 04/06/2014
WS46947403; Fawn
Grissom's Original Black And Tan
(M) 04/06/2014
WS46947404; Brindle
Grissom's We'll Always Have Paris
(F) 04/06/2014
WS46947401; Brindle
Sc-N-Dd Downtown Streetwalker
(F) 07/11/2009
WS31158501; Brindle
Derby Shdycrk N Wck's Chas'N Rac'N
(M) 06/04/2007
WS22175102; Brindle
Sc-N-Dd Ima Knockout V Masaya
(F) 06/21/2008
WS26764110; Fawn
Sc-N-Dd N Rhydts Essence of the Sun
(F) 06/21/2008
WS26764102; Fawn
Sc-N-Dd's Girls Rule Boys Drool
(F) 06/21/2008
WS26764101; Fawn
Shady Creeks Forever Yours
(F) 02/07/2002
WR06172401; Fawn

BISS Am Ch Moon Rvr N Shady Crks Im N Vogue
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161102; Fawn
MoonRiver N Danendvor The One To Remember
(M) 06/24/2012
WS41304104; Fawn
Am CH Moonriver N Danendvor U Take My Breath Away
(F) 07/17/2010
WS35079804; Fawn
Danendvor 21 Guns Blazin'
(M) 05/30/2015
WS50790604; Fawn
Danendvor Expecting to Fly V. Valkka
(F) 05/30/2015
WS50790605; Fawn
Stuck Run's N Valkka Troubles Brewing
(M) 01/24/2021
WS71910602; Fawn
Valkka N Stuck Run's As Fate Would Have It
(M) 01/24/2021
WS71910605; Fawn
Valkkas By Hook Or By Crook
(F) 01/24/2021
WS71910601; Fawn
Valkkas Freyja
(F) 10/23/2019
WS66182304; Fawn
Valkkas Grand Skylar
(F) 10/23/2019
WS66182307; Fawn
Valkkas Guinness Always On Draft
(M) 01/24/2021
WS71910604; Fawn
Valkkas Irish Eyes Are Smiling at Keltic
(F) 10/23/2019
WS66182301; Fawn
Valkkas Kimber
(F) 10/23/2019
WS66182306; Fawn
Valkkas LuLu
(F) 10/23/2019
WS66182305; Fawn
Valkkas Real Men Wear Kilts at Keltic
(M) 10/23/2019
WS66182308; Fawn
Am CH Valkkas Royal Chieftain Kendric Rush FDC BCAT TT CGC TKN VHMA
(M) 10/23/2019
WS66182302; Fawn
Valkkas Second Star To The Right
(F) 01/24/2021
WS71910603; Fawn
Valkkas Shes a Scorcher de la Cocaina
(F) 10/23/2019
WS66182303; Fawn
Danendvor Forever Love
(F) 05/30/2015
WS50790602; Fawn
Danendvor Kona Take The World by Storm
(F) 05/13/2014
WS47278206; Fawn
Danendvor Mr President
(M) 05/13/2014
WS47278201; Fawn
Danendvor N Rhydts High Maintanence Girl
(F) 05/13/2014
WS47278203; Fawn
Danendvor Never Say Goodbye
(F) 05/30/2015
WS50790601; Fawn
Danendvor Somethin' To Talk About
(F) 05/30/2015
WS50790603; Fawn
Am GChB Danendvor Terragold Diamante Brillante
(M) 05/13/2014
WS47278204; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Dane Lane Play Misty For Me
(F) 07/03/2021
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Terragold Joenah's Diamond Dream AOM
(M) 07/03/2021
Teulu's Rohna Isle of Courage RI CGC TKN
(F) 06/28/2019
Am GCh Teulu's Timon Shinning New Era RN
(M) 06/28/2019
Teulu's Y Sunsets Reinita de la Joenah Y Sarabi
(F) 06/28/2019
Danendvor Walk on The Wild Side
(M) 05/13/2014
WS47278205; Fawn
Danendvor What Happens In Vegas
(F) 05/13/2014
WS47278202; Fawn
Danendvor-J & P's Dante
() 05/13/2014
WS47278207; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's A Fine Romance
(F) 06/24/2012
WS41304101; Fawn
Am GCh MoonRiver's El Patron
(M) 05/30/2015
WS50827003; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's First Light at Atelier
(F) 05/30/2015
WS50827002; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's Rae of Light at Atelier
(F) 05/07/2018
WS61209501; Fawn
MoonRiver's Heart of A Patriot
(M) 05/30/2015
WS50827004; Brindle
Am CH MoonRiver's Huckleberry Friend
(M) 05/30/2015
WS50827005; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's Celestial Joyride
(M) 04/07/2019
WS64628803; Fawn
MoonRiver's Mystery And Manners ACT1 ACT1J RATN
(F) 04/07/2019
WS64628801; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's Playing With Fire
(F) 05/30/2015
WS50827001; Brindle
MoonRiver's Crossing You In Style
(F) 03/30/2020
WS68347405; Fawn
MoonRiver's Me Before You V Trew
(F) 03/30/2020
WS68347406; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's Native Son
(M) 03/30/2020
WS68347407; Fawn
MoonRiver's Nothing With Strings
(F) 03/30/2020
WS68347401; Brindle
Am CH MoonRiver's Southern Breezes
(F) 03/30/2020
WS68347403; Brindle
MoonRiver's Southern Cocktail
(M) 03/30/2020
WS68347404; Fawn
MoonRiver's The Sun Also Rises
(M) 03/30/2020
WS68347402; Brindle
MoonRiver's Grace Under Fire
(F) 06/24/2012
WS41304103; Fawn
Am GCh MoonRiver's Hanlondane's Hitman
(M) 07/17/2010
WS35079801; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Cane Makes Able
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349402; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Raising the Ransom CGC TKN
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349403; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest U Got The Look
(F) 03/03/2016
WS53349401; Fawn
Cadrmn Fendane Fashionably Late
(F) 06/21/2021
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Wager It All on Black
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349404; Fawn
Aldydane's Diva Angelina De Firenze
(F) 04/14/2021
Aldydane's Ridin' Solo
(M) 09/17/2020
Aldydane's Viva La Vida
(M) 09/17/2020
Am GCh MoonRiver's I Feel Pretty
(F) 07/17/2010
WS35079802; Fawn

Am CH MoonRiver's An Hour Before Daylight
(M) 01/25/2016
WS52951704; Brindle
Am CH MoonRiver's Mischievous Moonlight
(M) 01/25/2016
WS52951701; Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's Simon of SweetBriar
(M) 01/25/2016
WS52951703; Brindle
Am CH MoonRiver's Sugar Magnolia V Windy Hill
(F) 01/25/2016
WS52951702; Brindle
Windy Hill's I Make My Own Luck
(F) 09/04/2020
WS70027409; Brindle
Am CH Windy Hill's Moreira Dark Shadow
(M) 09/04/2020
WS70027404; Brindle
Am GCh Windy Hill's N BRF's When A Plan Comes Together
(M) 09/04/2020
Am CH Windy Hill's Southern Perfection V MoonRiver
(F) 09/04/2020
WS70027406; Brindle
Windy Hills Spear And Shield Maiden CGC TKN VHMA VHMP
(F) 09/04/2020
WS70027402; Brindle
Am CH MoonRiver's Summer Meadow Hot Stuff V SanLor
(F) 01/25/2016
WS52951705; Brindle
MoonRiver's King of the Jungle
(M) 07/17/2010
WS35079805; Fawn
Am GCh MoonRiver's That Girl V KC Danes
(F) 06/24/2012
WS41304102; Fawn
KC Danes Mad About You
(F) 04/25/2015
WS50165601; Fawn
MoonRvr's Can't Take My Eyes Off of U V DaneKraa
(F) 07/17/2010
WS35079803; Fawn
Am CH Danekraafts Neet Tilt-A-Whirl FDC CGC TKN CAA BCAT RATN
(F) 10/31/2016
WS56456401; Fawn
Danekraafts Neet Whirlybird
(M) 10/31/2016
WS56456402; Fawn
Am GCh Danekraafts Ultra Chic
(F) 10/03/2016
