River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Kundinika's 1st Fall Leaf
; Fawn
COI: 5.16%
Sire Bis BISS Am Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's Frozen Asset AOM HOF  
(M) 04/28/2001
WR03501301; Fawn

Dam Am CH Anre's Duchess of Houston   
(F) 12/26/1999
WP95384705; Fawn

Full Siblings
  1. Houston's Cache' Noir Le Danois   
    (M) 07/23/2005
    WS16108603; Fawn

Sire Sibling 1 Am CH Ace-Hi One of Thsnights ZRLN   
(F) 08/19/2002
WR07146607; Fawn

  1. Kaviroz Carved In Stone   
    (F) 04/03/2006
    WS17543202; Fawn

  2. Am CH Kaviroz Code of Excellence   
    (M) 04/03/2006
    WS17543201; Fawn

Sire Sibling 2 Am CH Alpine's California Dreamin   
(F) 05/02/2003
WS04735001; Fawn

  1. Am CH Alpine's Teutonic Bombshell   
    (F) 02/06/2008
    WS25936901; Fawn

  2. Am CH Alpine's Puttin on the Fritz   
    (M) 02/06/2008

  3. Sasdania-Vitag's Capital Asset   
    (M) 02/06/2008
    WS25936903; Fawn

Sire Sibling 3 Am CH Brf's You've Got Mail   
(F) 06/10/2003
WS04840805; Fawn

  1. Am & Can Ch Double D Daynakin Party Brew   
    (M) 08/06/2006
    WS18664401; Fawn

  2. Dbl D Daynkn Party To the Max   
    (F) 08/06/2006

Sire Sibling 4 Am CH Came Olympus' Athena   
(F) 11/18/2009
WS33774301; Fawn

  1. Olympus' Golden Asset   
    (M) 10/27/2013
    WS46413301; Fawn

  2. Olympus' I've Got the Muse In Me V. Lore   
    (F) 10/27/2013

Sire Sibling 5 Am CH Cheshire's Allthat N' Thensome OA, AXJ  
(F) 04/01/2001
WR01872102; Black

  1. Cheshire's Raisin Cane   
    (M) 04/18/2004
    WS08218101; Black

  2. Cheshire's Just Look My Way   
    (F) 04/18/2004
    WS08218103; Black

  3. Cheshire's Our Lil' Destiny   
    (F) 04/18/2004
    WS08218109; Black

  4. Cheshire's Orion Star Chaser   
    (M) 04/18/2004
    WS08218108; Black

Sire Sibling 6 BISS Am Ch Creekside-Bayside Just Tina ROM HOF  
(F) 07/20/2003
WS06329902; Fawn

  1. Am CH Bayside's Just My Luck   
    (M) 02/07/2007
    WS21752907; Fawn

  2. BISS Am GCh Bayside Just A Gentleman   
    (M) 02/07/2007
    WS21752901; Fawn

  3. Am GCh Bayside's Just Wicked DMD RN  
    (F) 02/07/2007
    WS21752903; Fawn

  4. Am CH Bayside-Creekside Justone Look   
    (F) 02/07/2007
    WS21752905; Fawn

  5. Am CH Creekside Bayside Just Mystyle   
    (F) 02/07/2007
    WS21752902; Fawn

  6. Indian Ch Bayside's Just in Time v Makario   
    () 02/07/2007

  7. Bayside's Just Out For A Good Time   
    (F) 02/07/2007
    WS21752906; Fawn

  8. Am GCh Bayside's Just Dana   
    (F) 02/24/2008
    WS25854706; Fawn

  9. Am CH Bayside Lore's Just And True   
    (M) 02/24/2008
    WS25854707; Fawn

  10. Am GCh Bayside's Just Because I Can   
    (M) 02/24/2008
    WS25854708; Fawn

  11. Am CH Bayside's Just Look at Me Now   
    (F) 02/24/2008

  12. Am CH Bayside's Just Daddys Little Girl   
    (F) 02/24/2008
    WS25854701; Fawn

  13. Am CH Bayside Lore's Just the Way You Are   
    (F) 02/24/2008
    WS25854703; Fawn

  14. Am GCh Bayside Just Another Day In Paradise CGC AOM  
    (M) 02/24/2008

Sire Sibling 7 Am CH D.S.S. Kings Ransom Jp Kimbary   
(F) 11/16/2005
WS18619001; Brindle

