River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Int, Fin & Swd Ch Kingsize Head Over Heels
(M) 07/03/1994
S48165/94; Black
COI: 0.20%
Sire Swd Ch Haltmeier's Edsel For Celeber   
(M) 10/11/1991
WP38383904; Black

Dam Kingsize Memory Morning   
(F) 11/25/1988
S54943/88; Harlequin

Full Siblings
  1. Kingsize Hot As Hell   
    (M) 07/03/1994
    S48163/94; Black

  2. Kingsize Happy Hooker   
    (F) 07/03/1994
    S48166/94; Black

  3. Int, Fin & Swd Ch Kingsize Handsome Highlight   
    (M) 07/03/1994
    S48164/94; Black / White

  4. Kingsize High Harlequin Hope   
    (M) 07/03/1994
    S48162/94; Harlequin

Sire Sibling 1 Celeber's Spader Ess   
(F) 12/16/1990
S10614/91; Black

  1. Celeber's Vovve   
    (M) 07/17/1995
    S43503/95; Black

  2. Celeber's Vendetta   
    (F) 07/17/1995

  3. Celeber's Vild Vittra   
    (F) 07/17/1995
    S43506/95; Black

  4. Celeber's Värsting Till Bigbeauties   
    (M) 07/17/1995
    S43501/95; Black

Sire Sibling 2 Celeber's Spader Madam   
(F) 12/16/1990
S10613/91; Black

  1. Galanthus Naughty Neddy   
    ; Black

  2. Nwy Ch Galanthus Noble And Nice   
    ; Black

  3. Galanthus Name O'The Game   

Sire Sibling 3 Vanmore Bloomin Lovely   
N37806/92; Blue

  1. Hotpoints Oh What A Thrill   
    (M) 07/05/1994
    N25360/94; Black

  2. Nwy Ch Hotpoints Opportunity Knocks   
    (F) 07/05/1994
    N25364/94; Black

  3. Hotpoints on Parade at Vanmore   
    (M) 07/05/1994
    V95245V02; Black

Dam Sibling 1 Kingsize Black And White Beast   
(M) 11/26/1992
S67798/92; Black

  1. Kingsize One And Only   
    (M) 11/26/1995
    S13338/96; Harlequin

Dam Sibling 2 Kingsize Regal Remainder   
(M) 05/05/1990
S36886/90; Harlequin

  1. Kingsize Young Yazzy   
    (F) 06/24/1991
    S48980/91; Black

  2. Kingsize Yappy Yeoman   
    (M) 06/24/1991
    S48979/91; Black

  3. Kingsize Yours Yokefellow   
    (M) 06/24/1991
    S48978/91; Harlequin