River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Westwood's My Honey Bun
Am CH Honey Lane's Cut Above the Rest CD
(M) 11/01/1982

Full siblings:
Am CH Tallbrook's My Honey

Full siblings:
-  Tallbrook Ms Natalie Borelli , WE516497,
Am CH Winfalls Stutz Bearcat V Mako
(M) 04/03/1976
WD378280; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Winfall's Social Butterfly , ,
-  Hallmarks Banere of Winfall , ,
-  Castile's Buttercup V Winfall , WD600619, Brindle
-  Windfall's Mcgent of Eastwind , ,
-  Winfall's Mc Gent of Eastwind , ,
-  Windfall Stutz Bearcat v Mako 04/02/1976, , Fawn
-  Winfall's Papillon V Mako 04/03/1976, WD487929, Brindle
-  Winfall's Bijoux For Bayrex 04/13/1977, WD706652,
Am CH Castile's Gent of Mountdania
(M) 10/15/1974
WD057180; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Mountdania's Alice Chalmers 10/15/1974, WC933865, Brindle
Am CH Beaudane's Caesar

Full siblings:
-  Beaudane's Jason 12/28/1968, WB289563, Fawn
Skrattegaard Jeni V Mtdania

Full siblings:
-  Elke Av Skrattegaard 07/29/1970, ,
Am CH Sunridge's Butterfly McQueen
(F) 11/08/1971
WC55962; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sunridge' Serenades Othello , WC146148, Fawn
-  Sunridge's Kirsten 11/08/1971, WC46802, Fawn
-  Sunridge's Chief Justice 11/08/1971, WC111166, Fawn
-  Sunridge's Li'l Liza Jane 11/08/1971, WC55961, Fawn
-  Sunridge Cody of Hearth Hill 11/08/1971, WC160406, Fawn
Am CH Mountdania's Timber

Full siblings:
-  Murlo Shiloh , , Fawn
Am CH Troy's Wendy of Hearth Hill

Full siblings:
-  Troy's Truly Fair of Hearth Hill 12/13/1968, , Fawn
Am CH Bit O'Tallbrook's Brenda
WD009074; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Tallbrook's Darby Davy , , Fawn
-  Bit O'Tallbrook's Honeymoon , WD052186,
-  Bit O'Tallbrook's Autumn Mist , WD079387, Brindle
-  Bit O'Tallbrook's Honey Chile , WD009073, Brindle
-  Grenadilla's Bit O'Tallbrook 11/14/1973, WC649964, Fawn
Tallbrook's Darby Dan
(M) 01/26/1972
WC85910; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Tallbrook's Kealoha of Alii , , Fawn
-  Tallbrook's Taly-Ho 01/26/1972, WC134181,
-  Tallbrook's Akamai of Alii 01/26/1972, WC154650, Fawn
-  Tallbrook's Ginger of Alii 01/26/1972, WC154651, Fawn
-  Tallbrook's Jasmine of Alii 01/26/1972, , Fawn
Am & Can Ch Tallbrook's Dapper Dan

Full siblings:
-  Tallbrook's Deacon Von Raseac , ,
Am & Can Ch Tallbrook Farms Taly Overcup

Full siblings:
-  Brenda Von Overcup , WA627764, Brindle
-  Ranger of Westwood , WA506137, Brindle
-  Amber of Tallbrook Farms , WA628988, Fawn
-  Sun-E-Dane's Darling Diana , WA503365, Brindle
-  Sun-E-Dane's Sock-It-To-Me , ,
-  Honeygold Von Overcup 06/22/1964, WA497578, Fawn
-  Lady Guinevere of Overcup 06/22/1964, WA562040, Fawn
-  Lady Gwinevere of Overcup 06/22/1964, WA562040, Fawn
-  Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes 06/22/1964, WA505182, Fawn
-  Ben Von Overcup 04/10/1965, WA627763, Fawn
-  Bartholomew Von Overcup 04/01/1968, WB152093, Brindle
-  Henriette's Mini Sock Overcup 04/01/1968, WB153442, Fawn
Am & Mex Ch Tallbrook's Bit O'Honey
(F) 03/18/1971
WB879944; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Vanessa of Tallbrook Farms , ,
-  Tallbrook's Vicki of Paradise , WB575081, Brindle
-  Abigail Davis of Tallbrook 03/18/1971, WB863090, Fawn
-  Brenda's Bambi of Tallbrook 03/18/1971, WC103478, Fawn
BIS BISS Ch Abner Lowell Davis

Full siblings:
-  Good Amos Davis , , Fawn
-  Goode Amos Davis , , Fawn
-  Jecamo's Alexander of Davis , , Fawn
-  Archibald Davis 04/19/1966, WA748892, Brindle
Am CH Brenda Von Overcup

Full siblings:
-  Ranger of Westwood , WA506137, Brindle
-  Amber of Tallbrook Farms , WA628988, Fawn
-  Sun-E-Dane's Darling Diana , WA503365, Brindle
-  Sun-E-Dane's Sock-It-To-Me , ,
-  Tallbrook Farms Taly Overcup , WB215805, Brindle
-  Honeygold Von Overcup 06/22/1964, WA497578, Fawn
-  Lady Guinevere of Overcup 06/22/1964, WA562040, Fawn
-  Lady Gwinevere of Overcup 06/22/1964, WA562040, Fawn
-  Overcup's Jason Sacerdotes 06/22/1964, WA505182, Fawn
-  Ben Von Overcup 04/10/1965, WA627763, Fawn
-  Bartholomew Von Overcup 04/01/1968, WB152093, Brindle
-  Henriette's Mini Sock Overcup 04/01/1968, WB153442, Fawn