WS52983202; Black
Danekraafts Black Magic
(F) 07/27/2019
Danekraafts Black Mamba
(M) 07/27/2019
WS65535601; Black
Danekraafts Just One More Time
WS70135204; Black
Am CH Danekraafts N Coneygrey's Timebomb FCAT CGCU CGCA ATT
(M) 08/21/2020
Danekraafts Paint It Black For R3
(M) 07/27/2019
WS65535602; Black
Danekraafts Time in A Bottle
(F) 08/21/2020
Am GCh Danekraafts Up In A Whirl
(F) 10/31/2016
WS56456403; Fawn
Danekraafts A Dapper Dan Man V Wyne Danes
(M) 03/20/2020
WS68782804; Fawn
Danekraafts Drop the MIC
(F) 03/23/2020
WS68782802; Fawn
Am CH Danekraafts Get Your Kicks V Tudordane
(M) 03/23/2020
WS68782801; Fawn
Danekraafts I'm A Dapper Dan Man V Wyne
(M) 03/23/2020
WS68782804; Fawn
Danekraafts Legendary Golden Arrow
(M) 03/23/2020
WS68782805; Fawn
Am CH Danekraafts The Bees Knees
(F) 03/23/2020
WS68782803; Fawn
Am GCh Danekraafts Whirl Effect V Den-En
(M) 10/31/2016
WS56456404; Fawn
Danekraafts Black Magic
(F) 07/27/2019
Danekraafts Black Mamba
(M) 07/27/2019
WS65535601; Black
Danekraafts Paint It Black For R3
(M) 07/27/2019
WS65535602; Black
Danekraafts Ripple Effect V Legado
(F) 06/15/2018
WS62956303; Black
Danekraafts Shadow Effect
(F) 06/15/2018
WS62956302; Black
Danekraafts Sunset Effect
(F) 06/15/2018
BISS Am GChB Great View's Mighty Tradewinds Maui
(M) 07/16/2019
WS71906901; Black
Great View's Morning Tradewinds Maui
(F) 09/16/2019
WS71906902; Fawn
Great View's U R My Paradise
(M) 11/30/2021
WS75868101; Black
McEmn-Danekraaft Dance To Your Own Rhythm
(F) 06/25/2019
WS65255105; Fawn
Mcemn-Danekraaft Dancing For My Father
(M) 06/25/2019
WS65255101; Fawn
McEmn-Danekraaft Private Dancer
(M) 06/25/2019
WS65255104; Brindle
McEmn-Danekraaft Shall We Dance
(F) 06/25/2019
WS65255102; Fawn
McEmn-Danekraaft's Dances on the Sand CGCA CGCU TKN VHMA ATT
(F) 06/25/2019
WS65255103; Brindle
Oak Haven's Uss Danekraafts Phaser Set To Stun
(M) 01/12/2022
WS75437306; Black
Shady Creek's Canyon Quake
(M) 11/30/2005
WS155720503; Fawn
Shady Creeks All Others Pale
() 12/17/2006
Shady Creeks Beauty Abound
() 12/17/2006
Shady Creeks No Other Dogs Before Me
() 12/17/2006
Shady Creeks Sloe Gin Fizz
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572504; Fawn
Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs Charismatic
() 12/17/2006
Am CH Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs I No U N V Me
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161101; Fawn

Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs I'M Hot N U No It
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161104; Fawn
Am CH Shady Crk N Moon Rvrs Im N Uptown Girl
(F) 12/17/2006
WS20161109; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Shady Crks Lady Smith N Wesson ROM
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572505; Fawn
Shdy Creeks Diva-Licious V Equiss
(F) 11/30/2005
BISS Am Ch Shady Creeks Sister Golden Hair AOM
(F) 09/10/2004
WS10146703; Fawn

Am CH Von Charm's Excalibur of Laurado
(M) 07/12/2009
WS30798603; Fawn
Am CH Von Charm's My Immortal Love
(F) 07/12/2009
WS30798601; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Von Charm's Return of the King CGC
(M) 03/28/2008
WS25518101; Brindle

Von Charm's Something Wiccan
(F) 03/28/2008
WS25518103; Fawn

Von Charm's Strange Magick
(F) 03/28/2008
Shady Creeks Tiberius
(M) 02/07/2002
Aldydane's Marcheline
(F) 04/15/2008
Aldydane's Party Girl Miss Samanthe
(F) 06/30/2012
WS41633405; Fawn
Aldydane's Bella Fiorella
(F) 07/19/2016
WS54557502; Fawn
Aldydane's Diva Angelina De Firenze
(F) 04/14/2021
Aldydane's Ridin' Solo
(M) 09/17/2020
Aldydane's Miracola Della Vita
(F) 07/19/2016
WS54557503; Fawn
Aldydane Ci Risiamo'A Mica
(M) 06/29/2022
Aldydane's Viva La Vida
(M) 09/17/2020
Aristo's Chance Encounter
(M) 09/01/2005
Am CH Shady Crks Mr Saturday Nite Special
(M) 09/10/2004
WS10146701; Fawn
Danehills Order of the Phoenix
; Fawn
Am CH Equiss A Midsummers Night Kiss
(M) 06/14/2006
WS18339801; Fawn
Int Ch Equiss Scarletoak Double Dipped
(F) 01/14/2008
WS24634502; Fawn
Equiss Tight Fittin Genes
(M) 07/01/2007
WS23006801; Fawn
Scarletoak Equiss Dbl Dose of Magik Elixir
(M) 01/14/2008
WS24634501; Fawn
Int Ch Scarletoak Equiss Double Kissed Candy Girl
(F) 01/14/2008
WS24634503; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Equiss Kiss N Mr Big Stuff
(M) 06/14/2006
WS18339804; Fawn
Equiss Kissing the Danes Away
(F) 06/14/2006
Equiss N Shady Creeks Kiss My Grits
(F) 06/14/2006
Equiss Strike the Band
(M) 10/04/2008
Equiss Tight Fittin Genes
(M) 07/01/2007
WS23006801; Fawn
Equiss Scarletoak Kiss Me Kwik
(F) 06/14/2006
WS18339802; Fawn
Int Ch Equiss Scarletoak Double Dipped
(F) 01/14/2008
WS24634502; Fawn
Scarletoak Equiss Dbl Dose of Magik Elixir
(M) 01/14/2008
WS24634501; Fawn
Int Ch Scarletoak Equiss Double Kissed Candy Girl
(F) 01/14/2008
WS24634503; Fawn
Fendanes Lil' Redneck
(M) 08/29/2007
WS23436505; Fawn
Just Do It
(M) 05/25/2009
2009030353 IN; Fawn
Meja Kally Fendanes Expresso Machiato
(F) 08/29/2007
Shady Creek's Canyon Quake
(M) 11/30/2005
WS155720503; Fawn
Shady Creeks Sloe Gin Fizz
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572504; Fawn
Am & Int Ch Shady Crks Lady Smith N Wesson ROM
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572505; Fawn
Shdy Creeks Diva-Licious V Equiss
(F) 11/30/2005
Christel's Choice
WP96320103; Fawn
Nobles Kodiak King Thunder
(M) 04/10/2003
WS03705404; Fawn
Noblek's Bring Back The Magic
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454607; Fawn
Rokadanes Noblek Bella Mia
(F) 06/10/2007
WS22640504; Fawn
Rokadanes Zamboni
(M) 06/10/2007
WS22640502; Brindle
Rokadanes Ziegfeld
(M) 06/10/2007
WS22640501; Brindle
Rokadanes Zsa Zsa
(F) 06/10/2007
WS22640503; Fawn
Noblek's Who's The Blonde Straner
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454608; Fawn
Nobleks Hey Hey Good Lookin
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454603; Fawn
Nobleks High Dollar Mover
(F) 06/30/2004
WS09454604; Brindle
The Dragonslayer
(M) 06/05/2001
WR03470003; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Brandywine
(F) 05/28/2003
; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Crimson Jewel
(F) 05/28/2003
WS04158610; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Dina
(F) 06/15/2005
; Fawn
Dragonslayer's Rough Boy
