Sire |
Am CH Loxley Breezyknoll's Up-N-Adam (M) 05/19/1985 WF702723; Fawn
Dam |
Loxley-Stilotz I'm Hunky Dorie (F) 11/09/1985 WF943998; Fawn
Full Siblings |
Loxley's Heartbreaker
(M) 07/07/1987 WG064114; Fawn
Sire Sibling 1 |
Eyscha v d Mainschleife TDI TT (F) ;
Offspring |
CH Bayerngold's Andreddi Am I CD TDI
(M) 10/06/1990 WP30994701;
Sire Sibling 2 |
Loxley Mtdania's P-Nut Brindle (F) 09/02/1984 WF702724; Brindle
Offspring |
Loxley's Hulk Hogan
(M) 09/17/1987 WG067809; Brindle
Mtdania Mafia Madame VSpring
(F) 09/17/1987 WG065129; Brindle
Loxley's Taylor Made
(M) 01/12/1989 WG306076; Brindle
Loxley's Sudden Impact
(M) 01/12/1989 WG279973; Brindle
Sire Sibling 3 |
Am CH Loxley's Ming Tiger Lily (F) 10/31/1986 WF969253; Brindle
Offspring |
Larchwood's She's The One
(F) 03/13/1991 WP34939701; Fawn
LRCHWDS Mighty Mike V Loxley
(M) 03/13/1991 WP34939704; Fawn
Loxleys Ming Dynasty V LRHWD
(M) 03/13/1991 WP34939702; Brindle
Lrchwd's Pretty Women V Lxly
(F) 03/13/1991 WP34939703; Fawn
Loxley Larchwd's A New Chapter
(F) 03/13/1991 WP34939705; Fawn
Larchwood's Robin Hood V Regal Oak
(M) 03/13/1991 WP34939706;
Sire Sibling 4 |
Am CH McEmn's Alexis (F) WF630515; Brindle
Offspring |
McEmn's Dagmar of Esylium
(F) WG054188; Fawn
McEmn's Raisin' Cain
(M) 07/04/1987 WG016054; Brindle
Sire Sibling 5 |
Am CH Mountdania's Southern Charm (F) 07/07/1983 WF439392; Brindle
Offspring |
CH Southdania's Magic Charm
(F) 10/22/1987 WG065330;
Southdania's Easy Does It
(M) 10/22/1987 WG071666;
Southdania's Masked Rebel
(M) 10/22/1987 WG065326;
Sire Sibling 6 |
Am CH Oak Hill's Sarajevo (F) 12/05/1983 WF507532; Brindle
Offspring |
Scherbob's Sophiscated Lady
(F) ;
Oak Hill's Regina
(F) 11/05/1987 WG120483;
Oak Hill's Benghazi
(M) 11/05/1987 WG120482;
Sire Sibling 7 |
Rojon's Luxury Item of Oakl'd (F) 05/10/1982 WF194568; Fawn
Offspring |
Oakland's Hombre
(M) 12/07/1987 WG095760;
Oakland's Hesperus
(F) 12/07/1987 WG095761;
Dam Sibling 1 |
Breezyknoll's Action Jackson (M) 12/01/1987 WG125529;
Offspring |
Loxley's Be Bop Baby
(F) 04/01/1990 WG545747; Fawn
Loxley's Moon Shadow
(F) 04/01/1990 WG500182; Brindle