Vertical pedigree of:
Chinar's Rock On (M) 01/16/2017 WS57202801; Fawn COI: 10.42% |
Am CH Windy Hill's Kodak Moment (M) 05/16/2000 WP97796404; Fawn
Full siblings: - Windyhill's Luck O' The Irish 05/16/2000, WP97796403, Fawn |
BISS Am Ch Brier Rika Good Grief (M) 02/16/1996 WP69216301; Fawn
Full siblings: - Rika Brier Hey Good Looking , 692163/04, Fawn - Rika Brier I've Got the Goods , , Fawn - Rika Brier Ivegotthegoods 02/16/1996, WP69216303, - Rika Brier Runs Good Canyon 02/16/1996, WP69216304, - Brier Rika Roulet's Mr. Goodbar 02/16/1996, WP69216302, Brindle |
BISS Am Ch Chaney Brier Maserati Mistrl (M) 03/11/1989 WG321637; Brindle
Full siblings: - Chaney Brier Triumph For Wyne 03/11/1989, WG335957, |
Am CH Chaney's Tucker V Calico Rock Full siblings: - Chaney's Auburn Speedster 12/19/1986, WF944641, |
Am CH Hallmark Deloro Jackie O S D S Full siblings: |
Am CH Dustiny Good N Plenty Etal (F) 06/20/1993 WP50097703; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Am CH Rika-Brier Indian Uprising Full siblings: - Rika Brier Peace Treaty Chaney , , Fawn - Brier Rika Injun Spirit Chany 03/01/1990, WG476049, Fawn - Brier Rika Peace Treaty Chany 03/01/1990, WG468429, - Rika Brier Sacajawea V Chaney 03/01/1990, WG457165, |
San Roques Plea Bargain-V-Zar Full siblings: - San Roques Allegra 06/06/1991, WP36470106, - San Roque's Plea Bargain V Zar 06/06/1991, WP36470104, |
Am CH Windy Hill's Astra V Jerdan (F) 02/21/1995 WP60789801; Fawn
Full siblings: - Hill's Astra V Jerdan , , - Jerdan's Abbygail V Windyhill 02/21/1995, WP60789805, Fawn - Windy Hill's Tiger Woods 07/15/1996, WP72255708, - Jerdans Logan of Windy Hill 07/15/1996, WP72255705, - Windy Hill's Glowing Embers 07/15/1996, WP72255706, - Jerdans Saralee of Windyhill 07/15/1996, WP72255707, Brindle |
BISS Am Ch Fantasia's Lethal Weapon (M) 04/17/1992 WP34528711; Brindle
Full siblings: - Fantasia's City Slicker 04/28/1991, WP34528707, - Fantasia's Dizzy Blonde 04/17/1992, WP40928701, - Fantasia's Fawn Corleone 04/17/1992, WP40928704, Fawn - Fantasia's Golden Gloves 04/17/1992, WP34528708, - Fantasia's Fawn With the Wind 04/17/1992, WP40928706, |
BISS Am Ch Honey Lane's Highlight Full siblings: - Honey Lane's City Lights 02/25/1988, WG131578, |
Am CH San Roque's Reflection V Hauer Full siblings: - San Roque's Spit-N-Image V Hauer , , - San Roque's Replica of Hauer 11/09/1987, WG082878, - San Roque's Silhouette of Hauer 11/09/1987, WG082070, - San Roque's Mirror Image V Hauer 11/09/1987, WG082877, |
Jerdans Blonds Have More Fun (F) 11/06/1991 WP41202903; Fawn
Full siblings: - Kamstars Karisin V Jerdane 11/06/1991, WP41202902, |
Am CH Jerdans King Momus Full siblings: |
Am CH Addidas Sumner's Eve Full siblings: - Addidas Cheap Thrills 06/01/1990, WG510983, Brindle |
Am GCh Chinar's Smooth Ride (F) 10/10/2012 WS42461303; Brindle
Full siblings: |
Am GChS Ruby's Jewel of Honesty (M) 02/03/2009 WS29424804; Brindle
Full siblings: - Ruby's Jewel of Honor 02/03/2009, WS29424802, Brindle - Ruby's Jewel of Patience 02/03/2009, WS29424805, Fawn - Ruby's Jewel of Glory v Shae 02/03/2009, WS29424801, Fawn |
Am & Can Ch Jerdans Prince of Vigo AOM HOF (M) 06/15/2004 WS09942704; Brindle
