Vertical pedigree of:
Primrose Bell Ringer V Paquestone (F) 12/14/2011 WS39822103; Fawn COI: 15.11% |
Primrose N Maitaus Catch Me If U Can (M) 05/28/2010 WS34609005;
Full siblings: - Maitau's Irish Eyes Are Smiling 05/28/2010, WS34609003, Fawn |
Am CH Vztop's Mr Macho Man (M) 02/21/2004 WS08092004;
Full siblings: - Vztop El Zorro 02/21/2004, WS08092002, Fawn - Vztop Pacific Joy V Tue-J's 02/21/2004, WS08092005, Brindle |
Am CH Maitau's Never Better CGC,ROM,HOF Full siblings: - Maitau's Never A Dark Moment 02/05/2002, WR06189704, Fawn - Maitau's American Idol 04/22/2003, WS03840205, Fawn - Maitau's Red White & Blonde 04/22/2003, WS03840203 / ERN25001997, Fawn - Maitau N Windyhills Kodachrome 04/22/2003, WS03840201, Fawn - Maitau's Never Say Never Again 04/22/2003, WS03840206, Fawn |
Am CH Vztop's Santella Rose Full siblings: - Vc's Y Two K Plan of Vztop 06/17/1999, WP92630102, - Vztop's He's Going Places VC 06/17/1999, WP92630101, - VZTop's The Brigadier General 05/16/2000, WP97698802, Brindle - Vztop's Stella Deoro 04/13/2001, WR02757702, Fawn - Vztop Sunnyside Zoe Madegra 04/13/2001, WR02757704, Brindle - Vztop Peyton V Seventhheaven 04/13/2001, WR02757701, Brindle - Vztop's Ivey V Seventhheaven 04/13/2001, WR02757703, Fawn |
Am CH Maitau's Eye Catcher (F) 04/19/2005 WS13176001; Fawn
Full siblings: - Maitau's Eye Candy V Mjm 04/19/2005, WS13176003, Fawn - Maitau's Eye Spy Serendipity 04/19/2005, WS13176005, - Maitau's Here's Lookin at U Kid 04/19/2005, WS13176006, Fawn - Maitau's America's Dream 07/06/2006, WS18473605, Fawn - Maitau's Pinstripe Captain 07/06/2006, WS18473606, - Maitau's Sundance EZ on The Eyes 07/06/2006, WS18473603, Fawn |
Am CH Windy Hill's Kodak Moment Full siblings: - Windyhill's Luck O' The Irish 05/16/2000, WP97796403, Fawn |
BISS Am Ch Maitau's For Your Eyes Only Full siblings: - Maitau's Private Eyes 06/30/1999, WP92734101, - Maitau's Never Say Never 06/30/1999, WP92734103, Fawn - Maitau Cosmic Five Star Review 06/30/1999, WP92734102, Fawn - Maitau's Double Agent 02/20/2000, WP96141801, - Maitau's Mata Hari Von Raseac 02/20/2000, WP96141802, |
Primrose Instant Winner (F) 03/23/2006 WS17517101;
Full siblings: |
Am CH Windy Hill's Kodak Moment (M) 05/16/2000 WP97796404; Fawn
Full siblings: - Windyhill's Luck O' The Irish 05/16/2000, WP97796403, Fawn |
BISS Am Ch Brier Rika Good Grief Full siblings: - Rika Brier Hey Good Looking , 692163/04, Fawn - Rika Brier I've Got the Goods , , Fawn - Rika Brier Ivegotthegoods 02/16/1996, WP69216303, - Rika Brier Runs Good Canyon 02/16/1996, WP69216304, - Brier Rika Roulet's Mr. Goodbar 02/16/1996, WP69216302, Brindle |
Am CH Windy Hill's Astra V Jerdan Full siblings: - Hill's Astra V Jerdan , , - Jerdan's Abbygail V Windyhill 02/21/1995, WP60789805, Fawn - Windy Hill's Tiger Woods 07/15/1996, WP72255708, - Jerdans Logan of Windy Hill 07/15/1996, WP72255705, - Windy Hill's Glowing Embers 07/15/1996, WP72255706, - Jerdans Saralee of Windyhill 07/15/1996, WP72255707, Brindle |
Am CH Paquestone Quickpic V Primrose (F) 04/11/2001 WR04233707; Fawn
Full siblings: - Paquestone's Quantum Quote 04/11/2001, LG727219 / WR04233703, - Paquestone's Quinton Quest 04/11/2001, WR04233702, Fawn - Paqueston Quickpic V Primrose 04/11/2001, LG727221CAN, Fawn - Paquestone Daynakin Quiet Riot 04/11/2001, WR04465801, Fawn - Paquestone's Th Sky's Th Limit 06/15/2002, ML812354 / WR07607302, Fawn - Paquestones Master of Suspense 06/15/2002, ML812357 / WR07607301, Brindle |
Am CH Primrose Top Shelf Full siblings: - Primrose En Vogue of Maitau 06/26/1997, WP78997803, |
Am & Can Ch Penadanes Paquestone Play Me Full siblings: - Penadanes Cracklin Rosie 09/25/1997, WP81133603, Fawn - Penadanes Sweet Caroline 09/25/1997, WP81133602, Fawn - Penadanes September Morn VB 09/25/1997, WP81133605, - Pena Zarlin's Beautiful Noise 09/25/1997, WP81133607, - Penadane Daynakin Solitary Man 09/25/1997, WP81136601, Fawn |