River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Boathouse Izya Prf Beauty Beyond Compare V Legad
(F) 04/08/2020
WS68542304; Brindle
COI: 11.19%
Am CH PRF Fendane Have I Gone Mad
(M) 06/06/2016
WS54036904; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Prf's I Hear The Train A'Comin 06/06/2016, WS54036903, Fawn
-  PRF Fendane Nevr Forget Who You Are 06/06/2016, WS54036901, Fawn
-  Prf Aim High Aim True 05/17/2017, WS57449801, Fawn
-  Prf Fendane Tattletail Blackstone Ellenni 05/17/2017, WS57449803, Fawn
Am GCh Prf Echolane Watch Your Toes
(M) 12/28/2012
WS43052503; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Prf Echolane I Put A Spell on You 12/28/2012, WS43052504, Fawn
Am GChG Echolane-Darlin's Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt

Full siblings:
-  Dar-Lins Shalako Star 08/14/2007, WS23618802, Fawn
-  Dar-Lins Midnight Star 08/14/2007, WS23618803, Fawn
-  Dar-Lin's Dutchess of Rome 08/14/2007, WS23618804,
-  Creekside-Darlin Shadow Dancer 04/20/2008, WS27576906,
-  Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow 04/24/2008, WS27576903, Fawn
-  Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin 04/24/2008, WS27576901, Fawn
Chaudry's Mercedes of Corbin

Full siblings:
Am CH Fendane Eb N Prf So You Wanna Play With Magic
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521704; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Fendanesylcrests Clydesdale 06/13/2013, WS44329208, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N eb's Hell's Fury 06/13/2013, WS44329201, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Packer Brown 06/13/2013, WS44329205, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Risgae Business 06/13/2013, WS44329203, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Brewed For Success 06/13/2013, WS44329204, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrests N Eb's Easy Come Easy Go 06/13/2013, WS44329206, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Out of the Box To Shady C 06/13/2013, WS44329202, Fawn
-  Fendane N Eb's Finest Cigar 01/28/2014, WS46521702, Fawn
-  Fendane N Eb's Winter Is Coming 01/28/2014, WS46521705, Fawn
-  Fendane N Eb's Private Collection 01/28/2014, WS46521703,
-  Fendane Paxton N Eb's General Sherman 01/28/2014, WS46521701, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest Cuckoo For Cocoa Puff 01/28/2014, WS46521708, Fawn
Am CH Saul's Tequila Mockingbird ROM

Full siblings:
-  Saul's Timeless Peakview 09/13/2010, WS36387701, Fawn
-  Saul's Pawprints In the Sand 09/13/2010, WS36387703,
-  Saul's Curve ID 05/09/2011, YJ401814, Fawn
-  Saul's Noble Ladies Man 05/09/2011, WS38347703, Fawn
-  Saul's Caffeine Free V Durey 05/09/2011, WS38347704,
-  Saul's You Had Me at Y'ellow 05/09/2011, WS36387704, Fawn
-  Saul's Dancing Le Paws O Doble 05/09/2011, WS38347706, Fawn
-  Saul's Tesla Aurea at Enzodane 05/09/2011, WS38347702, Fawn
-  Saul's Tolduso Uget What Ugive 05/09/2011, WS38347705, Fawn
-  Saul's Via Encanto Double Down 05/09/2011, WS38347701, Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrests See You Later Allie-Gator

Full siblings:
-  Fendanes Bella The Ball 12/06/2010, WS36056103, Fawn
-  Fendanes American Bandstand 12/06/2010, WS36036102, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest Eb Oro Puro 12/06/2010, WS36036107, Fawn
Izya's Remember the Alamo
(F) 11/04/2016
WS55581903; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Izya's I Love Lucy 11/04/2016, WS55581904,
-  Izya's Quit Your Harping 11/04/2016, WS55581901, Fawn
-  Izya Super Natural Sam Winchester 11/04/2016, WS55581907, Fawn
-  Izya's Flyin' High And Fancy Free 11/04/2016, WS55581906, Brindle
-  Izya's Scarletoak Back to the Future 11/04/2016, WS55581902, Fawn
-  Izya Fendanes When One Corridor Closes 11/04/2016, WS55581905, Fawn
BISS Am GChB Paxton's Tsun of Tsunami AOM
(M) 04/23/2010
WS34411501; Brindle

