Am CH Gracyn's Lost Creek Listen to the Whisper
(M) 05/30/2009 WS30542505; Fawn
Full siblings: - Gracyn's Lost Creek Pot of Gold 05/30/2009, WS30542503, - Gracyn's Turbo Carrera V Lost Creek 05/30/2009, WS30542502, Fawn - Gracyn's Valiant Warrior V Lost Creek 05/30/2009, WS30542504, Fawn - Gracyn N' Lost Creek's Eager to Please 05/30/2009, WS305425, Fawn - Gracyn's Moment in History v Lost Creek 05/30/2009, , Fawn - Gracyn N' Lost Creek's Wherever You Lead 05/30/2009, WS305425, Fawn - Gracyn N Lost Creek's Cara Mia of Lore 02/12/2010, WS33357604, Fawn - Gracyn N Lost Creek's Brightest Star For D'Iriso 02/12/2010, WS33357602, Fawn - Gracynlostcreek Never A Dull Moment at Reimrocel 02/12/2010, WS33357601, - Gracyn N Lost Creek Aiming High 11/23/2011, WS39665707, Fawn - Gracyn N Lost Creek Answered Prayer 11/23/2011, WS39665702, Fawn - Gracyn N Lost Creeks Stealing Hearts 11/23/2011, WS39665705, - Gracyn Lost Creek the Descendant of Elan 11/23/2011, WS39665701, Fawn - Gracyn N Lost Creek's Cinco Peso Badge Bd 11/23/2011, WS39665706 / 1117928, Fawn - Gracyn Turbo's Wild at Heart V Lost Creek 11/23/2011, WS39665704, - Gracyn N Lost Creek's Where The Sidewalk Ends 11/23/2011, WS39665703, Fawn |
Bis Biss Am Ch Elan's Command Decision Reimroc
(M) 12/01/2004 WS11700301; Fawn
Full siblings: - Elan Reimroc No Small Feat 12/01/2004, WS11700302, Fawn - Elan Reimroc Go the Distance 12/01/2004, WS11700303, - Elan Reimroc's Worth the Wait 12/01/2004, WS11700306, Fawn - Elan's Something Special Reimroc 12/01/2004, WS11700307, Fawn |
Am CH Reimroc Solidly Rojon
Full siblings: - Rojon's Weave My Dream 05/06/1999, WP92632304, Brindle - Rojon's Destination Dane Lane 05/06/1999, WP92632305, |
Am CH Elan's New Years Resolution
Full siblings: - Elan Toasts the New Year 01/01/2002, WR06007105, Fawn |
Am CH Gracyn's Esther V Lost Creek
(F) 07/30/2007 WS22990803; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Am CH Our Danes Fury
Full siblings: - Our Danes Molto Mario 03/09/2002, WR06314801, Brindle - Our Danes Spirit of America 03/09/2002, WR06314802, Fawn - Our Danes Masterpiece Vangogh 01/17/2003, WS03381106, Brindle - Ourdanes Little Mountain Gracious Peak 01/17/2003, WS03381104, Fawn |
Am CH Lost Creek's Joseph's Grace
Full siblings: - Lost Creek's Twist of Fate 11/08/2003, WS06753504, Fawn - Hanlondane's Harrigan of LC 11/08/2003, WS06753503, Fawn - Lost Creek's Hurricane Hunter 11/08/2003, WS06753502, Fawn - Lost Creek She's All That at Trike 11/08/2003, WS06753506, Fawn - Lost Creek's Micah 06/07/2004, WS08896408, Fawn - Lost Creek's Tucker of MVP 06/07/2004, WS08896405, - Lost Creek's Josephine V Gusto 06/07/2004, WS08896402, Fawn - Lost Crk's Friendly Persuasion 06/07/2004, WS08896406, - Lost Creek's Mannie V Kochak 06/06/2005, WS13449804, Fawn - Lost Creek's Knock Out V Bruno 06/06/2005, WS13449802, - Lost Creek's Looking Glass Svf 06/06/2005, WS13449803, |
Am CH Alpine's Teutonic Bombshell
(F) 02/06/2008 WS25936901; Fawn
Full siblings: - Alpine's Puttin on the Fritz 02/06/2008, WS25936902, - Sasdania-Vitag's Capital Asset 02/06/2008, WS25936903, Fawn |
Bis BISS Am Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's Frozen Asset AOM HOF
(M) 04/28/2001 WR03501301; Fawn
Full siblings: - Sasdania's the Intimidater 04/28/2001, WR03501302, Fawn |
BIS BISS Jpn & Am Ch Hauerdane's Pump-N-Iron
Full siblings: - Hauerdane's Flame-N Hot 06/26/1997, WP79538107, - Hauerdanes Turn-N-Heads Vazriel 06/26/1997, WP79538102, Fawn |
Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Caribbean Queen
Full siblings: - Sasdania's Casino Royale 04/14/1996, WP73040404, Fawn - Sasdania's Celebration Prdigm 04/14/1996, WP73040403, |
Am CH Alpine's California Dreamin
(F) 05/02/2003 WS04735001; Fawn
Full siblings: - Alpine's Summit at Rochford 05/02/2003, WS04735002, Fawn - Alpine's G'nite Gracie V Sumner 05/02/2003, WS04735003, Fawn - Alpine's Slightly Dangerous V Hawthorne 05/02/2003, WS04735004, Fawn |
BISS Am Ch Elan's Nash Bridges Royhl ROM HOF
Full siblings: - Elan's Royhl Enchantment 10/13/1998, WP88174602, Fawn - Royhl's Crown Jewel of Elan 10/13/1998, WP88174601, |
BISS Am Ch VKM's Cache at Alpine
Full siblings: - VKM's Keepsake De Elan 06/24/2000, WP98208402, |