River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Am CH Calico Rock's Jovi V Zanadane
(M) 01/30/1988
WG173897; Fawn
COI: 18.40%
Am CH Calico Rock's Essex V Zanadane
(M) 10/15/1985
WF810881; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Calico Rock's Electra , WF844772, Fawn
-  Calico Rock's Escapade 10/15/1985, WF834480,
Am CH Brier's Deusenberg V Hauer
(M) 04/02/1980
WE564118; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Hauerdanes Triumph of Brier 04/02/1980, WE578479, Fawn
Am CH O'Lorcain's Townleigh V Hauer
WD354208; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Toccata O'Lorcain , ,
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild

Full siblings:
-  Sheenwater Jackpot , WC723492,
-  Sheenwater Jubilee , WC723485, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Koenig , ,
-  Sheenwater Jambalya , , Fawn
-  Sheenwater Jacaranda , , Fawn
-  Sheenwater Jealous One , WC723489, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Knick Knack , KCJ 3.GD-1675, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Kiss and Tell , WD21728,
-  Sheenwater Joie De Vivre 02/26/1974, WC723488, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Knock Out 02/03/1975, WD096143, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Koenig V Ashbun A 02/03/1975, WD009948, Fawn
Am, Mex & Can Ch Von Raseac's Quintessence

Full siblings:
-  Von Raseac's Quin-Shawn , , Fawn
-  Harris' Drum Von Raseac 06/13/1970, WB716827, Fawn
-  Von Raseac's Quite a Gal 06/13/1970, WB733088, Fawn
-  Raseac's Great Ceasar's Quote 06/13/1970, WB745373, Fawn
Mirando's Match Point Mandy
WD935746; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Mirando's Besonder Madchen , ,
-  Mirando's Obi Juan Kenobi 11/08/1977, WM462149,
Am CH Sheenwater Jokers Wild

Full siblings:
-  Sheenwater Jackpot , WC723492,
-  Sheenwater Jubilee , WC723485, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Koenig , ,
-  Sheenwater Jambalya , , Fawn
-  Sheenwater Jacaranda , , Fawn
-  Sheenwater Jealous One , WC723489, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Knick Knack , KCJ 3.GD-1675, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Kiss and Tell , WD21728,
-  Sheenwater Joie De Vivre 02/26/1974, WC723488, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Knock Out 02/03/1975, WD096143, Fawn
-  Sheenwater Koenig V Ashbun A 02/03/1975, WD009948, Fawn
Mirando's Kima De Juan

Full siblings:
-  Mirando's Zam De Juan 03/04/1976, WD652810,
Am CH Calico Rock's Carly V Win-Jamer
(F) 10/05/1980
WE818426; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Gunther v Win-Jamer , ,
Am CH Tyler Lovett of Falconroc
(M) 03/26/1978
WE013531; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Falconroc April Lov-Ett 03/26/1978, WD989532, Fawn
-  Falconroc Lucky Lily Lovett 03/26/1978, WD989528,
Am CH Dinro H Lovett

Full siblings:
Dante's Lucky Lady

Full siblings:
Am CH Mountdania's Ms Avant-Garde
(F) 04/22/1974
WC795480; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Alfie's Odin of Mountdania , , Fawn
-  Mountdania's Dagmar Nieldane , ,
-  Mountdanias Sir Gallahad 04/22/1974, WC844978, Fawn
-  Mountdania's Tuff Decision 04/22/1974, WC759236, Fawn
-  Allegro's Avant-Arpeggio 09/30/1975, WD245707,
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF

Full siblings:
-  Ashbun Acres Affidavit , , Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Axel 09/22/1971, WB994652, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Avalanche 09/22/1971, WB981688, Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Heather

Full siblings:
-  Mountdania's Hethmor v Brenlar , , Fawn
Am CH Calico Rock's Lizabee V Krisda
(F) 12/24/1982
WD372882; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Calico Rock's Clancy V Krista , WF390590, Fawn
-  Dugan's Ron Rico Gold 12/24/1982, WF344589,
Am CH Tyler Lovett of Falconroc
(M) 03/26/1978
WE013531; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Falconroc April Lov-Ett 03/26/1978, WD989532, Fawn
-  Falconroc Lucky Lily Lovett 03/26/1978, WD989528,
Am CH Dinro H Lovett
(M) 12/21/1974
WD299269; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Justamere Lovett

Full siblings:
-  Lembo's Miss Tasha , ,
-  Justamere Bitta Lovett , WB906231,
-  Justamere Christian Amber , WB929636, Fawn
-  Justamere Pani of Pinerise , WC084615,
-  Dun Gottzum Justamere Luv Bug 07/14/1971, WB997567, Fawn
Am CH Dinro Mai-Tai

Full siblings:
-  Dinro Mageara , , Fawn
-  Dinro Megeara 06/12/1972, WC262817, Fawn
Dante's Lucky Lady
(F) 02/01/1975
WD355796; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Justamere Lovett

Full siblings:
-  Lembo's Miss Tasha , ,
-  Justamere Bitta Lovett , WB906231,
-  Justamere Christian Amber , WB929636, Fawn
-  Justamere Pani of Pinerise , WC084615,
-  Dun Gottzum Justamere Luv Bug 07/14/1971, WB997567, Fawn
Dante's Heidi

Full siblings:
-  Dewolf's Portia of Caesar , , Fawn
-  Dante's Shiloh of Lisa Dane 04/25/1971, , Fawn
Am CH Jonlyn's Ms Helen Coates
(F) 02/26/1978
WD952641; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Jonlyn's J P Hanover , WE033792,
-  Jenlyn's Ms Helen Coates , , Fawn
-  Jonlyn's Razzle Dazzle Me , ,
-  Jonlyn's Rush Street Boss 02/26/1978, , Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF
(M) 09/22/1971
WB981689; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Ashbun Acres Affidavit , , Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Axel 09/22/1971, WB994652, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Avalanche 09/22/1971, WB981688, Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber

Full siblings:
-  Murlo Shiloh , , Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Circe v Daneboa

Full siblings:
-  Daneboa's Lord Chester , ,
-  Daneboa Kelly's Merry Mark , ,
Murlo Razz Ma Tazz
(F) 09/09/1973
WC573649; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Murlo Ahab , , Fawn
-  Murlo Ms V of Ven-Elger 01/19/1973, WC630458, Fawn
Am CH Murlo Oliver

Full siblings:
-  Murlo Electra , WB594084, Fawn
Murlo Erika

Full siblings: