River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
CH Raodane's Prado
Lobato's Lagarada Indigo Blue
(M) 10/06/2003
WS06262412; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lobato's Pretty Woman 10/06/2003, WS06262401, Fawn
-  Lobato's Steel Magnolia 10/06/2003, WS06262402,
Am CH Lagarada's Autumn Gold
(M) 05/09/2002
WS00615104; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada SunStrike Alliance 05/09/2002, WS00615103, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Xxoo's Thunderhill 05/09/2002, WS00615102, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Goldberg V Thunderhill 05/09/2002, WS00615101, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Idol 03/30/2003, WS03346204, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Ruler 03/30/2003, WS03346201,
-  Lagarada's Gold N Melody 03/30/2003, WS03346203,
BISS Am Ch Lagarada's Aspen Gold ROM HOF
(M) 08/11/2000
WP98812405; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada's Gold Label 12/17/1999, WP94965516, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Tiara 12/17/1999, WP94965509, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold Reprise 12/17/1999, WP94965515, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Wrapped N Gold 12/17/1999, WP94965511, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold Krugerrand 12/17/1999, WP94965512, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Princess 12/17/1999, WP94965510, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Splendor 12/17/1999, WP94965513, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Strike N Gold V Hauer 12/17/1999, WP94965514, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Cinders 08/11/2000, WP98812401, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gold N Irony V Hauer 08/11/2000, WP98812402, Fawn
BIS BISS Jpn & Am Ch Hauerdane's Pump-N-Iron
(M) 06/26/1997
WP79538101; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Hauerdane's Flame-N Hot 06/26/1997, WP79538107,
-  Hauerdanes Turn-N-Heads Vazriel 06/26/1997, WP79538102, Fawn
Am CH Zarlin's Soldier Boy CGC

Full siblings:
-  Zarlin's Party Doll 05/24/1995, WP62454601, Fawn
-  Zarlin's Hit the Road Jack 05/24/1995, WP62754602,
-  Zarlin's Good Golly Miss Molly 05/24/1995, WP62754603, Fawn
Hauer-Deja's Maryl-N'-Monroe

Full siblings:
-  Hauer-Deja Liza With A Z 06/28/1994, WP56839101, Fawn
BISS Am Ch Rocwind Lagarada Xxiv Karat Gold ROM HOF
(F) 04/12/1997
WP77448102; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Rocwind's Starship Voyager 04/12/1997, WP77448103, Fawn
-  Rocwind's Jeeves Jolly Gold 04/12/1997, WP77448109,
-  Rocwind's Kickstart My Heart 04/12/1997, WP77448101,
-  Rocwind Lagarada Gold V Hawkwind 04/12/1997, WP77448104,
Am CH Lagarada's Timberline Gold ROM

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada's Bjornedal Bonanza 06/22/1995, WP632747,
-  Lagarada All Spice's Tmk-Mvrck 06/22/1995, WP632747,
-  Lagarada's Rocky Mountain High 06/22/1995, WP63274704,
-  Lagarada's Cover Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051801, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Timberidge 04/26/1996, WP70051808, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gangster Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051803, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Born to be Wild 04/26/1996, WP700518, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Centerfold Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051802, Fawn
-  Lagarada Reach For The Starz 04/26/1996, WP70051805, Fawn
-  Lagarada Feldmarschall Rommel 04/26/1996, WP70051807, Fawn
Am CH Rocwinds I'm A Keeper Too CD ROM

Full siblings:
-  Rocwind's Ricochet V Goldane 07/20/1992, WP42960402,
Am CH Lagarada's Cover Girl ROM
(F) 04/26/1996
WP70051801; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada's Timberline Gold 06/22/1995, WP63274701, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Bjornedal Bonanza 06/22/1995, WP632747,
-  Lagarada All Spice's Tmk-Mvrck 06/22/1995, WP632747,
-  Lagarada's Rocky Mountain High 06/22/1995, WP63274704,
-  Lagarada's Timberidge 04/26/1996, WP70051808, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gangster Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051803, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Born to be Wild 04/26/1996, WP700518, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Centerfold Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051802, Fawn
-  Lagarada Reach For The Starz 04/26/1996, WP70051805, Fawn
-  Lagarada Feldmarschall Rommel 04/26/1996, WP70051807, Fawn
Am CH Sunnyside Lagarada Timber
(M) 05/31/1994
WP55535402; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Woody Dane Won Again , ,
-  Sunnyside Bramble 05/31/1994, WP55535404, Brindle
-  Sunnyside Skylark v Raseac 05/31/1994, WP55535401, Fawn
-  Sunnyside Rainforest Crunch 05/31/1994, WP55535403,
-  Sunnyside Sequoia 05/12/1995, WP62654305, Brindle
-  Sunnyside Sassafrass 05/12/1995, WP62654303,
-  Sunnyside's Monterey Pine 05/12/1995, WP62654307,
-  Sunnyside Bonneville Bohdi 05/12/1995, WP62654306,
-  Sunnyside Magnolia Madegra 05/12/1995, WP62654301, Fawn
-  Sunnyside Willow of Aldawn 05/12/1995, WP62654304,
-  Sunnyside Mtn Laurel of W E Three 05/12/1995, WP62654302,
BISS Am & Mex Ch Bonneville Jackson

