River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Sir Leodegrance-F
(M) 04/01/2019
; Fawn
COI: 0.94%
MBISS MRBIS Am GChS, BIS Can Ch, BIS UKC Ch & BIS Int Ch Hauer N Rockingdane's Knight In Shining Armour CGC AOM
(M) 02/27/2016
WS52819701 / ERN17000435; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Hauer N Luciana's Happily Ever After 02/27/2016, WS52819703, Fawn
Am GChP MJM's Talk of The Town
(M) 06/24/2014
WS47536002; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  MJM's American Beauty 06/24/2014, WS47536004, Fawn
-  MJM'S Eye'm Init To Winit 06/24/2014, WS47536004, Fawn
-  Mjm's An American In Paris 06/24/2014, WS47536005, Fawn
-  MJM N Maitau Better Believe It 06/24/2014, WS47536003, Fawn
-  MJM's Wild at Heart V Hawthorne 06/24/2014, WS47536006, Fawn
BISS Am GCh Maitau N Cosmic Better By Design
(M) 07/03/2011
WS38343703; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Cosmic Maitau's Armani Custom Tailored 07/03/2011, WS38343701, Fawn
-  Cosmic Maitau's Designed for the Stars 07/03/2011, WS38343705, Fawn
-  Cosmic Maitau's the Beauty Authority V Grateful 07/03/2011, WS38343702, Fawn
Am CH Maitau's Never Better CGC,ROM,HOF

Full siblings:
-  Maitau's Never A Dark Moment 02/05/2002, WR06189704, Fawn
-  Maitau's American Idol 04/22/2003, WS03840205, Fawn
-  Maitau's Red White & Blonde 04/22/2003, WS03840203 / ERN25001997, Fawn
-  Maitau N Windyhills Kodachrome 04/22/2003, WS03840201, Fawn
-  Maitau's Never Say Never Again 04/22/2003, WS03840206, Fawn
Am GCh Maitau Cosmics Eye'm A Star In Style AOM

Full siblings:
-  Maitau's Ms Mia Lincoln 06/21/2008, WS26974106,
-  Maitau's Keep An Eye on Me 06/21/2008, WS26974103, Fawn
BISS Am GCh MJM's Hi-Air All Eyes on Me
(F) 02/13/2010
WS33540103; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Mjm Hi-Air Eye on Sundance V Toncor 02/13/2010, WS33540101, Fawn
-  Hi-Air Mjm's All Eyes on the Spy V Bellemarc 02/13/2010, WS33540104, Fawn
-  Sumner Kentucky Moonshine VSOP 03/01/2010, WS33618609, Fawn
-  Sumner B'N Followed By A Moonshadow 03/01/2010, WS33618604, Fawn
BISS Am Ch Avanti's All For One Elan AOM

Full siblings:
-  Avanti's Lady of Elan 01/19/1999, WP90662804, Fawn
-  Avanti Elans Take Won on Won 01/19/1999, WP90662802,
Am CH Maitau's Eye Candy V Mjm

Full siblings:
-  Maitau's Eye Catcher 04/19/2005, WS13176001, Fawn
-  Maitau's Eye Spy Serendipity 04/19/2005, WS13176005,
-  Maitau's Here's Lookin at U Kid 04/19/2005, WS13176006, Fawn
-  Maitau's America's Dream 07/06/2006, WS18473605, Fawn
-  Maitau's Pinstripe Captain 07/06/2006, WS18473606,
-  Maitau's Sundance EZ on The Eyes 07/06/2006, WS18473603, Fawn
Am GChB Sasdania-Vitag's Fairytale For Hauerdane
(F) 04/11/2011
WS38707101; Fawn

Full siblings:
BISS Am GCh Dbl D-Fireheart What's N Your Wallet V Hauer
(M) 04/03/2009
WS29979604; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Dbl D Daynakin What's New Pussycat 04/03/2009, WS29979603,
-  Dbl D's It Iz What It Iz at Katcrew 04/03/2009, WS29979601,
-  Double D's Jaylor What Is Not To Like 04/03/2009, WS29979602, Fawn
-  Double D's Fire And Ice 10/19/2009, WS31850303,
-  Double D the Icebreaker J 10/19/2009, WS31850301,
-  Double D No More Mr Ice Guy 10/19/2009, WS31850307, Fawn
-  Double D's Icy Storm at Ruatha 10/19/2009, WS31850302, Fawn
-  Double D B And K Icy Hot V Prima 10/19/2009, WS31850309, Fawn
-  Double D's The Iceman Cometh V Topshelf 10/19/2009, WS31850304,
Bis BISS Am Can Ch Sasdania-Vitag's Frozen Asset AOM HOF

