River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Am CH Our Danes Wings of Glory
(M) 11/14/1992
COI: 1.75%
Am CH Brislyn Plain Havoc V Varick
(M) 03/02/1991
WP33980009; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Brislyn Plain Sailing Varick 03/02/1991, WP33980001,
-  Varick's Jim Dandy v Brislyn 03/02/1991, WP33980006, Fawn
-  Varick's Sweet Pea v Brislyn 03/02/1991, WP33980007,
-  Varick's Mr. Fantasy V Brislyn 03/02/1991, WP33980002,
BISS Ch Hauerdane's Plain James V Rika
(M) 07/02/1988
WG194161; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Rika's Plain Hooky V Hauer 07/27/1988, WG185876,
-  Hauer's Plain Em-N-Ems V Rika 07/27/1988, WP192005,
-  Rika's Plain the Field V Hauer 07/27/1988, WG198560,
-  Hauer's Plain Lorraine V Rika 07/09/1989, WG339746,
-  Hauerdane Plain N Fancy V Rika 07/09/1989, WG344007, Fawn
-  Rika Hauer Plain N Dandy Rosha 07/09/1989, WG347877,
-  Hauer's Plain Lee Perfect V Rika 07/19/1989, WG351772,
Am CH Von Raseacs French Dandy
(M) 08/08/1985
WF789465; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Von Raseacs Call Me Cleo , WF791882,
-  Hillview's Irish Lace v Raseac 09/08/1985, WF806705,
Von Raseac's French Gigolo

Full siblings:
-  Rob-N-Del's French Tycoon , ,
-  Von Raseac's French Tycoon , WF306667,
-  Von Raseac's Chaz of Hillview , WF309282, Fawn
-  Rob-N-Del's French Fitzpatric 07/27/1982, WF316461,
-  Rob-N-Del's French Lieutenant 07/27/1982, WF355833,
-  Rob-N-Del's French Reflection 07/27/1982, WF355834, Fawn
-  Rob-N-Del's Hey There 10/28/1984, WF653165,
-  Rob-N-Del's Anything Goes 10/28/1984, WF661242,
-  Rob-N-Del's Ace In the Hole 10/28/1984, WF652347,
-  Von Raseac C'Est Magnifique 10/28/1984, WF660727,
Hillview's Chantilly

Full siblings:
-  Hillview's Calvin , WF547495, Fawn
-  Hillview's Charlie 03/06/1984, WF584503,
-  Hillview's Centurian 03/06/1984, WF687202,
-  Hillview's Pierre Cardin 03/06/1984, WF597419,
-  Hillview Chanel of Courtney 03/06/1984, WF552693,
Am CH Rika's Plain Jane v Hauer ROM
WF462539; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Rika's Irresistibly Irish , WF710138,
-  Rika's Patent Pending 10/03/1983, WF551929,
-  Rikas Putnontheritz MMDWS 10/03/1983, WF464685, Fawn
-  Rika's Icing on The Cake 01/17/1985, WF668162, Fawn
-  Rika's Ima Sweet Pea Kino-Knoop 01/17/1985, WF677568,
BISS Am Ch Hauerdane's War Bonnet

Full siblings:
-  Hauerdane's Indian Summer 06/22/1978, WE109953, Fawn
-  Hauerdane's Apache Warrior 06/22/1978, WE090850,
-  Hauerdane's Bendigo Sutton 04/14/1980, WE601769,
Am CH Kingswood Phoebe Snow

Full siblings:
-  Rika's Rendition of Kingswood , WE623104, Fawn
Am CH Varick's Maddie Hayes
WG109575; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Varick's Riprap of Brislyn 11/30/1987, WG120491, Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Casablanca
WF830956; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Honey Lane's Cheers , WF839758, Fawn
-  Honey Lane's Courtney 04/09/1986, WF830959,
Am CH Honey Lane's Go For It

Full siblings:
-  Honey Lanes Giggles 11/18/1983, WF487452, Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Sylvia V Rimac

Full siblings:
Varick's Celebrity V Brislyn
WF408857; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Brislyn's Post Script V Varick , WF410496, Fawn
Am CH Varick's Pot O'Gold of Brislyn

Full siblings:
-  Varick's Pumpkin Pie v Mandi 11/21/1977, WE258535, Fawn
-  Varick's Rusty Scupper 11/25/1977, WD956230,
Varick's Razzy Ripple

Full siblings:
Am CH Our Danes Glory She's a ten
WP31214803; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Our Danes Mucha Prints 08/26/1990, WG558693,
-  Our Danes Code of Silence 08/26/1990, WP312148,
-  Our Danes Sir Gangus Khan 08/26/1990, WG546289, Fawn
-  Mcgovern's Jensen Samson Delh 08/26/1990, WP31214804,
-  Conjadane's Altair of Our Dane 08/26/1990, WP31214804,
Am CH Danesfield's Where Eagles Fly
(M) 06/14/1987
WG050903; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Danesfield's Bailey's Cream , WG490200, Fawn
-  Danesfield of Clwyd 06/14/1987, WG270102, Fawn
-  Dagon's Ritzy Danesfield 06/14/1987, WG092900, Fawn
-  Dagon's Rodney Danesfield 06/14/1987, WG061807, Fawn
-  Danefield's Where Eagles Fly 06/14/1987, WG050903, Fawn
-  Dagon's Ruffles of Danesfield 06/14/1987, WG092200, Fawn
Am CH Dagons In A Flash
(M) 10/29/1981
WF192606; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Dagons Call Me Shane 10/29/1981, WE101252, Brindle
-  Dagons I'm Dixie 09/11/1982, WF356598, Brindle
-  Dagons I'm Trixie 09/11/1982, WF356490, Fawn
Am CH Honey Lane's Rave Review

Full siblings:
-  Honey Lane's Ragtime Cowboy , WD865510, Brindle
-  Honey Lane's Repeat P'formance , WD865508,
Am CH Dagons I'm Pixie

Full siblings:
-  Dagons Czar Maxmillian 02/06/1977, WD706788, Brindle
Am & Can Ch Avanti's Tysina Danesfield
(F) 09/01/1984
WF704950; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Avanti's Tannis , WF771502, Fawn
-  Avanti's Mr. T J Ziegfeld Jr. , RS 450781,
Can Ch Avanti's Mr Ziegfeld

Full siblings:
Am CH Milledane's Twice as Nice

Full siblings:
Azuza of Orchardview
(F) 06/28/1986
WE984909; Fawn

Full siblings:
Essek Louie
(M) 07/08/1982
WF302060; Fawn

Full siblings:
Leo Leon

Full siblings:
Cody's Lady Dana

Full siblings:
Angelic of Essek
(F) 06/28/1983
WF429625; Fawn

Full siblings:
Sir Reginald III

Full siblings:
Danny's Jenny Girl

Full siblings: