River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Chinar's Summer Is Coming at SaFranDane
(M) 05/03/2019
WS65277904; Fawn
COI: 6.10%
Sire Am GChB Harley D Hardts Flash-Forward Vhoney Ellenni   
(M) 02/22/2013
WS43635402; Fawn

Dam Am CH Chinar's Be Careful What You Witch For   
(F) 07/17/2016
WS54372801; Fawn

Full Siblings
  1. Chinar's You've Been Judged   
    (M) 05/03/2019

Sire Sibling 1 Ashella's Time For A Stella CGC  
(F) 08/21/2015
WS51358101; Brindle

  1. Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Hoptimus Prime   
    (M) 06/16/2018
    WS61699703; Brindle

  2. Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Spice 4 Life Asistocr   
    (F) 06/16/2018
    WS61699702; Fawn

  3. Am GChB Ellenni Blkstone Ashella True Friend of The Crown BN RN FDC OAP NJP OFP CAX FCAT7 ACT2 THDX CGCA CGCU TKI ATT FITS  
    (F) 06/16/2018
    WS61699701; Brindle

  4. MBISS GChG Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Baby Got Bock!   
    (F) 01/03/2019
    WS64426101; Fawn

  5. Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Ashella Citra Azz Down!   
    (F) 01/03/2019
    WS64426102; Fawn

Sire Sibling 2 Bonafide Blackstone A Pain in the Grass   
(F) 08/26/2014
WS48209903; Fawn

  1. Am CH Blackstone Ellenni the Full Vermonty   
    (M) 08/10/2018
    WS62760104; Fawn

  2. Blackstone Ellenni Positively S'more Yaz Hands   
    (F) 08/10/2018
    WS62760101; Fawn

Sire Sibling 3 Brinlann's Come on Pretty Mama   
(F) 02/09/2014
WS47013106; Fawn

  1. Am GChB Brinlann's Royal Blush at Key Largo   
    (F) 09/12/2016
    WS54875511; Fawn

  2. Am CH Brinlann's She Sets The City On Fire V Keylargo   
    (F) 09/12/2016
    WS54875508; Fawn

Sire Sibling 4 Am GCh Daneacres Wild Irish Rose   
(F) 05/14/2014
WS47360701; Fawn

  1. Daneacre Ellenni Remember When   
    (M) 09/22/2018
    WS62746406; Fawn

  2. Am CH Daneacre Ellenni My Kinda Party   
    (M) 09/22/2018
    WS62746404; Fawn

  3. Daneacre Ellenni Shut Up & Kiss Me   
    (F) 09/22/2018
    WS62746403; Fawn

  4. Daneacre Ellenni Something2talkabout@Wecodnz   
    (F) 09/22/2018
    WS62746401; Fawn

  5. Daneacre Ellenni Mercy Me She's the One L.A.'s   
    (F) 09/22/2018
    WS62746402; Fawn

  6. Daneacre Ellenni Shes Got It All @ Harley D Hard   
    (F) 09/22/2018
    WS62746405; Fawn

Sire Sibling 5 Am CH Ellenni's Honey of An Oh! V Blackstone CGCA CGCU TKN THDN CA BCAT FDC  
(F) 10/29/2016
WS56602909; Fawn

  1. Am CH Ellenni Blackstone Oh, the Places You'll Go! Hon   
    (M) 04/19/2019
    WS65274501; Fawn

  2. Ellenni Blackstone Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!   
    (M) 04/19/2019
    WS65274502; Fawn

  3. Am GCh Ellenni Blackstone Quick Queen of Quincy V Honey CGC RN  
    (F) 04/19/2019
    WS65274503; Fawn

  4. Ellenni Blkstn Smile Because It Happened@Pegasus   
    (F) 04/19/2019
    WS65274507; Fawn

Sire Sibling 6 Farrah de Casaarabal   
(F) 02/23/2017
WS56940103; Fawn

  1. District's Versace V Harley D Hardt   
    (M) 08/01/2019
    WS66113701; Fawn

  2. District Harley D's Senorita at Brinlann   
    (F) 08/01/2019
    WS66113708; Fawn

  3. District Harley D Hardt's Brinlann Pi V Cherryhi   
    (M) 08/01/2019
    WS66113707; Fawn

  4. Am GCh Districts A Walk on The Wildside V Harley D Hard TKN CGC  
    (F) 08/01/2019
    WS66113709; Fawn

Sire Sibling 7 Fendane Sylcrest The Bees Knees Blackstone Ellen CGC  
(F) 11/03/2017
WS59858801; Fawn