Full siblings: - Jerdans Code of Honor 06/15/2004, WS09942702, Fawn - Jerdan Ty's Sun at Waterwood 06/15/2004, WS09942703, - Jerdans Ready To Rumble Dane Ac 06/15/2004, WS09942701, Fawn |
BISS Am & Can Ch Lost Creek's Joseph Dane Lane Full siblings: - Lost Creek Blame It on Daneln 11/09/2001, WR05352505, Fawn - Lostck-Daneln-Roulet's Brolin 11/09/2001, WR05352507, Fawn - Lst Crk Laser V Tara's Hideaway 11/09/2001, WR05352504, Fawn - Dane Lane's Bridget V Lost Creek 11/09/2001, WR05352502, Fawn - Lost Crk & Dane Ln Let's Gossip 09/01/2003, WS05396201, Fawn - Lost Creek's Di's Omega Dane Lane 09/01/2003, WS05396203, |
BISS Am Ch Jerdans Princess Ty AOM HOF Full siblings: - Jerdans Final Countdown 07/12/1998, WP87427105, Brindle - Jerdans Executive Decision 07/12/1998, WP87427101, - Jerdan's Three Times Zydeco 12/28/1998, WP91071603, - Jerdan's Still So Zydeco 11/10/1999, WP95499603, Brindle - Jerdan's Cruel Intentions 11/10/1999, WP95499602, Brindle - Jerdans Simply Irresistable 11/10/1999, WP95499601, Brindle |
Am CH Jewels Ruby Asset (F) 05/24/2005 WS13810302; Fawn
Full siblings: - Jewel's Ruby Asset 05/24/2005, WS13810302, - Jewels Emerald Asset 05/24/2005, WS13810305, - Jewel's Diamond Asset 05/24/2005, WS13810301, Fawn - Jewels Amethyst Asset 05/24/2005, WS138103014, - Jewel's Imperial Jade Asset 05/24/2005, WS13810303, Fawn |
Bis BISS Am Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's Frozen Asset AOM HOF Full siblings: - Sasdania's the Intimidater 04/28/2001, WR03501302, Fawn |
Am CH Danesmore Diamond Jubilee Full siblings: - Danesmore Diamond Cutter 01/12/1999, WP89826602, Fawn - Danesmore Double Diamonds 01/12/1999, WP89826601, Fawn - Danesmore Diamond Cameo 03/24/2000, WP97158607, Fawn - Danesmore Diamonds Tasha 03/24/2000, WP97158602, Fawn - Danesmore Trip To Lecheval 03/24/2000, WP97158604, Fawn |
Am CH Sasdania-Vitag's Intuition (F) 12/22/2008 WS30223401; Fawn
Full siblings: - Sasdania-Vitag's the Drakeman 12/22/2008, WS30223402, Brindle |
Am CH Sasdania-Vitag's Sound Investment (M) 01/02/2006 WS16216901; Fawn
Full siblings: - Knopf's Sergeant Major Sundown 01/02/2006, WS16216904, Fawn |
Am CH Windy Hill's Kodak Moment Full siblings: - Windyhill's Luck O' The Irish 05/16/2000, WP97796403, Fawn |
Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Clarice at Sundown Full siblings: - Sasdania's Headliner 12/17/2002, WS03998102, Fawn - Sasdania's Higherground 12/17/2002, WS03998101 / 1085855, Fawn - Sasdania's Kerri on Skydane 12/17/2002, WS03998109, Fawn - Sasdania's Willow v Danosaur 12/17/2002, WS03998108, Fawn - Sasdania's Hocus-Pocus Merlin 12/17/2002, WS03998105, Fawn - Sasdania-Vitag's Had To B You 12/17/2002, WS03998103, Fawn |
Sasdania-Vitag's Jackie Oh No (F) 10/06/2004 WS19985001; Brindle
Full siblings: |
Am & Can Ch Sasdania's Higherground Full siblings: - Sasdania's Headliner 12/17/2002, WS03998102, Fawn - Sasdania's Kerri on Skydane 12/17/2002, WS03998109, Fawn - Sasdania's Willow v Danosaur 12/17/2002, WS03998108, Fawn - Sasdania's Clarice at Sundown 12/17/2002, WS03998104, Fawn - Sasdania's Hocus-Pocus Merlin 12/17/2002, WS03998105, Fawn - Sasdania-Vitag's Had To B You 12/17/2002, WS03998103, Fawn |
Mustang Sally . Full siblings: |