River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Can Ch Britlinblues Emotional Rescue
(F) 05/31/2012
COI: 9.08%
Sire Can Ch Bnc's Atouch of Frost at Britlinblue   
(M) 02/20/2010
1110995; Blue

Dam Can Ch Britlinblue's Satisfaction   
(F) 06/11/2009
WL302506; Blue

Full Siblings
Dam Sibling 1
  1. Britlinblues Full of Malarkey RN  
    (F) 07/18/2013
    AN520934; Blue

  2. Can GCh Britlinblues Get Offofmy Cloud   
    (F) 07/18/2013
    AN520938; Blue

  3. Britlinblues Underruebensthumb   
    (M) 07/18/2013