(M) 05/28/2003
; Brindle
MyLady's Dress to M Press
(F) 04/22/2009
WS30286705; Fawn
Ruby Glens Damsel of Two Ponds
(F) 11/21/2005
WS15596702; Brindle
Ruby Hollows Straw Into Gold
(M) 06/03/2009
Am CH Divine Acres 24 Karat
(M) 05/05/2002
WR06598903; Fawn
Farrell's Anticipation
(F) 11/30/2004
WS12909402; Brindle
Farrell's Kash & Kerrie
(F) 11/30/2004
WS12909401; Fawn
Farrell's Leading Man
(M) 05/20/2009
; Fawn
Farrell's Touch of Class
(M) 05/20/2009
WS31193001; Fawn
Farrells Leading Man
(M) 05/20/2009
Jake In The Box
WP96320104; Fawn
Cavender's Cayman Island Dream
(F) 09/28/2001
WR04489207; Fawn
Noblek Peanut Butter Conspiracy
(F) 04/02/2005
WS12982001; Fawn
Noblek Ruger O' Northwind
(M) 09/29/2004
WS10281501; Brindle
Northwind The Boy Is Back In Town
(M) 02/27/2006
WS16806505; Brindle
NobleK's Don't Stop the Carnival
(F) 03/05/2003
WS03275303; Brindle
NobleK's FU Money Talks BS Walks
(M) 04/02/2005
WS12982007; Fawn
Can Ch NobleK's Lady I Can't Explain
(F) 10/23/2005
WS14895204; Fawn
NobleKs Great Expectations
(F) 09/29/2004
WS10281505; Fawn
Nobles Lovely Maiden Lucious
(F) 03/05/2003
WS03275302; Brindle
M & M's Mac Daddy
WR05287809; Fawn
Casey's Cain
WS06095606; Brindle
Casey's Nash
WS13791201; Brindle
Nichelson's Zeus the Majestic
WS27684802; Brindle
Hariss Dane's Boy Blue
; Blue Brindle
Jj's Mighty Mackinac
(M) 05/28/2014
WS48043303; Fawn
Heavenly Quincey James
WS06372509; Fawn
Lokey's Olive Juice
WS24669509; Fawn
Booda's Chocolate Kiss
(M) 09/24/2010
WS35587807; Chocolate
Swampside Get That Spyder Out of Here
(M) 12/20/2015
WS52454101; Fawn
Swampside Lets Go Find Nemo
(F) 12/22/2015
; Fawn
Kiss This Cocoa Goodbye
WS32112104; Fawn
Diamond Danes Cocoa Lace
(F) 03/08/2012
WS40341401; Fawn Chocolate Markings
Karma Goes Around
WS41900504; Fawn Chocolate Markings
M & M's Booyah Boy
(M) 09/29/2007
M & M's Trickster of Waterdance
(M) 09/22/2012
Am CH Kc Danes Gone With the Wind
(F) 12/14/2004
WS11436103; Fawn
Kc Danes Mystic River
(F) 12/14/2004
WS11436105; Fawn
Kc Danes Delaney River
(F) 06/06/2008
WS26410603; Fawn
Kc Danes Jumpin Jack Splash
(M) 01/18/2011
WS36313105; Fawn

Kc Danes Misty River With Diablo
(F) 01/18/2011
WS36313102; Fawn
Am CH Kc Danes Mackenzie River
(M) 06/06/2008
Am CH Kc Danes National Treasure
(M) 12/14/2004
WS11436101; Fawn
KC Danes Mad About You
(F) 04/25/2015
WS50165601; Fawn
Sonya Danes N Kc Danes Corson's Bailey Bell
(F) 10/09/2020
WS70681402; Fawn
Am CH Sonya Danes N Kc Danes Steel Magnolias Sbell BCAT
(F) 10/09/2020
WS70681401; Fawn
Am CH Sonya Danes Nkc Danes Rheia May Bell
(F) 10/09/2020
WS70681405; Fawn
Kc Danes Pretty Woman Sheron
(F) 12/14/2004
WS11436104; Fawn
Am CH KC Danes the Untouchable E Nes
(M) 12/14/2004
WS11436102; Fawn
Kona's Supreme Gold
(M) 07/13/2001
Kwik-Dane's Golden Sand's Forever
(F) 04/26/2002
WS00576601; Fawn
Kwik-Dane's Haute Couture
(F) 10/07/2007
Kwik-Dane's Sir Scoobert Doo of Carolina
(M) 10/07/2007
Kwik-Dane's Liberty Belle
(F) 04/26/2002
Amare' Earthly Pleasure V Olympus
(F) 11/29/2006
WS20187402; Fawn
Olympus' Victory of Poseidon
(M) 05/28/2011
Amare's Golden Zephyr
(F) 11/29/2006
Am & Can Ch Lagarada Sahara La Bolero AOM
(F) 03/25/2006
WS17304703; Fawn
Saul Dancing the Flamenco at Fairmoor
; Fawn
Fairmoor Azlan of Anvin
(M) 03/13/2015
ZA009916B15; Fawn
RSA Ch Fairmoor League of Legends
(M) 03/13/2015
ZA009919B15; Fawn
RSA Ch Fairmoor Must Be Madison of vom Danois
(F) 01/09/2014
ZA042709B14; Fawn
Vom Danois Miss Moneypenny
(F) 05/18/2019
ZA011385B19; Fawn
Vom Danois the Legend
(M) 05/18/2019
ZA011386B20; Fawn
VomDanois King Arthur
(M) 07/06/2016
RSA Ch VomDanois Mae West
(F) 07/06/2016
ZA013140B16; Fawn
RSA Ch VomDanois Paddington Bear
(M) 07/06/2016
ZA013142B16; Fawn
Saul's Caffeine Free V Durey
(F) 05/09/2011
Can Ch Saul's Curve ID
(F) 05/09/2011
YJ401814; Fawn
Saul Mohican's All of Me
(F) 11/23/2014
WS50239902; Brindle
Can Ch Saul Mohican's Fiery Gem CGN RN
(F) 11/23/2014
BW590371 / WS50239901; Brindle
Am CH Saul Mohican's Life Izza Beach
(F) 11/23/2014
WS50239903; Brindle
CH Saul Peakview's Mohican
(M) 09/10/2015
WS52706101; Fawn
Peakview's Believe In Magic
(F) 02/09/2017
WS56844801; Fawn
Peakview's Country Boy
(M) 02/19/2019
WS64245501; Fawn
Peakview's Divine Destini
(F) 02/19/2019
WS64245503; Fawn
Peakview's Kiara
(F) 02/19/2019
WS64245504; Fawn
Peakview's Rise Up
(M) 03/01/2018
WS60689202; Fawn
Peakview's Sonic Boom
(M) 02/19/2019
WS64245502; Fawn
Peakview's Stevie Girl
(F) 03/01/2018
WS60689203; Fawn
Peakview's Takin A Chance
(M) 03/01/2018
WS60689201; Fawn
Peakview's Talkin Bout Tealie
(F) 02/09/2017
WS56844803; Fawn
Can Ch Peakview's You Really Got Me
(M) 02/09/2017
WS56844804 / 1137811; Fawn
Can Ch Saul's Dancing Le Paws O Doble
(M) 05/09/2011
WS38347706; Fawn
Can Ch Saul Mohican's Spirit
(M) 06/24/2014
BL567839 / WS50267701; Fawn
CH Saul Peakview's Mohican
(M) 09/10/2015
WS52706101; Fawn
Peakview's Believe In Magic
(F) 02/09/2017
WS56844801; Fawn
Peakview's Country Boy
(M) 02/19/2019
WS64245501; Fawn
Peakview's Divine Destini
(F) 02/19/2019
WS64245503; Fawn
Peakview's Kiara
(F) 02/19/2019
WS64245504; Fawn
Peakview's Rise Up
(M) 03/01/2018
WS60689202; Fawn
Peakview's Sonic Boom
(M) 02/19/2019
WS64245502; Fawn
Peakview's Stevie Girl
(F) 03/01/2018
WS60689203; Fawn
Peakview's Takin A Chance
(M) 03/01/2018
WS60689201; Fawn
Peakview's Talkin Bout Tealie
(F) 02/09/2017
WS56844803; Fawn
Can Ch Peakview's You Really Got Me
(M) 02/09/2017
WS56844804 / 1137811; Fawn
Saul's Essance of A Dream
(F) 10/29/2013
AU536760; Fawn
Am CH Saul's It Had To Be You
(F) 06/27/2009
Am GCh Saul's No Rain No Rainbows
(M) 12/30/2011
WS40904001; Fawn
Ravenna-F di Castelcampo
Rocket Man 'Elton' di Castelcampo
(M) 11/30/2020
Saul Ke Aloha Mohican Rainbow
(M) 03/31/2014
XG354809Be; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Kealoha Mohican Rainbow
(M) 03/31/2014
WS48139701; Fawn
Saul's Noble Ladies Man
(F) 05/09/2011
WS38347703; Fawn
Saul's Pawprints In the Sand
(F) 09/13/2010
Saul's Remember Me
(M) 06/27/2009
WS32264103; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Tequila Mockingbird ROM
(M) 09/13/2010
WS36387702; Fawn
Ashella's Time For A Stella CGC
(F) 08/21/2015
WS51358101; Brindle
MBISS GChG Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Baby Got Bock!
