Vertical pedigree of:
Underane Ripplin Rythm (F) 06/10/1976 55V76; COI: 7.05% |
Jecamo's Mister California (M) 06/08/1973 WC597664; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Brendane Abner von Maiden (M) WC101233; Fawn
Full siblings: - Brendane's Anticipation 10/24/1971, WC120685, Fawn |
BIS BISS Ch Abner Lowell Davis Full siblings: - Good Amos Davis , , Fawn - Goode Amos Davis , , Fawn - Jecamo's Alexander of Davis , , Fawn - Archibald Davis 04/19/1966, WA748892, Brindle |
Am CH Eclecticdane's Angelique Full siblings: |
Jecamo's Ballantine of Bermar (F) WB813406; Fawn
Full siblings: - Jecamo's Hennessy , WB723752, Brindle - Jecamo's Salty Boy , , - Jecamo's Johnnie Walker , WB723098, Brindle |
Am CH Bartholomew Von Overcup Full siblings: - Brenda Von Overcup , WA627764, Brindle - Ranger of Westwood , WA506137, Brindle - Amber of Tallbrook Farms , WA628988, Fawn - Sun-E-Dane's Darling Diana , WA503365, Brindle - Sun-E-Dane's Sock-It-To-Me , , - Tallbrook Farms Taly Overcup , WB215805, Brindle - Honeygold Von Overcup 06/22/1964, WA497578, Fawn - Lady Guinevere of Overcup 06/22/1964, WA562040, Fawn - Lady Gwinevere of Overcup 06/22/1964, WA562040, Fawn - Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes 06/22/1964, WA505182, Fawn - Ben Von Overcup 04/10/1965, WA627763, Fawn - Henriette's Mini Sock Overcup 04/01/1968, WB153442, Fawn |
Jecamo's Royal Velvet On The Rox Full siblings: - Jecamo's Vodka on the Rox , WB095920, Fawn - Jecamo's Mezcal on The Rox , WB028279, Brindle - Jecamo's Annie Laurie of Rox , WB116631, Fawn - Jecamo's Drambuie on the Rox , WB079852, Fawn - Jecamo's Scotch On The Rox 09/25/1967, WB95919, Fawn - Jecamo's Bourbon on the Rox 09/25/1967, WB095922, Brindle - Jecamo's Kamchatka on the Rox 09/25/1967, WB95921, - Jecamo's Ramchatka of the Rox 09/25/1967, WB95921, Fawn |
Aust Ch Underane Enchantress (F) 02/24/1973 5-V-73; Brindle
Full siblings: - Underane Easy Doesit 02/24/1973, 5-V-73, Brindle |
Brindayne Konrad (M) 22-V-68; Brindle
Full siblings: - Brindayne Junia 05/24/1968, 9V68, Fawn |
Doggenhain Boss Full siblings: - Doggenhain Bess 09/30/1966, 12V66, Fawn - Doggenhain Bambi 09/30/1966, 12V66, Fawn - Doggenhain Baron 09/30/1966, 12V66, - Doggenhain Bel Astrid 09/30/1966, 12V66, |
Brindayne Fabriola Full siblings: - Brindayne Felicity 10/13/1965, 4V65, Fawn - Brindayne Findelen 10/13/1965, 4V65, |
Jecamo's Bourbon's Laurie (F) 06/26/1969 WB650303; Brindle
Full siblings: |
Jecamo's Bourbon on the Rox Full siblings: - Jecamo's Vodka on the Rox , WB095920, Fawn - Jecamo's Mezcal on The Rox , WB028279, Brindle - Jecamo's Annie Laurie of Rox , WB116631, Fawn - Jecamo's Drambuie on the Rox , WB079852, Fawn - Jecamo's Royal Velvet On The Rox , WB071995, Fawn - Jecamo's Scotch On The Rox 09/25/1967, WB95919, Fawn - Jecamo's Kamchatka on the Rox 09/25/1967, WB95921, - Jecamo's Ramchatka of the Rox 09/25/1967, WB95921, Fawn |
Jecamo's Naughty Marietta Full siblings: - Jecamo's Commander Whitehead , , - Jecamo's Blitzen of Merriholt , WA912098, |