Sire |
Am GChB Rojon's Cast Fate To The Wind (M) 08/22/2012 WS41820601; Brindle
Dam |
Am GCh Southern Star's Texas Rose (F) 05/10/2012 WS40837406; Fawn
Full Siblings |
Am & Can Ch Erregens the Flash of Raepark
(M) 05/19/2015 WS50423908 / 1135871;
Erregen & Raepark's I Am Ironman
(M) 05/19/2015 WS50423906;
Am GCh Erregen & Raepark's the Green Arrow
(M) 05/19/2015 WS50423902;
Am GCh Raepark & Erregen's Warrior Princess
(F) 05/19/2015 WS50423901;
Am CH Erregen & Raepark's Amazing Spiderman
(M) 05/19/2015 WS50423909;
Am & Can Ch Erregen & Raepark's Princess of Power
(F) 05/19/2015 WS50423907 / 1135870;
Am GCh & Can Ch Erregen & Raepark's King of the 7 Seas
(M) 05/19/2015 WS50423905 / 1132577;
Sire Sibling 1 |
Am CH Alpine's Oh You Beautiful Doll (F) 06/13/2011 WS38055901; Fawn
Offspring |
Alpine's Wind of Change
(M) 06/18/2014 WS47658501; Fawn
Alpine's Blowing in the Wind
(M) 06/18/2014 ;
Alpine's Wind In the Willows
(F) 06/18/2014 WS47658504; Brindle
Alpine's Rhythm of The Wind V Intrepid CGC RN RN
(F) 06/18/2014 WS47658502; Fawn
Sire Sibling 2 |
Am GCh Brf's Back to Basics (F) 04/22/2009 WS30274901; Fawn
Offspring |
Am GCh Brf's Sudden Impact CGC
(F) 02/19/2014 WS47075401; Brindle
Sire Sibling 3 |
Am CH Danerun's Double Deuce (F) 07/30/2014 WS47849803; Fawn
Offspring |
Brahms Twist of Fate
(M) 12/24/2019 WS68570204;
Brahms Back the Badge
(F) 12/24/2019 WS68570203;
Brahms Winds of Change
(M) 12/24/2019 WS68570205;
Brahms Inherit the Wind
(M) 12/24/2019 WS68570201; Brindle
Brahms N Hauerdane What Are You Wearing
(M) 12/24/2019 WS68570202;
Sire Sibling 4 |
Am CH Divine Acres Shadowcaster Girl (F) 11/08/2010 WS35896504; Fawn
Offspring |
Divine Acres Dark Forest
(M) 05/20/2015 WS50537304; Brindle
Sire Sibling 5 |
Divine Acres Sunray (F) 02/08/2013 WS43074704; Fawn
Offspring |
Divine Acres Taking The Fast Track
(F) 06/02/2015 WS50537404; Fawn
Divine Acres Immaculate Reception at Maddilah
(M) 06/02/2015 WS50537402; Fawn
Sire Sibling 6 |
Julieta de Casaarabal (F) 09/11/2010 WS36140302; Fawn
Offspring |
Roots for Friendship de Casaarabal v Abalone's
(F) ; Brindle
Olimpia de Casaarabal
(F) 11/21/2014 WS49015508; Brindle
Am GCh Casaarabal's The Holy Warrior
(M) 11/21/2014 WS49015507; Fawn
Sire Sibling 7 |
Am GCh MoonRiver's After All This Time (F) 04/17/2016 WS53723206; Brindle
Offspring |
Sabal's I'm All the Sauce
(F) 07/30/2021 WS74285501; Brindle
Sire Sibling 8 |
Moredanes & Ydanes Matriarch (F) WS36430301;
Offspring |
Ydanes Anarchy & Lace
(F) 05/11/2014 WS47277202; Fawn
Ydanes Redwood Original
(M) 05/11/2014 WS47277206; Brindle
Ydanes Winds of Anarchy
(F) 05/11/2014 WS47277203; Brindle
Can Ch Ydanes Came Redwood Original
(M) 05/11/2014 WS47277206 / 1129132; Brindle
Ydanes & Moredanes Diamond Affair
(F) 05/11/2014 WS47277204; Brindle
Ydanes & Amare Edge of Seventenn @ Tlc
(F) 05/11/2014 WS47277208; Fawn
Ydanes & Amare Creating Anarchy In Charming
(M) 05/11/2014 WS47277201; Brindle
Ydanes And Windy Hill's A Clear And Present Dang
(M) 05/11/2014 WS47277205; Brindle
Sire Sibling 9 |
Am CH Myjon's High Class (F) 03/19/2014 WS46791305; Fawn
Offspring |
Am GCh My-Jon's Take It To The Limit AOM
(M) 03/02/2016 WS52876101; Brindle