Full siblings:
-  Sasdania's the Intimidater 04/28/2001, WR03501302, Fawn
Am CH Double D Daynakin Gold Digger

Full siblings:
-  Double D Daynakin Fools Gold 01/14/2007, WS20531402,
Am CH Sasdania-Vitag's Fairchild
(F) 08/20/2006
WS23357401; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Elan Krisda Dixie Magic of Raintree

Full siblings:
Sasdania's Kerri on Skydane

Full siblings:
-  Sasdania's Headliner 12/17/2002, WS03998102, Fawn
-  Sasdania's Higherground 12/17/2002, WS03998101 / 1085855, Fawn
-  Sasdania's Willow v Danosaur 12/17/2002, WS03998108, Fawn
-  Sasdania's Clarice at Sundown 12/17/2002, WS03998104, Fawn
-  Sasdania's Hocus-Pocus Merlin 12/17/2002, WS03998105, Fawn
-  Sasdania-Vitag's Had To B You 12/17/2002, WS03998103, Fawn
It, Lux, Hun, Cro & San M CH Queenie Eye-F del Castel Levante
(F) 05/23/2015
; Fawn

Full siblings:
It Ch You Are Not Alone-F del Piccolo Jigo
(M) 03/17/2014
ROI14/42361; Fawn

Full siblings:
KBHV02 DKCh SCH NCH NORDCH Diplomatic's Umberto di Visconti
(M) 04/20/2001
S33283/2001; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Diplomatic's Unicom 04/20/2001, S33282/2001, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Ursula Andress 04/20/2001, S33277/2001, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Celine Dion 12/25/2001, S14488/2002, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Cherie Fairchild 12/25/2001, 03695/2002, Fawn
NORDV-99 SUCH SV-02 Diplomatic's Your Majesty

Full siblings:
-  Diplomatic's Scarlett O'Hara 11/02/1994, S13228/95, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Sent To Dogiwogi 11/02/1994, S13222/95, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Stuart Masterson 11/02/1994, S13225/95, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Sir Henry Whitley 11/02/1994, S13224/95, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Son of The Great Guy 11/02/1994, S13223/95, Fawn
SUCH Diplomatic's Maggie May

Full siblings:
Shalom-F del Piccolo Jigo

Full siblings:
Swe & Fin Ch Diplomatic's Val Kilmer

Full siblings:
-  Diplomatic's Dizzy Mizz Lizzy , ,
-  Diplomatic's Will Durante 07/10/2001, S47434/2001, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Debbi Dee 01/19/2002, S19439/2002, Fawn
-  Diplomatic's Diana Daimler 01/19/2002, S19441/2002, Fawn
Isotta-F del Piccolo Jigo

Full siblings:
Belen-T della Baia Azzurra
; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Cherie della Baia Azzurra 04/01/2011, ÖHZB DD5211, Brindle
Albatros Fontlaymer-T
(M) 03/18/2006
LOE 1600198; Brindle

Full siblings:
Satchmo des Terres de la Rairie

Full siblings:
Thessa des Terres de la Rairie

Full siblings:
-  Tanagra des Terres de la Rairie , LOF 60012/10234, Brindle
-  Typ Topp des Terres de la Rairie , LOF 60010,
-  Taisonn des Terres de la Rairie 05/22/2002, LOF : 060011/08092, Brindle
-  Tatoo des Terres de la Rairie 12/10/2002, , Fawn
Tanjinger-F della Baia Azzurra
; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  TaiJinger della Baia Azzurra , ,
-  Tan Jinger della Baia Azzurra , ,
Rififi des Terres de la Rairie

Full siblings:
-  Rafale des Terres de la Rairie , ,
Queency-F della Baia Azzurra

Full siblings:
-  Quazar della Baia Azzurra , ,
-  Quantas-T della Baia Azzurra , ENCI 02/119114-I, Brindle