Vertical pedigree of:
Grandenspitz Tapoleon (M) S50132/88; Black COI: 0.70% |
Great Granada's Eight-I-Nine (M) S60465/83; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Snuggery's Cyrano of Airways (M) 05/22/1981 WE983800 / SKK12218/82; Fawn
Full siblings: - Snuggery's Deardane , , - Snuggery's Satin Doll , , - Snuggery's First Class Rerun 05/10/1982, WF199033, |
Am CH Snuggery Roulette v Kolyer (M) 04/06/1980 WE615596; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Kolyer's Timba of Machendane (M) ;
Full siblings: - Kolyer's Timba of Montezuma , WD586477, Fawn |
Am & Can Ch Heidere's Kolyer Kimbayh Full siblings: - Heidere's Hamborger Deern 12/23/1967, WB097210, Fawn - Kolyer's Kimbalina of Heidere 12/23/1967, WB130069, Fawn - Sir Brutus of Greenvale 12/12/1968, WB299211, Fawn - Kolyer's Big-Ben-Be-Mine 12/12/1968, WB324194, Fawn - Kolyer's Heidere's Kim Hellion 12/12/1968, WB379792, Fawn - Heidere's Apollo 11/19/1969, WB517152, Fawn - Heidere's Moon Shot 11/19/1969, WB517156, Fawn |
Kolyer's Karmen of Machendane Full siblings: |
Kolyer's Sundrop of Snuggery (F) WD326578; Fawn
Full siblings: - Kolyer's Rocky Mountain High , WD251757, Fawn - Kolyer's Taneha of Somerdane , WD231029, Fawn - Kolyer's Girl Kelly 11/16/1976, WE153571, Fawn |
Kolyer's Jolly Jonah Full siblings: |
Kolyer's Fyrr of Aldane Full siblings: - Dinro Tinkerbelle 08/18/1973, WD076104, Fawn - Kolyer's Ortley v Aldane 04/27/1974, , Fawn - Kolyer's Amaro of Rochdale 04/27/1974, WC876459, Fawn |
Am CH Kolyer's Kissimmee V Ridge-Lo (F) 09/06/1977 WD838769; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Am CH Kolyer's Rocky Mountain High (M) WD251757; Fawn
Full siblings: - Kolyer's Sundrop of Snuggery , WD326578, Fawn - Kolyer's Taneha of Somerdane , WD231029, Fawn - Kolyer's Girl Kelly 11/16/1976, WE153571, Fawn |
Kolyer's Jolly Jonah Full siblings: |
Kolyer's Fyrr of Aldane Full siblings: - Dinro Tinkerbelle 08/18/1973, WD076104, Fawn - Kolyer's Ortley v Aldane 04/27/1974, , Fawn - Kolyer's Amaro of Rochdale 04/27/1974, WC876459, Fawn |
Am CH Kolyer's Kaptivating Karlene (F) 05/26/1975 WD251543; Fawn
Full siblings: - Kolyer's Juggernaut 05/26/1975, WD184880, Fawn |
Am CH Kolyer's Ward N Kenworthy Full siblings: |
Kolyer's Cassandra Full siblings: - Kolyer's Blitzkreig Bonanza 07/16/1973, WC679210, Fawn |
Great Granada's Anglia (F) 05/26/1981 S37860/81; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Int Nordic Ch Centaur (M) S15817/77; Fawn
Full siblings: - Crusader , SF087179/77, Fawn |
CH Dannjacs Aquito (M) S43212/69; Fawn
Full siblings: - Dannjacs Amber , S43213/69, Fawn |
Swd & Fin Ch Airways Heller Full siblings: - Airways Heidi 05/27/1967, S17443/67, Fawn - Airways Hazard 05/27/1967, S17439/67, |
Miltorparns Zanzie Full siblings: - Miltorparns Bella Susie , S32467/67, Brindle |
Swd & Nrwg Ch Airways Venetta (F) S09614/71; Fawn
Full siblings: - Airways Questor , S06105/70, - Airways Valiant , S09607/71, - Airways Quenelle , S06108/70, - Airways Vagabond , S09606/71, - Airways Virginia , S09617/71, - Airways Quadrille , S06107/70, Fawn - Airways Yuan 04/01/1972, S14031/72, Fawn |
Nord Itl Ch Harmony Hill Lied of Airways Full siblings: - Harmony Hill Lover , , Brindle - Harmony Hill Linda of Airways 11/26/1967, S22499/68, Fawn |
Fin, Nor & Swd Ch Airways Jennifer Full siblings: |
Doggenhain Debbie (F) 10/04/1979 S69013/79; Brindle
Full siblings: - Doggenhain Camillo 10/06/1978, S64428/78, Fawn - Doggenhain Clarissa 10/06/1978, S64431/78, Brindle - Doggenhain's Corita 10/06/1978, S64432/78, Brindle - Doggenhain's Darina 10/04/1979, S69011/79, Fawn |
Swd & Fin Ch Gerjos Shilo of Airways (M) S52727/77; Brindle
Full siblings: - Gerjos Midnight Sun 02/08/1977, WD673462, |
Am CH Pine Hollow's Smoki Jarva Full siblings: - Pine Hollow's Gamblin Man , WC562685, Fawn - Joker's Straja V Pine Hollow , , - Pine Hollow's Sir Duff of Joker 07/15/1973, WC591107, Fawn |
Lady Leda of Delphi Full siblings: - Harmony Hill Midas of Delphi 01/06/1975, WD016952, Fawn |
Int & Nor Ch Doggenhain's Arina (F) 05/10/1974 S21764/74; Fawn
Full siblings: |
CH Dannjacs Aquito Full siblings: - Dannjacs Amber , S43213/69, Fawn |
Airways Samantha Full siblings: - Airways Simple Simon , S45919/70, |
Grandenspitz Tamara (F) S38106/87; Black
Full siblings: |
Bester vom Kühlen Grunde (M) 10/30/1985 S55110/86; Black