(F) 01/03/2019
WS64426101; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Cheese With That Wine V Izya
(F) 10/26/2022
WS78993405; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Nothing To Wine About
(M) 10/26/2022
Am GCh CH Ellenni Blackstone Two Buck Chuck
(M) 10/26/2022
Ellenni Blackstone Polar Espresso
(F) 05/19/2024
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Citra Azz Down!
(F) 01/03/2019
WS64426102; Fawn
Tidal Wave Ellenni Tow Away Zone
(F) 11/28/2021
WS74511101; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Hoptimus Prime
(M) 06/16/2018
WS61699703; Brindle
Daneacre Ellenni Pistol Pac N Momma
(F) 09/28/2021
WS75250901; Brindle
Daneacre Ellenni's Pistol Pac N Momma
(F) 09/28/2021
WS75250901; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Come Wander With Me V Holysto
(F) 10/06/2020
Ellenni Blackstone Judgement Night
(M) 10/06/2020
Ellenni Blackstone Last Defender of Camelot TKN
(F) 10/06/2020
Am GCh Ellenni Blackstone Mind And the Matter
(M) 10/06/2020
WS71390105; Fawn
Tidal Wave Ellenni Tow Away Zone
(F) 11/28/2021
WS74511101; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ring-A-Ding Girl
(F) 10/06/2020
Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Spice 4 Life Asistocr
(F) 06/16/2018
WS61699702; Fawn
Aristrocat Gd Dr Touched By Midas V Ashella
(M) 03/07/2021
GTR3701/41; Fawn
Am GChB Ellenni Blkstone Ashella True Friend of The Crown BN RN FDC OAP NJP OFP CAX FCAT7 ACT2 THDX CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITS
(F) 06/16/2018
WS61699701; Brindle

Ellenni Blackstone A Hellava Dill
(M) 06/02/2023
WS81140501; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Cat's Out of the Bag V Hauer
(F) 11/15/2021
WS75190901; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Cat-Alina Wine Mixer
(M) 11/15/2021
WS75190905; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Crocodill Rock
(F) 06/02/2023
Ellenni Blackstone I'm A "Guac Star"
(F) 05/06/2023
WS81154601; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone She's A Daffydill CGCA CGCU TKN FITS FTN
(F) 06/02/2023
WS81140502; Brindle
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Smelly Cat @ Seven Bends
(M) 11/15/2021
WS75190904; Brindle
IZYA Ellenni Blackstone Sugar Crush It
(F) 12/09/2023
IZYA's Sparrow Me The Drama
(F) 12/09/2023
Broken Rd's Pied Piper For Shakti
(F) 02/25/2016
WS53336301; Fawn
Broken Road Anita Vacation To Blackstone
(F) 11/10/2013
WS45735102; Fawn
Elenni Honey John Jacob Jingleheimer V Blackston
(M) 05/03/2017
; Brindle
Am CH Ellenni Honey Jonjacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Blks
(M) 05/03/2017
WS58125901; Brindle
Ellenni Honey Original Chex Mix
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602902; Fawn
Ellenni Honey Windwoods Chapter N Time
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602901; Fawn
Windwood Halos Legacy Begins New Chapter
(M) 09/05/2019
; Black
Ellenni Honey's Always After My Lucky Charms
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602907; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Bulls Thirty-Three
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521401; Brindle
Fendane Honey's Golden Solae' Sadie RN FDC DCAT DM DSA AN CGCA CGCU TKP
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131209; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest Priscilla
(F) 05/09/2017
Hauer & Deacons A Little Bit of Black &Gold Magi
(F) 06/22/2021
Am CH Hauerdane's Just Roll With It
(M) 06/22/2021
Am CH Lampe's My Lady of Haurdanes Sweet Isabella
(F) 11/21/2020
Fendanesylcrest Thruthe Looking Glass To Ace-Hi
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Up To No Good
(M) 05/09/2017
Fendanesylcrest Whiskey Drunk on Your Love
(M) 05/09/2017
WS57131207; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest-"Show Me Your Glory"
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131203; Brindle
McEmn's the Candy Man
(M) 07/06/2017
Am GCh Ellenni Honey's Cap'NCrunch
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602908; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Lakers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521403; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Sixers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521404; Brindle
Ellenni Honey's Snap! Crackle! And Pop! Vwoodsvi
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602906; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni's Honey of An Oh! V Blackstone CGCA CGCU TKN THDN CA BCAT FDC
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602909; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Come Wander With Me V Holysto
(F) 10/06/2020
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Daneacre April Fool Honey
(M) 03/29/2020
WS68369502; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Fool Moon Fever
(F) 03/29/2020
WS68369503; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Judgement Night
(M) 10/06/2020
Ellenni Blackstone Last Defender of Camelot TKN
(F) 10/06/2020
Am GCh Ellenni Blackstone Mind And the Matter
(M) 10/06/2020
WS71390105; Fawn
Tidal Wave Ellenni Tow Away Zone
(F) 11/28/2021
WS74511101; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Oh, the Places You'll Go! Hon
(M) 04/19/2019
WS65274501; Fawn
Harley D Hardts N Brinlann's Maneater V H Estate
(F) 06/02/2021
WS72578002; Fawn
Harley-D Hardt&Brinlann's St Augustine
(M) 06/04/2021
Ellenni Blackstone Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!
(M) 04/19/2019
WS65274502; Fawn
Am GCh Ellenni Blackstone Quick Queen of Quincy V Honey CGC RN
(F) 04/19/2019
WS65274503; Fawn
CH Ellenni Blackstone Yellow Polka Dot Zucchini
(F) 01/07/2022
WS76060401; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Polar Espresso
(F) 05/19/2024
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ring-A-Ding Girl
(F) 10/06/2020
Am GCh Ellenni Blkstn 26 Degrees Fool Sweet @ Timberlin TKN
(F) 03/29/2020
WS68369501; Fawn
Ellenni Blkstn Smile Because It Happened@Pegasus
(F) 04/19/2019
WS65274507; Fawn
Broken Road's I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball
(M) 11/10/2013
WS45735101; Fawn
Am CH Daneacre Blackstone Holly Golightly V Bonafide
(F) 02/16/2012
WS40143502; Fawn
Bonafide Blackstone Lipstick on Your Collar V Mi
(F) 09/03/2014
WS48210004; Fawn
Bonafide Blackstone Thats All She Wrote @Daneacr
(F) 09/03/2014
WS48210006; Fawn
Daneacreblkstone Do These Stripes Make Me Look F
(F) 02/16/2012
WS40143504; Brindle
Daneacres Amazing Grace
(F) 05/14/2014
WS47360704; Fawn
OHBISS OHBIS Am GChB Daneacres Angel Is A Centerfold @ Sundara AOM
(F) 05/14/2014
WS47360703; Fawn
Am CH Sundara's Engineered To Move
(F) 09/23/2018
WS62909802; Brindle
Am CH Sundara's Gold Dust Woman
(F) 09/23/2018
WS62909806; Fawn
Sundara's Neytiri Warrior Princess V Heartsong
(F) 09/23/2018
WS62909803; Fawn
Am GChB Sundara's Out of the Dark V Heartsong AOM
(M) 09/23/2018
WS62909804; Brindle
Am CH Sundara's Take You By Surprise
(M) 09/23/2018
WS62909801; Fawn
Daneacres Blackstone Changing Murphy's Law
(M) 02/16/2012
WS40143503; Fawn
Am CH Daneacres Diamonds R A Girls Best Friend @ Sunda AOM
(F) 05/14/2014
WS50514101; Fawn
Daneacres Field of Diamonds
(F) 06/01/2015
WS50514102; Fawn
Daneacres Let's Just Drink on It
(F) 05/14/2014
WS47360706; Fawn
Am GChS Rosecran's Larger Than Life
(M) 10/23/2017
WS59138101; Black
Daneacres N the Thunder Rolls
(M) 05/14/2014
WS47360705; Fawn
DaneAcres She 's My Cherry Pie
(F) 06/01/2015
WS50514102; Fawn
Daneacres Walking on Sunshine
(F) 05/14/2014
WS47360706; Fawn
Am GCh Daneacres Wild Irish Rose
(F) 05/14/2014
WS47360701; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Mercy Me She's the One L.A.'s
(F) 09/22/2018
WS62746402; Fawn
Am CH Daneacre Ellenni My Kinda Party
(M) 09/22/2018
WS62746404; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Daneacre April Fool Honey
(M) 03/29/2020
WS68369502; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Fool Moon Fever
(F) 03/29/2020
WS68369503; Fawn
Am GCh Ellenni Blkstn 26 Degrees Fool Sweet @ Timberlin TKN
(F) 03/29/2020
WS68369501; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Remember When
(M) 09/22/2018
WS62746406; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Shes Got It All @ Harley D Hard
(F) 09/22/2018
WS62746405; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Shut Up & Kiss Me
(F) 09/22/2018
WS62746403; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni Something2talkabout@Wecodnz
(F) 09/22/2018
WS62746401; Fawn
Am CH Daneacre Ellenni's Brand New Country Star CGC
(M) 12/03/2016
WS56022203; Fawn
Daneacre Ellenni's Little Miss Magic
(F) 12/03/2016
WS56022205; Brindle
Daneacre Ellenni Pistol Pac N Momma
(F) 09/28/2021
WS75250901; Brindle
Daneacre Ellenni's Pistol Pac N Momma
(F) 09/28/2021
WS75250901; Brindle
Am CH Daneacre Ellenni's Whiskey Bent And Hellbound CGC
(M) 11/09/2019
Paxton's It Goes Without Saying
(F) 12/23/2022
WS78943201; Fawn
Paxton's Promises And Dreams
(F) 12/23/2022
WS78943202; Brindle
MBISS Am GChB Daneacre Ellenni's Whsky A Go Go AOM
(F) 11/09/2019
WS67343801; Brindle
Bnb Danes Bidi Bidi Bom Bom V Herlitzbauer
(F) 01/21/2023
Bnb Danes Here On Gilligan's Isle
(M) 01/21/2023
WS79529003; Fawn
Bnb Danes Suando Hay Amor
(F) 01/21/2023
WS79529002; Fawn
BISS Am GChB Ellenni Blackstone Honey 1, 2, 3, Tequila Floor!
