River Rock Great Danes
Siblings of:
Am CH Castle Creek's I Believe in You v Classical Dane
(F) 11/20/2008
WS28468003; Fawn
COI: 6.57%
Sire BISS Am Ch Surfside Lera Wave Ryder AOM  
(M) 02/28/2006
WS16859904; Fawn

Dam Am CH Burke's Sunglow Ruby Moon of Neff   
(F) 01/29/2005
WS12146704; Fawn

Full Siblings
  1. Am CH Castle Creek's Believ'n In Magic   
    (F) 11/20/2008

  2. BISS Am Ch Castle Creek's See'n Is Believe'n   
    (F) 11/20/2008

  3. Am GCh Castle Creek's Believe It Or Not V Sheron   
    (M) 11/20/2008
    WS28468002; Fawn

Sire Sibling 1 Burke's Spectacular Bid of Ruby Moon   
(F) 01/29/2005
WS12146701; Brindle

  1. Burke's Ariel   
    (F) 06/11/2009
    WS30719501; Brindle

  2. Burke's Mickey Mouse   
    (M) 06/11/2009
    WS30719506; Brindle

  3. Am GCh Burke's Pinocchio of BNV   
    (M) 06/11/2009
    WS30719503; Fawn

  4. Am CH Burke Spcagent of Pluto V Rkycrk-Lera-Brier-Shws   
    (M) 06/11/2009

Sire Sibling 2 C&L's Princess Leila V Jv   
(F) 03/20/2008
WS26282803; Black

  1. Jv's Knight Ryder   
    (M) 10/26/2010
    WS35566201; Black

  2. Am GCh Jv Cosmic's I'Ll Leaveyou Starstruck   
    (F) 10/26/2010
    WS35566202; Black

Sire Sibling 3 Am CH Dar-Lins Shalako Star   
(F) 08/14/2007
WS23618802; Fawn

  1. Shalako's Angel of the Morning   
    (F) 11/18/2009
    WS32584002; Fawn

  2. Am CH Shalako Daneridge vom Casey Reagan   
    (M) 11/18/2009
    WS32584004; Fawn

  3. Am GCh Shalako It's All About Me V Regent   
    (F) 11/18/2009

  4. Am CH Shalako Remember The Alamo of Lionheart   
    (M) 11/18/2009
    WS32584003; Fawn

Sire Sibling 4 Am & Int Ch Shady Crks Lady Smith N Wesson ROM  
(F) 11/30/2005
WS15572505; Fawn

  1. Paxton's Duet By Design   
    (F) 10/30/2010
    WS35567601; Fawn

  2. Paxton's the Devil Made Me Duet   
    (F) 10/30/2010