River Rock Great Danes
Vertical pedigree of:
Scrimshaw's Shadow of Liesl
(F) 07/12/1992
Scrimshaw's the Bayman
(M) 07/08/1990

Full siblings:
-  Scrimshaw Sweet Silence Hzld , WP28861102, Fawn
-  Scrimshaw Nikki of Napeague 01/02/1990, WP28861104, Fawn
CH Scrimshaw Pirate of Napeague
WF749423; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Bantry Brigadoon Debutante
(M) 05/29/1982
WF407499; Fawn

Full siblings:
Am CH Regene Brigadoon of Jonathie
(M) 04/04/1977
WD677250; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Regene Xpensive of Jonathie , ,
-  Regene X Calaber of Jonathie , WD981910,
-  Regine Brigadoon of Jonathie , WD677250, Fawn
-  Regene Fiona Mac Nordane 04/04/1977, WD768615,
BISS Am & Can Ch Von Raseac's Westwind

Full siblings:
-  Von Raseacs Windsong , WD363925, Fawn
-  Von Raseacs Windjammer , WD749702,
-  Von Raseacs Whirlwind V Tybo , WD830418, Fawn
-  Lincoln's Winstead Von Raseac , WD311725 / C92216C10, Fawn
-  Von Raseac's Written In The Wind , ,
-  Von Raseac's Lincoln War Chief 01/02/1976, WD325226, Fawn
-  Written In The Wind Von Raseac 01/26/1976, WD349342, Fawn
Jonathie's Rosewood Valadora

Full siblings:
-  Rosewood Valadore V Jonathie , WC004514, Fawn
Sheboane's Jeni
(F) 01/19/1980
WF164250; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sheboane's Archer , SF25120L/81,
-  Sheboane's Desperado 03/28/1979, WE610551, Fawn
BIS Am & Can Ch Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane

Full siblings:
-  Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse , WD118524 / S30467/76, Fawn
-  Devrok's George of Danehouse , ,
-  Devrok's Sunlight 06/16/1976, DKK08674/78, Fawn
Sheboane's Tangy Waldenthree

Full siblings:
-  Shasta of Steeplewood , ,
-  Waldenthree's Tecumseh 06/14/1976, WD460381, Fawn
-  Waldenthree's Minnehaha 06/14/1976, WD568046, Fawn
Scrimshaw's Crewel Country
WF414514 09-85; Fawn

Full siblings:
Debutante Nadia V Hazeld
(F) 04/26/1984
WF774064; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Debutant Nemo V Hazel D , WF760682,
Am & Can Ch Titandane's Tower
(M) 01/09/1979
WF252852 / LA107369; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Titandane's Temple 01/09/1979, , Fawn
-  Titandane's Turret 01/09/1979, , Fawn
-  Titandane's Tracery 01/09/1979, , Fawn
-  Titandane's Taj Mahal 01/09/1979, WE637300 / LA107371, Fawn
-  Titandane's Tabernacle 01/09/1979, , Fawn
Am CH Titandane's Traveller
(M) 05/17/1975
CKCSTBGJ1706; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Titandane's Transit , ,
-  Titandane's Trailblazer 05/17/1975, WD493350 / GJ1700, Fawn
-  Titandane's Transoceanic 05/17/1975, , Fawn
-  Titandane's TransAtlantic 05/17/1975, WD493351, Fawn
-  Titandane's Transcontinent 05/17/1975, , Fawn
-  Titandane's Typhoon 05/26/1976, , Fawn
-  Titandane's Tradewind 05/26/1976, , Brindle
-  Titandane's Tidal Wave 05/26/1976, HJ62194 / WE567400, Fawn
-  Titandane's Thunderbolt 05/26/1976, WD988503, Fawn
Am CH Ashbun Acres Avalanche

Full siblings:
-  Ashbun Acres Affidavit , , Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Axel 09/22/1971, WB994652, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde 09/22/1971, WB981689, Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's Topaze

Full siblings:
-  Titandane's Touchstone 12/10/1971, ,
-  Titandane's Tortoiseshell 12/10/1971, 921460, Brindle
-  Titandane's Twenty-Four Carat 12/10/1971, , Fawn
Titandane's Treasure Trove
(F) 06/01/1975
CKCSTBGL4212; Brindle

Full siblings:
-  Titandane's Titled Heiress , , Brindle
-  Titandane's Trillionaire 06/01/1975, 921460, Brindle
Can Ch Titandane's Tortoiseshell