(M) 05/11/2018
WS62169101; Fawn
Ellenni Honey Blkstone How Many Licks Does It Ta CGC
(F) 11/07/2017
WS60097901; Fawn
Ellenni's Cross Examined
(M) 05/04/2020
WS69893305; Merle
Ellenni's Cross Your T's
(F) 05/04/2020
Am GCh Ellenni's Crossing the Line AOM
(M) 05/04/2020
WS69893309; Harlequin
Am CH Ellenni's Crossing the Rubicon ATT
(M) 05/04/2020
WS69893302; Merle
Ellenni's If You Can'T Stand The Heat V Stuck Ru
(F) 08/05/2021
WS75225701; Harlequin
Fendane Eb N Poppys Ooh La La
(F) 01/27/2014
WS46521001; Brindle
Fendanepoppy's Pineapple Rain
(F) 10/01/2016
WS55280703; Fawn
B3 Starting A Fire
(F) 05/04/2019
WS64767901; Fawn
Am CH Stuckrun's N B3s American Wakeup Call V H Estate FDC BCAT CGCA CGCU TKA ATT VHMA
(M) 05/04/2019
WS64767903; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Super Nova at Lmgd
(F) 10/01/2016
FendaneSylcrests In The Nick of Time
(F) 10/01/2016
WS55280711; Brindle
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Dane Lane Play Misty For Me
(F) 07/03/2021
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Terragold Joenah's Diamond Dream AOM
(M) 07/03/2021
Fendanesylcrests Swept With Sunshine
(M) 10/01/2016
Am CH Fendane Eb N Prf So You Wanna Play With Magic
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521704; Fawn
Am CH Prf Aim High Aim True CGC
(M) 05/17/2017
WS57449801; Fawn
Am CH PRF Fendane Have I Gone Mad
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036904; Fawn
Boathouse Izya Prf Beauty Beyond Compare V Legad
(F) 04/08/2020
WS68542304; Brindle
Boathouse Izyanprf Dancing Through The Starslega
(M) 04/08/2020
WS68542305; Brindle
Boathouse's Sparks Happen Multipass
(M) 04/08/2020
PRF Fendane Nevr Forget Who You Are
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036901; Fawn
Am CH Prf Fendane Tattletail Blackstone Ellenni
(F) 05/17/2017
WS57449803; Fawn
Am CH Prf's I Hear The Train A'Comin
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036903; Fawn
Fendane N Eb Royal Souverain De L'empire
(M) 01/27/2014
WS46521002; Fawn
Am CH Fendane N Eb's Earned These Stripes
(M) 01/27/2014
WS46521003; Brindle
Fendane N Eb's Finest Cigar
(M) 01/28/2014
WS46521702; Fawn
Fendane N Eb's Private Collection
(F) 01/28/2014
Am GCh Fendane N Eb's Winter Is Coming
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521705; Fawn
Am CH Izya Fendanes When One Corridor Closes FDC
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581905; Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrest Going With the Flow RI BCAT DJ TKA ATT VHMA GDCA-VA
(M) 10/30/2019
WS66535504; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest I Need A Bigger Boat
(M) 10/30/2019
WS66535505; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest the Golden Ticket
(F) 10/30/2019
WS66535501; Fawn
Syvile N Fendane Love You A Lottie
(F) 01/09/2023
WS79179404; Fawn
Syvile N Fendane's No More Drama
(F) 01/09/2023
WS79179405; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest's Dia De Los Muertos
(F) 10/30/2019
WS66535502; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest's Little Munster
(M) 10/30/2019
WS66535503; Fawn
Izya Super Natural Sam Winchester
(M) 11/04/2016
WS55581907; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Izya's Fight On & Fly On
(M) 02/17/2018
WS60340302; Brindle

Rocket Man 'Elton' di Castelcampo
(M) 11/30/2020
Alaskan's Naked Without Fear
(M) 01/03/2022
Amare's Sparkling Rose'
(F) 02/25/2021
Danemark Anaya's Original Fly Girl
(F) 01/16/2021
WS71235101; Brindle
Danemark Glacier Rewrite Rules, Bstrong & Byou
(F) 01/16/2021
WS71235105; Fawn
Kma in A World of Suckers Be A Lollipop
(F) 09/26/2022
Kma We Are Going All in Mhd
(M) 09/26/2022
WS77963304; Fawn
Kma-White the King of Rock & Roll
(M) 09/26/2022
BIS Int & UKC Ch Danemark's Holding the Heavens
(M) 06/07/2020
WS69170203; Brindle
Danemark's Weekend Warrior at Bridlewood
(M) 06/07/2020
Ellenni Blackstone Cat's Out of the Bag V Hauer
(F) 11/15/2021
WS75190901; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Cat-Alina Wine Mixer
(M) 11/15/2021
WS75190905; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Cheese With That Wine V Izya
(F) 10/26/2022
WS78993405; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone I'm A "Guac Star"
(F) 05/06/2023
WS81154601; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Nothing To Wine About
(M) 10/26/2022
Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Smelly Cat @ Seven Bends
(M) 11/15/2021
WS75190904; Brindle
IZYA Ellenni Blackstone Sugar Crush It
(F) 12/09/2023
IZYA's Sparrow Me The Drama
(F) 12/09/2023
Am GCh CH Ellenni Blackstone Two Buck Chuck
(M) 10/26/2022
Ellenni Blackstone Polar Espresso
(F) 05/19/2024
CH Ellenni Blackstone Yellow Polka Dot Zucchini
(F) 01/07/2022
WS76060401; Fawn
Legado Danemark N Izya's Leave Your Mark
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767803; Brindle
BISS Am GChG Legado N Danemark's A Captive Spirit
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767806; Fawn
Legado N IZYA I Put A Spell On You
(F) 02/11/2024
Legado N Peakview What A Wonderful World
(M) 02/11/2024
WS83391305; Fawn
Legado's Love Walked in V
() 02/11/2024
WS83391308; Fawn
Legado's My Funny Valetine v Shakti
(M) 02/11/2024
WS83391306; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Etched In Stone
(M) 03/19/2020
WS67767801; Fawn
BISS Am GCh Legado N Danemark's He Called Me Baby V Deltra
(F) 02/19/2021
WS71430904; Fawn
Am GChB Legado N Danemark's Heart of The Matter
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767802; Fawn
Am GChB Legado N Danemark's I Was Born A B!tch BCAT AOM
(F) 03/19/2020
WS67767805; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Gold Rush V Shakti CGC
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159607; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Pawsitively Golden
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159603; Fawn
Legadondanemark All That Glitters Is Gold @Dynam
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159605; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Over The Fence
(M) 03/19/2020
WS67767804; Brindle
Am GCh Legado N Danemark's Painting A Legacy
(M) 03/19/2020
WS67767801; Fawn
Am CH Danemark N Magazu Fast Like Blanche Sweet As Ros
(F) 11/08/2021
WS75080002; Fawn
POA Danemark's Like In The Fast Laney FDC
(F) 11/08/2021
Legado's Popular V Drr
(F) 09/07/2022
GChB CH Legado N Danemark’s If There’s Any Justice V Sunda FDC CGCA CGCU
(M) 02/19/2021
WS71430907; Brindle
Ellenni Blackstone Magazu Total Sith Show Holyston
(F) 05/04/2023
WS80803203; Fawn
Magazu Ellenni Blackstone May the 4th Be With U
(F) 05/04/2023
Danemarks Whole Lotta Love@Calicop
(M) 02/14/2023
Jerdan's Into the Matrix
(M) 06/19/2022
Legado N IZYA’s Oops! I Did It Again
(M) 02/22/2023
WS80095602; Brindle
Legado's Fashion Icon
(M) 02/22/2023
WS80095604; Brindle
Am CH Legado's Great Expectations
(M) 08/29/0222
WS77890905; Brindle
Legado N Danemark's Inis Mor v Rosecran
(M) 12/17/2023
Legado's Here Comes the Sun
(M) 02/22/2023
Legado's Out of the Shadows V Daynakin
(F) 08/29/2022
Legado's Return of the Jedi V Enchanted
