River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Rojon's Talk of The Town
(F) 06/20/2013
WS44271806; Brindle
COI: 12.74%
Sire BIS Int Ch Rojon's Persian Boy   
(M) 03/30/2009
WS30319608; Brindle

Dam Am CH Rojon's Love Me Tender   
(F) 09/03/2009
WS31525201; Fawn

Full Siblings
  1. Rojon's Trance   
    (F) 06/20/2013
    WS44271801; Brindle

  2. Rojon's Confidential   
    (M) 06/20/2013

  3. Rojon's Romantico of Lore   
    (M) 09/20/2013
    WS44271803; Brindle

Sire Sibling 1 Crekside's For Heavens Sake!!   
(F) 01/13/2007

  1. Imago de Casa   
    Crekside's For Heavens Sake!!;

Sire Sibling 2 Am CH Divine Acres Heaven Sent   
(F) 11/08/2010
WS35896511; Fawn

  1. Am GCh Divine Acres Go the Distance   
    (F) 07/01/2013
    WS44967604; Fawn

Sire Sibling 3 Jane the Fenix de Casaarabal   
(F) 09/11/2010
WS36140303; Fawn

  1. Boromir de Casaarabal Rugar   
    KCI 2015/019986;

  2. Mi Amor de Casaarabal   
    (F) 06/07/2012
    WS41308706; Fawn

  3. Casaarabals Arabesque   
    (F) 03/05/2013
    WS43547702; Brindle

  4. Casaarabal's Bonita Gv Strykeracres CGC  
    (F) 03/05/2013
    WS43547708; Brindle

Sire Sibling 4 Julieta de Casaarabal   
(F) 09/11/2010
WS36140302; Fawn

  1. Am CH King Arthur de Casaarabal   
    (M) 05/25/2013
    WS44319405; Brindle

  2. Rams Lemuria de Casaarabal   
    (M) 05/25/2013
    WS44319402; Fawn

  3. Casaarabal's The Lady of Golden Wood   
    (F) 05/25/2013
    WS44319406; Fawn

Sire Sibling 5 Am GCh Rojon's One Hot Kiss   
(F) 01/13/2009
WS29061304; Fawn

  1. Am CH Rojon's Shut Up & Kiss Me   
    (M) 07/05/2013
    WS45724901; Fawn

  2. Am CH Rojon's Kissed In The Dark CGCA CGCU AOM  
    (M) 07/05/2013
    WS45724902; Brindle

Sire Sibling 6 Am GCh Rojon's Remember When   
(F) 09/03/2009
WS31525202; Fawn

  1. Rojon's Extraordinary Gentleman   
    (M) 10/09/2013

  2. Am CH Rojon's American Hustle V Primrose   
    (F) 10/09/2013
    WS45716902; Brindle

Sire Sibling 7 Am GCh Rojon's Say Yes   
(F) 01/13/2009
WS29061301; Fawn

  1. Rojon's New York New York   
    (M) 04/27/2012

  2. Am CH Rojon's Night And Day   
    (M) 07/30/2013
    WS44839301; Brindle

Sire Sibling 8 Can Ch Saul's Encore For Mohican   
; Fawn

  1. Saul Mohican's Dynasty   

  2. Saul Mohican's Magical Mystery   
    (M) 09/12/2013
    AS551347; Fawn

  3. Am & Can Ch Saul Mohican's Tyendenaga Thea CD CGN RN  
    (F) 09/12/2013
    AS551342 / WS22839006; Fawn

Dam Sibling 1 Am CH Hudson-Icon's Shots Fired   
(M) 05/19/2010
WS34806101; Brindle

  1. Am CH Rojon's Tiger Lily   
    (F) 08/22/2012

  2. Rojon's Imperial Majesty   
    (F) 08/22/2012
    WS41820602; Fawn

  3. Am GChB Rojon's Cast Fate To The Wind   
    (M) 08/22/2012
    WS41820601; Brindle

  4. Am CH Rojon's Vanguard at Grandview   
    (M) 08/22/2012