  1. D.S.S. King's Ransom Lexus   
    (M) 04/29/2008
    WS26810502; Fawn

  2. D.S.S. King's Ransom Rolling Stone   
    (M) 04/29/2008

  3. D.S.S. King's Ransom Katherine Hepburn   
    (F) 04/29/2008
    WS26810501; Brindle

Sire Sibling 8 Am Int'l Ch DaneDreams American Pie RN CGC  
(F) 05/12/2002
WS00623702; Brindle

  1. BISS Am GCh DaneDreams Simarron of Lore TT CGC AOM  
    (M) 03/07/2005
    WS12530601; Brindle

Sire Sibling 9 Am CH Danesmore Diamond Jubilee   
(F) 03/24/2000
WP97158603; Fawn

  1. Am CH Jewels Ruby Asset   
    (F) 05/24/2005
    WS13810302; Fawn

  2. Am CH Jewel's Ruby Asset   
    (F) 05/24/2005

  3. Am CH Jewels Emerald Asset   
    (M) 05/24/2005

  4. Jewel's Diamond Asset   
    (M) 05/24/2005
    WS13810301; Fawn

  5. Jewels Amethyst Asset   
    (F) 05/24/2005

  6. Jewel's Imperial Jade Asset   
    (F) 05/24/2005
    WS13810303; Fawn

Sire Sibling 10 Can & Int Ch Daynakin's Easy Lovin'   
(F) 03/18/1999
WP91365409; Brindle

  1. Am & Can Ch Daynakin's Jack of Hearts   
    (M) 05/21/2003
    WS05377903 / ERN25000980; Fawn

  2. Am & Can Ch Daynakin's Jack of All Trades   
    (M) 05/21/2003
    WS05377901 / ERN24000234; Brindle

Sire Sibling 11 Am CH Daynakin's High on Cheyenne   
(F) 12/21/2001
WR05593703; Brindle

  1. Daynakin's Nate Nickleby   
    (M) 02/07/2005
    WS11853905; Brindle

  2. Daynakin's Notice To Appear   
    (F) 02/07/2005
    WS11853902; Fawn

  3. Daynakins National Treasure   
    (F) 02/07/2005
    WS11853907; Brindle

  4. Am & Can Ch Daynakin's Nat'Rly In The Money   
    (M) 02/07/2005
    WS11853909 / ERN25002281; Fawn

  5. Am CH Daynakin's No It All V Paradise   
    (F) 02/07/2005
    WS11853906; Brindle

Sire Sibling 12 Am CH Double D Daynakin Gold Digger   
(F) 01/14/2007
WS20531403; Fawn

  1. Am CH Dbl D Daynakin What's New Pussycat   
    (F) 04/03/2009

  2. Dbl D's It Iz What It Iz at Katcrew   
    (F) 04/03/2009

  3. BISS Am & Can GCHS Double D's Jaylor What Is Not To Like AOM  
    (F) 04/03/2009
    WS29979602; Fawn

  4. BISS Am GCh Dbl D-Fireheart What's N Your Wallet V Hauer   
    (M) 04/03/2009
    WS29979604; Fawn

  5. Am CH Double D's Fire And Ice   
    (F) 10/19/2009

  6. Double D the Icebreaker J   
    (M) 10/19/2009

  7. Am GCh Double D No More Mr Ice Guy   
    (M) 10/19/2009
    WS31850307; Fawn

  8. Double D's Icy Storm at Ruatha   
    (F) 10/19/2009
    WS31850302; Fawn

  9. Double D B And K Icy Hot V Prima   
    (F) 10/19/2009
    WS31850309; Fawn

  10. Double D's The Iceman Cometh V Topshelf   
    (M) 10/19/2009

Sire Sibling 13 Am CH Double D's I Can Make Your Bedrock   
(F) 04/11/2011
WS37478402; Fawn

