River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Am CH Granite's Wish Upon A Sterling Star
(M) 07/09/2018
WS61416601; Fawn
COI: 3.49%
Sire Am GChB & UKC BIS Ch Old Mission's As You Like It AOM CGC  
(M) 06/26/2016
WS54244601; Fawn

Dam Am CH Foxrun's Rye on The Rocks V Granite   
(F) 04/16/2016
WS53686608; Black

Full Siblings
  1. Am CH Granite's When the Stars Align   
    (F) 07/09/2018
    WS61416604; Fawn

Sire Sibling 1 Chinar's Cherish The Moment   
(F) 11/12/2015
WS51960801; Fawn

  1. Chinar's Enchantress   
    (F) 11/01/2019
    WS66517201; Fawn

  2. Chinar's Some Like It Hot   
    (M) 11/01/2019
    WS66517202; Fawn

Sire Sibling 2 MBIS MBISS GChS Old Mission's Lucid Dream HOF CGC  
(F) 12/24/2012
WS43259701; Fawn

  1. BISOH Am Ch Old Mission's Scarborough Fair CGC  
    (F) 05/03/2018
    WS61388701; Fawn

Sire Sibling 3 BISS Am GCh Unity's No Ordinary Love   
(F) 04/05/2013
WS43948906; Black

  1. Devine's Unitys Gem Whats Up Bub   
    (M) 08/23/2019
    WS66042602; Fawn

Sire Sibling 4 Wrf Das Wunderkind Greta Garbo CGC  
(F) 04/16/2015
WS50059005; Fawn

  1. Wrf Bark at the Moon   
    (M) 06/18/2018

  2. WRF Bewitched by Binx   
    (F) 06/18/2018
    WS61170905; Fawn

  3. Mr. Pickles Cause He's A Big Dill   
    (M) 06/18/2018

  4. Am CH Wrf Mr. Pickles Cause He's A Big DILL   
    (M) 06/18/2018
    WS61170902; Fawn

  5. Am CH Wrf der Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger   
    (M) 06/18/2018
    WS61170901; Fawn