River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Am CH Sonya Danes Nkc Danes Rheia May Bell
(F) 10/09/2020
WS70681405; Fawn
COI: 4.41%
Am CH Kc Danes National Treasure
(M) 12/14/2004
WS11436101; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Kc Danes Mystic River 12/14/2004, WS11436105, Fawn
-  Kc Danes Gone With the Wind 12/14/2004, WS11436103, Fawn
-  Kc Danes Pretty Woman Sheron 12/14/2004, WS11436104, Fawn
-  KC Danes the Untouchable E Nes 12/14/2004, WS11436102, Fawn
BISS Am Ch Windy Hill's Gold Plated
(M) 03/09/1998
WP84333201; Fawn

Full siblings:
BISS Am Ch Avant's Bon Chance V Weaver

Full siblings:
-  Avant's Espirit De Weaver 06/13/1995, WP63619701, Fawn
-  Avant's Apex De Weaver 04/13/1997, WP77925803,
-  Avant's Cachet De Weaver 04/13/1997, WP77925802,
-  Avant's Magnum De Weaver 04/13/1997, WP77925801, Fawn
-  Avant's Deja Vous De Weaver 04/13/1997, WP77925805, Fawn
-  Avant Weaver's C'est La Vie 10/21/1998, WP88559804, Fawn
Am CH Windy Hill's Astra V Jerdan

Full siblings:
-  Hill's Astra V Jerdan , ,
-  Jerdan's Abbygail V Windyhill 02/21/1995, WP60789805, Fawn
-  Windy Hill's Tiger Woods 07/15/1996, WP72255708,
-  Jerdans Logan of Windy Hill 07/15/1996, WP72255705,
-  Windy Hill's Glowing Embers 07/15/1996, WP72255706,
-  Jerdans Saralee of Windyhill 07/15/1996, WP72255707, Brindle
Am CH Sheron's Betty D Grandy ROM AOM
(F) 05/18/2000
WP97792703; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sherons Clark G Grandy 05/18/2000, WP97792706,
-  Sherons James D Grandy 05/18/2000, WP97792705,
-  Sherons Spencer T Grandy 05/18/2000, WP97792707, Fawn
-  Sheron's Abigail V Grandy 05/18/2000, WP97792701,
-  Sheron's John Wayne Grandy 05/18/2000, WP97792704,
-  Sheron Marilyn M Gndy Hrt'Gld 05/18/2000, WP97792702,
Am & Can Ch Penadane Daynakin Solitary Man

Full siblings:
-  Penadanes Cracklin Rosie 09/25/1997, WP81133603, Fawn
-  Penadanes Sweet Caroline 09/25/1997, WP81133602, Fawn
-  Penadanes September Morn VB 09/25/1997, WP81133605,
-  Penadanes Paquestone Play Me 09/25/1997, WP81133609, Fawn
-  Pena Zarlin's Beautiful Noise 09/25/1997, WP81133607,
Am CH Sheron's Captive Heart Grandy

Full siblings:
-  Sherons Unforgettable Grandy 10/19/1996, WP74203501, Black
Am GCh Sonya Dane's N Journey's Good Golly Miss Molly
(F) 05/10/2016
WS54199209; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sonya Dane's N Journey's Prince of Egypt 05/10/2016, WS54199207, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes N Journey's Hotel California 05/10/2016, WS54199204, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes N Journey's Rhythm of My Heart 05/10/2016, WS54199203, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes N Journey's Harnessed in Bronze 05/10/2016, WS54199201, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes N Journey's Inextinguishable Flame 05/10/2016, WS54199206, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes N Journey's Onida Halona at SteelRos 05/10/2016, WS54199202, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes N Journeys Follow Your Blis V Kc Dan 05/10/2016, WS54199205, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes The Judge's Choice 05/12/2017, WS57401003, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes Fiddler on The Roof 05/12/2017, WS57401006, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes R U Talking About Me ? 05/12/2017, WS57401002, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes When Lightning Strikes 05/12/2017, WS57401004, Fawn
-  Sonya Danes Lord It's Hard to be Humble 05/12/2017, WS57401001, Fawn
BISS Am GChB Journey's Commissioner AOM CGC
(M) 05/25/2013
WS44164102; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Journey's Serendipity 05/25/2013, WS44164103,
-  Journey's Viva La Vida 05/25/2013, WS44164101, Fawn
-  Journey's Viva Las Vegas 05/25/2013, WS44164104, Fawn
-  Journey's N Dbl D's Hot Under The Collar V Hauer 05/25/2013, WS44164105, Fawn
RBIS MBISS GCHS Mavro-Twinoaks Hollywood Tough AOM

Full siblings:
-  Twinoaks Feature Presentation 12/09/2010, WS36378403, Fawn
-  Mavrotwinoaks Looking for Touble Elan NAO-MS 12/09/2010, WS36378402, Fawn
-  Twinoaks Crimson Tide at Kibri 04/28/2012, WS40968203, Fawn
-  Twinoak's Unforgettable By Knight 04/28/2012, WS40968202, Fawn
Am CH Artoffallingfor Ember Vjourney

Full siblings:
-  Art of Falling For Leia 05/31/2008, WS28465103, Fawn
-  Art of Falling For Sayann 05/31/2008, , Fawn
-  Art of Falling For Trudeau 05/31/2008, WS28465101,
Am CH Sonya's Old Ending New Beginning Org Calico Rock
(F) 05/29/2013
WS45337308; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sonya Danes Fontana Game on V Org. Calico Rock 05/29/2013, WS45337306,
-  Sonya The Proof is in the Heir Org Calico Rock 05/29/2013, WS45337303, Fawn
-  Sonya Dane's Fontana Rock Star Org. Calico Rock 05/29/2013, WS45337307, Fawn
-  Sonya Dane Fontana Hello It's Me Org Calico Rock 05/29/2013, WS45337302,
-  Sonya Fontana Nb's In It To Win It Org Calico Ro 05/29/2013, WS45337305,
-  Sonya's Da Fontane Heir To Fortune Org Calico Ro 05/29/2013, WS45337304,
Am CH Calico Rock's Frazier Belmont

Full siblings:
-  Calico Rock's Flair V Zanadane 10/31/1986, WF954287,
Fontana Krisda's I Think I Will Wear Purple VSon

Full siblings:
-  Fontana Krisda's Sugar And Spice 06/22/2010, WS34601203, Fawn
-  Fontana-Krisda's Road To Waterwood 06/22/2010, WS34601202,