  1. Double D's A League of Her Own   
    (F) 02/22/2014

  2. Double D-Lore's A League of Her Own   
    (F) 02/22/2014

Sire Sibling 14 Am CH G'nhydane's La Terremotos of Lore   
(F) 10/21/2001
WR04977001; Fawn

  1. Am CH Lore's Invaluable Asset RN  
    (M) 08/06/2004
    WS09690419; Fawn

  2. Lore's It Had To Be You   
    (F) 08/06/2004
    WS09690416; Fawn

  3. Lore's Signet I'm A Little Bit Irish   
    (M) 08/06/2004
    WS09690414; Fawn

  4. Am CH Lore's Kandi Kisses   
    (F) 12/27/2005
    WS15725503; Fawn

  5. Lore's Kindred Spirit   
    (F) 12/27/2005
    WS15725505; Fawn

  6. Am CH Lore's Kind Hearted Quincy   
    (M) 12/27/2005
    WS15725501; Fawn

  7. Lore's Playing For Keeps at Daynakin   
    (F) 12/27/2005
    WS15725507; Fawn

Sire Sibling 15 Jerdans Chantilly Lace   
(F) 02/28/2002
WR06225101; Brindle

  1. Am CH Daneacres Diamonds R Forever   
    (F) 10/31/2006
    WS20175901; Brindle

Sire Sibling 16 Am CH Journey's N Vegas I'M Having A Good Time V Dsd AOM  
(F) 03/17/2022
WS76705905; Fawn

  1. DSD Vegas Luciana Kashmir   
    (M) 05/14/2024

Sire Sibling 17 Am & Can Ch Laurado's Hi Mynt'nance Woman   
(F) 05/26/2002
WR06946801; Fawn

  1. Am CH Laurado's Glowing Ember   
    (F) 12/27/2006
    WS20442303; Fawn

  2. Am & Can Ch Laurado's What 'N Blazes   
    (M) 12/27/2006
    WS20442305; Fawn

  3. Laurado's Too Hot To Touch   
    (F) 12/27/2006
    WS20442302; Fawn

  4. Laurado's Maximum Fire Power   
    (M) 12/27/2006
    WS20442301; Fawn

Sire Sibling 18 Bis Biss Am Ch Longo's Starr Studded V Miller AOM HOF  
(F) 03/25/2005
WS13468415; Black

  1. AM Ch Longo Miller N Lore's Marko   
    (M) 05/14/2010
    WS34730102; Black

  2. Am CH Longo's Miller That's Amore' of Lore   
    (M) 05/14/2010
    WS34730101; Black

  3. BIS BISS Am GChP Longo Miller N Lore's Diamond Lil "Scout"   
    (F) 05/14/2010
    WS34730103; Black

Sire Sibling 19 Am CH M&M Bigtyme Tru Calling   
(F) 10/24/2004
WS11054301; Fawn

  1. M & M's Sasdania Tre Bizarre   
    (M) 04/19/2007

  2. M & M's Sasdania the X Factor   
    (F) 04/19/2007
    WS21856506; Fawn

  3. M & M Sasdania Thirty Two Degrees   
    (M) 04/19/2007

Sire Sibling 20 Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Fire In The Night   
WP90445901; Black

  1. Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Arrow To My Heart CGC  
    (M) 12/06/2002
    WS03996101 / 1084913; Black

Sire Sibling 21 Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Let's Dance Nesindy   
WP73570007; Brindle