Full siblings:
-  Bonneville Winter 12/22/1987, WG119838,
-  Bonneville Harrison 12/22/1987, WG118201,
-  Bonneville Sheridan 12/22/1987, WG120896,
-  Bonneville Lexington 12/22/1987, WG118203, Brindle
-  Bonneville Shenandoah 12/22/1987, WG118200,
-  Bonneville Winchester 12/22/1987, WG118202,
-  Bonneville Prince Lowell 12/22/1987, WP163164,
Am CH Sunnyside California Poppy v Raseac CGC

Full siblings:
-  Sunnyside Black Eyed Susan , WP33961404,
-  Sunnyside Sirius Periwinkle , WP33961401,
-  Sunnyside Primrose 03/30/1991, WP33961403,
-  Sunnyside Sweet Alyssum 03/30/1991, WP33961407,
-  Sunnyside Texas Bluebonnet 03/30/1991, ,
-  Sunnyside Xenecu Bluebonnet 03/30/1991, WP33961402,
-  Sunnyside Colorado Columbine 03/30/1991, WP33961408, Fawn
BISS Am Ch Lagarada's Megan ROM
WP36936302; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada's James Mcgyver 06/02/1991, WP36936303, Fawn
BISS Ch Hauerdane's Plain James V Rika

Full siblings:
-  Rika's Plain Hooky V Hauer 07/27/1988, WG185876,
-  Hauer's Plain Em-N-Ems V Rika 07/27/1988, WP192005,
-  Rika's Plain the Field V Hauer 07/27/1988, WG198560,
-  Hauer's Plain Lorraine V Rika 07/09/1989, WG339746,
-  Hauerdane Plain N Fancy V Rika 07/09/1989, WG344007, Fawn
-  Rika Hauer Plain N Dandy Rosha 07/09/1989, WG347877,
-  Hauer's Plain Lee Perfect V Rika 07/19/1989, WG351772,
Am CH Lagarada's Mercedes O'Lorcain

Full siblings:
-  O'Lorcain's Excalibur V Hauer , WF636940,
-  O'Lorcain's Indiana Jones Ltd , WF656232,
-  O'Lorcain's Do Da V Hauer 10/06/1984, WF638521,
-  O'Lorcain's Tarzan V Hauer 10/06/1984, WF629503,
Am CH Lobato's She's The One V Dreammaker
(F) 01/14/2000
WP97032601; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Savana's Precious Zoie 01/14/2000, WP97032607, Fawn
-  Lobato's Sahara Gold Dreammaker 01/14/2000, WP97032604,
-  Lobato's Jake Harris v Dreamaker 01/14/2000, WP97032602, Fawn
-  Lobato's Sassy Harris V Dreammaker 01/14/2000, WP97032603,
-  Lobato's Home Run 10/29/2001, WR05446201, Fawn
-  Lobato's Friendly Persuation 10/29/2001, WR05446202, Fawn
Am CH Lagarada's Timberline Gold ROM
(M) 06/22/1995
WP63274701; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada's Bjornedal Bonanza 06/22/1995, WP632747,
-  Lagarada All Spice's Tmk-Mvrck 06/22/1995, WP632747,
-  Lagarada's Rocky Mountain High 06/22/1995, WP63274704,
-  Lagarada's Cover Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051801, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Timberidge 04/26/1996, WP70051808, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Gangster Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051803, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Born to be Wild 04/26/1996, WP700518, Fawn
-  Lagarada's Centerfold Girl 04/26/1996, WP70051802, Fawn
-  Lagarada Reach For The Starz 04/26/1996, WP70051805, Fawn
-  Lagarada Feldmarschall Rommel 04/26/1996, WP70051807, Fawn
Am CH Sunnyside Lagarada Timber
(M) 05/31/1994
WP55535402; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Woody Dane Won Again , ,
-  Sunnyside Bramble 05/31/1994, WP55535404, Brindle
-  Sunnyside Skylark v Raseac 05/31/1994, WP55535401, Fawn
-  Sunnyside Rainforest Crunch 05/31/1994, WP55535403,
-  Sunnyside Sequoia 05/12/1995, WP62654305, Brindle
-  Sunnyside Sassafrass 05/12/1995, WP62654303,
-  Sunnyside's Monterey Pine 05/12/1995, WP62654307,
-  Sunnyside Bonneville Bohdi 05/12/1995, WP62654306,
-  Sunnyside Magnolia Madegra 05/12/1995, WP62654301, Fawn
-  Sunnyside Willow of Aldawn 05/12/1995, WP62654304,
-  Sunnyside Mtn Laurel of W E Three 05/12/1995, WP62654302,
BISS Am & Mex Ch Bonneville Jackson