  1. BISS Am Ch Ellenni Blackstone My Time Has Come V Magazu   
    (F) 05/02/2020
    WS69644603; Fawn

  2. Ellenni Blckstone Any Way The Wind Blows VStuck   
    (F) 05/02/2020
    WS69644604; Fawn

Sire Sibling 8 Am CH Haltmeier Jersey Girl at Heart V Sunrise   
(F) 10/01/2015
WS53070001; Black

  1. Haltmeier Sunrise Rock Star   
    (M) 09/20/2019

  2. Am CH Haltmeier Sunrise Rare And Radiant Maiden   
    (F) 09/20/2019
    WS67010801; Black

Sire Sibling 9 ICON of MICA's Without A Doubt   
(F) 12/20/2011
WS40849601; Black

  1. ICON of MICA's Acclaim   
    (M) 06/30/2015
    WS50818802; Fawn

  2. Icon of Mica's Affirmed   
    (M) 06/30/2015
    WS50818801; Fawn

  3. ICON of MICA's All That's Gold   
    (M) 06/30/2015
    WS50818803; Fawn

Sire Sibling 10 Am CH Icon-Hauer's White House Black Market   
(F) 11/09/2015
WS52038301; Black

  1. Am GChB Icon's I'm the Cats Meow   
    (M) 09/07/2020
    WS70155702; Fawn

  2. Icon's Tremain's Jackson No Bad Juju   
    (M) 09/07/2020

Sire Sibling 11 Am CH Indra's Worth Waiting For   
(F) 04/19/2011
WS37395201; Fawn

  1. Indra's Head Over Heels   
    (F) 07/14/2015

Sire Sibling 12 Kenya D & Harley D Hardt's Hells Bells Mel   
(F) 10/11/2017

  1. Harley D Hardts Holding Up the Heavens   
    (M) 06/22/2020

  2. Am CH Harley D Hardts What DID You Think Would Happen AOM  
    (F) 06/22/2020

Sire Sibling 13 Am GCh Neet's Heart of Glass FDC CAX BCAT CGCA CGCU TKN  
(F) 10/07/2015
WS51586201; Fawn

  1. Neet's A-20 Havoc   
    (M) 04/07/2020
    WS68342602; Fawn

  2. Neet's F8f Bearcat   
    (M) 04/07/2020
    WS68342601; Fawn

  3. Neet's Sbd Dauntless   
    (F) 04/07/2020

Sire Sibling 14 Patientdanes Grand Design   
(F) 01/26/2015
WS49702003; Harlequin

  1. Patientdanes Lah Dee Dot   
    (F) 01/06/2019
    WS63257106; Black

  2. Patientdanes No Risk No Reward V Ellenni CA BCAT  
    (F) 01/06/2019
    WS63257103; Harlequin

  3. Am GCh Patientdanes Boldly Color Outside The Lines V Tt CGC TKN AOM  
    (F) 01/06/2019
    WS63257101; Harlequin

Sire Sibling 15 Am CH Weco's Baileys Drk Choc Caramel Cupcake   
(F) 03/08/2016
WS5303910; Brindle

  1. Wecodnz As Good As It Gets   
    (F) 01/12/2019
    WS63257201; Fawn

  2. Wecodanes Lasting Impression   
    (F) 01/12/2019
    WS63257203; Brindle

  3. Weco's N Harley D Hardts Never Say Never Again   
    (M) 01/12/2019
    WS63257202; Fawn

Sire Sibling 16 Am CH Whispering Pines Kma Wer Gonna Hava Helluva Blas   
(F) 12/09/2015
WS52050302; Black

  1. Whispering Pines Everything is Awesome   
    (M) 08/08/2019

Dam Sibling 1 MBIS NSBIS MBISS MRBIS GChP AM CH Vztop Hillside Just Another Southern Gentleman AOM HOF  
(M) 09/22/2018
WS63042802; Fawn

  1. Am CH Chinar's Valiant Crown   
    (M) 03/09/2020
    WS67695301; Fawn