(M) 08/29/2022
Legado's Slap Happy
(F) 02/22/2023
WS80095601; Fawn
Legado's the Beguiled
(F) 08/29/2022
WS77890901; Fawn
Am CH Legado's The Boss's Daughter V Lincoln
(F) 08/29/2022
WS77890903; Fawn
GCH CH Legado's The Realm's Delight @ Caerleon
(F) 02/22/2023
WS80095603; Fawn
Prf N Folklore's Paint The Roses Red
(F) 11/06/2022
; Brindle
PRF N Stuck Run's Copy N Paste
(F) 11/06/2022
; Black
PRF Paint The Roses Red
(F) 11/06/2022
; Brindle
Izya's Flyin' High And Fancy Free
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581906; Brindle
Izya's I Love Lucy
(F) 11/04/2016
Izya's JL's Showing It All
(M) 02/17/2018
WS60340303; Fawn
Izya's One Helluva Woman
(F) 02/17/2018
WS60340301; Fawn
Izya's Quit Your Harping
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581901; Fawn
Izya's Remember the Alamo
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581903; Brindle
Boathouse Izya Prf Beauty Beyond Compare V Legad
(F) 04/08/2020
WS68542304; Brindle
Boathouse Izyanprf Dancing Through The Starslega
(M) 04/08/2020
WS68542305; Brindle
Boathouse's Sparks Happen Multipass
(M) 04/08/2020
Am GCh Izya's Scarletoak Back to the Future POA
(M) 11/04/2016
WS55581902; Fawn
Scarletoak's Glass Slipper
(F) 04/19/2019
WS64439802; Fawn
Scarletoak's You Cast A Spell on Me
(F) 04/19/2019
WS64439804; Fawn
Scarletoaks Its Good To Be King
(M) 04/19/2019
WS64439803; Fawn
Scarletoaks the Huntsman
(M) 04/19/2019
WS64439801; Fawn
Am CH Fendane Paxton N Eb's General Sherman
(M) 01/28/2014
WS46521701; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Secret Agent at R3
(F) 03/09/2019
WS64648801; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest The Bees Knees Blackstone Ellen CGC
(F) 11/03/2017
WS59858801; Fawn
BISS Am Ch Ellenni Blackstone My Time Has Come V Magazu
(F) 05/02/2020
WS69644603; Fawn
Ellenni Blackstone Magazu Total Sith Show Holyston
(F) 05/04/2023
WS80803203; Fawn
Magazu Ellenni Blackstone May the 4th Be With U
(F) 05/04/2023
Ellenni Blckstone Any Way The Wind Blows VStuck
(F) 05/02/2020
WS69644604; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest American Son for Teeseedane
(M) 11/03/2017
WS59858807; Fawn
Keishant Athena
(F) 07/28/2021
Keishant Venus
(F) 10/10/2019
Keishant Zeus
(M) 10/10/2019
Nikami Leap Into Spring for Beaconfell
(F) 02/29/2020
UK Ch Nikami Leap of Faith for Teeseedane
(F) 02/29/2020
; Fawn
Nikami Leap of Romance
(M) 02/29/2020
Novavida Mist Over Pendle JW
(M) 10/08/2020
Primus She's Got the Lux at Shlarra
(F) 09/24/2021
Rioco My One and Only to Jasnettdanes
(F) 11/24/2021
Fendanesylcrest Cuckoo For Cocoa Puff
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521708; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Jack Sparrow
(M) 11/03/2017
WS59858802; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Brewed For Success
(F) 06/13/2013
WS44329204; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Dirty Little Secret
(F) 07/25/2018
WS62027002; Fawn
Pegasus Notorious B.I.G. @ Doce-Eck
(M) 02/17/2023
WS80000504; Fawn
Pegasus Run Wild, Live Free
(M) 02/15/2022
WS75789002; Fawn
Pegasus Takin Care of Business
(M) 02/17/2023
WS80000505; Black
Fendanesylcrest N eb's Hell's Fury
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329201; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Out of the Box To Shady C
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329202; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Bent Outta Shape
(M) 05/03/2015
WS50811202; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest Pebbles Rocks V Tuscany Emtk
(F) 05/03/2015
WS50811201; Fawn
Grissom's N Melody's First Light
(M) 05/06/2015
WS50386805; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Packer Brown
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329205; Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Risgae Business
(F) 06/13/2013
WS44329203; Fawn
Fendane Honey's Golden Solae' Sadie RN FDC DCAT DM DSA AN CGCA CGCU TKP
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131209; Brindle
UK Ch FendaneSylcrest American Outlaw at Sunlind
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252808; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest Commotion V Danelane
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252802; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Eb Holdin Down the Fort@Dane Lan
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273808; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Higher Ground
(F) 09/22/2019
WS66273802; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest I Rest My Case @ Pegasus
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252806; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Lord of the Ring
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273804; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest My Way or The Highway
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252804; Fawn
BISS Am GChS Fendanesylcrest N Diriso´s This Is the Right Tim AOM
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273805; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Priscilla
(F) 05/09/2017
Hauer & Deacons A Little Bit of Black &Gold Magi
(F) 06/22/2021
Am CH Hauerdane's Just Roll With It
(M) 06/22/2021
Legado N Danemark's Gold Rush V Shakti CGC
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159607; Fawn
Legado N Danemark's Pawsitively Golden
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159603; Fawn
Legadondanemark All That Glitters Is Gold @Dynam
(F) 11/14/2022
WS79159605; Fawn
Am CH Lampe's My Lady of Haurdanes Sweet Isabella
(F) 11/21/2020
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Red Sails In the Sunset at Brahm
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252805; Fawn
FendaneSylcrest Renegades Chief Albert V The Swa
(M) 04/20/2018
WS61252803; Fawn
BISS Am GChS Fendanesylcrest Take Note at Diriso
(F) 04/20/2018
WS61252801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Burnin Down the House@Dane Lane
(M) 07/31/2022
WS78548801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Reinas Purple N Gold @ Sunset
(F) 07/31/2022
WS78548803; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Whiskey Bent N Hell Bound
(F) 07/31/2022
WS78548802; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Thruthe Looking Glass To Ace-Hi
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest Up To No Good
(M) 05/09/2017
Fendanesylcrest Whiskey Drunk on Your Love
(M) 05/09/2017
WS57131207; Brindle
Fendanesylcrest-"Show Me Your Glory"
(F) 05/09/2017
WS57131203; Brindle
Fendanesylcrests Destination Dane Lane
(M) 09/22/2019
WS66273803; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrests Kissing Katie Down Dane Lane
(F) 09/22/2019
WS66273801; Fawn
Am CH Fendnesylcrests Confetti On Dane Lane
(F) 09/22/2019
WS66273806; Fawn
Dane Lane & Sylcrest A Million Dreams @ Evenstar
(M) 01/02/2024
Dane Lane & Sylcrest's Intuition
(F) 01/02/2024
Fendanesylcrest the Bee's Knees Blackstone Ellen CGC
(F) 11/03/2017
WS59858801; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Clydesdale
