Vertical pedigree of:
Aust Ch Annador Dash of This (M) 12/23/2011 3100266182; Fawn COI: 15.00% |
BIS BISS Aust SupCh Annador A Little Bitov That (M) 05/23/2005 3100151844; Fawn
Full siblings: - Annador Littles Omen 05/23/2005, 3100151845, Fawn - Annador A Little Chaos 05/23/2005, 3100151849, Fawn - Annador A Little Bitov This 05/23/2005, 3100151843, Fawn |
Aust Ch Dahomey U Get What U Give (M) 11/13/2002 4100090216; Fawn
Full siblings: - Dahomey No Reply Given 11/13/2002, 4100090214, Fawn |
Aust Ch Wanderdane the Composer Full siblings: - Wanderdane Concerto 09/30/1999, 4100045080, Fawn - Wanderdane I Got Rhythm 09/30/1999, 4100045079, Fawn - Wanderdane Scheherezade 09/30/1999, , |
Aust Ch Dahomey NoQuestions Askd Full siblings: - Dahomey Rhianon 06/29/1997, 4100018511, Fawn - Dahomey San Simeon 06/29/1997, 4100018514, Fawn - Dahomey Illegal Value 06/29/1997, 4100018508, Brindle - Dahomey Honeytime Lane 06/29/1997, 4100018509, Brindle - Dahomey Go Your Own Way 06/29/1997, 4100018506, Brindle |
Aust Ch Danefred Heavens Me Mum (F) 11/03/2000 3100069428; Fawn
Full siblings: - Danefred Trade Secret 11/03/2000, 3100069427, Fawn - Danefred Wewill Rocku 11/03/2000, 3100069421, Fawn - Danefred Couldbean Angel 11/03/2000, 3100069426, Fawn - Danefred Pretty Boy Floyd 11/03/2000, 3100069423, |
Aust Gr Ch Amasa Hyland King Regent Full siblings: - Amasa Hyland Lochmarie 05/19/1997, 2100016437, Fawn - Amasa Hyland Lass 09/19/1997, 2100016436, Fawn - Amasa Highland Lass 09/19/1997, 2100016436, Fawn |
Aust Gr Ch Danefred Sothisis Heaven Full siblings: - Danefred Rumours Arflyn 07/21/1997, 3100010587, Fawn |
Annador Shes So Fine (F) 11/09/2009 3100230140; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Swe & Fin Ch Diplomatic's Val Kilmer (M) 07/10/2001 S47436/2001; Fawn
Full siblings: - Diplomatic's Dizzy Mizz Lizzy , , - Diplomatic's Will Durante 07/10/2001, S47434/2001, Fawn - Diplomatic's Debbi Dee 01/19/2002, S19439/2002, Fawn - Diplomatic's Diana Daimler 01/19/2002, S19441/2002, Fawn |
Dk Ch Lagarada's Gold Krugerrand Full siblings: - Lagarada's Gold Label 12/17/1999, WP94965516, Fawn - Lagarada's Gold N Tiara 12/17/1999, WP94965509, Fawn - Lagarada's Gold Reprise 12/17/1999, WP94965515, Fawn - Lagarada's Wrapped N Gold 12/17/1999, WP94965511, Fawn - Lagarada's Gold N Princess 12/17/1999, WP94965510, Fawn - Lagarada's Gold N Splendor 12/17/1999, WP94965513, Fawn - Lagarada's Strike N Gold V Hauer 12/17/1999, WP94965514, Fawn - Lagarada's Aspen Gold 08/11/2000, WP98812405, Fawn - Lagarada's Gold N Cinders 08/11/2000, WP98812401, Fawn - Lagarada's Gold N Irony V Hauer 08/11/2000, WP98812402, Fawn |
Diplomatic's Jane Stuart . Full siblings: - Diplomatic's J B Bach 03/23/1998, S32832/98, Fawn - Diplomatic's Jago The Evil 03/23/1998, S32833/98, Fawn - Diplomatic's James Harriot 03/23/1998, S32835/98, Fawn - Diplomatic's Janet Jackson 03/23/1998, S32828/98, Fawn - Diplomatic's Johnny Walker 03/23/1998, S32834/98, Fawn - Diplomatic's Jonathan Hart 03/23/1998, S32831/98, Fawn - Diplomatic's J B Knock Out Guy 03/23/1998, S32830/98, Fawn |
Aust GCh Annador A Little Bitov This (F) 05/23/2005 3100151843; Fawn
Full siblings: - Annador Littles Omen 05/23/2005, 3100151845, Fawn - Annador A Little Chaos 05/23/2005, 3100151849, Fawn - Annador A Little Bitov That 05/23/2005, 3100151844, Fawn |
Aust Ch Dahomey U Get What U Give Full siblings: - Dahomey No Reply Given 11/13/2002, 4100090214, Fawn |
Aust Ch Danefred Heavens Me Mum Full siblings: - Danefred Trade Secret 11/03/2000, 3100069427, Fawn - Danefred Wewill Rocku 11/03/2000, 3100069421, Fawn - Danefred Couldbean Angel 11/03/2000, 3100069426, Fawn - Danefred Pretty Boy Floyd 11/03/2000, 3100069423, |