Full siblings:
-  Bonneville Winter 12/22/1987, WG119838,
-  Bonneville Harrison 12/22/1987, WG118201,
-  Bonneville Sheridan 12/22/1987, WG120896,
-  Bonneville Lexington 12/22/1987, WG118203, Brindle
-  Bonneville Shenandoah 12/22/1987, WG118200,
-  Bonneville Winchester 12/22/1987, WG118202,
-  Bonneville Prince Lowell 12/22/1987, WP163164,
Am CH Sunnyside California Poppy v Raseac CGC

Full siblings:
-  Sunnyside Black Eyed Susan , WP33961404,
-  Sunnyside Sirius Periwinkle , WP33961401,
-  Sunnyside Primrose 03/30/1991, WP33961403,
-  Sunnyside Sweet Alyssum 03/30/1991, WP33961407,
-  Sunnyside Texas Bluebonnet 03/30/1991, ,
-  Sunnyside Xenecu Bluebonnet 03/30/1991, WP33961402,
-  Sunnyside Colorado Columbine 03/30/1991, WP33961408, Fawn
BISS Am Ch Lagarada's Megan ROM
WP36936302; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Lagarada's James Mcgyver 06/02/1991, WP36936303, Fawn
BISS Ch Hauerdane's Plain James V Rika

Full siblings:
-  Rika's Plain Hooky V Hauer 07/27/1988, WG185876,
-  Hauer's Plain Em-N-Ems V Rika 07/27/1988, WP192005,
-  Rika's Plain the Field V Hauer 07/27/1988, WG198560,
-  Hauer's Plain Lorraine V Rika 07/09/1989, WG339746,
-  Hauerdane Plain N Fancy V Rika 07/09/1989, WG344007, Fawn
-  Rika Hauer Plain N Dandy Rosha 07/09/1989, WG347877,
-  Hauer's Plain Lee Perfect V Rika 07/19/1989, WG351772,
Am CH Lagarada's Mercedes O'Lorcain

Full siblings:
-  O'Lorcain's Excalibur V Hauer , WF636940,
-  O'Lorcain's Indiana Jones Ltd , WF656232,
-  O'Lorcain's Do Da V Hauer 10/06/1984, WF638521,
-  O'Lorcain's Tarzan V Hauer 10/06/1984, WF629503,
Rocwind's Sundance Wild Angel
(F) 03/10/1996
WP68896302; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Sundance Stetson
(M) 02/20/1994
WP54109706; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sundance Aspen 02/20/1994, WP541097,
-  Sundance Safari 02/20/1994, WP54109701,
-  Sundance Incognito 02/20/1994, WP54109707,
-  Sundance Obsession 02/20/1994, WP54109702,
-  Sundance Heaven Sent 02/20/1994, WP54109703,
-  Sundance Windsong V Diamond 02/20/1994, WP54109705,
-  Sundance Almost An Angel 02/07/1995, WP61299206,
-  Sundance Undercover Angel 02/07/1995, WP61299205,
-  Sundance Archangel V Diamond 02/07/1995, WP61299204,
Am CH Danemarks Trace of Tiger CD TT CGC

Full siblings:
-  Danemark's Macbarkley , WG383772,
-  Danemark's Crown Jewel 06/03/1989, WG382276,
-  Danemarks Trace of Lace 06/03/1989, WG330407, Brindle
-  Briedane's Henry T. V Danemark 06/03/1989, WG337328,
Farhills Great Catch

Full siblings:
-  Farhills Eye Catcher , ,
-  Farhills California Angel 06/19/1991, WP35995002,
-  Farhills Cloudnine Ca Dreamn 06/19/1991, WP35995007,
Am CH Rocwinds I'm A Keeper Too CD ROM
(F) 07/20/1992
WP42960403; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Rocwind's Ricochet V Goldane 07/20/1992, WP42960402,
Toto's Kansas Von Raseac

Full siblings:
-  Toto's Auntie Em Von Raseac , WP30538702, Fawn
-  Toto's Yelo Brick Rd V Raseac , WG539890,
-  Toto's Over the Rainbow v Raseac , WP30538704,
-  Toto's Tornado V Raseac 08/06/1990, WG548016,
-  Toto's Tinman Von Raseac 08/06/1990, WG548053, Fawn
-  Toto's Parliment Zebadiah 08/06/1990, WP30538703,
-  Toto's Twister Von Raseac 08/06/1990, WG548815, Fawn
-  Toto's the Wiz Von Raseac 08/06/1990, WG558975,
-  Toto's Ruby Slippers V Raseac 08/06/1990, WG548814,
Am CH Rocwind's She's A Keeper

Full siblings:
CH Raodane's Shamsheer

Full siblings: