River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
DaVinci's Minuet In G Minor
(F) 08/21/2009
WS31808005; Black
COI: 7.12%
Sire Ohana's Surfin' Safari   
(M) 04/08/2008
WS26606601; Harlequin

Dam Am CH Davinci's Leather And Lace CGC  
(F) 02/16/2005
WS12089303; Mantle

Full Siblings
  1. DaVinci's Fur Elise   
    (F) 08/21/2009
    WS31808002; Black

  2. Am CH DaVinci's Barber of Seville CGC  
    (M) 08/21/2009
    WS31808007; Black

  3. DaVinci's Evening Sensations   
    (F) 08/21/2009
    WS31808004; Harlequin

  4. DaVinci's Hungarian Rhapsody   
    (F) 08/21/2009
    WS31808006; Mantle

  5. DaVinci's Six Grand Overtures   
    (M) 08/21/2009
    WS31808001; Harlequin

  6. DaVinci's Ode To Joy V Skyridge   
    (F) 08/21/2009
    WS31808003; Mantle

Sire Sibling 1 FMD Mystic River Song V Ohana   

  1. Fmd New Lease on Life V Ohana   
    (M) 09/05/2010

  2. Am CH Ohana's It's A Glamorous Life V Fmd   
    (F) 09/05/2010
    WS36357601; Harlequin

Sire Sibling 2 Jmar's Girl With An Attitude   
(F) 10/23/2005
WS16198103; Mantle

  1. Jmar's Brand New Girlfriend   
    (F) 07/25/2009
    WS31440703; Harlequin

Sire Sibling 3 Ohana's Exotic Spirit   
() 03/22/2006
WS17543105; Harlequin

  1. Ohana's It's All Lies   
    (F) 07/06/2010
    WS35112703; Harlequin