River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Tamlyn's Bounty of Abner CD
(M) 03/16/1971
WB852428; Fawn
COI: 15.74%
Sire BIS BISS Ch Abner Lowell Davis   
(M) 04/19/1966
WA748891; Fawn

Dam Am CH Melandane's Bit O'Honey   
(F) 05/05/1966
WA784711; Fawn

Full Siblings
  1. Tamlyn's Bard's Melody of Abner   

  2. Tamlyn's Blondene of Abner   
    (F) 03/16/1971

Sire Sibling 1 Am CH Barnette's Bronze Lady   
(F) 02/21/1968
WB117508; Fawn

  1. Barnette's Erin Ahab   
    (M) 04/01/1971
    WB841373; Fawn

  2. Barnette's Epic Bronson   
    (M) 04/01/1971
    WB919513; Fawn

  3. Barnette's Enchanting Lady   
    (F) 04/01/1971
    WB831247; Fawn

Sire Sibling 2 Barnette's Cimberley   
; Fawn

  1. Charity Ann Elies   

  2. Cameo Andrea Elies   
    ; Fawn

  3. Claudane Amber Elies   
    ; Fawn

  4. Claudine Amber Elies   

  5. Courtney Ashley Elies   
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 3 Bray's Hope of Tallbrook Farms   
; Brindle

  1. Bray-Dane's Toastmaster   

  2. Am CH Abigail Hope Davis   
    (F) 11/23/1970
    WB809790; Fawn

  3. Bray-Dane's Aventura   
    (F) 11/23/1970
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 4 Am CH Brenda Von Overcup   
WA627764; Brindle

  1. Vanessa of Tallbrook Farms   

  2. Am CH Tallbrook's Vicki of Paradise   
    WB575081; Brindle

  3. Am & Mex Ch Tallbrook's Bit O'Honey   
    (F) 03/18/1971
    WB879944; Fawn

  4. Am CH Abigail Davis of Tallbrook   
    (F) 03/18/1971
    WB863090; Fawn

  5. Brenda's Bambi of Tallbrook   
    (F) 03/18/1971
    WC103478; Fawn

Sire Sibling 5 Cain's Delilah   
WB287455; Brindle

  1. Abner's Zip A De-Do-Da   
    WC021701; Fawn

Sire Sibling 6 Coro of Tallbrook Farms   

  1. Regina of Essex   
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 7 Crockerly's Shiffon Lace   
(F) 03/14/1967
WA908268; Fawn

  1. Dane Hill's Amanus   
    (M) 03/04/1971
    WB885093; Fawn

  2. Dane Hill's Amy Do   
    (F) 03/04/1971

  3. Abner's Achilles of Danehill   
    (M) 03/04/1971
    WB862320; Fawn

  4. Dane Hill's Amanda Von Raseac   
    (F) 03/04/1971
    WB827898; Fawn

Sire Sibling 8 Am CH Crockerly's Thursday Gowin   
(F) 04/06/1967
WA951862; Fawn

  1. Am CH Crockerlys Yessa Nosir   
    (F) 07/20/1969
    WB393953; Fawn

Sire Sibling 9 Am CH Crockerlys Yessa Nosir   
(F) 07/20/1969
WB393953; Fawn

  1. Crockerly's Bandido   

  2. Am CH Crockerly's Q.E. of Windsor   
    WC340232; Fawn

  3. Crockerly's Marshal   
    (M) 10/26/1992
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 10 Am CH Eclecticdane's Angelique   
(F) 05/24/1969
WB356036; Fawn

  1. Brendane Abner von Maiden   
    WC101233; Fawn

  2. Am CH Brendane's Anticipation   
    (M) 10/24/1971
    WC120685; Fawn

Sire Sibling 11 Gretchen del Conejo   
(F) 11/10/1965
WA709794; Fawn

  1. Conejo's H R H Britannia   
    ; Fawn

  2. Del Conejo's H R H The Duchess   

  3. Am CH Del Conejos HRH Lil Abner   
    (M) 10/13/1968
    WB229484; Fawn

  4. Del Conejo's H R H Candice   
    (F) 10/13/1968
    WB630178; Fawn

Sire Sibling 12 Gretchen's Dancer of Alandayn   
; Fawn

  1. Dancer's Femina of Alandayn   
    (F) 04/18/1971

  2. Am & Can Ch Dancer's Nuryev of Alandayn   
    (M) 04/19/1971
    WB887142; Fawn

  3. Dancer's Massine of Alandayn   
    () 04/19/1971
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 13 Am CH Honeygold Von Overcup   
(F) 06/22/1964
WA497578; Fawn

  1. Honeygold's Lil' Abner   

  2. Honeygold's Abner Girl   
    (F) 05/02/1970

  3. Alii's Honeygold's Li'l Abner   
    (M) 05/02/1970
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 14 Hyldee's Cinderella of Pearcy   