(M) 06/13/2013
WS44329208; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests N Eb's Easy Come Easy Go
(F) 06/13/2013
WS44329206; Fawn
Fendane Sylcrest Cane Makes Able
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349402; Fawn
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Raising the Ransom CGC TKN
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349403; Fawn
Fendanesylcrest U Got The Look
(F) 03/03/2016
WS53349401; Fawn
Cadrmn Fendane Fashionably Late
(F) 06/21/2021
Am CH Fendanesylcrest Wager It All on Black
(M) 03/03/2016
WS53349404; Fawn
Am CH Pegasus Black Tie Affair
(M) 07/30/2015
Jaylor's Hans Solo
(M) 05/04/2018
WS61434301; Fawn
KatCrew's Teflon Don
(M) 09/02/2014
WS48012801; Black
Am GCh Lobato's My Kinda Party AOM
WS44235703; Fawn
Am CH Lobato's Action Jackson
(M) 11/17/2018
WS63680403; Brindle
Am GCh Lobato's Copa Copa Havanna AOM
(F) 11/17/2018
WS63680401; Fawn
Lobato's O'Mia O'Maya
(F) 11/17/2018
WS63680402; Fawn
Am GCh Saul Anaya X Factor V F'nwood
(M) 12/08/2011
WS40705102; Fawn
Am CH Saul's In Your Honor
(M) 12/08/2011
WS40705101; Fawn
Sylcrest N AVF Song of My Heart
(F) 03/21/2015
WS50047901; Fawn
Sylcrest's Say Something
(M) 01/27/2014
WS46521004; Brindle
Am GCh Terra Nova V Lobato I'm A Country Girl
(F) 10/18/2013
Am & Can Ch Terra Nova V Lobato's Cowboy Casanova
(M) 10/18/2013
WS45434403 / 1130171; Fawn
Can Ch Terra Nova V Lobato's Gunpowder & Lead
(F) 10/18/2013
WS45434402 / 1130172; Fawn
Am CH Touchstone - Terra Nova's Neverbeast
(M) 10/18/2013
Am CH Saul's Tesla Aurea at Enzodane
(F) 05/09/2011
WS38347702; Fawn
Saul's Timeless Peakview
(F) 09/13/2010
WS36387701; Fawn
Peakview's Copacabana
(F) 11/29/2013
WS45593609; Fawn
Cheetos Diablo Great Dane
(M) 06/21/2015
Delecta Diablo Great Dane
(F) 10/12/2016
Zion Hill Freedom Is Not Free TKN
(F) 05/26/2020
WS68531608; Fawn
J-Lo Qwirynus of Kaallana
(F) 11/06/2019
4611DI; Fawn
Delecta Diablo Great Dane
(F) 10/12/2016
Zion Hill Freedom Is Not Free TKN
(F) 05/26/2020
WS68531608; Fawn
Am CH Peakview's Gonna Wanna Win
(M) 11/29/2013
WS45593606; Fawn
Peakview's Do You Wanna Dance & Jive
(M) 02/17/2016
WS52676203; Fawn
Peakview's Moonlite Macarena
(F) 02/17/2016
WS52676201; Fawn
Peakview's Rushmore Granite Lady
(F) 02/17/2016
WS52676204; Fawn
Am GCh Peakview's Kiss & Hug AOM
(M) 11/29/2013
WS45593603; Fawn
Am CH Peakview's Kiss Me Quik
(M) 11/29/2013
WS45593607; Fawn
Am CH Peakview's Moonlite Kiss AOM
(F) 11/29/2013
WS45593601; Fawn
Peakview's Believe In Magic
(F) 02/09/2017
WS56844801; Fawn
Peakview's Country Boy
(M) 02/19/2019
WS64245501; Fawn
Peakview's Divine Destini
(F) 02/19/2019
WS64245503; Fawn
Peakview's Do You Wanna Dance & Jive
(M) 02/17/2016
WS52676203; Fawn
Peakview's Kiara
(F) 02/19/2019
WS64245504; Fawn
Peakview's Moonlite Macarena
(F) 02/17/2016
WS52676201; Fawn
Peakview's Rise Up
(M) 03/01/2018
WS60689202; Fawn
Peakview's Rushmore Granite Lady
(F) 02/17/2016
WS52676204; Fawn
Peakview's Sonic Boom
(M) 02/19/2019
WS64245502; Fawn
Peakview's Stevie Girl
(F) 03/01/2018
WS60689203; Fawn
Peakview's Takin A Chance
(M) 03/01/2018
WS60689201; Fawn
Peakview's Talkin Bout Tealie
(F) 02/09/2017
WS56844803; Fawn
Can Ch Peakview's You Really Got Me
(M) 02/09/2017
WS56844804 / 1137811; Fawn
Peakview's Time To Shine
(M) 11/29/2013
WS45593604; Fawn
Svevo's One Is Coming For You
(F) 11/29/2013
WS45593605; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Tolduso Uget What Ugive
(F) 05/09/2011
WS38347705; Fawn
Am GCh Saul's Trace the Memory
(M) 06/27/2009
WL299725 / WS32264102; Fawn
Am CH Saul's Via Encanto Double Down
(M) 05/09/2011
WS38347701; Fawn
Saul's You Had Me at Y'ellow
(M) 05/09/2011
WS36387704; Fawn
Kma Kaydean Turnin Heads Coast2coast
(F) 06/28/2013
Am CH Kma's Iron Maiden V Granite Falls
(F) 05/06/2016
Am GCh Kma's U Rock My World
(F) 05/06/2016
Am CH Kma Kaydean's Mpressive G Man
(M) 12/13/2012
WS43491802; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Sahara Lindy Hop
(F) 03/25/2006
WS17304701; Fawn
Lagarada Sahara Karma Song
(F) 01/24/2009
WS29384504; Fawn
Lagarada's Forever After at Mihi
(F) 11/20/2005
WS15668804; Fawn
Lagarada's Forever Mine
(F) 11/20/2005
WS15668801; Fawn
Am GCh Lagarada's Forever More
(F) 11/20/2005
WS15668802; Fawn
Lagarada Danehills Whirlwind
(M) 11/09/2010
WS35751902; Fawn
Lagarada Danehills Wind Dancer
(M) 11/09/2010
WS35751905; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Danehills Wind Ryder
(M) 11/09/2010
Lagarada Danehills Winds of Change
(F) 11/09/2010
WS35751906; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Special Agent Miranda
(F) 08/13/2015
WS51325901; Fawn
Lagarada Mirakel Madison's - the One To Remember
(F) 03/25/2022
Lagarada's Mirakel Backfield In Motion V Raseac
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681415; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Mirakel Country Girl
(F) 06/27/2019
WS65451703; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Danehills Line Backer Mity Mi
(M) 02/01/2020
WS67681416; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Danehills N2the Endzone@Pteli
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681419; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Danehills XR Half Time Show
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681420; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Xr Danehill's Hail Mary
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681414; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Xr Danehill's Mvp
(M) 02/01/2020
WS67681413; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Mirakel Xr's Country Rhythm
(F) 06/27/2019
WS65451702; Fawn
XR Lagarada's Perfect Storm
(M) 07/11/2024
Lagarada's Special Agent Incognito
(M) 08/13/2015
WS51325905; Fawn
Lagarada's Special Agent Murphy
(M) 08/13/2015
Lagarada's Special Agent Viva La Secret
(F) 08/13/2015
Am CH Lagarada Danehills Written In The Wind
(F) 11/09/2010
WS35751901; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Danehills Rockstar DN
(M) 01/24/2014
WS46420102; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada Danehills Star Qwest
(M) 01/24/2014
WS46420103; Fawn
Am GChG Lagarada Danehills Star Struck Titan
(M) 01/24/2014
WS46420105; Fawn
Daynakin's Khall Me Khrazy
(F) 12/23/2021
Daynakin's Kiss Your Money Goodbye
(F) 12/23/2021
WS75209107; Brindle
Am GCh Daynakin's Kome To Memphis
(M) 12/23/2021
WS75209106; Brindle
Can GCh Ebd Valbydane Rockstar Glamour
(F) 06/27/2016
DL672481; Fawn
Lexis Lagarada Dh Americas Most Wanted
(M) 09/24/2018
WS62443706; Fawn
BISS GChS Int Ch Lexis Lagarada Dh Back the Blue CGC TKA
(M) 09/24/2018
WS62443701; Fawn
Lexis Lagarada Dh Lieutenant Joe Kenda
(M) 09/24/2018
WS62443702; Fawn
Am CH Lexis Lagarada Dh the Perpetrator
(M) 09/24/2018
WS62443705; Fawn
Am CH Lexis Lagarada Dh Thief of Hearts
(F) 09/24/2018
WS62442708; Fawn
ValbyDane My Star Burns Bright CGN RN
(F) 06/27/2016
Can Ch Valbydane Painttheskywithstars
(M) 06/27/2016
Can Ch Valbydane Preparetbstarstruck
(F) 06/27/2016
Am & Ind GCh Lagarada Danehills Starman
(M) 01/24/2014