  1. Am CH Sasdania-Icon's Last Dance   
    (F) 07/18/2003
    WS05999602; Fawn

  2. Sasdania Wiltors Shall We Dance   
    (F) 07/18/2003

Sire Sibling 22 Sasdania's So Let's Dance   
(F) 05/29/1999
WP94323401; Brindle

  1. Sasdania Regency's Zoe   
    (F) 04/08/2004
    WS09655403; Brindle

  2. Sasdania Tallbrook's Movin'out   
    (F) 04/08/2004
    WS09655402; Fawn

Sire Sibling 23 Am CH Sasdania's Tango in the Night   
(F) 12/06/2001

  1. Sasdania's Inferno   
    (M) 07/22/2006

  2. Sasdania-Vitag's Continental   
    (M) 07/22/2006

Sire Sibling 24 Am CH Sasdania-Vitag's Fairchild   
(F) 08/20/2006
WS23357401; Fawn

  1. Am CH Sasdania-Vitag's Jadora L'absolut   
    (F) 02/20/2012
    WS41594203; Fawn

  2. Sasdania-Vitag's Tryst at Cupar   
    (F) 02/29/2012
    WS41549202; Fawn

  3. Sasdania's the Rise of the Phoenix   
    (F) 02/29/2012
    WS41549204; Fawn

  4. Sasdania-Vitag's Eleventh Commandment   
    (M) 02/29/2012

Sire Sibling 25 Am CH Wolke's Hot Commodity v Pask   
(F) 06/23/2001
WR03378402; Fawn

  1. Pask-Summer Ticket To Ride   
    (M) 10/07/2004

  2. Pask-Summer Here Comes Th Son   
    (M) 10/07/2004
    WS10562201; Fawn

  3. Am CH Pask-Summer Be-Bop-A-Lula Pbjs   
    (F) 10/07/2004
    WS10562202; Fawn

Sire Sibling 26 Am CH Wyne's Li'l Touch O'Magic ROM  
(F) 05/03/2005
WS13301602; Brindle

  1. Am CH Wyne's Frozen In Time   
    (M) 10/19/2007

  2. Am GCh Wyne's My Time-2-Talk   
    (M) 10/19/2007

  3. Am GCh & Can Ch Wyne's Watch Time Fly   
    (M) 10/19/2007

  4. Wyne's All In Good Time   
    (F) 10/19/2007

  5. Am GCh Wyne's Once In A Lifetime   
    (F) 10/19/2007

  6. Wyne's God of Spirited Times   
    (M) 10/19/2007

  7. Am CH Wyne's High Time For Coco Bella   
    (F) 10/19/2007

Dam Sibling 1 Am CH Devon's Texas Treasure V Dagmar   
(M) 09/17/2001
WR04571702; Fawn

  1. Houston's Majestic Lady   
    (F) 06/03/2004

  2. Houstons Delicate Sound V Thundr   
    (F) 06/03/2004

Dam Sibling 2 Am CH Meadowood's Stayin' Power   
(M) 07/21/1999
WP92843303; Fawn

  1. Houston's Mojo Magic   
    (M) 02/19/2003
    WS03356505; Fawn

  2. Houston's Just A Flirt   
    (F) 02/19/2003
    WS03356508; Fawn

  3. Am CH Houston's Ray of Sunshine   
    (F) 02/19/2003
    WS03356501; Fawn

  4. Am CH Houston First Lady of Anre   
    (F) 02/19/2003
    ; Fawn

  5. Houston's Thundering Avatar   
    (M) 02/19/2003
    WS03356506; Fawn

  6. Houston's First Lady of Anre   
    (F) 02/19/2003
    WS03356510; Fawn

  7. Houston's Fancyfree Femme Fatale   
    (F) 02/19/2003
    WS03356509; Fawn

  8. Am CH Lookout Houston That's My Cowboy   
    (M) 02/19/2003
    WS03356504; Fawn