Full siblings:
Am CH Bonneville Spring Tsuanami

Full siblings:
-  Spring's Title Wave 06/22/1996, WP71419002, Brindle
-  Springs's Givum Hail 06/22/1996, WP71419004, Fawn
-  Spring's Helluva Storm 06/22/1996, WP71419003, Brindle
-  Spring's Weather Or Not 06/22/1996, WP71419008,
-  Waterwoods Bonne Spring 06/22/1996, WP71419006,
-  Waterwoods Spring Tornado 06/22/1996, WP71419005, Brindle
-  Spring's Wind In the Willows 06/22/1996, WP71419005,
-  Spring's Written on the Wind 06/22/1996, WP71419001,
-  Spring's Will He Be Bonneville 06/22/1996, WP71419007,
-  Waterwoods Spring Reflection Or T 06/22/1996, WP71419005,
Am & Int Ch Shady Crks Lady Smith N Wesson ROM

Full siblings:
-  Shady Creek's Canyon Quake 11/30/2005, WS155720503, Fawn
-  Shady Creeks Sloe Gin Fizz 11/30/2005, WS15572504, Fawn
-  Shdy Creeks Diva-Licious V Equiss 11/30/2005, WS15572501,
Am GCh Fendane N Eb's Winter Is Coming
(F) 01/28/2014
WS46521705; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Fendanesylcrests Clydesdale 06/13/2013, WS44329208, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N eb's Hell's Fury 06/13/2013, WS44329201, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Packer Brown 06/13/2013, WS44329205, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Risgae Business 06/13/2013, WS44329203, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Brewed For Success 06/13/2013, WS44329204, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrests N Eb's Easy Come Easy Go 06/13/2013, WS44329206, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest N Eb's Out of the Box To Shady C 06/13/2013, WS44329202, Fawn
-  Fendane N Eb's Finest Cigar 01/28/2014, WS46521702, Fawn
-  Fendane N Eb's Private Collection 01/28/2014, WS46521703,
-  Fendane Paxton N Eb's General Sherman 01/28/2014, WS46521701, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest Cuckoo For Cocoa Puff 01/28/2014, WS46521708, Fawn
-  Fendane Eb N Prf So You Wanna Play With Magic 01/28/2014, WS46521704, Fawn
Am CH Saul's Tequila Mockingbird ROM

Full siblings:
-  Saul's Timeless Peakview 09/13/2010, WS36387701, Fawn
-  Saul's Pawprints In the Sand 09/13/2010, WS36387703,
-  Saul's Curve ID 05/09/2011, YJ401814, Fawn
-  Saul's Noble Ladies Man 05/09/2011, WS38347703, Fawn
-  Saul's Caffeine Free V Durey 05/09/2011, WS38347704,
-  Saul's You Had Me at Y'ellow 05/09/2011, WS36387704, Fawn
-  Saul's Dancing Le Paws O Doble 05/09/2011, WS38347706, Fawn
-  Saul's Tesla Aurea at Enzodane 05/09/2011, WS38347702, Fawn
-  Saul's Tolduso Uget What Ugive 05/09/2011, WS38347705, Fawn
-  Saul's Via Encanto Double Down 05/09/2011, WS38347701, Fawn
Am GCh Fendanesylcrests See You Later Allie-Gator

Full siblings:
-  Fendanes Bella The Ball 12/06/2010, WS36056103, Fawn
-  Fendanes American Bandstand 12/06/2010, WS36036102, Fawn
-  Fendanesylcrest Eb Oro Puro 12/06/2010, WS36036107, Fawn