River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Taoisach Heartbreaker
(W)934877; Brindle
COI: 8.52%
Danesville Nevada
(M) 02/18/1986
(S)181078; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Danesville Heza Devil , (S)181081, Brindle
-  Danesville Montana 02/18/1986, (S)181083, Brindle
-  Danesville Seattle 02/18/1986, (S)181087, Fawn
-  Danesville Galveston 02/18/1986, (S)181076, Fawn
-  Danesville Hollywood 02/18/1986, (S)181084, Brindle
-  Danesville Cincinnati 02/18/1986, (S)181082, Brindle
-  Danesville Cincinatti 02/23/1986, , Brindle
Underane New Edition
(M) 01/23/1984
(V)152046; Fawn

Full siblings:
Heldre's Tucker Lovett

Full siblings:
Runnymede Fondue V Kai-Dane

Full siblings:
-  Runnymede Bamboo V Kai-Dane , WF032527,
-  Runnymede Boycot V Kai-Dane , WF031511,
-  Runnymede Tariff V Kai-Dane , WF049522,
-  Runnymede Futures V Kai-Dane , WF032972,
Kochak Damia
(F) 04/13/1984
(Q)759764; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Kochak Darien 04/13/1984, (Q)759761, Brindle
-  Kochak Davila 04/13/1984, (Q)759763, Brindle
-  Kochak Dennie 04/13/1984, (Q)759766, Brindle
-  Kochak Delaware 04/13/1984, (Q)759760, Brindle
-  Kochak Isaiah 04/15/1986, (Q)868199,
-  Kochak Ibernia 04/15/1986, (Q)868205, Brindle
-  Kochak Impresario 04/15/1986, (Q)868198, Brindle
-  Kochak Isaacc Isaac 04/15/1986, (Q)868200,
Aust Ch Celeber's Kilroy

Full siblings:
-  Celeber's Jycke , S37039/80, Brindle
-  Celeber's Jo-Jo 05/17/1980, S37041/80, Brindle
Aust Ch Impton Peregrine

Full siblings:
-  Impton Kestrel 05/18/1980, E536703, Fawn
-  Impton Caracara 05/18/1980, ,
Congistador Amber
(F) 04/24/1985
0814175; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Congistador Hot Lips 04/24/1985, 0814174, Brindle
Aus & NZ Ch BISS Kochak Delaware
(M) 04/13/1984
(Q)759760; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Kochak Damia 04/13/1984, (Q)759764, Brindle
-  Kochak Darien 04/13/1984, (Q)759761, Brindle
-  Kochak Davila 04/13/1984, (Q)759763, Brindle
-  Kochak Dennie 04/13/1984, (Q)759766, Brindle
-  Kochak Isaiah 04/15/1986, (Q)868199,
-  Kochak Ibernia 04/15/1986, (Q)868205, Brindle
-  Kochak Impresario 04/15/1986, (Q)868198, Brindle
-  Kochak Isaacc Isaac 04/15/1986, (Q)868200,
Aust Ch Celeber's Kilroy

Full siblings:
-  Celeber's Jycke , S37039/80, Brindle
-  Celeber's Jo-Jo 05/17/1980, S37041/80, Brindle
Aust Ch Impton Peregrine

Full siblings:
-  Impton Kestrel 05/18/1980, E536703, Fawn
-  Impton Caracara 05/18/1980, ,
Aust Ch Congistador Ima Sweety
(F) 04/27/1981
(W)617356; Fawn

Full siblings:
Aust Ch Jaysdane Omen

Full siblings:
-  Jaysdane Old Gold 05/15/1977, 6754W77,
-  Jaysdane Opal Mist 05/15/1977, 6756W77, Fawn
-  Jaysdane Sir Ivanhoe 01/11/1978, 3948W78, Fawn
Aust & NZ Ch Innocence of Rathgael

Full siblings:
-  Imistwin of Rathgael , 07328-1975, Fawn