WS46420101; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Fire Storm
(M) 06/09/2011
WS37728101; Fawn
Am GCh Lagarada's Forever Lookin' Back
(F) 04/04/2009
WS29860105; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Forever After
(F) 06/03/2012
WS41063109; Fawn
Am GCh Lagarada's Forever Amber
(F) 06/03/2012
WS41063104; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada XR Forever Over and Above ATT
(M) 03/04/2017
WS56774405; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Backfield In Motion V Raseac
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681415; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Danehills Line Backer Mity Mi
(M) 02/01/2020
WS67681416; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Danehills N2the Endzone@Pteli
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681419; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Danehills XR Half Time Show
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681420; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Xr Danehill's Hail Mary
(F) 02/01/2020
WS67681414; Fawn
Lagarada's Mirakel Xr Danehill's Mvp
(M) 02/01/2020
WS67681413; Fawn
Chimo's Comin Up Roses Tx-C
(F) 04/12/2022
WS76705605; Fawn
Am CH Chimo's Orleans Yellow Rose O'Tara Tx-C
() 04/12/2022
WS76705601; Fawn
Chimo's Ramblin Rose Tx-C
(F) 04/12/2022
WS76705604; Fawn
Am CH Golden Rule & Neet Immaculata CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA VHMP
(F) 05/19/2022
WS77312201; Fawn
Golden Rule & Neet XR Summer Love @ Absolute
(F) 05/19/2022
WS77312203; Fawn
Am GChB Lagarada's Forever A Lady CA CGC TKN
(F) 03/27/2016
WS53545601; Fawn
Lagarada's Forever Footsteps of Gold
(M) 03/27/2016
WS53545602; Fawn
BISS Am GChS, Can & Int Ch Lagarada's XR Diamonds Are Forever V Daynakin AOM
(F) 03/04/2017
WS56774406 / ERN17000690; Fawn
Lagarada's XR Forever And A Day
(M) 03/04/2017
WS56774401; Fawn
Lexis Bold Ruler
(M) 06/26/2021
WS73317102; Fawn
Am GCh Lagarada's Xr Forever Gunther
(M) 03/04/2017
WS56774403; Fawn
Lagarada's Now And Forever
(M) 06/03/2012
Lagarada's Goddess of Fire
(F) 06/09/2011
WS37728102; Fawn
Bella's Lagarada the Pacific Ring of Fire
(M) 06/29/2015
WS51156710; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Gotcha This Time
(M) 04/04/2009
WS29860106; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Light My Fire
(M) 06/09/2011
WS37728104; Fawn
Can GCh Lagarada's Magical Memories CGN
(F) 04/04/2009
WS29860104; Fawn
Lagarada's Believe In Magic
(F) 05/16/2014
Can GCh Lagarada's Celtic Magic
Can GCh Lagarada's Lil Bit of Magic
Can Ch Lagarada's Magic Beau
BJ571162; Fawn
Am GCh Lagarada's Magic Mike
(M) 05/16/2014
WS48842303; Fawn
Sunnyskys Gone With Wind
(F) 05/01/2019
WS64926505; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Magic Moments
(F) 05/16/2014
WS48842301; Fawn
Lagarada's Some Mora the Same
(F) 04/04/2009
WS29860103; Fawn
Lagarada's Turn Back Time
(M) 04/04/2009
WS29860107; Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Written In The Wind
(F) 11/09/2010
BISS Am GCh Lagarada's Xr Spit Fire AOM
(M) 06/09/2011
Windy Hill N Lagarada's the Next Top Model
(F) 02/27/2008
WS25450502; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Avalanche
(F) 08/10/2000
WP99614201; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes California Tremor
(M) 07/07/2001
WR03691704; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Tsunami
(F) 07/07/2001
WR03691702; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Eye of the Storm
(M) 09/09/2006
Pacific Sunshine Girl V Tue-J's
(F) 12/09/2010
Pacific Ziva's Diva V Tue-J's
(F) 12/09/2010
Am GChP Tue-J's Pacific Category Five HOF
(M) 12/09/2010
WS36018302; Fawn

Am GCh Tue-J's Stormy Weather V Pacific
(F) 12/09/2010
WS36018301; Fawn
Am CH Sandedanes Monsoon
(M) 09/09/2006
WS19334001; Fawn
Sandedanes Charlemagne
() 03/19/2009
Sandedanes Hurricane Holly
() 03/19/2009
Sandedanes Lucky Tiger Lily
() 03/19/2009
Am GCh Sandedanes Rogue Wave
(M) 03/19/2009
WS29640802; Brindle
Sandedanes Sandstorm
() 03/19/2009
WS29640803; Fawn
Sandedanes Typhoon
(M) 03/19/2009
WS29640806; Brindle
Am CH Sandedanes Un-Predictable Storm
(M) 03/19/2009
WS29640801; Fawn
Sandedanes Riptide
(M) 11/05/2004
Shawnee Summer Moon
WP97381904; Fawn
Magdelaina Sweet Summer Meadow
(F) 04/17/2005
WS12973303; Fawn
Am GCh Summer Meadow-Spellbound's Bewitched
(F) 04/07/2009
WS29830601; Fawn

Summer Meadows Navigator Right on Course
(M) 04/07/2009
WS29830607; Brindle
Am GCh Summer Meadows Welcome To The Jungle
(M) 04/26/2010
Nobles Sir Rockingham V Kast
(M) 06/23/2002
WS01264401; Brindle
Princess Moon Gina
(F) 01/11/2004
WS07461507; Brindle
Am CH Windyhills All That Glitters V Kwik
(F) 04/26/2002
WS00576603; Fawn

Windy Hill's Blondes Have More Fun
(F) 04/11/2006
WS17796901; Fawn
Windy Hill's Shines So Bright
(F) 08/13/2008
WS27606501; Fawn
Windy Hill's the Archangel
(M) 04/11/2006
Windyhill's Tre's Avant Weaver
(M) 04/11/2006
WS17796903; Fawn
Avant-Weaver's Etouffee
(F) 06/16/2007
WS22406401; Fawn

Am GCh Avant-Weaver's Apres Un Reve To A Broken Road
(F) 07/27/2010
WS34825307; Fawn
Broken Road Anita Vacation To Blackstone
(F) 11/10/2013
WS45735102; Fawn
Elenni Honey John Jacob Jingleheimer V Blackston
(M) 05/03/2017
; Brindle
Am CH Ellenni Honey Jonjacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Blks
(M) 05/03/2017
WS58125901; Brindle
Ellenni Honey Original Chex Mix
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602902; Fawn
Ellenni Honey Windwoods Chapter N Time
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602901; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Always After My Lucky Charms
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602907; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Bulls Thirty-Three
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521401; Brindle
Am GCh Ellenni Honey's Cap'NCrunch
(M) 10/29/2016
WS56602908; Fawn
Ellenni Honey's Lakers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521403; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni Honey's Sixers Thirty Four
(M) 12/04/2015
WS53521404; Brindle
Ellenni Honey's Snap! Crackle! And Pop! Vwoodsvi
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602906; Fawn
Am CH Ellenni's Honey of An Oh! V Blackstone CGCA CGCU TKN THDN CA BCAT FDC
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602909; Fawn
Broken Road's I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball
(M) 11/10/2013
WS45735101; Fawn
Broken Rd's Story Starts Here
(F) 06/08/2015
WS51082901; Fawn
Fendanesylcrests Secret Agent at R3
(F) 03/09/2019
WS64648801; Fawn
Am CH Avant-Weaver's Have Gun Will Travel N Lites
(M) 07/27/2010
WS34825312; Brindle
Castlerea's Coup D'Eclat
(F) 02/26/2016
Castlerea's Locked And Loaded
(M) 02/26/2016
WS53357506; Brindle
Paladin's Desire of Northern Lites
(F) 09/11/2016
Pinnacle N Lites Just In the Nick of Time
(F) 01/24/2014
WS46494906; Fawn
Am CH Pinnacle One Moment In Time
(F) 01/24/2014
WS46494905; Fawn
Pinnacle's Westminster Moment CGC
(M) 01/24/2014
WS46494901; Fawn
Avant-Weaver's King George
(M) 07/27/2010
WS34825309; Fawn