Full siblings: - Bea vom Kühlen Grunde 10/30/1985, , Black - Bob vom Kühlen Grunde 10/30/1985, , Black - Burma vom Kühlen Grunde 10/30/1985, , Harlequin - Bastian vom Kühlen Grunde 10/30/1985, , Black - Clivia vom Kühlen Grunde 05/15/1986, 90639, Harlequin - Cäsar vom Kühlen Grunde 05/15/1986, , Harlequin |
Akbar von der Lessingstadt (M) VDH/DDC 82424; Harlequin
Full siblings: |
Ger & Int Ch Leopold vom Weißen Stein (M) VDH/DDC 75745; Harlequin
Full siblings: - Luna vom Weißen Stein , , - Kastor vom Weißen Stein 02/06/1977, VDH/DDC 73722, Harlequin - Liebling-Diamant V WeissenStein 02/11/1978, WE164001, Harlequin |
Int , Gmy & Swd Ch Diamant von der Nürburg Full siblings: - Diana v d Nurburg , VDH/DDC 69571, Harlequin - Diana von der Nürburg , VDH/DDC 069571, Harlequin - Derrik von der Nürburg 01/11/1975, VDH/DDC 069569, |
Int, Aus, Swd & Gmy Ch Isabell vom Weißen Stein Full siblings: |
Fineß v Rothebach (F) ;
Full siblings: |
Basko vom Lehberg Full siblings: |
Afra v Rothebach Full siblings: |
Alaska vom Kühlen Grunde (F) 05/07/1981 VDH/DDC 81951; Harlequin
Full siblings: - Atlanta vom Kühlen Grunde 05/07/1981, VDH/DDC 081953, Harlequin - Adelheid vom Kühlen Grunde 05/07/1981, VDH/DDC 81950, Harlequin |
Charly von der Stadt Hamm (M) ; Harlequin
Full siblings: |
Ucas von der Roßhalde Full siblings: - Uncas von der Rosshalde , ZB65578, Harlequin - Undine von der Rosshalde , , Harlequin |
Nicole v d Pfalz Full siblings: |
Micha vom Kühlen Grunde (F) 03/17/1974 ; Black
Full siblings: - Milo vom Kühlen Grunde 03/17/1974, , Harlequin - Manta vom Kühlen Grunde 03/17/1974, , Black - Manty vom Kühlen Grunde 03/17/1974, , Black - Mausi vom Kühlen Grunde 03/17/1974, , Black - Maxim vom Kühlen Grunde 03/17/1974, , Harlequin |
Dekan vom Kühlen Grunde Full siblings: - Cio vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Chef vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Cheri vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Caramba vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Charmant vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, VDH/DDC 58800, Harlequin - Delle vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Black - Derby vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin - Dozent vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin - Debatte vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin - Dölmer vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin |
Charmant vom Kühlen Grunde Full siblings: - Cio vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Chef vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Cheri vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Caramba vom Kühlen Grunde 07/03/1970, , Harlequin - Dekan vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Black - Delle vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Black - Derby vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin - Dozent vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin - Debatte vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin - Dölmer vom Kühlen Grunde 04/18/1971, , Harlequin |
Grandenspitz Timba (F) S54922/83; Black
Full siblings: |
Doggmas Possible (M) 10/04/1978 S14793/79; Black
Full siblings: - Doggmas J Presume , S14791/79, Black |
Int. & Nor. Ch Danehouse Pepper (M) 08/20/1977 S26342/78; Fawn
Full siblings: |
Nordic & Int Ch Danehouse Indeed Full siblings: - Danehouse Inter 07/10/1974, S51826/74, Brindle |
Int Ch Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse Full siblings: - Devrok's George of Danehouse , , - Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane 04/03/1975, WD291011, Fawn - Devrok's Sunlight 06/16/1976, DKK08674/78, Fawn |
Doggmas Min (F) SKK 34383/76; Black
Full siblings: |
Pantergårdens Bernando Full siblings: |
Doggmas Hulda Full siblings: |
Grande Negros Tiara (F) S67221/78; Black
Full siblings: - Grande Negros Tabasco , S67215/78, Black |
Kimbo Zum Goldenen Stein (M) S15835/77; Black
Full siblings: |
Elch Von Bambihaus Full siblings: - Elvi Von Bambihaus , ZB63590, |
Elvi Von Bambihaus Full siblings: - Elch Von Bambihaus , ZB63587, |
Grande Negros Ran (F) 02/05/1975 SKK 13665/75; Black
Full siblings: - Grande Negros Rebecca 02/05/1975, SKK 13666/75, Black |
Grande Negros Nicke Full siblings: |
Grande Negros Quinna Full siblings: |