My-Jon's Flighty High Heals at Heart
(F) 03/02/2016 WS52876104; Brindle
My-Jon's Working Day N Night at Flighty
(M) 03/02/2016 WS52876105; Fawn
Am CH My-Jon's The Skies The Limit
(F) 05/03/2016 WS52876103; Fawn
Sire Sibling 10 |
Can Ch Rieslin Let it Be Safran CGN (F) XU397493; Fawn
Offspring |
Safran Tbc V Rieslin
(M) ;
Safran Dreamcatcher at Rieslin
(M) 11/15/2014 BW605752; Fawn
Sire Sibling 11 |
Rieslin When September Ends (F) XU398921; Fawn
Offspring |
Sybil Vent du Nord V Rieslin
(M) 07/12/2015 CN626412; Fawn
Rieslin Fifth Element V Sybil
(M) 07/12/2015 CN626415; Brindle
Rieslin the Hurricane at Sybil
(M) 07/12/2015 CN626414; Fawn
Can Ch Sybil Chercher Le Vent Rieslin RN CGN VN
(M) 07/12/2015 CN626410; Brindle
Can Ch Sybil I'm Zéphyr From Rieslin
(F) 07/12/2015 CN626407; Brindle
Can Ch Sybil Mistral's Spirit V Rieslin RA CGN TT
(M) 07/12/2015 CN626409; Brindle
Sire Sibling 12 |
Rojon's Double Dip (F) 05/20/2011 WS37833505; Fawn
Offspring |
CMY Danes It's Raining Men Hallelujah
(F) 11/27/2016 WS56011901; Brindle
CMY Danes Come Hell and High Water V Grandview
(F) 11/27/2016 WS56011903; Fawn
Cmy Danes Taking The World By Storm V. Grandview
(M) 11/27/2016 WS56011902; Fawn
Sire Sibling 13 |
Am & Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's Stiletto (F) 03/12/2009 WS33613604; Fawn
Offspring |
Chinar Raodane's Board of Directors
(M) ;
Chinar's Empire State of Mind
(M) 04/09/2014 WS47102701; Fawn
Chinars Raodane's Keep An Eye on Me
(F) 04/09/2014 WS47102703; Brindle
Sire Sibling 14 |
Shady Crk N Gusto's Dreamcatcher (F) 10/21/2010 WS36099401; Fawn
Offspring |
Am GCh Shady Crk N Gusto's Big Bang
(F) 10/05/2014 WS48454509; Brindle
Am CH Shady Crk N Gusto's News Flash CGC
(M) 10/05/2014 WS48454501; Fawn
Shady Crk N Gusto's Shake It Up
(M) 10/05/2014 WS48454503; Brindle
Shady Crk N Gusto's Have A Double Shot
(M) 10/05/2014 WS48454502; Brindle
Sire Sibling 15 |
Am CH Stargazn's All American Girl V Sumner (F) 04/03/2012 WS40346404; Fawn
Offspring |
Sumner Grissom N Stargazn's Diamond Reservation
(F) 08/14/2015 WS51201202; Fawn
Am CH Sumner A Reservation Worth Waiting For V Stargaz
(F) 08/14/2015 WS51201201; Fawn
Sire Sibling 16 |
Am CH Sunset's N Eb Azucar Morena (F) 12/20/2015 WS52485402; Fawn
Offspring |
Eb Think Different
(F) 10/20/2020 WS70617802;
Eb The Best Or Nothing
(M) 10/20/2020 WS70617803;
Eb Because I'M Worth It
(F) 10/20/2020 WS70617804;
Eb There Is No Substitute
(M) 10/20/2020 WS70617805; Brindle
MBIS MRBIS MBISS GCHP Eb the Relentless Pursuit of Perfection
(M) 10/20/2020 WS70617801; Fawn
Sire Sibling 17 |
BISS Am Ch Teulu's Hot & Spicy Me (F) 03/26/2012 WS40440204; Fawn
Offspring |
Rojon's Some Like It Hot
(M) 03/01/2016 WS53755702; Brindle
Am CH Rojon's Here's Looking at You Kid
(M) 03/01/2016 WS53755701; Fawn
Sire Sibling 18 |
Von Charm's Something Wiccan (F) 03/28/2008 WS25518103; Fawn
Offspring |
Von Charm's Sparks Fly Out
(F) 04/23/2014 WS47057601; Brindle
Cc von Charm's Sparks Fly Out
(F) 04/23/2014 WS47057601; Brindle
Am GCh Von Charms Fate Intervened V Blacktie
(M) 04/23/2014 WS47057602; Fawn
Am GChB Von Charm's Fate Intervened V Blacktie
(M) 04/23/2014 WS47057602; Fawn