  1. Mosskel's Buttercup Davis   

Sire Sibling 15 Jecamo's Fudge Ripple   
; Brindle

  1. Jimjole's General Nuisance   
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 16 Jecamo's Summer of Beefeater   

  1. Rozo's Astor   

Sire Sibling 17 Kalarama Rachelle   

  1. Upsen Downs Miss Conduct   

Sire Sibling 18 Am CH Kelley Von Overcup   
(F) 08/29/1967
WB47275; Brindle

  1. Abner's Warlord of Mosskel   

  2. Abner's Kelly Beau of Moss Kell   
    ; Fawn

  3. Am CH Marjoka's Abner L Davis   
    (M) 01/06/1971
    WB935585; Brindle

  4. CH Conjadane's Darlin of Mosskel   
    (F) 01/06/1971
    WB905447; Brindle

Sire Sibling 19 Kolyer's Judy   
(F) 05/16/1968
WB273835; Fawn

  1. Kolyer's Max Von Abner   
    (M) 04/19/1971

Sire Sibling 20 Lark of Tallbrook Farms   
WA800293; Brindle

  1. Am CH Walker's Luv of Tallbrook   

  2. Luv Sweet Luv of Tallbrook   
    ; Brindle

  3. Tallbrook Davis of Danevilla   

  4. Lark's Lance of Tallbrook   
    (M) 02/19/1971
    ; Brindle

  5. Lark's Lightfoot of Tallbrook   
    (M) 02/19/1971
    ; Fawn

  6. Am CH Tallbrook's Happy Holiday   
    (F) 01/01/1972
    WC67702; Fawn

  7. Rebecca Davis of Tallbrook   
    (F) 01/01/1972

Sire Sibling 21 Leslie's Golden Girl   
WB324644; Fawn

  1. Robin's Golden Cleopatra   
    WB763245; Fawn

Sire Sibling 22 Am CH Martincrest's Taffi-a-Go-Go   

  1. Taffi's Daisy Mae   

  2. Jean La Feet of Bobilu   

  3. Am CH Von Neff's Moose of Martincrest   
    WB334246; Fawn

Sire Sibling 23 Ozark Crest Lyn's Fancy   
(F) 10/29/1966
WA922209; Fawn

  1. Danelyn's Jacom   
    WB642988; Fawn

Sire Sibling 24 Am CH Ozark Crest Sparkle Plenty   
(F) 04/24/1969
WB454117; Fawn

  1. Ozark Crest Marryin Sam   
    (M) 05/17/1971
    WB891037; Fawn

  2. Ozark Crest Tachycardia   
    (F) 05/17/1971
    WB966716; Fawn

  3. Ozark Crest Twinkle Plenty   
    (F) 05/17/1971
    WB966714; Fawn

Sire Sibling 25 Am CH Polldane's Jason Dandi-Dandy   
(F) 02/12/1970
WB534452; Fawn

  1. Polldane's Elf-Friend   

  2. Am CH Polldane's Good Time Charlie   
    (M) 02/12/1974
    WC836542; Fawn

Sire Sibling 26 Priscilla of Four Winds   
(F) 06/18/1969
WB578542; Fawn

  1. Morgan's Delightful Delphis   

  2. Abner's Chantill of Cot'nwood   
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 27 Am CH Quillwood's Cassiopeia   
(F) 05/29/1967
WA976950; Brindle

  1. Quillwood's Sequanicus   

  2. Quillwood's Sacha of Melodane   
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 28 Am CH Regene Belle Enfante Taureau   
(F) 10/05/1965
WA647889; Fawn

  1. Jonathie Regene's Taury Adore   
    WB572563; Fawn

Sire Sibling 29 Reggen's Mona Of Marydane   
WA467753; Fawn

  1. Am CH Ayo Of Marydane   
    WB559005; Fawn

  2. Am CH Akobi Of Marydane   
    (M) 11/20/1969
    WB559006; Fawn

Sire Sibling 30 Solid Gold Jack's High Destiny CDX  
(F) 04/25/1970
WB742994; Fawn

  1. Autumn Sun's Golden Girl   
    (F) 04/07/1972

Sire Sibling 31 Am CH Sun-E-Dane's This is Twilight   
WA598790; Brindle

  1. Quillwood's Kognac N Kola   

  2. Quillwood's Kiss Me Kate   
    (F) 06/11/1969

Sire Sibling 32 Am CH Trabrooks Sugar and Cinnamon   

  1. Am CH Marjoka's Sam Houston   
    (M) 05/17/1971
    WC015301; Fawn

  2. Marjoka's Serene Arlina   
    (F) 05/17/1971
    WC239458; Fawn

Sire Sibling 33 Treseder's Falcon's Foxy Lady   
WB953676; Brindle

  1. Can Ch Abner's Emperor of Grandanes   
    (M) 05/31/1972
    DWL392; Brindle

Sire Sibling 34 Vandell's BNR Bonnet of Jecamo   
WB304100; Fawn

  1. Vandell's Forever Amber   
    () 03/11/1972
    ; Fawn

  2. Vandell's Forever Friday   
    (F) 03/11/1972
    ; Fawn

  3. Vandell's Fling of Ha-Joy   
    (F) 03/11/1972
    WC157640; Fawn

Sire Sibling 35 Am CH Zamanda von Zordane   

  1. Am CH Abner's Alkyber V Zamondane   

  2. Am CH Abner's Abigail von Zamadane   
    (F) 09/13/1971
    ; Fawn

Sire Sibling 36 Zip's Devil of Greenwood   
; Fawn

  1. Devil's Fury of Indian Bend   

  2. Samoset of Indian Bend   
    (M) 02/15/1969
    WB324856; Fawn

Dam Sibling 1 Am CH Reggen's Marcus Of Marydane   
(M) 05/17/1964
WA467755; Fawn

  1. Tamlyn's Alexi Of Marydane   
    WB378316; Fawn

  2. Tamlyn's April Of Marydane   

  3. Am CH Tamlyn's A-Mercury Of Marydane   
    (M) 06/12/1969
    WB378317; Fawn