Full siblings:
-  Titandane's Topaze 12/10/1971, WC567953, Fawn
-  Titandane's Touchstone 12/10/1971, ,
-  Titandane's Twenty-Four Carat 12/10/1971, , Fawn
Can Ch Titandane's Loheland Bequest

Full siblings:
-  Bantry's Big Devil D V Loheland , WC138885, Fawn
-  Loheland's B Devil D 02/28/1972, WC239139, Fawn
-  Loheland's B Mystifying 02/28/1972, WC239138, Fawn
Sheboane's Jeni
(F) 01/19/1980
WF164250; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Sheboane's Archer , SF25120L/81,
-  Sheboane's Desperado 03/28/1979, WE610551, Fawn
BIS Am & Can Ch Devrok's Zartanian V Sheboane
(M) 04/03/1975
WD291011; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Devrok's Zoe of Danehouse , WD118524 / S30467/76, Fawn
-  Devrok's George of Danehouse , ,
-  Devrok's Sunlight 06/16/1976, DKK08674/78, Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF

Full siblings:
-  Ashbun Acres Affidavit , , Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Axel 09/22/1971, WB994652, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Avalanche 09/22/1971, WB981688, Fawn
Devrok's Quite A Doll

Full siblings:
-  Devrok's You Devil You , WB868322, Fawn
-  Devrok's Mad Mad Monday , , Fawn
-  Devrok's Quo Titan Sabak , ,
-  Devrok's Yum Yum of Bardo , WB942450, Fawn
Sheboane's Tangy Waldenthree
CK76389; Fawn

Full siblings:
-  Shasta of Steeplewood , ,
-  Waldenthree's Tecumseh 06/14/1976, WD460381, Fawn
-  Waldenthree's Minnehaha 06/14/1976, WD568046, Fawn
BISS, BIS Am Ch Ashbun Acres Avant-Garde ROM HOF

Full siblings:
-  Ashbun Acres Affidavit , , Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Axel 09/22/1971, WB994652, Fawn
-  Ashbun Acres Avalanche 09/22/1971, WB981688, Fawn
Hearth Hill Curie Waldenthree

Full siblings:
-  Hearthhill's La Belle , WD314064,
-  Hearthhill's Elizabeth Ann , WC992103,
-  Hearthhill's Rocky of Troy , WD379467,
-  Hearth Hill Clint Cody V Kencif , WD200009,
Scrimshaw Sheeba Doll V Hzld
(F) 02/04/1990

Full siblings:
-  Marshall Dillen , WG488067,
Am CH Merrylawn's Anotalco CD CGC

Full siblings:
CH Vi-Dayne's Benno
(M) 02/23/1983
WF412809; Harlequin

Full siblings:
-  Vi-Dayne's Sabrina , WF532178, Harlequin
Ch. Rocky Willow's Tonka
WE079047; Harlequin

Full siblings:
Rocky Willow's Mister Majestic

Full siblings:
-  Rocky Willow's Pantera , ,
Anderis Nana of Rocky Willow

Full siblings:
Vi-Dayne's Brigetta
(F) 11/03/1977
WD890521; Harlequin

Full siblings:
Vi-Dayne's Joker

Full siblings:
-  Vi-Dayne's Molly , ,
Vi-Dayne's Erika

Full siblings:
Merrylawn's Chrysalis CDX
(F) 12/03/1983

Full siblings:
CH Thor-Kourt's J R Gere
(M) 01/22/1980
WE581581; Harlequin

Full siblings:
-  Thor-Kourt's Rege Gere , WE581580,
-  Thor-Kourt's Kandace Gere 02/17/1981, WE846324,
Thor-Kourt's Gefleckte Siaq

Full siblings:
-  Thor Kourt's Noir Siaq , WE107878,
Thor-Kourt's Klarese V Luur

Full siblings:
-  Thor-Kourt's Tartan V Luur 07/02/1978, WE062591, Harlequin
Am CH Jer-Vic's Noelle of Merrylawn

Full siblings:
-  Merrylawn's Noelle , , Harlequin
-  April's Comet of Jer-Vic 12/15/1975, WD705207, Harlequin
Bantry-Dinro Don Quixote

Full siblings:
CH Queen Bridgett

Full siblings:
Scrimshaw's Niketa

Full siblings: