River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Jmar's Indepndent'Label V Rau
(F) 01/25/2003
WS03331312; Mantle
COI: 21.70%
Sire Can Ch Raudanes High Stakes Classic CD  
(M) 06/10/2001
WR03814508 / ERN22000181; Mantle

Dam Raudansk Forever In Blujeans   
(F) 11/12/1999
WP96893401; Merle

Full Siblings
  1. Jmar's Mesha   
    () 01/25/2003

  2. Jmar's Private Label V Rau   
    (M) 01/25/2003
    WS03331306; Mantle

  3. Jmar's Once A Bluemoon Haley   
    () 01/25/2003

  4. Raudane's Sophisticated Lady   
    (F) 01/25/2003
    WS03331313; Harlequin

  5. Jmar's Diamons R Forever Vrau   
    () 01/25/2003

  6. Jmar's Label of Success V Rau   
    (F) 01/25/2003
    WS03331310; Mantle

  7. Jmarr's Fushions N Jazz V Rau   
    () 01/25/2003

Sire Sibling 1 Chanoz at the Hop   
(F) 05/26/2002
WR06671907; Mantle

  1. IO's Blaze of Glory   

  2. Io's Born on the Fourth of July   
    (M) 07/04/2004
    WS09072805; Mantle