River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Vom Casey's Stars & Stripes Taking the Spotlight
(F) 08/03/2017
WS58295702; Brindle
COI: 3.76%
Am CH Northstar-7th Heaven-Kativa Easy Lover
(M) 09/04/2015
WS51833002; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Northstar-7thheaven-Kativa And I Love Her 09/04/2015, WS51833001, Brindle
-  Northstar Seventhheaven's Kativa Sea of Love 09/04/2015, WS51833005,
-  Northstar-7thheaven-Kativa You Can't Hurry Love 09/04/2015, WS51833007,
-  7thheaven-Northstarnkativa's Love Is Here To Sta 09/04/2015, WS51833003, Brindle
-  Northstar-7thheaven-Kativa-Zephyrmoorelovehermad 09/04/2015, WS51833004, Fawn
Am CH MoonRiver's Cake Boss V Sarmac
(M) 01/31/2011
WS37522801; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  MoonRiver's Cake God 01/31/2011, WS37522804, Fawn
-  MoonRiver's I Love Cake 01/31/2011, WS37522806, Fawn
-  MoonRiver's Mac Takes The Cake 01/31/2011, WS37522805, Fawn
-  MoonRiver's Have Your Cake and Eat It Too 01/31/2011, WS37522802, Brindle
-  MoonRiver's Ultimate Beefcake V Gatekeeperdanes 01/31/2011, WS37522803, Fawn
Am CH Rojon's Mikonos V. Winhurst

Full siblings:
-  Rojon's This Time For Keeps 11/17/2005, WS16279801, Brindle
-  Rojon's Winhurst Captain J 05/10/2006, WS18527902, Fawn
BISS Am GCh Rojon's Let Them Eat Cake V Moonriver

Full siblings:
-  Rojon's Jasmine 08/07/2007, WS24068506, Brindle
-  Rojon's Fly Me To the Moon 09/07/2007, WS24068507, Brindle
-  Rojon's Legendary Kiss Kiss V Svevo 09/07/2007, WS24068503, Fawn
-  Rojon's Advance To Boardwalk V Montara 09/07/2007, WS24068502, Brindle
-  Rojon's Without Reservation 09/07/2008, WS24068505, Brindle
-  Rojon's Commander 03/30/2009, WS30319605, Fawn
-  Rojon's Persian Boy 03/30/2009, WS30319608, Brindle
-  Rojon's Bengal Rhapsody 03/30/2009, WS30319602, Brindle
-  Rojon's The Persian Boy 03/30/2009, WS30319604, Brindle
-  Rojon's Hanlondane's Heather 03/30/2009, WS30319603, Brindle
Am GCh SeventHeaven's Bettin' on Hearts at NorthStar CGC
(F) 12/15/2012
WS42951202; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Seventh Heavens Pokerface 12/15/2012, WS42951204, Brindle
-  Seventh Heaven's Eye In the Sky 12/15/2012, WS42951211, Brindle
-  Seventh Heavens Betcha Heard A Rumor 12/15/2012, WS42951210,
-  Seventheaven Sasmac U Betcha! Fury @ The Top 12/15/2012, WS42951201,
Am GCh Seventh Heavens You Betcha!

Full siblings:
Am CH Seventheavens Encore Presentation AOM

Full siblings:
-  Seventheavens Stimulus Package 11/23/2008, WS29062404, Brindle
-  Maitau's Jewel of Seventh Heaven 11/23/2008, WS29062402, Fawn
-  Seventheavens Do U Think Im Sexy? V Shoreline 11/23/2008, WS29062403, Brindle
Am GCh Vom Casey's Liberty Bell-Let Freedom Ring
(F) 05/23/2013
WS44305308; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Shalako Daneridge vom Casey Reagan
(M) 11/18/2009
WS32584004; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Shalako's Angel of the Morning 11/18/2009, WS32584002, Fawn
-  Shalako It's All About Me V Regent 11/18/2009, WS32584001,
-  Shalako Remember The Alamo of Lionheart 11/18/2009, WS32584003, Fawn
BISS Am Ch Surfside Lera Wave Ryder AOM

Full siblings:
-  Surfside Lera Ripcurl 02/28/2006, WS16859906, Fawn
-  Surfside Lera Safe To Surf 02/28/2006, WS16859907,
-  Surfside Lera Shell Seeker 02/28/2006, WS16859901, Fawn
-  Surfside Lera Brier Beach Bum 02/28/2006, WS16859902,
-  Surfside Lera Sandacastle V Modon 02/28/2006, WS16859909,
-  Surfsdelera Pointbreak Frsde Tlbrk 02/28/2006, WS16859903, Fawn
Am CH Dar-Lins Shalako Star

Full siblings:
-  Dar-Lins Midnight Star 08/14/2007, WS23618803, Fawn
-  Dar-Lin's Dutchess of Rome 08/14/2007, WS23618804,
-  Creekside-Darlin Shadow Dancer 04/20/2008, WS27576906,
-  Dar-Lins Tip of the Shadow 04/24/2008, WS27576903, Fawn
-  Tts Pgs the Shadow Puppet V Darlin 04/24/2008, WS27576901, Fawn
-  Echolane-Darlin's Beyond A Shadow of A Doubt 04/24/2008, WS27576905, Fawn
Am CH Hauerdane's Daneridge Win N' Spirit vom Casey
(F) 06/01/2011
WS37709204; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Hauerdane West Wind Dream-N 06/01/2011, WS37709205,
-  Hauerdane's Have N' No Shame 06/01/2011, WS37709202, Fawn
-  Hauerdanes Whats N'it For Me 06/01/2011, WS37709208, Fawn
-  Hauerdane's Back N The Saddle Gnhyda 06/01/2011, WS37709201,
-  Hauerdane's Someth N' to Talk About v San Dane 06/01/2011, WS37709207 / 2012/029868, Fawn
BISS Am GCh Dbl D-Fireheart What's N Your Wallet V Hauer

Full siblings:
-  Dbl D Daynakin What's New Pussycat 04/03/2009, WS29979603,
-  Dbl D's It Iz What It Iz at Katcrew 04/03/2009, WS29979601,
-  Double D's Jaylor What Is Not To Like 04/03/2009, WS29979602, Fawn
-  Double D's Fire And Ice 10/19/2009, WS31850303,
-  Double D the Icebreaker J 10/19/2009, WS31850301,
-  Double D No More Mr Ice Guy 10/19/2009, WS31850307, Fawn
-  Double D's Icy Storm at Ruatha 10/19/2009, WS31850302, Fawn
-  Double D B And K Icy Hot V Prima 10/19/2009, WS31850309, Fawn
-  Double D's The Iceman Cometh V Topshelf 10/19/2009, WS31850304,
Am CH Hauerdane's N It To Win It

Full siblings:
-  Hauerdane's Bring N Sexy Back 05/15/2008, WS26158406, Black